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Auschwitzopfer verklagen Bush

113 Beiträge ▪ Schlüsselwörter: Bush, Nationalsozialismus, Auschwitz ▪ Abonnieren: Feed E-Mail

Auschwitzopfer verklagen Bush

07.01.2005 um 22:54

erstens: wer "verlangt" denn bitte schoen eine Entschuldigung? Ich kenn
keinen Juden persoenlich oder oeffentlich der je eine Entschuldigung verlangt
hat. Nicht in der damaligen und nicht in der heutigen Generation.
Wenn du Gedaenkmaeler oder Wiedergutzahlungen als "Entschuldigung" fuer
den Holocaust siehst, tuts mir leid. Was damals auf deutschen Boden
geschenen ist, ist sowieso unentschuldbar aber Niemand verlangt ja eine
Entschuldigung. Schon garnicht von deiner Generation. Kapiert ihr das mal?

Wir waeren ja asserdem auch noch lange nicht bei Entschuldigungen
angekommen, da man ja an User wie dir sieht, da die damalige Tat garnicht
eingestanden oder wenn, dann verharmlost wird.

Ein Anerkennen der damaligen Taten und ein respektvoller Umgang im
Gedenken an das Verbrechen. Das ist denke ich mal alles was man von "uns"
verlangen koennte. Aber so weit sind wir noch lange nicht.

bestes Beispiel: user in diesem Forum.

I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attacks ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhauser gate. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain...
Roy Baty, "Bladerunner"


Auschwitzopfer verklagen Bush

07.01.2005 um 23:04
moment mal....

>>da man ja an User wie dir sieht, da die damalige Tat garnicht
eingestanden oder wenn, dann verharmlost wird<<
ich verhamlose die tat(en) nicht und noch weniger leugne ich sie.

>>Ich kenn
keinen Juden persoenlich oder oeffentlich der je eine Entschuldigung verlangt
ach ne? wie würdest du denn das gejammer und gekreische nennen, dass die israelis veranstallten, um an unsere steuergelder zu kommen?

>>Wenn du Gedaenkmaeler oder Wiedergutzahlungen als "Entschuldigung" fuer
den Holocaust siehst, tuts mir leid<<
ok. ich verzeih dir.

>>Ein Anerkennen der damaligen Taten und ein respektvoller Umgang im
Gedenken an das Verbrechen. Das ist denke ich mal alles was man von "uns"
verlangen koennte<<
das seh ich genauso. aber damit hat sich´s eben noch ned erledigt. die juden wollen mehr und mehr und immer mehr. sie fordern solange, bis der judenhass von neuem entflammt. so wie damals. und dann werden sie behaupten, dass sich die deutschen überhaupt nicht geändert haben. dass der antisemitismus nie verschwunden war. und sie werden alles drann setzten um zu vertuschen, dass ihr provokantes benehmen der grund war, warum es wieder hass gibt!

"Wenn man lange in einen Abgrund blickt,
dann blickt auch der Abgrund in einen selbst." (Fridrich Nietsche)


Auschwitzopfer verklagen Bush

07.01.2005 um 23:14
Wow wenn ich deinen letzten Absatz so lese dann kommt mir echt das grauen.
Schoen hast du dich von braunen Faengern manipulieren lassen.

"Jammer und Gekreische der Israellis"??? Ansonsten tickts noch? Was die
Israelis abziehn ist nicht ok und Sharon ein ziemlich arroganter Sack aber von
welchen "jammer und Gekreische" redest du da?

"ie juden wollen mehr und mehr und immer mehr."
Woher nimmst du das?
"sie fordern solange, bis der judenhass von neuem entflammt"
Wer fordert?
" und sie werden alles drann setzten um zu vertuschen, dass ihr provokantes
benehmen der grund war, warum es wieder hass gibt! "
Woher glaubst du das?

Tja die alte Maer von der Schuld der Juden am eigenen Schicksal. Kennt man
ja zugenuege. "mehr, mehr, mehr", "versuchen alles zu vertuschen", "ihr
provokantes Benehmen ist Grund warum es Hass gibt"

Das haette Goebbels kaum besser Formulieren koennen.

Ein ganz trauriger bist du ...

I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attacks ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhauser gate. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain...
Roy Baty, "Bladerunner"


Auschwitzopfer verklagen Bush

07.01.2005 um 23:16

Wenn Du wüßtest, wie lange Deutschland (die Gerichte, die Behörden) gebraucht hat Entschädigungen für enteignete und arisierte Vermögen zu zahlen, oder die Arisieren dazu zu bringen das zu tun, dann hättest Du - wie ich - vielleicht mehr Verständnis für diese Menschen. Es dauerte bis in die 90-er Jahre ehe überhaupt an so etwas zu denken war.

Bestimmte Organisationen - vor allem in den USA - aber übertreiben die anti-deutsche Argumentation in unverantwortlicher Weise. Das sehen viele Juden auch so. ...

Sollte Dir entgangen sein, wie z. B. in diesem Forum "DIE JUDEN" immer wieder mit den schlimmsten Verschwörungstheorien in Verbindung gebracht worden sind und werden? Da sehe ich auch einen Grund für Judenhass bei ganz jungen Menschen, die nicht einen Juden kennen...

Also bitte nicht immer wieder: DIE JUDEN!

Das kybernetische Äquivalent von Logik ist Oszillation.
Ganz unten auf dem Grunde des Lebendigseins treffen wir auf die Metapher.


Auschwitzopfer verklagen Bush

07.01.2005 um 23:22
>>Ein ganz trauriger bist du ...<<
traurig werd ich höchsten, wenn ich immer wieder miterleben muss, dass sich menschen alles gefallen lassen, nur weil´s eben juden sind, und denen muss man ja immer recht geben und darf nicht sdagen was man denkt, weil man ja sonst... wie hast du das so schön formuliert... von braunen fängern manipuliert worden ist.
aha. und wieder mal weicht meine traurigkeit einem herzlichen grinsen.
kaum sagt man was gegen juden oder beschimpft sie für das was sie tun, wird man als braun beschimpft *g*
all die taten und verbrechen der juden müssen übersehen werden, weil man sonst ein nazi ist.
man darf ned sagen, dass sich die juden in palästina genauso schlimm aufführen wie hitler es in europa getan hat. denn sonst ist man ein antisemit.
man darf die schuldlosigkeit der juden ned in frage stellen, weil man sonst als rechtes gesocks bestimmt wird.

die meinungsfreiheit endet nun mal dort, wo die juden sagen, dass sie sie enden lassen wollen. der normale menschenverstand muss abgeschaltet werden.

mfg braunbär

"Wenn man lange in einen Abgrund blickt,
dann blickt auch der Abgrund in einen selbst." (Fridrich Nietsche)


Auschwitzopfer verklagen Bush

07.01.2005 um 23:27
>>Wenn Du wüßtest, wie lange Deutschland (die Gerichte, die Behörden) gebraucht hat Entschädigungen für enteignete und arisierte Vermögen zu zahlen<<

auch so´n thema. den juden muss man ihr zeug zurück erstatten. find ich auch richtig.
warum muss man unser zeug ned zurückgeben? warum dürfen die tschechen immer noch stolz drauf sein, unsere soldaten ERMORDET zu haben und die deutschen aus ihrem land VERTRIEBEN zu haben und ihnen ihre grundstücke und vermögen ENTEIGNET zu haben?
da geht euer schröderlein noch grosskotzig zu pavel und schleimt sich bei ihm ein und sagt: "behaltet es. ein gemeinsames europa sollte ned über die rückgabe von enteigenten gütern nachdenken müssen."
tja... denk da mal drüber nach.

"Wenn man lange in einen Abgrund blickt,
dann blickt auch der Abgrund in einen selbst." (Fridrich Nietsche)


Auschwitzopfer verklagen Bush

07.01.2005 um 23:52
Tja Tombaer. Immer die gleiche Leier. Mann, wie du mich langweilst. Aber
woher du alle dein supi Judeninfos hast , hast du mir immernoch nicht

"denen muss man ja immer recht geben und darf nicht sdagen was man

Woher hast du das? Du kannst gegen Juden, Araber, Deutsche sagen was du
willst. Aber ist sir schonmal in den Sinn gekommen das man vieleicht auch
falsches sagt?

Wo forder die Juden mehr und mehr? Wo Kreischen die Israelis (Wenn
Selbstmordattentaete sich im Bus mit Kinder in die Luft sprengen vieleicht?).
Wo her nimmst du deine, anscheinden ziemlich ausfuerhlichen (Musst ja jede
Menge Beziehungen zu Juden pflegen) Judenkenntnisse

"all die taten und verbrechen der juden müssen übersehen werden, weil man
sonst ein nazi ist. "

Kommt drauf an von welchen Verbrechen der Juden du redest? Wenn du zum
beispiel andeuten wuerdest die Juden sind Schuld am 2WK dann bezeichne ich
dich als braunen Nazi, ja.

"man darf ned sagen, dass sich die juden in palästina genauso schlimm
aufführen wie hitler es in europa getan hat. denn sonst ist man ein antisemit."

Und hier gebe ich dir absolut Recht. Wer so etwas sagt ist nicht nur Antisemit
sodern hat auch Scheisse im Hirn und weitherin keine Ahnung von deutsche

"die meinungsfreiheit endet nun mal dort, wo die juden sagen, dass sie sie
enden lassen wollen. der normale menschenverstand muss abgeschaltet

Ne die Meinungsfreiheit endet wenn man die Wuerde des Menschen (Und das
sind Juden auch, sorry!) angreift. Und mit deinen naiven Zitaten tust du das.

I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attacks ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhauser gate. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain...
Roy Baty, "Bladerunner"


Auschwitzopfer verklagen Bush

08.01.2005 um 00:06
>>Mann, wie du mich langweilst<<
dann empfehle ich dir, mit leuten zu diskutieren, die deiner würdig sind anstatt dir hier meine beiträge anzutun.

woher du alle dein supi Judeninfos hast , hast du mir immernoch nicht
lies zeitung, sieh dir die nachrichten an, bild dir ne meinung ohne dabei zu denkne, dass es sich dabei um juden handelt.

>>Wo Kreischen die Israelis (Wenn
Selbstmordattentaete sich im Bus mit Kinder in die Luft sprengen vieleicht?).<<
wenn du´s grad so schön ansprichst... es sind die israelis, die massenhaft palästinenser kinder abschlachten. die palästinenser wehren sich nur. sie verteidigen ihr land mit den mitteln, die ihnen zur verfügung stehen. da die mittel ziemlich begrenzt sind (palästinänser werden ja ned mit high tech waffen aus amerika und finanzmitteln aus deutschland verwöhnt) müssen sie das wenige das sie haben eben so efektiev wie möglich einsetzten.

>>Wer so etwas sagt ist nicht nur Antisemit
sodern hat auch Scheisse im Hirn und weitherin keine Ahnung von deutsche
ja natürlich *gähn* wo bitteschön liegt der unterschied zwischen systematisch abgeschlachteten juden und systematisch abgeschlachteten palästinensern?

>>wenn man die Wuerde des Menschen (Und das
sind Juden auch, sorry!) angreift<<
also nicht nur juden? auch andere menschen haben würde? vielleicht sogar palästinenser? also is es gar ned so ok, dass sich adolf sharon.... sorry.... ariel hitler.... ariel sharon (so, jetzzt hab ich´s) so aufführt? ;)

"Wenn man lange in einen Abgrund blickt,
dann blickt auch der Abgrund in einen selbst." (Fridrich Nietsche)


Auschwitzopfer verklagen Bush

08.01.2005 um 00:23
Anhang: Corpi_Ammassati_Auschwitz.jpg (46,3 KB)
Aha na klar wie konnt ich nur so dumm sein. Hitler und Sharon? natuerlich ein
und dasselbe. Schauen wir uns das mal an.

Hitler: vergast, erschiesst, verbrennt ca. 6 Mio Maenner, Frauen, Alte, Kinder,
Homosexuelle, Behinderte. Dazu wird eine ganze Industrie aufgebaut mit
Schienenstrecken, Lagern in ganz Europa. Goldzaehne, Kleidung und
aehnliches wird "weiterverarbeitet". Mit schrecklichen Experimenten wird an
Lebenden Juden "experimentiert"

Sharon: provoziert Palestinenser mit gang auf Tempelberg. Ber Attacken
israleischer Armee auf Palestinenser werden ca. 1000 menschen getoetet.

Ne is klar, Schlaumeier. Ein und das selbe.

Wie man nur so manipuliert sein kann das man auf den Gedanken kommt zu
schreiben es waere das Gleiche. Liegt halt an der Medienpraesenz dieser
Krisenregion. Wenn in afrika 100 Menschen niedergemetzelt werden juckts
kein, wird ein palestinenser unter ominoesen Grueden erschossen, kommen
Pappenheimer wie du daher und reden vom "Gekreische der Juden" und
vergleichen das mit dem Holocaust. Oh Mann.

Schau doch mal eben auf diese Fotos und zeig mir gleiches in Palestina?

I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attacks ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhauser gate. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain...
Roy Baty,


Auschwitzopfer verklagen Bush

08.01.2005 um 00:23
Anhang: 08.jpg (49,9 KB)
oder das?

I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attacks ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhauser gate. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain...
Roy Baty,


Auschwitzopfer verklagen Bush

08.01.2005 um 00:24
oder was haeltst du von folgender Liste? Bischen lang, sorry. Aber wer hat sie
so lang gemacht?

Apr 6, 1994 - Eight people were killed in a car-bomb attack on a bus in the
center of Afula. Hamas claimed responsibility for the attack.

Apr 13, 1994 - Five people were killed in a suicide bombing attack on a bus in
the central bus station of Hadera. Hamas claimed responsibility for the attack.

Oct 19, 1994 - In a suicide bombing attack on the No. 5 bus on Dizengoff
Street in Tel-Aviv, 21 Israelis and one Dutch national were killed.

Nov 11, 1994 - Three soldiers were killed at the Netzarim junction in the Gaza
Strip when a Palestinian riding a bicycle detonated explosives strapped to his
body. Islamic Jihad said it carried out the attack to avenge the car bomb killing
of Islamic Jihad leader Hani Abed on Nov 2.

Jan 22, 1995 - Two consecutive bombs exploded at the Beit Lid junction near
Netanya, killing 20 soldiers and one civilian. The Islamic Jihad claimed
responsibility for the attack.

Apr 9, 1995 - Seven Israelis and one American were killed when a bus was hit
by an explosives-laden van near Kfar Darom in the Gaza Strip. The Islamic
Jihad claimed responsibility for the attack.

Jul 24, 1995 - Six civilians were killed in a suicide bomb attack on a bus in
Ramat Gan.

Aug 21, 1995 - Three Israelis and one American were killed in a suicide
bombing of a Jerusalem bus.

Feb 25, 1996 - In a suicide bombing of bus No. 18 near the Central Bus Station
in Jerusalem, 26 were killed (17 civilians and 9 soldiers). Hamas claimed
responsibility for the attack.

Feb 25, 1996 - One Israeli was killed in an explosion set off by a suicide
bomber at a hitchhiking post oustide Ashkelon. Hamas claimed responsibility
for the attack.

Mar 3, 1996 - In a suicide bombing of bus No. 18 on Jaffa Road in Jerusalem,
19 were killed (16 civilians and 3 soldiers).

Mar 4, 1996 - Outside Dizengoff Center in Tel-Aviv, a suicide bomber detonated
a 20-kilogram nail bomb, killing 13 (12 civilians and one soldier).

Mar 21, 1997 - Three people were killed when a suicide bomber detonated a
bomb on the terrace of a Tel Aviv cafe. 48 people were wounded.

Jul 30, 1997 - 16 people were killed and 178 wounded in two consecutive
suicide bombings in the Mahane Yehuda market in Jerusalem.

Sep 4, 1997 - Five people were killed and 181 wounded in three suicide
bombings on the Ben-Yehuda pedestrian mall in Jerusalem.

Oct 29, 1998 - One Israeli soldier was killed when a terrorist drove an
explosives-laden car into an Israeli army jeep escorting a bus with 40
elementary school students from the settlement of Kfar Darom in the Gaza

Nov 2, 2000 - Ayelet Shahar Levy, 28, and Hanan Levy, 33, were killed in a car
bomb explosion near the Mahane Yehuda market in Jerusalem. 10 people were
injured. The Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility for the attack.

Nov 20, 2000 - A roadside bomb exploded at 7:30 in the morning alongside a
bus carrying children from Kfar Darom to school in Gush Katif. Miriam Amitai,
35, and Gavriel Biton, 34, were killed and 9 others, including 5 children, were
injured, 5 of them seriously.

Nov 22, 2000 - Shoshanna Reis, 21, of Hadera, and Meir Bahrame, 35, of Givat
Olga, were killed, and 60 wounded when a powerful car bomb was denotated
alongside a passing bus on Hadera's main street, when the area was packed
with shoppers and people driving home from work.

Dec 22, 2000 - Three soldiers were injured in a suicide bomb attack at the
Mehola Junction roadside cafe in the northern Jordan Valley. The terrorist, who
detonated a belt of explosives strapped to him, was killed in the blast.

Jan 1, 2001 - A car bomb exploded near a bus stop in the shopping district in
the center of Netanya. About 60 people were injured, most lightly. One
unidentified person, apparently one of the terrorists involved in the bombing,
died of severe burns. Hamas claimed responsibility for the attack.

Feb 8, 2001 - A powerful car bomb exploded at 4:40 PM in the ultra-Orthodox
neighborhood of Beit Yisrael in Jerusalem, causing mild injuries to four people.

Feb 14, 2001 - Eight people were killed and 25 injured when a bus driven by a
Palestinian terrorist plowed into a group of soldiers and civilians waiting at a
bus stop near Holon, south of Tel-Aviv.

Mar 1, 2001 - One person was killed and 9 injured when a terrorist detonated
a bomb in a Tel Aviv to Tiberias service taxi at the Mei Ami junction in Wadi

Mar 4, 2001 - Three people were killed and at least 60 injured in a suicide
bombing in downtown Netanya.

Mar 27, 2001 - A car bomb exploded at 7:40 in the morning in the Talpiot
industrial/commercial zone in Jerusalem. Seven people were injured, one
moderately. The Islamic Jihad has claimed responsibility for the attack.

Mar 27, 2001 - 28 people were injured, two seriously, in a suicide bombing
directed against a northbound No. 6 bus at the French Hill junction in
Jerusalem. Hamas claimed responsibility for the attack.

Mar 28, 2001 - Two teenagers were killed and four injured, one critically, in a
suicide bombing at the Mifgash Hashalom ("peace stop") gas station several
hundred meters from an IDF roadblock near the entrance to Kalkilya, east of
Kfar Saba. Hamas claimed responsibility for the attack.

Apr 22, 2001 - A terrorist detonated a powerful bomb he was carrying near a
group of people waiting at a bus stop on the corner of Weizman and
Tchernichovsky streets in Kfar Sava. One person was killed and about 60
injured in the blast, two severely. The terrorist was also killed in the explosion,
for which Hamas claimed responsibility.

Apr 23, 2001 - Eight people were lightly hurt in a car bombing in Or Yehuda, a
few kilometers north of Ben-Gurion Airport, which senior police officers said
could only be described as a "miracle" in an area packed with pre-
Independence Day shoppers.

Apr 29, 2001 - A car bomb blew up close to a school bus travelling near the
West Bank city of Nablus. There were no injuries in the attack. The body of the
suicide bomber was found in the car. Hamas claimed responsibility for the

May 18, 2001 - A Palestinian suicide bomber wearing an explosive vest
detonated himself outside the Hasharon Shopping Mall in the seaside city of
Netanya. Five civilians were killed and over 100 wounded in the attack. Hamas
claimed responsibility for the attack.

May 25, 2001 - 65 people were injured in a car bombing in the Hadera central
bus station. The two terrorists were apparently killed in the explosion. The
Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility.

May 27, 2001 - A car bomb exploded in the center of Jerusalem shortly after
midnight. There were no injuries. The Popular Front for the Liberation of
Palestine claimed responsibility.
A bomb exploded at 9:00 in the morning near the intersection of the capital's
main Jaffa Road and Heshin Street. The bomb included several mortar shells,
some of which were propelled hundreds of meters from the site of the
explosion. 30 people were injured, most suffering from shock. The Islamic
Jihad claimed responsibility.

May 30, 2001 - A car bomb exploded shortly before 16:00 outside a school in
Netanya while a number of students were still in the building studying for
matriculation exams. Eight people were injured, suffering from shock and
hearing impairment. The Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility.

June 1, 2001 - 21 people were killed and 120 wounded when a suicide bomber
blew himself up outside a disco near Tel Aviv's Dolphinarium along the seafront
promenade just before midnight on Friday, June 1, while standing in a large
group of teenagers waiting to enter the disco.

June 22, 2001 - Sgt. Aviv Iszak, 19, of Kfar Saba, and Sgt. Ofir Kit, 19, of
Jerusalem, were killed near Dugit in the Gaza Strip as a jeep with yellow
Israeli license plates, supposedly stuck in the sand, blew up as they
approached. Hamas claimed responsibility for the attack.

July 2, 2001 - Two separate bombs exploded at about 8:20 Monday morning in
cars in the Tel-Aviv suburb of Yehud. Six pedestrians were lightly injured. Police
sources say the bombs were probably set by terrorists. The Popular Front for
the Liberation of Palestine, a radical PLO faction, claimed responsibility.

July 9, 2001 - A Palestinian suicide bomber was killed in a car-bombing attack
near the Kissufim crossing point in the southern Gaza Strip, causing no other
casualties. Disaster was averted as the bomb exploded without hitting any
other vehicles. Hamas claimed responsibility for the attack.

July 16, 2001 - Cpl. Hanit Arami, 19, and St.Sgt. Avi Ben Harush, 20, both of
Zichron Yaakov, were killed and 11 wounded - 3 seriously - when a bomb
exploded in a suicide terrorist attack at a bus stop near the train station in
Binyamina, halfway between Netanya and Haifa, at about 19:30 Monday
evening. The Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility for the attack.

Aug 8, 2001 - A suicide bomber was killed when he detonated his car bomb,
lightly wounding one soldier, at a roadblock near the B'kaot moshav in the
northern Jordan Valley shortly after 9:00. One soldier was lightly wounded.

Aug 9, 2001 - 15 people were killed, including 7 children, and about 130
injured in a suicide bombing at the Sbarro pizzeria on the corner of King
George Street and Jaffa Road in the center of Jerusalem. Hamas and the
Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility for the attack.

Aug 12, 2001 - 21 people were injured in a suicide bombing in the Wall Street
Cafe in the center of Kiryat Motzkin at 17:30. The terrorist was killed. The
Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility for the attack.

Aug 21, 2001 - A bomb placed under a car exploded at 14:15 near the Russian
Compound in downtown Jerusalem; one woman was treated for shock. A
second, very large unexploded bomb was discovered inside the car and

Sept 4, 2001 - 20 people were injured when a suicide terrorist exploded a
powerful charge on Hanevi'im Street near Bikur Holim hospital in central
Jerusalem shortly before 8:00 AM. The terrorist, disguised as a Jew in ultra-
orthodox clothing, aroused the suspicion of passersby due to the large
backpack he was wearing. As two Border Police officers approached the man,
he detonated his shrapnel-packed bomb. Both officers were wounded - one
critically. The terrorist was killed in the blast. Hamas claimed responsibility.

Sept 9, 2001 - Three people were killed and some 90 injured, most lightly, in a
suicide bombing near the Nahariya train station in northern Israel. The
terrorist, killed in the blast, waited nearby until the train arrived from Tel-Aviv
and people were exiting the station, and then exploded the bomb he was
carrying. Hamas claimed responsibility for the attack.

Sept 9, 2001 - A car bomb exploded at the Beit Lid junction near Netanya,
injuring 17 people. One person killed in the explosion is believed to be the
terrorist bomber.

Oct 1, 2001 - A large car bomb exploded in the Talpiot neighborhood of
Jerusalem. Several people were lightly injured.

Oct 7, 2001 - Yair Mordechai, 43, of Kibbutz Sheluhot was killed when a
Palestinian suicide terrorist affiliated with the Islamic Jihad detonated a large
bomb strapped to his body near the entrance of the kibbutz in the Beit She'an

Nov 26, 2001 - A Palestinian suicide bomber killed himself and lightly wounded
two Border Policemen at the Erez crossing point in the Gaza Strip. The bomber
joined workers waiting to be cleared for entry into Israel. Hamas claimed
responsibility for the attack.

Nov 29, 2001 - Three people were killed and nine others were wounded in a
suicide bombing on an Egged 823 bus en route from Nazereth to Tel Aviv near
the city of Hadera. The Islamic Jihad and Fatah claimed responsibility for the

Dec 1, 2001 - 11 people were killed and about 180 injured when explosive
devices were detonated by two suicide bombers close to 11:30 P.M. Saturday
night on Ben Yehuda Street, the pedestrian mall in the center of Jerusalem. A
car bomb exploded nearby 20 minutes later. Hamas claimed responsibility for
the attack.

Dec 2, 2001 - 15 people were killed and 40 injured, several critically, in a
suicide bombing on an Egged bus No. 16 in Haifa shortly after 12:00. Hamas
claimed responsibility for the attack.

Dec 5, 2001 - A suicide bomber exploded a powerful bomb shortly after 7:30
AM on King David Street in Jerusalem. A number of people waiting at a nearby
bus stop were lightly injured. The terrorist was killed in the blast. Police are
investigating whether the bomb, packed with nails and shrapnel, went off
prematurely. The Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility.

Dec 9, 2001 - A suicide bomber exploded a powerful bomb near a bus stop at
the Checkpost Junction in Haifa shortly after 7:30 AM. About 30 people were
injured, most lightly and suffering from shock. A second explosive device was
found and detonated nearby. The terrorist was killed.

Dec 12, 2001 - Four people traveling in two cars were lightly wounded in an
attack at 18:00 PM by two suicide bombers near the Gaza Strip community of
Neve Dekalim.

Jan 25, 2002 - 25 people were wounded when a Palestinian suicide bomber
detonated explosives outside a cafe on a pedestrian mall near Tel Aviv's old
central bus station at 11:15 AM on Friday.

Jan 27, 2002 - Pinhas Tokatli, 81, of Jerusalem was killed and over 150 people
were wounded, four seriously, in a suicide bombing on Jaffa Road, in the
center of Jerusalem, shortly before 12:30. The female terrorist, identified as a
Fatah member, was armed with more than 10 kilos of explosives.

Feb 16, 2002 - Two teenagers were killed and about 30 people were wounded,
six seriously, when a suicide bomber blew himself up on Saturday night at a
pizzeria in the shopping mall in Karnei Shomron in Samaria. A third person
subsequently died of his injuries. The Popular Front for the Liberation of
Palestine claimed responsibility for the attack.

Feb 18, 2002 - Policeman Ahmed Mazarib, 32, of the Bedouin village Beit
Zarzir in the Galilee, was killed by a suicide bomber whom he had stopped for
questioning on the Ma'ale Adumim-Jerusalem road. The terrorist succeeded in
detonating the bomb in his car. The Fatah al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades claimed
responsibility for the attack.

Feb 27, 2002 - A Palestinian suicide bomber blew herself up at the Maccabim
roadblock on the Jerusalem-Modi'in highway Wednesday night, injuring three

Mar 2, 2002 - Eleven people were killed and over 50 were injured, 4 critically,
in a suicide bombing at 19:15 on Saturday evening near a yeshiva in the ultra-
Orthodox Beit Yisrael neighborhood in the center of Jerusalem where people
had gathered for a bar-mitzva celebration. The terrorist detonated the bomb
next to a group of women waiting with their baby carriages for their husbands
to leave the nearby synagogue. The Fatah Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade took
responsibility for the attack.

Mar 5, 2002 - Maharatu Tagana, 85, of Upper Nazareth was killed and a large
number of people injured, most lightly, when a suicide bomber exploded in an
Egged No. 823 bus as it entered the Afula central bus station. The Islamic
Jihad claimed responsibility for the attack.

Mar 7, 2002 - A suicide bomber blew himself up in the lobby of a hotel in the
commericial center on the outskirts of Ariel in Samaria. 15 people were
injured, one seriously. The PFLP claimed responsibility for the attack.

Mar 9, 2002 - 11 people were killed and 54 injured, 10 of them seriously, when
a suicide bomber exploded at 22:30 PM Saturday night in the crowded Moment
cafe at the corner of Aza and Ben-Maimon streets in the Rehavia neighborhood
in the center of Jerusalem. Hamas claimed responsibility for the attack.

Mar 17, 2002 - A suicide bomber exploded himself near an Egged bus no. 22 at
the French Hill junction in northern Jerusalem. 25 people were lightly injured.

Mar 20, 2002 - Seven people, four of them soldiers, were killed and about 30
wounded, several seriously, in a suicide bombing of an Egged bus No. 823
traveling from Tel Aviv to Nazareth at the Musmus junction on Highway 65
(Wadi Ara) near Afula. The Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility for the attack.

Mar 21, 2002 - Three people were killed and 86 injured, 3 of them seriously, in
a suicide bombing on King George Street in the center of Jerusalem. The
terrorist detonated the bomb, packed with metal spikes and nails, in the center
of a crowd of shoppers. The Fatah al-Aqsa Brigades claimed responsibility for
the attack.

Mar 27, 2002 - 30 people were killed and 140 injured - 20 seriously - in a
suicide bombing in the Park Hotel in the coastal city of Netanya, in the midst of
the Passover holiday seder with 250 guests. Hamas claimed responsibility for
the attack. The terrorist was a member of Hamas from Tulkarem, on the list of
wanted terrorists Israel had requested be arrested.

Mar 29, 2002 - Two people were killed and 28 injured, two seriously when a
female suicide bomber blew herself up in the Kiryat Yovel supermarket in
Jerusalem. The Fatah Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades claimed responsibility for the

Mar 30, 2002 - One person was killed and about 30 people were injured in a
suicide bombing in a cafe on the corner of Allenby and Bialik streets in Tel-Aviv.
The Fatah Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades claimed responsibility for the attack.

Mar 31, 2002 - 15 people were killed and over 40 injured in a suicide bombing
in Haifa, in the Matza restaurant of the gas station near the Grand Canyon
shopping mall. Hamas claimed responsibility for the attack.

Mar 31, 2002 - An MDA paramedic was very seriously injured along with three
other people at 17:00 Sunday afternoon in a suicide bombing at the emergency
medical center in Efrat, in the Gush Etzion bloc south of Jerusalem.

Apr 1, 2002 - A police officer was killed in Jerusalem when a Palestinian
suicide bomber heading toward the city center blew himself up in his car after
being stopped at a roadblock. The Fatah al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades claimed
responsibility for the attack.

Apr 10, 2002 - Eight people were killed and 22 injured in a suicide bombing on
Egged bus #960, en route from Haifa to Jerusalem, which exploded near
Kibbutz Yagur, east of Haifa. Hamas claimed responsibility for the attack.

Apr 12, 2002 - Six people were killed and 104 wounded when a woman suicide
bomber detonated a powerful charge at a bus stop on Jaffa road at the
entrance to Jerusalem's Mahane Yehuda open-air market. The Al-Aqsa Martyrs'
Brigades claimed responsibility for the attack.

May 7, 2002 - 16 people were killed and 55 wounded in a crowded game club
in Rishon Lezion, southeast of Tel-Aviv, when a suicide bomber detonated a
powerful charge in the 3rd floor club, causing part of the building to collapse.
Hamas claimed responsibility for the attack.

May 19, 2002 - Three people were killed and 59 injured - 10 seriously - when
a suicide bomber, disguised as a soldier, blew himself up in the market in
Netanya. Both Hamas and the PFLP took responsibility for the attack.

May 20, 2002 - A suicide bomber, apparently bound for Afula, killed himself
after Border Policemen approached him for questioning at a bus stop. There
were no other injuries.

May 22, 2002 - Two people were killed and about 40 wounded when a suicide
bomber detonated himself in the Rothschild Street downtown pedestrian mall
of Rishon Lezion.

May 23, 2002 - A bomb planted by terrorists exploded underneath a fuel truck
at the Pi Glilot fuel depot north of Tel Aviv. The truck burst into flames, but the
blaze was quickly contained.

May 24, 2002 - A security guard opened fire on a terrorist attempting to ram a
car bomb into the Studio 49 Disco in Tel Aviv. The terrorist was killed and five
Israelis slightly injured when the bomb exploded prematurely.

May 27, 2002 - A grandmother and her infant granddaughter were killed and
37 people were injured, some seriously, when a suicide bomber detonated
himself near an ice cream parlor outside a shopping mall in Petah Tikva. The
Fatah Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades claimed responsibility for the attack.

June 5, 2002 - 17 people were killed and 38 injured when a car packed with a
large quantity of explosives struck Egged bus No. 830 traveling from Tel-Aviv to
Tiberias at the Megiddo junction near Afula. The bus, which burst into flames,
was completely destroyed. The terrorist was killed in the blast. The Islamic
Jihad claimed responsibility for the attack.

June 11, 2002 - A 14-year-old girl was killed and 15 others were wounded
when a Palestinian suicide bomber set off a relatively small pipe bomb at a
shwarma restaurant in Herzliya.

June 18, 2002 - 19 people were killed and 74 injured - six seriously - in a
suicide bombing at the Patt junction in Egged bus no. 32A traveling from Gilo to
the center of Jerusalem. The bus, which was completely destroyed, was
carrying many students on their way to school. Hamas claimed responsibility
for the attack.

June 19, 2002 - Seven people were killed and 50 injured - three of them in
critical condition - when a suicide bomber blew himself up at a crowded bus
stop and hitchhiking post at the French Hill intersection in northern Jerusalem
shortly after 7:00 P.M., as people were returning home from work. The Fatah
Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades claimed responsibility for the attack.

July 16, 2002 - Nine people were killed and 20 injured in a terrorist attack on
Dan bus no. 189 traveling from Bnei Brak to Emmanuel in Samaria. An
explosive charge was detonated next to the bullet-resistant bus. The terrorists
waited in ambush, reportedly wearing IDF uniforms, and opened fire on the
bus. While four terror organizations claimed responsibility for the attack, it was
apparently carried out by the same Hamas cell which carried out the attack in
Emmanuel on Dec 12, 2001.

July 17, 2002 - Five people were killed - two Israeli and three foreign workers -
and about 40 were injured, four seriously, in a double suicide bombing on Neve
Shaanan Street near the old central bus station in Tel Aviv. The Islamic Jihad
claimed responsibility for the attack.

July 30, 2002 - Five people suffered light to moderate injuries in a suicide
bombing at a felafel stand on Hanevi'im Street in the center of Jerusalem. The
bomber, who was killed, apparently exploded prematurely.

July 31, 2002 - Nine people were killed and 85 wounded, 14 of them seriously,
when a bomb exploded in the Frank Sinatra student center cafeteria on the
Hebrew University's Mt. Scopus campus. The explosive device was planted
inside the cafeteria, which was gutted by the explosion. Hamas claimed
responsibility for the attack.

Aug 4, 2002 - Nine people were killed and some 50 wounded in a suicide
bombing of Egged bus No. 361 traveling from Haifa to Safed at the Meron
junction in northern Israel. Hamas claimed responsibility for the attack.

Aug 5, 2002 - A bomb exploded in a car at the Umm al-Fahm junction in
northern Israel, killing the terrorist and wounding the driver, an Arab Israeli
resident of Nazareth.

Sept 18, 2002 - Police Sgt. Moshe Hezkiyah, 21, of Elyachin was killed and
three people were wounded in a suicide bombing at a bus stop at the Umm al
Fahm junction. The terrorist, who was apparently planning to detonate the
bomb after boarding a bus, set the charge off early when approached by the
police for questioning. The Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility for the attack.

Sept 19, 2002 - Six people were killed and about 70 wounded when a terrorist
detonated a bomb in Dan bus No. 4 on Allenby Street, opposite the Great
Synagogue in Tel-Aviv. Hamas claimed responsbility for the attack.

Oct 10, 2002 - Sa'ada Aharon, 71, of Ramat Gan was killed and about 30
people were wounded when a suicide bomber blew himself up while trying to
board Dan bus No. 87 across from Bar-Ilan University on the Geha highway
(Route 4). Hamas claimed responsibility for the attack.

Oct 21, 2002 - 14 people were killed and some 50 wounded when a car bomb
containing about 100 kilograms of explosives was detonated next to a No. 841
Egged bus from Kiryat Shmona to Tel-Aviv, while traveling along Wadi Ara on
Route No. 65 toward Hadera. The bus had pulled over at a bus stop when the
suicide bomber, from Jenin, driving a jeep, approached from behind and
exploded. The Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility for the attack.

Oct 27, 2002 - Two IDF officers and a non-commissioned officer were killed
and about 20 people were wounded in a suicide bombing at the Sonol gas
station at the entrance to Ariel in Samaria. The victims were killed while trying
to prevent the terrorist from detonating the bomb. The terrorist was identified
as a member of Hamas.

Nov 4, 2002 - Two people - a security guard and a teenage boy, both recent
immigrants from Argentina - were killed and about 70 were wounded in a
suicide bombing at a shopping mall in Kfar Sava. The Islamic Jihad claimed
responsibility for the attack.

Nov 21, 2002 - Eleven people were killed and some 50 wounded by a suicide
bomber on a No. 20 Egged bus on Mexico Street in the Kiryat Menahem
neighborhood of Jerusalem. The bus was filled with passengers, including
schoolchildren, traveling toward the center of the city during rush hour. Hamas
claimed responsibility for the attack.

Jan 5, 2003 - Twenty-two people were killed and about 120 wounded in a
double suicide bombing near the old Central Bus Station in Tel-Aviv. The attack
was apparently carried out by two members of the Fatah Al-Aqsa Martyrs
Brigades, with the help of the Islamic Jihad.

Mar 5, 2003 - Seventeen people were killed and 53 wounded in a suicide
bombing of an Egged bus #37 on Moriah Blvd. in the Carmel section of Haifa,
en route to Haifa University. Hamas claimed responsibility for the attack.

Mar 30, 2003 - Over 40 people were wounded in a suicide bombing on the
pedestrian mall at the entrance to the London Cafe in the center of Netanya.
The bomber was killed. The Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility for the attack.

Apr 24, 2003 - Alexander Kostyuk, a 23-year-old security guard from Bat Yam,
was killed and 13 were wounded, two seriously, in a suicide bombing outside
the train station in Kfar Sava. Groups related to the Fatah al-Aqsa Martyrs
Brigades and the PFLP clamied joint responsibility for the attack.

Apr 30, 2003 - Three people were killed and about 60 peoople were wounded
when a suicide bomber blew himself up at a beachfront pub "Mike's Place" in
Tel Aviv. The Fatah Tanzim and Hamas claimed responsibility for the attack,
carried out as a joint operation. Investigation revealed that the two British
Muslims involved in the suicide bombing were dispatched to perpetrate the
attack by the Hamas military command in the Gaza Strip.

May 17, 2003 - Gadi Levy and his wife Dina, aged 31 and 37, of Kiryat Arba
were killed by a suicide bomber in Hebron. Hamas claimed responsibility for
the attack.

May 18, 2003 - Seven people were killed and 20 wounded in a suicide bombing
on Egged bus no. 6 near French Hill in Jerusalem. Hamas claimed
responsibility for the attack.
A second suicide bomber detonated his bomb when intercepted by police in
northern Jerusalem. The terrorist was killed; no one else was injured.

May 19, 2003 - Three IDF soldiers were lightly injured when a Palestinian on a
bicycle detonated explosives next to a military jeep near Kfar Darom in the
southern Gaza Strip. The bomber was killed. Hamas claimed responsibility for
the attack.

May 19, 2003 - Three people were killed and about 70 wounded in a suicide
bombing at the entrance to the Amakim Mall in Afula. The Islamic Jihad and
the Fatah al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades both claimed responsibility for the attack.

May 22, 2003 - Nine Israelis were injured when a roadside bomb was
detonated next to a bus near Netzarim in the Gaza Strip.

June 11, 2003 - Seventeen people were killed and over 100 wounded in a
suicide bombing on Egged bus #14A outside the Clal building on Jaffa Road in
the center of Jerusalem. Hamas claimed responsibility for the attack.

June 19, 2003 - Avner Mordechai, 58, of Moshav Sde Trumot, was killed when
a suicide bomber blew up in his grocery on Sde Trumot, south of Beit Shean.
The suicide bomber was killed. The Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility for the

July 7, 2003 - Mazal Afari, 65, of Moshav Kfar Yavetz was killed in her home on
Monday evening and three of her grandchildren lightly wounded in a terrorist
suicide bombing. The remains of the bomber were also found in the wreckage
of the house. The Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility for the attack.

Aug 12, 2003 - Erez Hershkovitz, 18, of Eilon Moreh, was killed and three
people wounded when a teenaged Palestinian suicide bomber detonated
himself at a bus stop outside Ariel. Amatzia Nisanevitch, 22, of Nofim, died of
his wounds on August 28.

Aug 19, 2003 - Twenty-three people were killed and over 130 wounded when a
Palestinian suicide bomber detonated himself on a No. 2 Egged bus in
Jerusalem's Shmuel Hanavi neighborhood. Hamas claimed responsibility for the

Sept 9, 2003 - Nine IDF soldiers were killed and 30 people were wounded in a
suicide bombing at a hitchhiking post for soldier outside a main entrance to the
Tzrifin army base and Assaf Harofeh Hospital. Hamas claimed responsibility for
the attack.

Sept 9, 2003 - Seven people were killed and over 50 wounded in a suicide
bombing at Cafe Hillel on Emek Refaim St., the main thoroughfare of the
German Colony neighborhood in Jerusalem. Hamas claimed responsibility for
the attack.

Oct 4, 2003 - Twenty-one people were killed, including four children, and 60
wounded in a suicide bombing carried out by a female terrorist from Jenin in
the Maxim restaurant in Haifa. The Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility for the

Oct 9, 2003 - A Palestinian suicide bomber exploded himself at the DCO
located at the entrance to Tulkarm. The bomber approached the reception
window and exploded himself, injuring two IDF soldiers and a Palestinian.

Oct 15, 2003 - Three Americans were killed and one wounded at the Beit
Hanoun junction in the Gaza Strip when a massive bomb demolished an
armor-plated jeep in a convoy carrying U.S. diplomats.

Nov 3, 2003 - A suicide bomber blew himself up in the West Bank village of
Azun, near Kafr Qasem, when he saw Israeli security officials searching for
him. One IDF soldier was lightly wounded. The Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigade
claimed responsibility for the failed attack.

Dec 25, 2003 - Four Israelis were killed and over 20 wounded in a suicide
bombing at a bus stop at the Geha Junction, east of Tel Aviv, near Petah Tikva.
The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine claimed responsibility for the

Jan 14, 2004 - Four Israelis - three soldiers and one civilian - were killed and
10 wounded when a female suicide bomber detonated a bomb at the Erez
Crossing in the Gaza Strip. Hamas and the Fatah Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades
claimed joint responsibility for the attack.

Jan 29, 2004 - Eleven people were killed and over 50 wounded, 13 of them
seriously, in a suicide bombing of an Egged bus no. 19 at the corner of Gaza
and Arlozorov streets in Jerusalem. The Fatah-related Al Aqsa Martyrs'
Brigades claimed responsibility for the attack, naming the bomber as Ali Yusuf
Jaara, a 24-year-old Palestinian policeman from Bethlehem.

Feb 22, 2004 - Eight people were killed and over 60 wounded, 11 of them
school pupils, in a suicide bombing on Jerusalem bus no. 14A near the Liberty
Bell Park. The Fatah Al Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades claimed responsibility for the
attack, which was carried out by Mohammed Za'ul, from the Bethlehem area.

Mar 6, 2004 - Two Palestinian policemen were killed in a terror attack on the
Erez crossing in northern Gaza involving rifle fire and suicide car bombs,
including jeeps camouflaged as IDF vehicles. Two of the vehicles exploded on
the Palestinian side of the crossing, and four terrorists were killed. There were
no IDF casualties. Hamas, Islamic Jihad and the military wing of Fatah all
claimed responsibility.

Mar 14, 2004 - Ten people were killed and 16 wounded in a double suicide
bombing at Ashdod Port. Hamas and Fatah claimed responsibility for the

Apr 17, 2004 - Border Policeman Sgt. Kfir Ohayon, 20, of Eilat was killed, three
others wounded when a Palestinian suicide bomber blew himself up at the Erez
Crossing. Hamas and Fatah claimed joint responsibility for the attack.

May 22, 2004 - A suicide bomber was killed when he detonated an explosive
device at the Bekaot checkpoint in the northern Jordan Valley. The commander
of the IDF checkpoint was lightly injured, as well as several Palestinians. The
PFLP claimed responsibility for the attack.

July 11, 2004 - Sgt. Ma'ayan Na'im, 19, of Bat Yam, was killed and 33 wounded
when a bomb exploded at a bus stop in downtown Tel Aviv at about 7 a.m.
One person was critically wounded, four were moderately wounded, and the
rest were lightly hurt.

Aug 11, 2004 - Two Palestinian bystanders were killed and 18 people were
wounded, including six Border Policemen, when a bomb was detonated south
of the Qalandiyah checkpoint at the northern entrance to Jerusalem.

Aug 31, 2004 - Sixteen people were killed and 100 wounded in two suicide
bombings within minutes of each other on two Beersheba city buses, on route
nos. 6 and 12. The buses were traveling along Beersheba's main street, Rager
Blvd, near the city hall. Hamas in Hebron claimed responsibility for the attack.

Sept 8, 2004 - A booby-trapped car exploded next to Israeli security personnel
at the Baka al-Sharkiyeh checkpoint, near the Green Line border with the West
Bank. The Palestinian driver of the car was killed in the blast. The Fatah-
related Al Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades claimed responsibility for the attack.

Sept 14, 2004 - A suicide bomber riding on a bicycle blew himself up near an
armored IDF jeep at an agricultural gate, south of Qalqilyah, injuring two IDF

Sept 22, 2004 - Two Border Policemen were killed and 17 Israelis wounded in
a suicide bombing carried out by a female terrorist at the French Hill junction
hitchhiking post in northern Jerusalem. The Fatah al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades
claimed responsibility for the attack.

Oct 7, 2004 - A total of 32 people were killed in terror bombings at two Sinai
holiday resorts frequented by Israelis: 29 at the Taba Hilton and three at Ras
a-Satan. Among the dead were 12 Israelis; over 120 were wounded.

Nov 1, 2004 - Three people were killed and over 30 wounded in a suicide
bombing at the Carmel Market in central Tel Aviv. The Popular Front for the
Liberation of Palestine in Nablus claimed responsibility for the attack, carried
out by Amar Alfar, 18, from Askar refugee camp in Nablus.

Dec 7, 2004 - St.-Sgt. Nadav Kudinsky, 20, of Kiryat Gat of the Oketz canine
unit was killed by a bomb, along with his dog, when a booby-trapped chicken
coup exploded northwest of the Karni Corssing in the Gaza Strip. Four soldiers
were wounded in the exchange of fire while evacuating him. Hamas claimed
responsibility for the attack.

Jan 5, 2005 - A terrorist infiltrated the Erez crossing terminal in the Gaza Strip,
activated an explosive device, hurled grenades and opened fire. An IDF force
shot and killed the terrorist. The Islamic Jihad and the Al-Aqsa Martyrs'
Brigades claimed responsibility for the attack.

I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attacks ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhauser gate. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain...
Roy Baty, "Bladerunner"


Auschwitzopfer verklagen Bush

08.01.2005 um 00:32
Interessante Liste oder? besonders wenn man das Datum verfolgt und sieht
das es da fast jede Woche abging. Ahso, selbstverstaendlich gefaelscht ne?
Genau wie die Fotos. bla bla bla.

so ich muss los. Dann lass die mal uebers WE was einfallen zu deinem
Argument Sharon und Hitler machen GENAU das gleiche....

I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attacks ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhauser gate. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain...
Roy Baty, "Bladerunner"


Auschwitzopfer verklagen Bush

08.01.2005 um 00:37

Case und ich haben doch auch oft genug geschrieben, daß mir Ariel Sharon auch nicht ein Meister des Menschlichen Israel regiert!

Ich habe auch nie behauptet, daß Du für mich zu den "braunen" zu zählen bist.

Ich stelle nur fest, daß Du immer mehr deren Argumentations- und Assoziationsketten benutzt. DAS und nur das stimmt mich nachdenklich (inzwischen eher schon traurig).

Das kybernetische Äquivalent von Logik ist Oszillation.
Ganz unten auf dem Grunde des Lebendigseins treffen wir auf die Metapher.


Auschwitzopfer verklagen Bush

08.01.2005 um 00:40
tolle fotos. die wurden auch auf der wehrmachtsaustellungt gezeigt. leider wurde rausgefunden, dass viele der bilder gefaket sind bzw nichts mit dem WW2 zu tun haben. aus diesem grund musste die wehrmachtsaustellung auch abgebrochen werden, obwohl meiner meinung nach egal ist, ob die fotos nu echt sind oder nicht. die bilder würden höchst warscheinlich genauso aussehen, wenn sie orginal sind. also ob´s nu symbol fotos sind oder orginale.... der inhalt ist ausschlaggeben und der stimmt.
die selben bilder findest du übrigens auch von massengräbern bei diversen afrikanischen bürgerkriegen.
oder du guckst dir die massengräber auf sumatra an.
in yugoslavien gibts auch ne ganze menge von denen. solobodan war nämlich auch so´n möchtegern hitler.

>>Hitler: vergast, erschiesst, verbrennt ca. 6 Mio Maenner, Frauen, Alte, Kinder,
Homosexuelle, Behinderte. Dazu wird eine ganze Industrie aufgebaut mit
Schienenstrecken, Lagern in ganz Europa. Goldzaehne, Kleidung und
aehnliches wird "weiterverarbeitet". Mit schrecklichen Experimenten wird an
Lebenden Juden "experimentiert"
Sharon: provoziert Palestinenser mit gang auf Tempelberg. Ber Attacken
israleischer Armee auf Palestinenser werden ca. 1000 menschen getoetet.<<

erstens mal glaub ich dir ned, dass es nur 1000 palästinenser sind und zweitens kommts nicht auf die zahl an. es geht um die gezielte vernichtung einer rasse.
hitler sagte: wenn das judentum glaubt, es könne einen internationalen weltkrieg anzetteln um die europäische rasse zu vernichten, wird das nicht zur vernichtung der europäischen rasse, sondern zur vernichtung des judentums in deutschland führen"
hitler wollte die juden vernichten. er hasste die juden. er wollte sie loswerden. er wollte sie erst vertreiben und als er sah, dass sie sich ned vertreiben lassen, hat er begonnen sie systematisch auszurotten.
vergleich es mit sharon. die juden vertrieben die palästinenser aus ihrem land. schenkten ihnnen dreck und beanspruchten den guten boden für sich. klar, dass die palästinenser sich das ned gefallen lassen. also versuchten die juden, die palästinenser eben anderweitig loszuwerden. als sharon dann an die macht kam bedeutete das: die totale vernichtung der palästinenser.

also wo is nu der unterschied? meiner meinung nach is es egal ob´s nu 6 millionen oder ein paar tausend sind. es geht um das ziehl, dass verfolgt wird. und das is nu mal das selbe. DIE AUSROTTUNG EINER RASSE, DIE EINEM GRÖSSENWAHNSINNIGEN MACHTHABER AUS IRGEND EINEM GRUND IM WEG STEHT.

"Wenn man lange in einen Abgrund blickt,
dann blickt auch der Abgrund in einen selbst." (Fridrich Nietsche)


Auschwitzopfer verklagen Bush

08.01.2005 um 13:05
Ich möchte für mich persönlich hier vorerst, ein Schlusswort finden ,
in diesem thread:
Nicht nur den Opfern obliegt es zu vergeben wenn sie es wollen, auch die Täter die noch leben obliegt das und das umso mehr, da die Agression von ihnen ausging.
Viel Zeit bleibt nicht mehr es wäre eine Geste sich nicht nur dafür zu entschuldigen, nein es muss von Herzen kommen und das tat es eben nicht.
Eine ganze Generation hat geschwiegen für die Kinder war das größtenteils ein Trauma das wohl auch die 68èr Generation mitgeformt hat, indem sie auf die Strasse ging - nein nicht um klarheit zu schaffen in dieser elementaren Sachlage doch vielmehr nur das System anprangerten um Altnazis aus Positionen zu kicken, ihnen ging es nur um die Tradition die es auch schon vor den Nazis gab eine für allemal zu beseitigen.
In meinen Augen der völlig falsche Ansatzpunkt.
Durch allzuviel Liberalität was ist aus diesm Land geworden?


Sicher grosse Spendenbereitschaft in alle Welt!
Privat und auch politisch.

Es ist aber eben nicht so, das alles mit Geld aufzuwiegen ist.
Nein es ist viel subtieler. Was die Kinder nicht lernten und verstanden, haben sie der nächsten Generation weitergereicht.
Es brodelt überall - nicht nur hier in diesm Land - Geld zu geben wofür für ein schlechtes Gewissen?
Sind sie vor Ort und willst die Sachlage klären werden sie konfrontiert vis a vis, kommt der Standardspruch wir haben uns entschuldigt, und im übrigen muss ich mich nicht entschuldigen für das geschehene da ich nicht dabei war. Das ist genau das Schema was Herr Kohl formulierte mit der Gnade der späten Geburt.
Genauso macht es auch ein Herr Schröder.

Dabei wäre es für unsere Generation entscheidend und wichtig zu sagen:
Wir stellen uns unserer Vergangenheit wir hatten einen Julius Streicher und einen Phips der das schriftlich und graphisch umsetzte im Sinne eines Regimes, das eine ganze Generation geprägt hat. Entschuldigen können wir uns nicht für das unrecht unserer Väter und Vorväter insoweit das wir nicht dabei waren , aber doch soweit das wir uns mit unseren Namen entschuldigen. In meinem Familiennamen gab es mindestens einen soviel ich jetzt weiss der Nazi und Parteimitglied war und das hat mir gezeigt wie unheimlich wichtig es für mich ist, immer wieder den Menschen zu erklären das wenn Judenfriedhöfe Einrichtungen oder es zu Handgreiflichkeiten Juden gegenüber kommt ihr mich persönlich angreift.
Es hat mir gezeigt und das bestätigt auch die jüngste Geschichte wie wichtig es ist, das die Juden einen Staat haben und ihn genau da haben wo sie 70 n.d.Z. vertrieben wurden sind.


Zum Thema Sharon möchte ich mich nur insoweit äuseren, da ich mich nach wie vor hier nicht und anderen threads politisch aufstellen möchte sogut das eben geht nur eines sagen:

Es gibt gute und schlechte Könige in jeder Epoche doch einige müssen aufpassen das der "Laden" nicht auseinanderbricht, sonst entstehen aus einem zwei Staaten wie Israel eigentlich hätte aus der Geschichte lernen müssen, da sie es schon einmal hatten. Doch das wäre diesmal der Anfang vom Ende.
Manchmal wiederholt sich Geschichte wollen wir hoffen das es hier nicht der Fall ist.

Einen schönen Tag euch allen



Auschwitzopfer verklagen Bush

10.01.2005 um 18:31

ne is klar. Alle Fotos vom Holocaust sind natuerlich faelschungen. Gabs nich.
Wie arm kann man charakterlich nur sein?! Die Toten Juden, die jede
juedische Familie , sofern sie ueberlebt hat, zu beklagen hat sprechen aber
fuer sich. Was fuer Faelschung ueberhaupt? Sind Gummipuppen oder was? Hat
man schnell paar hundert Deutsche erschossen um damit den Judenmord zu
"faelschen". Was fuer ein Schwachsinn soche Dolumente als Flaelschung zu
deklarieren. Und zu deiner tollen Wehrmachtsausstellung (genau die 2 Fotos
die ich zufaellig im Internet ergoogelt habe sinds natuerlich. Schon klar
Tommibaer). Da ging es nicht um Faelschung Mann. Da wurden auch
massengraeber von Russen dargestellt und nicht richtig deklariert. So das
manche Besucher dachten es handelt sich um von Deutschen erschossene
Juden. Und das wars. Nicht Faelschung? Wie "ihr" Kameraden aber auch
immer schon an der Wahrheit feilt damit es in "euer" trauriges Geschichtsbild

"die selben bilder findest du übrigens auch von massengräbern bei diversen
afrikanischen bürgerkriegen. oder du guckst dir die massengräber auf sumatra
an. in yugoslavien gibts auch ne ganze menge von denen. "

Das is ja alles sehr interessant Schlaumeier. Aber sowas findest du eben
NICHT in Palestina. Und darum ging es und so willst du es aussehen lassen.
Und weiterhin finde ich es interessant, das du auch noch selbst beschreibst,
das es ueberall auf der Welt Gewaltakte gegen Unschulduge gibt. Zu
hundertausenden. Aber wenn ein einziger Palestinenser erschossen wird
kommt "ihr" immer angerannt und vergleicht schnell Sharon mit Hitler damit
"ihr" euch besser fuehlt und sabbeln koennt "Eh siehste Atze, eh der Sharon is
jenauso beoese wie der alte Adi, wa. Prost!". Auch nur weil es halt mehr
medienpraesent ist als Afrika.

Und dein Sharon-Voelkermord Schwachsinn ist voellig unbewiesen an den
Harren herbeigezogen. Sharon will also Allllllleeeee Palestineser ermorden. In
den letzten 10 Jahren waren es 1000 tote Palestinenser im Schnitt. Kann also
ne Weile dauern bis er "deine" Theorie verwiklicht hat.

Wegen seines "Voelkermordes" zieht er auch juedische Siedler ab nich wahr?
schon klar. Sharon hat das gleiche Ziel wie Hitler. Was fuer kleinkarierte

I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attacks ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhauser gate. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain...
Roy Baty, "Bladerunner"


Auschwitzopfer verklagen Bush

05.03.2005 um 14:19
SEHR GUT zeigt den NAZI-SCHWEINEN das die Jagd noch lange nicht zu ende ist.

Hab zwar nich viel Geld doch Fragt an und ich spende

Reflections of a Diamond EYE


Auschwitzopfer verklagen Bush

05.03.2005 um 14:24
@ all das Problem liegt doch darin das es aus dieser Zeit noch genug NS/SA/SS Leute geschafft haben, die etz wiederum das gedankengut in ihre Generation einpflanzen...

Man hätte damals einen kompletten Bombenteppich über Deutschland ziehn müssen....

... ich weiß was Ihr etz sagen werdet, ich selbst wäre wahrscheinlich nie geboren, der größte Teil meiner Familie... aber egal..

Würde nicht auch ein Vater der über dem Abgrund hängt, das Seil durchschneiden was Ihn mit seinem Sohn verbindet?..

Reflections of a Diamond EYE


Auschwitzopfer verklagen Bush

05.03.2005 um 17:36
>>Man hätte damals einen kompletten Bombenteppich über Deutschland ziehn müssen.... <<

Spar Dir bitte Deine antideutschen und linksradikalen Bemerkungen, ansonsten kannste Dir mit den Nazis die Hand reichen.
Bist wahrscheinlich auch so ein linksextremer Demonstrant in Dresden gewesen, der ein Denkmal für Bomber-Harris gefordert hat und für die Bombardierung Hamburgs noch Beifall geklatscht hat. :-(

Nazis bzw. dieses Gedankengut sind nicht zwangsläufig nur Deutsche, sondern diese gibt und gab es weltweit. Aber es reicht, wenn Du schomal in unsere Nachbarländer ringsherum schaust. Willst Du auch einen Bombenteppich über die ganze Welt ziehen? Woher beziehen Denn die Nazi-Anhänger Ihre ganze Lektüre. Aus unseren Nachbarländern. Z.b Dänemark ganz vorneweg, aber auch andere. Da kann man hier verbieten und ausbomben was man will. wenn nicht alle anderen mitspielen klappts leider nunmal nicht.

Sorry dass ich mich so echauffiere, aber das kanns nun auch nicht sein und solches Denken ist mindestens genauso schädlich für die Gesellschaft.

Alle Menschen sind klug: Die einen vorher - die anderen nachher.
Wir haben die DDR überstanden und werden auch die BRD überstehen.


Auschwitzopfer verklagen Bush

05.03.2005 um 17:55

Schweine hat jedes Land und wie Relict es schrieb haben unsere Nachbarländer auch diese Schweine.

>>Man hätte damals einen kompletten Bombenteppich über Deutschland ziehn müssen.... <<
dadurch machst du dich selber zu einem Schwein !

Ja ein Vater würde das Seil durch schneiden !

1.) you do not talk about Fight Club
2.) geh auf meine HP http://www.keyzer-soze.de.vu/
3.) schreib ins Gästebuch
4.) :) Bitte :)

