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23.746 Beiträge ▪ Schlüsselwörter: Mord, Michael Jackson, Verurteilung ▪ Abonnieren: Feed E-Mail

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

26.10.2011 um 10:50
Character witnesses to speak on Murray's behalf

By Alan Duke, CNN
October 26, 2011 -- Updated 0611 GMT (1411 HKT)


* Five character witnesses are lined up to testify for Dr. Murray's defense Wednesday
* The defense will call two medical experts before resting Thursday or Friday
* Despite Michael Jackson's fear, AEG never considered "pulling the plug" on shows, promoter says
* Murray's involuntary manslaughter trial could go to the jury Monday or Tuesday

Story Highlights

* Fünf Leumundszeugen sind avisiert am Mittwoch für Dr. Murrays Verteidigung aussagen
* Die Verteidigung möchte zwei medizinische Experten aufrufen, Donnerstag oder Freitag vor dem
* Trotz Michael Jacksons Angst, hat AEG nie überlegt "den Stecker zu ziehen" bei den Shows, sagte der Veranstalter
* Murrays Prozess wegen fahrlässiger Tötung könnte am Montag oder Dienstag an die Jury gehen

Jurors will hear Wednesday from people who will say Dr. Conrad Murray saved lives

Los Angeles (CNN) -- After 17 days of hearing about how Michael Jackson died under Dr. Conrad Murray's care, jurors will hear Wednesday from people who will say the doctor saved lives.

The defense will call five witnesses Wednesday to testify about Murray's character as testimony in Murray's involuntary manslaughter trial nears an end.

The character witnesses include Ruby Mosley, a patient at Murray's Houston, Texas, clinic and Gerry Cause, who Murray treated at his clinic in Las Vegas, Nevada.

Two defense medical experts, including anesthesiologist Dr. Paul White, are expected to follow on the witness stand Thursday and possibly Friday. This would set the stage for closing arguments and jury deliberations early next week, although it's possible that could come Friday.

Jackson's mother, Katherine, sisters Janet and La Toya, and brother Randy were in court to watch Tuesday's testimony.

The promoter of Jackson's ill-fated "This Is It" tour testified Tuesday that Jackson's fear he would "pull the plug" on the shows if he missed more rehearsals was unfounded.

"No one on our end was ever contemplating pulling the plug," said Randy Phillips, the head of AEG Live.

Murray's lawyers contend Jackson self-administered the overdose of drugs that killed him in a "desperate desire to get to sleep," because he feared without rest he would miss his next rehearsal and trigger the cancellation of his comeback concerts.

If the tour was canceled, Jackson would have to pay for all of the production and rehearsal costs, Phillips said, although the judge would not let him tell jurors how much that might have been. Defense lawyer Ed Chernoff estimated the cost to be about $40 million, leaving him "a very, very poor man," but it was not while the jury was present.

Concert director Kenny Ortega sent Phillips an e-mail five days before Jackson's death referring to Jackson's fear the company would "pull the plug" on the tour. The e-mail triggered a meeting with Jackson and Murray to address Ortega's concerns about Jackson's "lack of focus" and missed rehearsals, with the debut of his London shows just three weeks away.

He and Ortega were satisfied when Jackson told them "You build the house and I will put on the door and paint it," suggesting he would be ready, Phillips testified.

Also at the meeting, Phillips told Murray that he wanted to make sure he knew about Jackson's visits to another doctor, dermatologist Dr. Arnold Klein. "Because he's his principal physician, I thought he should know," he said.

Phillips said he was concerned because Jackson "seemed a little distracted and not focused" in a meeting after a visit to Klein's Beverly Hills clinic.

The defense contends Jackson became addicted to the painkiller Demerol in his frequent visits to Klein in the three months before his death. His withdrawal from the Demerol, which Murray was unaware of, would explain why Jackson could not sleep the day he died, the defense contends.

Earlier Tuesday, a nurse who tried to treat Jackson's insomnia with natural remedies testified that Jackson told her that doctors assured him using the surgical anesthetic propofol at home to induce sleep was safe as long as he was monitored.

Jackson died two months after that conversation with nurse Cherilyn Lee, from what the coroner ruled was an overdose of propofol, combined with sedatives.

Prosecutors contend Murray's use of propofol to treat Jackson's insomnia in his home was reckless, in part because he did not have proper equipment to monitor his patient and he abandoned him to make phone calls.

Lee's testimony was briefly delayed as she was overcome with emotion. "I'm feeling really, really dizzy," Lee said. "This is just very sensitive to me."

Lee used IV drips loaded with vitamins, "sophisticated" vitamin smoothies and bedtime teas to treat Jackson's insomnia, but Jackson became frustrated with her natural remedies failed to give him sleep, she said.

"He said 'I'm telling you the only thing that's going to help me sleep right away is the Diprivan and can you find someone to help me to sleep?'" Lee said. Diprivan is a brand name for propofol.

After some quick research, the nurse warned Jackson that it was dangerous to use propofol at home, Lee testified.

Jackson was not deterred, she said, even after she asked him "but what if you don't wake up?"

Deputy District Attorney David Walgren asked her, "And he responded, 'I will be OK, I only need someone to monitor me with the equipment while I sleep'?"

"Yes, that's exactly what I said," Lee said.

Murray had already agreed to serve as Jackson's private physician and had ordered his first supplies of propofol for Jackson more than a week before Jackson asked Lee for help getting the drug.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

26.10.2011 um 10:54
VIDEO im Bericht

Added On October 25, 2011
AEG CEO Brandon K. Phillips describes plans for Michael Jackson's comeback tour and the pop star's declining condition.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

26.10.2011 um 11:02
Defense to Highlight Positives of Jackson Doctor

By ANTHONY McCARTNEY AP Entertainment Writer
LOS ANGELES October 26, 2011 (AP)

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After weeks of hearing prosecutors and witnesses cast the physician charged in Michael Jackson's death as a bad doctor, defense attorneys will shift the case to some of Dr. Conrad Murray's positive traits as the case nears its close.

Murray's defense team plans to call up to five character witnesses Wednesday who will likely speak about the Houston-based cardiologist's care and life-saving abilities. The attorneys did not name the witnesses, but they are expected to be Murray's patients.

The flurry of character witnesses come as defense attorneys wind down their case. They told a judge Tuesday that after the character witnesses, they will only call two experts to try to counter prosecution experts who said Murray acted recklessly by giving Jackson the anesthetic propofol as a sleep aid.

Defense attorneys could rest their case Thursday. They have already called nine witnesses, including a doctor and nurse practitioner who treated Jackson but refused his requests to help him obtain either an intravenous sleep aid or propofol.

Murray, 58, has pleaded not guilty to involuntary manslaughter. He faces up to four years behind bars and the loss of his medical license if convicted.

His attorneys contend Jackson was desperate for sleep and gave himself the fatal dose of propofol when his doctor left the room. They attempted to argue that Jackson would have been indebted to concert promoter AEG Live for nearly $40 million if his shows were canceled, but a judge blocked any mention of the figure to the jury Tuesday.

Instead, jurors heard from two witnesses who knew Jackson and described their interactions with the singer in the months before his death.

Nurse Cherilyn Lee testified about trying to help Jackson gain more energy in early 2009 to prepare for rehearsals for his planned series of comeback concerts. She said the singer complained he couldn't sleep, and on Easter Sunday asked her to help him obtain Diprivan, a brand name for propofol.

Lee, at times tearful, said she initially didn't know about the drug. But after asking a doctor about it and reading a reference guide, Lee said she tried to convince Jackson it was too dangerous to use in his bedroom.

"He told me that doctors have told him it was safe," Lee testified of Jackson's request for the anesthetic. "I said no doctor is going to do this in your house."

The singer, however, insisted that he would be safe as long as someone monitored him, she said.

By Murray's own admission, he left Jackson's bedside on the morning of his death. When he returned, Jackson was unresponsive, according to his interview with police two days after Jackson's death on June 25, 2009.

The physician said he only left Jackson's bedside for two minutes, although his own attorneys have suggested it might have been longer. Phone records show Murray made or received several calls in the hour before Murray summoned help.

Lee acknowledged that she told detectives that she had told Jackson, "No one who cared or had your best interest at heart would give you this."

After refusing to help Jackson obtain propofol, she never saw the singer again.

Another defense witness, AEG Live President and CEO Randy Phillips, said Jackson appeared to have total confidence in Murray during meetings in early June, just a weeks before the "This Is It" concerts were to debut in London.

Jackson had missed some rehearsals and there were complaints from the show's choreographer that the singer didn't seem focused. A meeting was convened to discuss Jackson's health, and Murray reassured Phillips and others that the singer was healthy and would be able to perform.

"It was very obvious that Michael had great trust" in Murray, Phillips said.

Phillips said he attended Jackson's final rehearsal and was impressed.

"I had goose bumps," he said, adding that wasn't a typical reaction. "I am as cynical as you can be about this business."

After the rehearsal, Phillips said he walked Jackson to his vehicle, which was waiting to take him to the rented mansion. "He said, 'You got me here. Now I'm ready. I can take it from here,'" Phillips recounted.

By the time Jackson and security arrived at the home, Murray had already arrived at the house and was waiting to help the singer get to sleep.
AP Special Correspondent Linda Deutsch contributed to this report. Anthony McCartney can be reached at (Archiv-Version vom 19.10.2011).


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

26.10.2011 um 11:15
Nurse Cries Recalling Jackson's Drug Demands

8:17am UK, Wednesday October 26, 2011
Greg Milam, US correspondent

VIDEO im Bericht

A nurse has broken down in tears as she described how Michael Jackson ignored her attempts to steer him away from the powerful anaesthetic that killed him.

Cherilyn Lee told the trial of the doctor accused of killing Jackson that the star insisted propofol was the only thing he trusted to "knock him out" and induce the sleep he needed.

Ms Lee recalled a meeting with Jackson at his rented mansion two months before his death in which he mentioned propofol for the first time.

At one point she asked him: "What if you didn't wake up?"

Jackson insisted he would be safe if he had a doctor who could monitor him while he slept.

Prosecutors claim Dr Conrad Murray abandoned Jackson after administering a fatal dose of propofol and failed to have proper life-saving and monitoring equipment on hand.

Dr Murray has pleaded not guilty to involuntary manslaughter and says Jackson must have self-administered the drug.

Although called by the defence, under cross-examination Ms Lee acknowledged a conversation with Jackson about propofol in which she told him: "No one who cared or had your best interest at heart would give you this."

Randy Phillips also gave evidence at the trial

She said her final refusal to provide the drug came on April 19, 2009, and she never saw Jackson again.

The court also heard from the head of AEG, the concert promoter that planned Jackson's ill-fated This Is It shows in London.

Randy Phillips, the company president and chief executive, said the star was excited and committed to restarting his career in London where he could settle down with his children on a country estate "so they wouldn't be living as vagabonds".

He said Jackson, who he described as a "genius", agreed to an extended schedule on condition his own doctor travelled with him, he was provided with a lavish country home with streams and horses and that the Guinness Book of Records attend the 50th and last concert.

The court heard there were concerns about Jackson's health and his absence from some rehearsals.

Mr Phillips said Dr Murray reassured them that Jackson was in good health.

Dr Conrad Murray is accused of involuntary manslaughter

The defence have been prevented from using Jackson's contract with AEG as evidence in the trial.

They claimed it shows he would have owed millions in compensation if he cancelled the concerts.

Judge Michael Pastor said: "This is not a contractual dispute. This is a homicide case."

The defence will continue their case later today.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

26.10.2011 um 17:01

Michael Jackson wollte mit Konzerten in London Rekord brechen

26. Oktober 2011, 16:18 Uhr

Der US-Popstar Michael Jackson hat nach Aussage eines Zeugen geplant, mit den kurz vor seinem Tod geplanten Konzerten in London ins Guiness Buch der Rekorde zu kommen.

Der US-Popstar Michael Jackson hat nach Aussage eines Zeugen geplant, mit den kurz vor seinem Tod geplanten Konzerten in London ins Guiness Buch der Rekorde zu kommen. Das gab Randy Phillips am Dienstag (Ortszeit) in Los Angeles im Prozess gegen den früheren Jackson-Leibarzt Conrad Murray an und verwies auf Gespräche mit Jackson. Phillips' Firma AEG Live sollte die 50 London-Konzerte des "King of Pop" ab Mitte Juli 2009 veranstalten.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

26.10.2011 um 17:08
Michael Jackson wollte mit Konzerten Rekord brechen

26.10.2011 16:23 Uhr


Der US-Popstar Michael Jackson hat nach Aussage eines Zeugen geplant, mit den kurz vor seinem Tod geplanten Konzerten in London ins Guiness Buch der Rekorde zu kommen. Das gab Randy Phillips in Los Angeles im Prozess gegen den früheren Jackson-Leibarzt Conrad Murray an und verwies auf Gespräche mit Jackson. Phillips' Firma AEG Live sollte die 50 London-Konzerte des "King of Pop" ab Mitte Juli 2009 veranstalten.

Phillips' Angaben zufolge waren ursprünglich 31 Konzerte geplant, zehn mehr als Prince in der Londoner O2 Arena gegeben hatte. Der Kartenvorverkauf sei aber so gut gelaufen, dass AEG Live vorgeschlagen habe, 50 Konzerte zu veranstalten. Jackson habe unter zwei Bedingungen zugestimmt: Erstens sollten am Abend des 50. Konzerts Vertreter des Guinness-Buchs der Rekorde der Show beiwohnen und zweitens sollte außerhalb Londons eine Fläche mit Bächen und Pferden für seine Kinder bereitgestellt werden, damit sie nicht im Hotelzimmer eingesperrt wären.

Jacksons ehemaliger Leibarzt Murray muss sich derzeit wegen fahrlässiger Tötung vor Gericht verantworten. Die Staatsanwaltschaft ist überzeugt, dass der Mediziner dem US-Sänger eine Überdosis des Schlafmittels Propfol gegeben hat, die zum Tod des "King of Pop" führte. Murrays Anwälte vertreten die These, dass sich Jackson die tödliche Dosis selbst injiziert haben könnte, um Schlaf zu finden. Im Fall eines Schuldspruchs drohen dem 58-jährigen Murray bis zu vier Jahre Haft.


ein ähnlicher Bericht


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

26.10.2011 um 17:13
Lawyers to highlight positives of Michael Jackson's doctor Conrad Murray

October 26, 2011 9:54 AM

ConradMurray23 620x350

(CBS/AP) LOS ANGELES - Attorneys for Michael Jackson's personal physician Dr. Conrad Murray, who is charged with involuntary manslaughter in the singer's death, plan to shift their case Wednesday to highlight the doctor's positive traits.

Murray's defense team plans to call up to five character witnesses to testify.

Prosecutors have branded the Houston-based cardiologist as an inept and reckless physician while caring for the pop superstar.

The character witnesses will shift the case away from the investigators and medical professionals Murray's attorneys have called. They've tried to show that Jackson was desperate for sleep and eager to obtain the anesthetic propofol.

Murray, who has pleaded not guilty, had been giving Jackson propofol in the bedroom of his rented mansion.

Murray's attorneys claim the singer gave himself the lethal dose when the doctor left the room. (Archiv-Version vom 10.12.2011)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

26.10.2011 um 17:26
die Videos vom 17. Verhandlungstag vom Conrad Murray Prozess ... Part 5 folgt baldmöglichst ...

Conrad Murray Trial - Day 17, part 1
Youtube: Conrad Murray Trial - Day 17, part 1
Conrad Murray Trial - Day 17, part 1
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Conrad Murray Trial - Day 17 - 25.10.2011

-Nurse practitioners Cherilyn Lee
Conrad Murray Trial - Day 17, part 2
Youtube: Conrad Murray Trial - Day 17, part 2
Conrad Murray Trial - Day 17, part 2
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Conrad Murray Trial - Day 17 - 25.10.2011

At 40:06 the livestream stopped for about 40 seconds!

-Nurse practitioners Cherilyn Lee - 0:00:00-0:52:00
-Hospital Executive Amir Dan Rubin - starting 0:52:00
Conrad Murray Trial - Day 17, part 3
Youtube: Conrad Murray Trial - Day 17, part 3
Conrad Murray Trial - Day 17, part 3
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Conrad Murray Trial - Day 17 - 25.10.2011

- Randy Phillips
Conrad Murray Trial - Day 17, part 4
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Conrad Murray Trial - Day 17, part 4
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Conrad Murray Trial - Day 17 - 25.10.2011
Zeuge: Randy Phillips

Conrad Murray Trial - Day 17, part 5

It will be fixed and uploaded asap!

Conrad Murray Trial - Day 17, part 6/read description/
Conrad Murray Trial - Day 17 - 25.10.2011 /end of Day 17/
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Conrad Murray Trial - Day 17, part 6 /last/
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I'm experiencing small technical issues with part 5 that I don't have the time to fix right now. It will be fixed and uploaded asap!
Thank you!

1x zitiertmelden

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

26.10.2011 um 17:40
abc7MurrayTrial ABC7 Murray Trial
Who was your favorite witness so far and why? #ConradMurraytrial
vor 26 Minuten

abc7MurrayTrial ABC7 Murray Trial
After that, defense will call two expert doctors and could rest as early as tomorrow. We estimate jury will get the case next week.
vor 27 Minuten

abc7MurrayTrial ABC7 Murray Trial
#ConradMurraytrial is set to resume today at 9 am. Defense will bring 5 witnesses who will vouch for Dr. Murray's character.
vor 28 Minuten

abc7MurrayTrial ABC7 Murray Trial
Good morning from the courthouse in downtown LA. Sun is back but it is on the cooler side. #ConradMurraytrial
vor 30 Minuten


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

26.10.2011 um 17:41


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

26.10.2011 um 17:49
Character witnesses called for Michael Jackson's doctor

The Associated Press
Posted: Oct 26, 2011 10:52 AM ET
Last Updated: Oct 26, 2011 10:51 AM ET

After weeks of hearing prosecutors and witnesses cast the physician charged in Michael Jackson's death as a bad doctor, defence attorneys will shift the case to some of Dr. Conrad Murray's positive traits as the case nears its close.

Murray's defence team plans to call up to five character witnesses into a Los Angeles courtroom on Wednesday who will likely speak about the Houston-based cardiologist's care and life-saving abilities. The attorneys did not name the witnesses, but they are expected to be Murray's patients.

The flurry of character witnesses come as defence attorneys wind down their case. They told a judge Tuesday that after the character witnesses, they will only call two experts to try to counter prosecution experts who said Murray acted recklessly by giving the pop star the anesthetic propofol as a sleep aid.

Dr. Conrad Murray, right, sits with his attorney J. Michael Flanagan during his involuntary manslaughter trial at Los Angeles Superior Court in Los Angeles, Calif. on Oct. 24. Paul Buck/Associated Press

Defence attorneys could rest their case Thursday. They have already called nine witnesses, including a doctor and nurse practitioner who treated Jackson but refused his requests to help him obtain either an intravenous sleep aid or propofol.

Murray, 58, has pleaded not guilty to involuntary manslaughter. He faces up to four years behind bars and the loss of his medical licence if convicted.

His attorneys contend Jackson was desperate for sleep and gave himself the fatal dose of propofol when his doctor left the room.

They attempted to argue that Jackson would have been indebted to concert promoter AEG Live for nearly $40 million US if his shows were cancelled, but a judge blocked any mention of the figure to the jury Tuesday.

Instead, jurors heard from two witnesses who knew Jackson and described their interactions with the singer in the months before his death.

Complained he couldn't sleep

Nurse Cherilyn Lee testified about trying to help Jackson gain more energy in early 2009 to prepare for rehearsals for his planned series of comeback concerts. She said the singer complained he couldn't sleep, and on Easter Sunday asked her to help him obtain Diprivan, a brand name for propofol.

Lee, at times tearful, said she initially didn't know about the drug. But after asking a doctor about it and reading a reference guide, Lee said she tried to convince Jackson it was too dangerous to use in his bedroom.

"He told me that doctors have told him it was safe," Lee testified of Jackson's request for the anesthetic. "I said no doctor is going to do this in your house."

Nutritionist Cherilyn Lee told the court Tuesday that after she turned down Michael Jackson's request for propofol, she never saw him again. Jae C. Hong/Associated Press

The singer, however, insisted that he would be safe as long as someone monitored him, she said.

By Murray's own admission, he left Jackson's bedside on the morning of his death. When he returned, Jackson was unresponsive, according to his interview with police two days after Jackson's death on June 25, 2009.

The physician said he only left Jackson's bedside for two minutes, although his own attorneys have suggested it might have been longer. Phone records show Murray made or received several calls in the hour before Murray summoned help.

Lee acknowledged that she told detectives that she had told Jackson, "No one who cared or had your best interest at heart would give you this."

After refusing to help Jackson obtain propofol, she never saw the singer again.

Another defence witness, AEG Live President and CEO Randy Phillips, said Jackson appeared to have total confidence in Murray during meetings in early June, just a weeks before the This Is It concerts were to debut in London.

Impressed by This is It rehearsals

ackson had missed some rehearsals and there were complaints from the show's choreographer that the singer didn't seem focused. A meeting was convened to discuss Jackson's health, and Murray reassured Phillips and others that the singer was healthy and would be able to perform.

"It was very obvious that Michael had great trust" in Murray, Phillips said.

Phillips said he attended Jackson's final rehearsal and was impressed.

"I had goose bumps," he said, adding that wasn't a typical reaction. "I am as cynical as you can be about this business."

After the rehearsal, Phillips said he walked Jackson to his vehicle, which was waiting to take him to the rented mansion.

"He said, 'You got me here. Now I'm ready. I can take it from here,"' Phillips recounted.

By the time Jackson and security arrived at the home, Murray had already arrived at the house and was waiting to help the singer get to sleep.
© The Associated Press, 2011, The Canadian Press (Archiv-Version vom 26.10.2011)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

26.10.2011 um 17:51

Danke ... :D

TMZ zum Livestream ... :D
Conrad Murray is not a manslaughterer ... he's a lifesaver -- at least that's what the doc is expecting to hear from several former patients set to testify in court today as character witnesses.

Murray's team is planning to call a woman named Ruby Mosley, who Murray treated at his Houston clinic .... and another patient from Murray's Vegas practice.

Both are expected to rave about Murray's care -- and paint him as a responsible doctor who always acted in a professional manner.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

26.10.2011 um 18:01
na, das ist doch toll^^, MJ selbst hat zwar absolut nichts mehr davon, dafür aber seine Erben ... :D

„Forbes“-ListeMichael Jackson ist Top-Verdiener unter den Toten

Dienstag, 25.10.2011, 21:24

Auch zwei Jahre nach seinem Tod setzt der King of Pop noch immer Millionen um. In der „Forbes“-Liste der verstorbenen Künstler ließ Michael Jackson den King of Rock’n Roll, Elvis Presley, hinter sich.

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Sie sind tot, ihre Konten füllen sich aber weiter: Michael Jackson, Elvis Presley und Marilyn Monroe sind auf einer Liste des US-Magazins „Forbes“ die drei verstorbenen Künstler, die in den vergangenen Monaten am meisten Geld verdienten. Der am Dienstag veröffentlichten Aufstellung zufolge dürfen sich Jacksons Erben über die Summe von 170 Millionen Dollar (122 Millionen Euro) freuen, die vor allem durch Plattenverkäufe und Einnahmen aus dem Musikrechte-Katalog erzielt wurden.

Jackson liegt damit deutlich vor dem 1977 gestorbenen Elvis Presley, der es mit 55 Millionen Dollar Einnahmen aus der Touristenattraktion Graceland, einer Show in Las Vegas und der Vermarktung seiner Musik auf Rang zwei schaffte. Schauspielerin Marilyn Monroe erreichte 49 Jahre nach ihrem Tod mit 27 Millionen Dollar den dritten Platz.

Erstmals auch Liz Taylor mit dabei

Die im Mai verstorbene Schauspielerin Liz Taylor steht erstmals auf der Liste und belegt mit posthumen Einnahmen in Höhe von zwölf Millionen Dollar den fünften Platz, den sie sich mit dem erschossenen Beatle John Lennon teilt. Die Erben der im März gestorbenen Oscar-Gewinnerin profitieren vor allem von dem Verkauf von Taylors Parfüm „White Diamonds“. Vor den beiden Künstlern steht mit 25 Millionen Dollar noch Charles Schulz, Schöpfer der Comicserie „Peanuts“ um Charlie Brown und Snoopy, der sich damit erneut auf dem vierten Platz behaupten konnte.

Bereits im letzten Jahr ganz vorn

Um auf der Liste geführt zu werden, müssen verstorbene Künstler in den vergangenen zwölf Monaten mindestens sechs Millionen Dollar verdient haben. Bereits im vergangenen Jahr standen der King of Pop, Michael Jackson, und der King of Rock´n Roll, Elvis Presley, an der Spitze.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

26.10.2011 um 18:05
Michael JacksonDer Topverdiener unter den Toten

Mittwoch, 26.10.2011, 13:34

Auch nach seinem Tod klingelt es in den Kassen von Michael Jackson. Laut dem US-Magazin „Forbes“ verdiente der „King of Pop“ in den letzten Monaten rund 120 Millionen Euro.

Volle Kassen nach dem Tod: Michael Jackson bleibt der weltweit bestverdienendste tote Künstler. Insgesamt wuchs sein Vermögen seit Oktober 2010 um über 120 Millionen Euro, wie das US-Magazin „Forbes“ mitteilte. Der im Juni 2009 an einer Überdosis Schmerzmittel gestorbene Jackson führt die Liste im zweiten Jahr in Folge an.

Nach dem „King of Pop“ verdiente der 1977 gestorbene „King of Rock and Roll“, Elvis Presley, mit 40 Millionen Euro im vergangenen Jahr am zweitbesten. Die 1962 verstorbene Schauspielerin Marylin Monroe liegt mit 20 Millionen Euro auf dem dritten Platz. Forbes zufolge, verdienten die Top 15 der toten Künstler seit Oktober 2010 zusammen über 260 Millionen Euro.

Erstmals in dem Forbes-Ranking vertreten ist auf Platz fünf Glamour-Ikone Elizabeth Taylor. Die US-Schauspielerin starb im März im Alter von 79 Jahren. Ihr Vermögen wuchs den Angaben zufolge durch den Verkauf ihrer Villa in Los Angeles und durch Gewinne ihrer Parfümmarke um über acht Millionen Euro.

Jackson-Zirkusshow spielt 1,8 Millionen Euro pro Nacht ein

Wodurch tote Künstler verdienen, unterscheidet sich von Fall zu Fall. Der Großteil von Jacksons posthumen Gewinnen stammt aus Lizenzzahlungen für seine Songs. Der Sänger war beim Musikverlag Sony/ATV unter Vertrag und besaß zusätzlich sein eigenes Label Mijac Music.

Als wahre Geldmaschine erweist sich zudem die Michael-Jackson-Show „Immortal“ (unsterblich) des kanadischen Zirkusunternehmens Cirque du Soleil. Laut Forbes spielt diese pro Nacht brutto 1,8 Millionen Euro ein. Davon würden über 120.000 Euro Jacksons Vermögen zugutekommen.

In der Regel profitieren von den Gewinnen Angehörige der Verstorbenen. In Jacksons Fall sind das vor allem seine Mutter Katherine sowie seine Kinder Prince, Paris und Blanket.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

26.10.2011 um 18:06
ohhh, es hat ja schon angefangen ...

Der erste Zeuge ist Gerry Causey, der in Cedar City, Utah, lebt ...


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

26.10.2011 um 18:07
abc7MurrayTrial ABC7 Murray Trial
Causey: Dr. #Murray made me sign some paperwork, some kind of release, then they took me to the operating room for angiogram. #MurrayTrial
vor 53 Sekunden

abc7MurrayTrial ABC7 Murray Trial
Causey met Dr #conradmurray 11 years ago when he was living in Las Vegas. He had a heart attack, went to hospital and Dr. Murray was the doc
vor 1 Minute

abc7MurrayTrial ABC7 Murray Trial
First witness of Day 18 is Gerry Causey, who lives in Cedar City, Utah. #conradmurraytrial
vor 1 Minute

abc7MurrayTrial ABC7 Murray Trial
Trial beginning. You can watch it live on
vor 4 Minuten

abc7MurrayTrial ABC7 Murray Trial
La Toya Jackson just entered the courthouse.
vor 26 Minuten

abc7MurrayTrial ABC7 Murray Trial
Jackson family just about to walk into the building
vor 26 Minuten


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

26.10.2011 um 18:12
ich glaube Murray fängt gleich an zu heulen ...

seine Nerven scheinen blank zu liegen ...


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

26.10.2011 um 18:13

ja er weint ....warum ??


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

26.10.2011 um 18:17

keine Ahnung warum ... vielleicht kann er wirklich seine Emotionen unter der Last der Beweise nicht mehr kontrollieren ... ich habe auch gerade nicht alles mitbekommen, was der Zeuge ausgesagt hatte ...
vielleicht war da etwas dabei, was Murray so gerührt hatte ...


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

26.10.2011 um 18:19
abc7MurrayTrial ABC7 Murray Trial
Causey: during my procedure I didn't want to be sedated. I saw everything on the screen. He always explained me everything he was doing.
vor 2 Minuten

