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Michael Jackson could still be Alive (Sequel Part 16)

The Sequel - Part Sixteen - The Sixteenth video of my sequel to "Michael Jackson could still be Alive", where the theory that Michael Jackson is Alive, is discussed and explained. Starting with an ...  

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Als Spam markiert
this are great sequels i've been parft of this since you post the first one.... but don't change the name i wanna keep up with them. please.L.O.V.E
megasmile86 (vor 55 Minuten) Anzeigen Ausblenden
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woah that quote fits in perfectly with the circumstances.
71mak (vor 1 Stunde) Anzeigen Ausblenden
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where r the butterflies? All I see is flowers. Although I would love to see he is still alive, why would his daughter break down like she did at the memorial. I dont see/ think that was acting. Also, if he is stil alive,I highly doubt he would ignore seeing his children. It just doesnt make sense. So, if their can be some video of them going somewhere strange etc, then I can start beliveing this. He was looking forward to his comeback, I could see if he "died" during the accusation years
MJJforeva (vor 1 Stunde) Anzeigen Ausblenden
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MichaelJacksonHoaxDeath(dot)co m
catgirl24 (vor 1 Stunde) Anzeigen Ausblenden
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I don't think you'd be able to just stroll up at the premises. it's probably secured. But thanks anyway. :)
MJJforeva (vor 1 Stunde) Anzeigen Ausblenden
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I bought a Michael Jackson official 16 month calendar 2009-2010. (It's published by Danilo Promotions Ltd-UK) There are some interesting things about this calendar that i have sent PianoGames a message about, so hoping to find out what PG thinks.
Als Spam markiert
try to go to michaeljacksondeathhoax(dot)co m and tell me what you got please.
Als Spam markiert
the site doesn't exist anymore...
Als Spam markiert
it said "for sale" right?  Or welcome to michael jacksondeathoax and a list of links in spanish? .

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