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Have you ever been to an English speaking Country?

98 Beiträge ▪ Schlüsselwörter: USA, England, English ▪ Abonnieren: Feed E-Mail

Have you ever been to an English speaking Country?

03.12.2013 um 17:54
Well, maybe some day I´ll check it out. But like I said before, now I´m mostly in the Gulf region.


Have you ever been to an English speaking Country?

03.12.2013 um 17:56
@onuba: good luck down there :)


Have you ever been to an English speaking Country?

03.12.2013 um 18:00
Thanks! I have to stay here probably until March 2014.


Have you ever been to an English speaking Country?

16.12.2013 um 17:40
Next stop 2014, London. Any advice? Hints?


Have you ever been to an English speaking Country?

16.12.2013 um 17:42
never been to an english speaking country. but who knows...one time... but i am kind of unimpressed about the anglo world but maybe i am wrong...


Have you ever been to an English speaking Country?

16.12.2013 um 20:05
Watch out for the foxes! Ive heard that there is a fox profusion in London, but dont ask me why...


Have you ever been to an English speaking Country?

16.12.2013 um 20:16

Yep, I have also been to the USA. It was a long time ago, but all these memories are still very clear. Have some friends there in Alaska, Texas, Florida, New York, and some relatives, and I hope that I can visit them sometime soon. But my next aim would be Island. A dream come true. Or Schottland...

My dad is (Reisebegleiter) and has been all around the world, I`d like to do that also when I am older. He is supporting older people who like to see the world.


Have you ever been to an English speaking Country?

19.12.2013 um 21:24
Oh, indeed. I have paid visits to the United Kingdom on multiple occasions. It is certainly a most cultivated and beautiful country and would be an immensely plesant place to live were it not for the rather disagreeable weather and the lackluster cuisine.

2x zitiertmelden

Have you ever been to an English speaking Country?

19.12.2013 um 21:26
Zitat von LordYorkshireLordYorkshire schrieb:rather disagreeable weather and the lackluster cuisine
What do they say in the Schöfferhofer Commercial? "you cant have evrything" *sing*


Have you ever been to an English speaking Country?

19.12.2013 um 21:28
A very true observation. It's still deplorable though.


Have you ever been to an English speaking Country?

19.12.2013 um 21:33
Come on, it doesnt matter. Every Country has its problems :)


Have you ever been to an English speaking Country?

19.12.2013 um 21:36
True, true. In comparision to certain other countries, Britain's problems are negligible.


Have you ever been to an English speaking Country?

19.12.2013 um 21:37
Thats right. Germany has several bigger problems ^^

Like... Bavarias.

1x zitiertmelden

Have you ever been to an English speaking Country?

19.12.2013 um 21:48
Well, I can hardly impose my humble judgement on Germany since I currently take residence in Austria. However, Austria is not completely devoid of problems either.


Have you ever been to an English speaking Country?

19.12.2013 um 21:51
Oh, so i shouldnt make jokes about Bavarians, the Alp-Creatures, when you are around.

For me as a Saxon, everything far South of Rippachtal is Bavaria. Just like South Germans and Austrians say that everything above the Donau is Prussia...

But for me, Austrias Reputation is better then Bavarias.


Have you ever been to an English speaking Country?

19.12.2013 um 21:54
Oh yes, these stereotypes are alive and well. It can hardly be denied that they still wield a certain charm. But don't worry, I am not offended by jokes about Bavarians or Austrians, in fact, I find them quite enjoyable because in many cases they are quite trenchant.


Have you ever been to an English speaking Country?

20.12.2013 um 00:06
Zitat von GrymnirGrymnir schrieb:Like... Bavarias
are they even germans? :D
Zitat von LordYorkshireLordYorkshire schrieb:Oh, indeed. I have paid visits to the United Kingdom on multiple occasions. It is certainly a most cultivated and beautiful country and would be an immensely plesant place to live were it not for the rather disagreeable weather and the lackluster cuisine
may i ask, why did you use that nick, is there any strong connection to yorkshire, fier example, do you support leeds united?


Have you ever been to an English speaking Country?

20.12.2013 um 00:11
No, my nickname on the one hand derives from my fondness for the United Kingdom in general, and on the other hand specifically from Yorkshire because I really enjoyed the English classic novel "Wuthering Heights", which is still one of my favorite pieces of literature and which takes place in Yorkshire.


Have you ever been to an English speaking Country?

20.12.2013 um 00:14

did you ever consider, paying a visit to ireland? not much of a difference in the landscapes, and the food is...well...totally enjoyable as well ;)


Have you ever been to an English speaking Country?

20.12.2013 um 00:17
Ireland would indeed be one of my preferred destinations for any future trips. However, as a student, money is always scarce, so I'll have to save up some cash before I can make my next trip. Is Ireland expensive?
