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Scott Eberle and Stan Grof discuss Eberle's The Final Crossing and Grof's The Ultimate Journey.

Scott Eberle talks about The Final Crossing. The personal account in this story recalls "the final crossing" of Steven Foster, one of the pioneers of modern-day wilderness rites of passage, from the perspective of the hospice physician who helped ferry him across. Interspersed with Steven and Scott's story is a historical view of how the rites of passage movement and the hospice movement have converged.

Stan Grof talks about The Ultimate Journey. Grof, author of When the Impossible Happens, offers perspectives on how individuals can enrich and transform the experience of dying in our culture. Grof discusses his own patients' experiences of death and rebirth in psychedelic therapy, investigates cross-cultural beliefs, paranormal and near-death research, and argues that death is not necessarily the end of consciousness.