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MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

23.746 Beiträge ▪ Schlüsselwörter: Mord, Michael Jackson, Verurteilung ▪ Abonnieren: Feed E-Mail

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06.01.2013 um 13:29
Zitat von SylvinaSylvina schrieb:Vielleicht hat er, gehörte er zu den Bodyguards aus Las Vegas? Er hat seinen Anspruch vielleicht da mit geltend gemacht. Haben die ihre Forderung eigentlich durchgesetzt?
ja, vielleicht ... habe die Berichte vom Estate abgespeichert, aber da komme ich jetzt leider nicht
ran ... da könnte man ja erkennen, ob sie ihre Forderungen auch erhalten haben bzw. ob die von Amir überhaupt dabei waren ... :)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

06.01.2013 um 13:34
ist nicht so schlimm, wir warten, was die Ivy dazu schreibt. Spätestens in den nächsten Tagen werden wir es erfahren oder bei MJJC schreibt jemand darüber.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

07.01.2013 um 11:03
na, ob diese Schlagzeile zutreffend ist ??? Vielleicht doch nur ein Wunschdenken, mancher Schreiberlinge ... :D :D

07.01.2013 07:00 Uhr

Janet Jackson: Paris boykottiert ihre Hochzeit

Paris Jackson (14) hat offenbar keine Lust auf die Hochzeit ihrer Tante Janet (46).

Im Juli 2012 gerieten die Sängerin ('Feedback') und die Tochter von Michael Jackson (+50, 'Beat It') aneinander und gehen sich seitdem aus dem Weg. "Janet und Paris haben sich seit ihrem Streit im letzten Sommer nicht versöhnt. Jetzt sagt Paris, dass sie die Hochzeit boykottieren wird", verriet ein Insider dem 'Star'-Magazin.

Die Musikerin ist seit 2009 mit dem Milliardär Wissam Al Mana (37) liiert. Seit Kurzem sind die beiden verlobt und wollen in diesem Frühjahr vor den Traualtar treten.

Janet Jackson war bereits zweimal verheiratet: Ihre Heirat mit James DeBarge 1984 wurde im darauffolgenden Jahr annulliert und 1991 ehelichte sie den Musikproduzenten René Elizondo Jr., von dem sie sich 2000 scheiden ließ.

In der Jackson-Familie kam es im vergangenen Sommer immer wieder zu Streitereien. Dem Familienoberhaupt Katherine Jackson wurde das Sorgerecht für ihre Enkelkinder Paris, Prince und Blanket entzogen, nachdem diese ihre Großmutter mehr als neun Tage nicht erreichen konnten. Katherine verweigerte ihren Janet Jackson, Rebbie und Randy außerdem den Zutritt zu ihrem Haus, nachdem diese das Testament von Michael Jackson anzweifelten.


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07.01.2013 um 11:16 (Archiv-Version vom 09.11.2012)

Paris Jacksoη ‏@ParisJackson
life is way too precious and way too short
11:38 PM - 6 Jan 13
Paris Jacksoη ‏@ParisJackson
i don't say this enough but i love you #MJFam<3 y'all are always looking out for me
11:26 PM - 6 Jan 13 ·

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MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

07.01.2013 um 11:18
na, LaTunta ist froh, wieder zu Hause zu sein ... :D

La Toya Jackson ‏@latoyajackson
Just landed! Great flight! Good to be home!
12:40 AM - 7 Jan 13


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

07.01.2013 um 11:38
Michael Jackson's daughter Paris fends off greedy relatives and plots movie stardom

Last Updated: 4:20 PM, January 6, 2013
Posted: 1:26 AM, January 6, 2013

She’s heir to a $1 billion fortune, keeper of the legacy of pop’s biggest star. She grew up with a father who spent money with abandon, popped pills, wasted away into emaciation — all while living in perpetual childhood.

So the most surprising thing about Paris Katherine Jackson, age 14, is how normal she is.

That’s all thanks, ironically, to her damaged, brilliant father, Michael Jackson.

Until his death in 2009, the King of Pop kept his children in near-hiding from the media and especially from his family, the siblings who wanted his money and the father who Michael said abused him as a child star.

Perhaps most important, Jackson, infamous for his money troubles, tried to protect his kids from the temptations of too much wealth. They’re certainly comfortable, getting six-figure stipends annually. But for now that money is controlled by their guardian, Michael’s mother, Katherine, and the three children won’t have access to their full inheritance until age 40.

The result, friends of the family say, is that Prince Michael, 15, Paris and Blanket, 10, seem more grounded than you might expect from kids who grew up in a place called Neverland (or who are named “Blanket”).

Of the three, it’s Paris — with her mesmerizing blue eyes and prolific Twitter account — who has become the family’s most fascinating figure.

She’s already stood up to her aunts and uncles who, furious that they were largely left out of Michael’s will, tried to get more money out it by pressuring Katherine. It didn’t work; the will remained unchanged. And Paris, much to the Jackson family’s annoyance, tweeted the whole thing, in a moment that would have made her father proud — using his enemy, the media, to help her own cause.

“I am who I am,” Paris says on Twitter. “I’m weird, I’m lame, I run into things, I spill food, I trip, I scream about random stupid stuff but I’m me and I like it.”

So, what’s it like being the daughter of the King of Pop?

Paris Jackson eats trail mix for snacks, loves going to the mall and getting reactions from those who stare because of the “weird and long socks she’s wearing” — although the stares are likely because people are stunned when they see the daughter of the late and famously reclusive Jacko in public.

And like her father, family members say, she’s a perfectionist. She joined her middle-school flag-football team, but only after she knew she could match the fastest kids in the prestigious Buckley School north of Beverly Hills.

Its $29,000-a-year tuition is up slightly from when alumni such as Paris Hilton, Kim Kardashian, Matthew Perry, Alyssa Milano and Laura Dern attended.

Paris and her siblings reside with Grandma Katherine in the tony Los Angeles suburb of Calabasas. Cousin T.J. Jackson, Tito’s son, whom the court appointed co-guardian last year, is a constant presence at the home, but it’s mostly Paris, her brothers, Katherine and Katherine’s assistant who are there around the clock.

Five maids and two chefs work shifts while a hired security firm keeps at least two beefy guards on duty at all times.

Paris’ room is a second-floor suite in the 12,700-square-foot, seven-bedroom mansion, for which Jacko’s estate has been shelling out $26,000 a month.

While her brothers mostly hang out in a downstairs game room, Paris finds solace in the home’s state-of-the-art movie theater with beige leather reclining stadium seats, a reminder and near replica of her late dad’s home theater at Neverland Ranch.

A seldom-used wine cellar, an oval-shaped swimming pool and a golf course is also part of the stately compound. Britney Spears, Mel Gibson, Justin Bieber, Tommy Lee and Stevie Wonder are neighbors.

At school, Paris has her share of friends, but she has developed a close bond with her cousins Randy Jackson Jr., Donte Jackson and Genevieve Jackson.

The group often hangs out in a nearby mall, goes to the movies and, last month, spent all day at Disneyland with T.J.

Mostly because of her father’s tireless parenting, Paris is very respectful and couches each request with “Please,” “Thank you,” “Yes, sir” and “No, ma’am.”

“Paris is going to be unreal as she continues to navigate the life Michael left for her,” said a family source. “I’m surprised at how easily she has adapted” despite the way Paris and her siblings lived prior to Jacko’s death.

The three offspring rarely had contact with others, including their now very close cousins. When they would go out in public, they were often masked. Most of their interaction was with their dad, nanny Grace Rwaramba and security personnel. They were also close to Jacko’s dermatologist Arnold Klein, who briefly claimed after Jacko’s death that he fathered Prince and Paris. Paris’ biological mother, Debbie Rowe, has had almost no contact.

Like Jacko, Paris can have ice water in her veins when crossed, as some of the Jacksons found out last year with Paris’ very public spat with superstar aunt Janet that security video captured.

Family members, including Janet, Rebbie, Jermaine and Randy, have publicly stated their belief that Michael’s will is a fake. They had challenged executors John Branca and John McClain in an attempt to wrest control over the lucrative estate.

Jacko’s estate is currently valued at more than $1 billion, and he left 20 percent to charity, 40 percent to be split among Paris and her two siblings and 40 percent to his mother.

Upon Katherine’s death, her 40 percent goes to Jacko’s children, as well.

When the children reach 30, they each receive a one-third outright share and another half of their share outright when they turn 35. And by the time they’re 40, the kids will finally have full access to the entire inheritance. Already, Jacko has earned more since his death than any living artist. Will Paris and her siblings share the wealth with their famous uncles and aunts?

“Not likely, but you never know. They have big hearts,” a family member said.

Jacko didn’t leave anything to his siblings or Papa Joe Jackson, who recently suffered a mild stroke in Las Vegas. Jacko’s lessons to his children included being smart about their associates, especially his family.

Though she shares her father’s love of music, Paris says she plans to go into acting.

Last year she signed on for the lead role in a soon-to-be-made live-action/animated film called “Lundon’s Bridge and the Three Keys,” based on a book by Dennis H. Christen.

“I Wanna Leave My Footprints On The Sands Of Time. When I Leave This World I’ll Leave No Regrets. I’ll Leave Something For Them Not To Forget,” Paris tweeted of her role.

Always hidden behind masks and veils when her dad was alive, Paris came out of the shadows at Jacko’s memorial, speaking publicly for the first time.

“Ever since I was born, Daddy has been the best father you could ever imagine . . . I just wanted to say I love him so much,” she said.

Later, she accepted the Lifetime Achievement Award on behalf of her dad at the Grammys.

“Listen, she’s going to get what she wants and, mostly, nothing she gets or wants is too big for her or can be considered ridiculous,” a family insider said. “She doesn’t ask for Lamborghinis or Ferraris, just a Benz,” the family member kidded.

Paris has also shown her political side; though too young to vote, she exhorted her friends, family and more than 1 million Twitter followers to vote for Barack Obama.

“k i hate politics, but at least i care about this country . . . if Obama wasn’t president , America would be flushed down the toilet#voteobama” Paris wrote.

Paris has already proven shrewd in her business dealings, emphatically saying no last month to a $3 million offer to do a reality-television show.

“I don’t think many who come through this house would have thought twice about taking that offer, with the possible exception of Randy,” another family insider said.

“To her, it’s all about having a real acting career and, like her dad, she’s not going to do anything small,” the family member told The Post.For those who may have thought she’d want to follow her dad’s musical ways, Paris insists she is, in fact, following his path.

The “Thriller” singer always wanted to be a movie star and famously referred to his music videos as short films.

Jacko, who appeared in “Men in Black II” in a minor role as an alien, had approached directors about replacing movie star Will Smith in the lead role. He also claimed to have come up with the idea for DreamWorks, owned by nemeses David Geffen, Jeffrey Katzenberg and Steven Spielberg.

Jacko was notoriously careful about what he wore in public, and Paris is said to be picky about what brothers Prince Michael and Blanket wear. “You’ve got to represent. That’s what she always tells them,” another insider said.

It’s been more than three years since Jacko’s death, and while his sons remain nearly as reclusive as their father, Paris makes statements all of the time.

When it was suggested that she and her brothers not watch the trial of Dr. Conrad Murray, the doctor eventually convicted of causing Michael’s death, Paris told family members she was going to, anyway.

“She would have testified if the district attorney would have called her,” the family member said. “She was adamant that Murray should be punished. She wanted to look Murray dead in the eye and let him know what he did to this family.”

Recently, Paris has covered her bedroom walls with posters of her dad. She loves listening to his music and other favorites, including Bieber, AC/DC, Miley Cyrus and the Bee Gees.

She’ll also dig deeper in her music collection for “that fantastic moment when “Bohemian Rhapsody” comes on the radio and you just blast it and rock out so hard you just forget all you problems,” she tweeted.

“She versatile in her tastes. She has the thing we around here like to call the ‘it’ thing,” the insider said. “That means ‘Watch out, world,’ because she’s gonna be Liz Taylor, Greta Garbo, Gene Kelly, Sammy Davis and her dad all rolled into one. She’s that talented and she has that attitude required of greatness.”

Stacy Brown is a reporter and longtime friend of the Jackson family.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

07.01.2013 um 19:57

zur Abwechslung mal etwas aus Brasilien, das verstehe ich genauso gut wie englisch :-)
Prince Jackson e La Toya Jackson visitam hospital na Alemanha

“Heal the World, make it a better place!” Com este verso da música de 1992, Michael Jackson tentou fazer um mundo melhor. Agora, cerca de 20 anos depois, e quase quatro anos após a sua morte, o seu filho primogênito Prince Jackson tenta continuar o legado de seu pai. Foi o que ele fez na sexta-feira, 04/01/13 em Köln, Alemanha!
Prince Jackson und La Toya Jackson Krankenhaus in Deutschland besuchen

"Heal the World, machen es zu einem besseren Ort!" Mit dieser Strophe des Liedes im Jahre 1992, versuchte Michael Jackson, um eine bessere Welt zu machen. Jetzt, rund 20 Jahre später, und fast vier Jahre nach seinem Tod, versucht sein ältester Sohn Prince Jackson das Erbe seines Vaters fortsetzen. Das ist das, was er am Freitag, den 01.04.13 war in Köln, Deutschland!

1x zitiertmelden

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

08.01.2013 um 18:08
Rebbies Ehemann ist gestorben

und der Stacy Brown hatte bei Twitter auch darüber berichtet, aber es wurde angezweifelt.
Der hat ja wieder Gift und Galle gespuckt, wie immer, aber er ist ja ein langjähriger Freund der Jackson-Familie und da besonders von Latunta, Jermaine und Rebbie. Äußerst merkwürdig, da kann ja auch jeder sich seine zweifelhaften Gedanken machen.

Aber der Austin Brown twitterte auch, daß sein Vater gestorben ist. Alle anderen Jacksons haben nichts dazu gesagt oder geschrieben. Ich nehme das aber nicht übel oder vermute dahinter schon wieder irgendwelche Unstimmigkeiten(die es sicher gibt). Es gibt auch Menschen, die das wirklich in aller Stille verarbeiten wollen.

ach was, ist das sogar in Brasilien angekommen, daß die beiden hier in Deutschland waren.
Was merkwürdig ist, es hat keiner, nicht mal Latunta auf ihrer Twitterseite einen Piep darüber abgegeben!!! Vielleicht war ihr Kamerateam mit und es wird in ihrer Reality-Show gezeigt, sonst hat die ja nichts zu berichten.

Zitat von FaIrIeFlOwErFaIrIeFlOwEr schrieb:i don't say this enough but i love you #MJFam<3 y'all are always looking out for me
Das fand ich auch so süß von der Paris und auch die Antworten dazu!!!

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MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

09.01.2013 um 09:55
Zitat von leaxxleaxx schrieb:zur Abwechslung mal etwas aus Brasilien, das verstehe ich genauso gut wie englisch :-)
na ist doch toll, dass man auch dort Notiz vom Deutschlandbesuch von Prince und LaTunta genommen hat ... :D

aber die deutschsprachigen Medienberichte hast du doch bestimmt gelesen ????


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

09.01.2013 um 10:25
Zitat von SylvinaSylvina schrieb:Rebbies Ehemann ist gestorben
etwas ältere Bilder von Rebbie und ihrem Ehemann Nathaniel Brown ... 1994



auch bei LipstickAlley gibt es einen Thread ... (Archiv-Version vom 17.02.2013)

Austin Brown twittert:
Austin Brown ‏@AustinBrown
Photo: I love you Dad.. Thank you for showing me unconditional love and the example of being a good person....
tumblr mg9p8sManq1r4oewmo1 1280
7:12 PM - 7 Jan 13

Austin Brown ‏@AustinBrown
Thank you all for the amazing love you have been giving me and my family.
3:23 AM - 8 Jan 13
***** (Archiv-Version vom 15.01.2013)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

09.01.2013 um 11:59
Rebbie Jackson’s Husband Nathaniel Brown Dies

by Tracy - on Jan 8th 2013 -

Jackson reportedly died after a long battle with Cancer.

Er starb angeblich nach einem langen Kampf gegen den Krebs.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

10.01.2013 um 08:13
Verspätete Weihnachtsgrüße von Michael /hab ich heute entdeckt, beautiful


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

10.01.2013 um 09:09
Unity-Tour - Update

Frankfurt und Dortmund ist jetzt offiziell abgesagt! Die anderen Termine stehen noch! Mal sehen, wie lange?

1x zitiertmelden

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

10.01.2013 um 09:19
Latunta macht Werbung auf ihrer Twitterseite für:

La Toya Jackson ‏@latoyajackson
Don't forget to join us on @TheDoctors tomorrow/Thursday on #CBS #TheDoctors

1x zitiertmelden

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

10.01.2013 um 17:05
Zitat von SylvinaSylvina schrieb:Frankfurt und Dortmund ist jetzt offiziell abgesagt! Die anderen Termine stehen noch! Mal sehen, wie lange?
ja, bei Eventim gelten sie auch als abgesagt ... na, da kann man ja gespannt sein, ob es in Deutschland überhaupt ein Konzert geben wird ... ;)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

10.01.2013 um 19:06
Zitat von SylvinaSylvina schrieb:Latunta macht Werbung auf ihrer Twitterseite für:
ja, und LaTunta strahlt mal wieder wie ein Honigkuchenpferd ... :)

BANn3 sCcAErs7t.jpg large

na, LaTunta hat es in Köln gefallen ... ja, das Honorar war doch auch nicht zu verachten ... :)
La Toya Jackson ‏@latoyajackson
We had a lovely time N #Cologne! Visiting the Children's Hospital is always touchN but bringN gifts is always a pleasure!!! #koln #Germany
9:46 PM - 9 Jan 13


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

10.01.2013 um 19:21 (Archiv-Version vom 17.01.2014)

Ivy ‏@Ivy_4MJ
A little update: Katherine Jackson's lawyers has filed a subpoena for deposition of Conrad Murray at AEG lawsuit.
4:09 AM - 10 Jan 13
Ivy ‏@Ivy_4MJ
I think Tohme's lawyer filed a motion to seal Tohme's accounting documents. Such a shame, I would have loved to see them.
5:34 PM - 9 Jan 13

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MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

10.01.2013 um 20:29
zu Latuntas Arztserie, oder was das ist, die heute gesendet wird, schreibt jemand bei LSA:

"Let me know if they diagnose her with slowbrain disorder"

Hahaha, das war ein schöner Lacher!
Zitat von FaIrIeFlOwErFaIrIeFlOwEr schrieb: Such a shame, I would have loved to see them.
Ja ich hätte auch gern gewußt, was es für Rechnungen und Dokumente von Tohme gibt. Äußerst mysteriös, wie geheim das gehalten wird.

Ach, die Anwälte von KJ wollen jetzt, daß der Murray gegen AEG aussagt??? Wie geht das denn?
Na da bin ich ja mal gespannt. Vielleicht war das der Deal? Sie, die Jacksons lassen die Klage gegen ihn fallen und er hilft ihnen gegen AEG? (Nur eine Vermutung, aber üble Gedankengänge, ich weiß)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

10.01.2013 um 20:50
21696f homers-beer


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

11.01.2013 um 10:32
und liebste grüsse aus der schweiz.

