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15.12.2011 um 15:50
Paris Jackson steps into the limelight today on ‘Ellen’ (preview)

Jackie Kass, TV Examiner
December 15, 2011

Paris Jackson steps into the limelight today when she makes her solo TV debut on The Ellen DeGeneres Show. The famous daughter of Michael Jackson replaced Lindsay Lohan at the last minute and she takes the opportunity to talk about her dream of becoming an actress. She also chats about the King of Pop.

When Ellen DeGeneres asks Paris if she had any idea who her superstar dad was, she responds…

I just thought he had a few songs out, but I figured everyone did that.

Paris Jackson also chats with Ellen about what life has been like for her and her family since Michael Jackson’s death, her thoughts on her dad’s efforts to shield her and her brothers from the public eye, and her starring role in the new film, Lundon’s Bridge and the Three Keys. The theme of the movie, saving the planet, is a cause close to both Paris and her father's heart. The film is based on the young adult book series by Dennis H. Christen. Paris is set to play the heroine in a story where “sea magic turns a dolphin into a human, a teenage boy into a dragonfly and a loving jellyfish into an evil fairy godmother."

Ellen DeGeneres asks Paris about the best piece of advice she received from Michael Jackson, who supported her desire to become an actress. To hear her answer, be sure to tune into The Ellen DeGeneres Show today. Check listings for local air times.


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15.12.2011 um 16:04 (Archiv-Version vom 19.12.2011)

Paris Jackson on Life With Father Michael Jackson
The 13-year-old daughter of the "King of Pop" opens up about life with him.
02:45 | 12/15/2011

VIDEO auf der Website

yrDN9F abc news video 15.12.2011


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15.12.2011 um 16:15
December 15, 2011

Taxpayers to pay for Murray's appeal
Posted: 08:49 AM ET

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Dr. Conrad Murray says he can't pay a lawyer to fight his conviction in the death of Michael Jackson - so the taxpayers might have to. That’s because Murray wants a public defender to represent him in his appeal. He made that request official on Tuesday, when he amended his notice of appeal with Superior Court of California.

The notice says, “The defendant is indigent and respectfully requests the appointment of counsel on appeal. The issues on appeal will be determined by counsel after review of the record.”

Click here to read Murray’s request for a public defender (PDF) (Archiv-Version vom 04.09.2014)

Murray is appealing his involuntary manslaughter conviction by a jury in November. Judge Michael Pastor sentenced Murray to the maximum of four years in the Los Angeles County Jail. It’s likely that Murray will only be incarcerated for a maximum of two years because of California’s overcrowded prisons and jails.

Click here to read more of In Session/HLNTV's coverage of the Conrad Murray trial (Archiv-Version vom 16.12.2011) (Archiv-Version vom 15.01.2012)


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15.12.2011 um 16:39
Ellen Talks to Paris Jackson About Growing Up
Paris Jackson was here and told Ellen what it was like growing up as the daughter of the biggest pop sensation in the world. They discussed everything from wearing masks in public, to her realization that she wanted to be an actor, as well as her new film, "Lundon's Bridge and the Three Keys."


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15.12.2011 um 17:35
Paris Jackson:
Masks were wacko

Jacko girl's TV chat

Published: 14th December 2011

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MICHAEL Jackson's daughter Paris has revealed in her first solo interview how she felt "stupid" being forced to wear a mask by her famous father.

The 13-year-old opened her heart to US talk show host Ellen DeGeneres about life with the King of Pop.

Paris was made to put on the mask in public to protect her identity. She said: "I'm like, 'This is stupid, why am I wearing a mask?' But I kind of realised the older I got that he only tried to protect us. He'd explain that to us too."

Paris and brothers Prince, 14, and Blanket, nine, have been cared for by their gran Katherine, 81, since Jacko died in June 2009 aged 50.

He had Paris schooled at home to shield her from the world's glare but she said she is now having a "regular childhood" after being sent to Buckley School in Los Angeles.

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She said: "They didn't know who I was. I was like, 'Yes, I have a chance to be normal.' "

Paris also confirmed she will star as Lundon O'Malley in fantasy movie Lundon's Bridge and the Three Keys — as The Sun revealed last week.

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In the interview, to be shown in the US today, Paris revealed she wanted to act since she was "really little".

She added: "My dad was in the movie Moonwalker. I saw that and said, 'Wow, I want to be just like him. We would do improv together. He would give us little scenarios. He'd say, 'OK, in this scene you're going to cry' and I'd cry on the spot."

Dr Conrad Murray, 58, was jailed for four years last month for killing Jacko with a sedative overdose.

Video: Paris: Masks were wacko

JACKSON'S girl in rare TV interview about her life
with the King of Pop

vkBhjX thesun 15.12.2011video (Archiv-Version vom 16.12.2011) (Archiv-Version vom 15.12.2011)

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15.12.2011 um 17:46
Fragwürdige Ehrung für Michael Jackson
Glücksspielportal will Roulettekugel aus Haupthaar

15. Dezember 2011, 13:45 Uhr

Ein Onlineportal für Glücksspiele hat für rund 11.000 US-Dollar ein Bündel von Michael Jacksons Haaren erworben. Ihnen soll nun eine "einzigartige Ehre" zuteil werden.

Man kann ja nie wissen, wofür man es braucht. Das dachten sich anscheinend auch die Angestellten des New Yorker Carlyle Hotels und sammelten die Haare ein, die Michael Jackson während seines Besuches in seinem Hotelzimmer verloren hatte. Das beachtliche Bündel soll jetzt wiederverwertet werden. Das Glücksspiel-Onlineportal hat die Haare für 10.871 US-Dollar gekauft und will daraus eine Roulettekugel anfertigen lassen.

In einem Statement, das die Firma auf ihrer Webseite veröffentlicht, heißt es: " ist hocherfreut, mitteilen zu dürfen, dass wir einige der Haare von Poplegende Michael Jackson für 10.871 Dollar bekommen haben. Aus diesen wird nun eine einzigartige Roulettekugel angefertigt."

Was sich nach Leichenfledderei anhört, ist nach Ansicht der Portalbetreiber eine besondere Form der Ehrerbietung: "Als große Michael-Jackson-Fans waren wir tieftraurig, als er 2009 verstarb. Um ihm für die ganzen Jahre der Unterhaltung zu danken, wollten wir dem unangefochtenen King of Pop eine einzigartige Ehre zuteil werden lassen." Die Kugel würde nach den "höchsten professionellen Standards" hergestellt, damit sie "an jedem lizenzierten Roulettetisch verwendet werden kann". Der Gedanke, dass Jackson zu seinen Lebzeiten Millionen Menschen unterhalten habe, werde so weitergeführt. Man sei außerdem bereit, die Roulettekugel auch an andere Spielkasinos zu verleihen. "Gemeinsam können wir sicherstellen, dass Michael Jackson für immer rocken und 'rollen' wird."


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15.12.2011 um 19:16
Jackson-Tochter in Talkshow

"Ich will so werden wie er"

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Als Kleinkind musste sie ihr Gesicht vor der Öffentlichkeit verbergen, der berühmte Papa wollte das so. Nach Michael Jacksons Tod strebt seine Tochter Paris mit aller Macht ins Scheinwerferlicht. In der Talkshow von Ellen DeGeneres plauderte sie nun über ihre Vergangenheit - und Zukunftspläne.

Hamburg - Jahrelang kannte niemand ihr Gesicht. Alles, was man von Paris Jackson wusste, war, dass sie existierte. Ihr Vater, der verstorbene King of Pop, achtete penibel darauf, dass seine Kinder stets Masken trugen, sobald sie das Haus verließen. Kein Fotograf sollte die Gesichter der Kleinen ablichten.

Inzwischen ist Paris Jackson 13 Jahre alt, ihr Vater ist vor mehr als zwei Jahren gestorben - und nun scheint es die junge Frau sehr eilig zu haben, ins Scheinwerferlicht zu kommen. Während sie auf bisherigen Veranstaltungen - der Trauerfeier oder einem Gedenkkonzert - stets in Begleitung ihrer Familienmitglieder auftauchte, absolvierte Paris nun ihren ersten Solo-Auftritt.

In der Talkshow von Moderatorin Ellen DeGeneres, die am Donnerstag ausgestrahlt wird, plauderte sie über ihre Kindheit. Die sei "ganz normal" gewesen, sagte die 13-Jährige. Was nicht zuletzt dem Masken-Wahn ihres Vaters zu verdanken sei. Auch wenn sie das erst im Nachhinein zu schätzen wisse. "Als ich älter war habe ich kapiert, dass er uns nur beschützen wollte."

Deutlich interessanter waren die Zukunftspläne von Paris Jackson. Nein, sie will nicht singen. Die Schauspielerei soll es sein! Inspiriert wurde sie dazu von einem Film ihres Vaters, "Moonwalker" aus dem Jahr 1988. Sie habe zwar gewusst, dass ihr Vater gut singen könne, aber von seinen schauspielerischen Talenten nichts gewusst, ehe sie den Film zum ersten Mal sah. "Ich will so werden wie er", habe sie sich damals beim Filmegucken gesagt.

Beeindruckende Tränendrüse

Und Michael Jackson hat sie in ihren Wünschen offenbar bekräftigt. Daheim hätte er regelmäßig mit ihr und ihren Brüdern Prince Michael und Blanket immer wieder das Schauspielern geübt, verriet Paris Jackson in der Talkshow. Heute könne sie sogar auf Kommando heulen. Kommentar von DeGeneres: "Das ist beeindruckend." Und es gibt tatsächlich schon ein erstes Filmprojekt: Paris soll in dem teilanimierten Film "Lundon's Bridge and the Three Keys" die Hauptrolle spielen, die Dreharbeiten beginnen im Januar.

Gegen Ende des Talkshow-Auftritts wurde die Moderatorin dann sentimental. "Wir alle fühlen den Verlust", sagte sie. Sie könne sich gar nicht vorstellen, wie schwer es dann erst für Jacksons Tochter sein müsse. "Du bist ein tolles, tolles Mädchen." Sie sei sehr stolz auf Paris.

Bei so viel Rührseligkeit hätte DeGeneres dann fast das Wichtigste vergessen - die Geschenke für Paris Jackson. Passend zu den Zukunftsplänen gab's für die 13-Jährige einen Regie-Stuhl mit ihrem Namen und eine Filmklappe. Vor Freude schlug sich die Beschenkte die Hände vor das Gesicht. Und DeGeneres stellte fest: "Du bist bereit für deinen ersten Film."

aar/AFP/dpa,1518,804032,00.html (Archiv-Version vom 16.12.2011)

ein in Verbindung stehender Bericht:


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15.12.2011 um 19:27
Janet Jackson Talks Weight Loss, Conrad Murray, & Advice for Niece on ‘GMA’

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Janet Jackson took to “GMA” to announce her new role as spokeswoman for Nutrisystem, the leading home delivery weight loss program. In a sit-down interview with Juju Chang, the pop icon spoke out about her weight loss struggles, the verdict in the trial of Dr. Conrad Murray, and her niece Paris’ Hollywood dreams.

The superstar singer revealed that her body image issues began with her role on “Good Times.” “I didn’t like it. We always find something wrong with us, somewhere,” said Janet, who found comfort in junk food. “I could really easily pick myself apart and that’s what I did.”

At the age of 45, Ms. Jackson is finally feeling confident about her body. “I’m able to look in the mirror. I couldn’t do that before,” she shared. “I’m very grateful to be able to do what I love most, what I really feel I was here to do, and that’s to help others.”

Janet also talked publicly for the first time since Dr. Conrad Murray was sentenced in the death of her brother, Michael Jackson. “It doesn’t bring my brother back—that would be the ultimate—but the best was done at that moment,” she said.

When asked what she thinks of her niece Paris landing a role in a Hollywood film, she sighed. “I’m happy for her because this is what she wants to do,” said Janet. “I told her you should really take this time to enjoy your youth to its fullest because you lose so much of your childhood in this industry.”

Janet, who has been performing around the world on her “Number Ones” tour, has had a year of highs and lows. “It’s been a great deal of happiness, it’s been some sadness, it’s been difficult at times.”

Janet Jackson on Good Morning America 12/15/2011
Janet Jackson on Weight, Conrad Murray Trial and Childhood with Michael 12/15/2011


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16.12.2011 um 08:43
Paris Jackson on the "Ellen" (Degeneres) Show..Thursday, December 15th, 2011
Youtube: Paris Jackson on the "Ellen" (Degeneres) Show..Thursday, December 15th, 2011
Paris Jackson on the "Ellen" (Degeneres) Show..Thursday, December 15th, 2011
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I do not own the audio nor video clips in this video..
uploaded for MJ fans who do not get this program on their TV.


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16.12.2011 um 20:53
Ad8WSR mjjnews 15.12.2011A
juX1vS mjjnews 15.12.2011

♥ 12.15.11

Michael Jackson’s daughter recently appeared in The Ellen Show where she was interviewed by Ellen DeGeneres. The full interview will air tomorrow (Thursday) but a first clip was shown today. In this interview, Paris is asked about wearing masks when she was younger. Let’s take a look at what she REALLY says:

Video link:


Ellen: And they [people at your school] didn’t know who you were because you
▌ used to wear masks all the time.

Paris: Yes.

Ellen: And when you would wear the masks, do you remember thinking — ‘cause
▌ obviously your dad did that to protect you so nobody would know who you are and you could go
▌ out and have a regular life… But do you remember wearing the masks, going ‘This is kind
▌ of weird’?

Paris: Yeah, I’m like ‘This is stupid, why am I wearing masks?’

Ellen: Right.

Paris: But yeah, I kind of realized the older I got, like, he only tried to protect us and
▌ he explained that to us, too.


Now let’s take a look at how the media misquoted her and made her say things she never said…

Michael Jackson’s daughter Paris tells Ellen ‘I felt stupid wearing a mask’ |

“Michael Jackson’s daughter Paris has given an interview to the Ellen show - and says she felt ‘stupid’ in the mask Michael made her and her brothers wear.”

Paris Jackson didn’t like ‘stupid’ masks | Contactmusic

“Paris Jackson admits she used to get annoyed when her father Michael would make her wear a mask when she was out in public, but later understood his intentions.”

Paris admit’s father Michael Jackson’s attempts to hide his children’s faces with masks was ‘stupid’ | Daily Mail

“‘The masks were stupid,’ admits Paris as she discusses father Michael Jackson’s attempts to protect his children on Ellen”

“Despite ridiculing the myriad of disguises on The Ellen DeGeneres Show, the teenager revealed she understood why the King Of Pop had concealed his brood.”

The Daily Mail even changed their title, but the original title of their article was:

Paris Jackson ridicules Michael’s attempts to hide his children’s faces with masks

ABC News in their article Paris Jackson Recalls Wearing Mask: ‘This Is Stupid’ (note again how the title is misleading) chose another strategy. Instead of embedding the video clip from the interview directly in their article and allowing people to hear what she says in context, they chose to make their own video showing only 2 snippets of the interview and have a guy talking in the video to “explain” what she says — as if people needed guidance to interpret her words —, which allows them to put a negative spin to it. This is how the ABC News guy introduces what Paris says: “In an interview that airs Thursday, Paris Jackson says that she and her brothers now live a relatively normal life, a far cry from when they were younger and Michael had them wearing masks when they go out in public.” They also cut Ellen’s question, only keeping the last part (“Do you remember wearing the masks, going ‘This is kind of weird’?”).

Please spread this to show the world how the media would do anything to trash Michael Jackson. They even distort Paris’ own words to make them fit with their negative views about Michael. (Archiv-Version vom 31.07.2012)

Paris Jackson Recalls Wearing Mask: ‘This Is Stupid’ (Archiv-Version vom 16.12.2011)


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16.12.2011 um 21:04
für den Film Lundon's Bridge and the Three Keys werden noch Schauspieler gesucht ...
verschiedene Rollen sind noch zu besetzen ...
? as Kevin O'Malley
? as Sonia O'Malley
? as Wes and Ida
? Madam Lifee
? Corey
150 Kids Roles as Kidnapped Children = 150 Rollen für Kinder, als gekidnappte Kinder ...

und es sind auch noch einige Rollen bei den "Animated Characters" frei ... (Archiv-Version vom 13.12.2011)

Paris Jackson Photoshoot
Youtube: Paris Jackson Photoshoot
Paris Jackson Photoshoot
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Paris Jackson is starring in the film Lundon's Bridge and the Three Keys as Lundon O'Malley. This is her first photo shoot for the film at GMT Studios.


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16.12.2011 um 21:21
Bilder aus dem Video Paris Jackson bei der Ellen-Show ... ihre Brüder Prince und Blanket saßen im Publikum ... die Bilder sind aus einem amerikanischen Forum ... :)

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16.12.2011 um 22:23
Exploitation of the Jackson 3: How the singer's children are being cynically controlled by the man whose greed wrecked his childhood

By Paul Scott
Last updated at 8:57 PM on 16th December 2011

Even by the standards of someone twice her age, there was a quiet assurance about 13-year-old Paris Jackson’s triumphant first solo appearance before the cameras of a U.S. chat show this week.

Gone was the frightened and sobbing child who was reluctantly pushed into the spotlight by her aunties and uncles at her father Michael’s televised memorial service a little over two years ago.

In her place was a young woman, sleekly coiffed by the team of stylists and make-up artists who now travel with her, and with the sort of poise you would scarcely expect of a young teenager.

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Michael Jackson desperately sought to protect his children (Prince, left, Paris and younger brother Blanket, right) from the media spotlight when he was alive

But then, Paris, who had been wheeled out by the controlling Jackson clan to appear on the sofa of TV chat show hostess Ellen DeGeneres, is hardly your average teenager.

For starters, in preparation for her primetime appearance this week, Paris had been trained rigorously for weeks by the Hollywood actors’ agency that has been newly engaged by her grandmother and legal guardian Katherine Jackson to guide the youngster’s nascent acting career.

Meanwhile, the family are in negotiation with top model agency boss and talent-spotter Michael Flutie, who launched the careers of Cindy Crawford, Milla Jovovich and Stephanie Seymour, to oversee Paris’s planned transition from schoolgirl to catwalk star.

‘I think she’s stunning,’ Mr Flutie said this week. ‘I said I would represent her because that’s how beautiful I think she is.’

He is not alone in spotting the rich pickings on offer for those helping to shape the careers of the King of Pop’s children.

Paris is already set to make her acting debut in a film version of the children’s fantasy book Lundon’s Bridge And The Three Keys, which is due for release in 2013.

Nor is she the only one of Jackson’s three children who is being pushed — prematurely, some argue — into the white heat of the media gaze from which their father had so desperately sought to protect them.

Michael’s long-time friend Brian Oxman — who also happens to be the Jackson family’s lawyer — told me this week of his concerns that the singer might not have approved of his beloved children being paraded so publicly.

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Paris is hardly your average teenager. This week she was interviewed by TV chat show hostess Ellen DeGeneres

Michael’s way of bringing them up was that he wanted them to have a childhood,’ he explained.

‘He wanted them to experience being innocent young people growing up.

‘Since he felt his childhood had been stolen from him, he didn’t want that to happen to his kids,’ he added.

‘It’s hard to say if Michael would be happy about what’s happening. He just wanted his children to be the masters of their lives.’

Yet the push to make the youngsters stars in their own right appears relentless. And it is Katherine and her estranged husband Joe who, together, are the driving force.

Many believe history could be repeating itself here. They remember how Michael’s father Joe would to drive him mercilessly to perform, bullying him emotionally and physically.

‘If you didn’t do it the right way, he would tear you up,’ Michael said, adding, on the Oprah Winfrey Show, that he was so afraid of his father, he was sometimes sick when he saw Joe.

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Eccentric: Michael with the shrouded Paris and Prince in 2002

To coincide with her interview with TV chatshow host Miss DeGeneres, Paris and her brothers Prince, 14, and nine-year-old Prince Michael II — known as Blanket — posed together for a major article on them this week in People magazine.

The American celebrity magazine calls the children ‘The Jackson Three’ — a play on words said to have been dreamt up by Joe, their grandfather, who managed the Jackson Five group in which a young Michael found fame with his elder brothers.

Joe had long been estranged from his most famous son and was publicly accused by Michael of being a controlling and violent bully.

Yet this is the man behind Michael’s children’s appearance before the cameras on the U.S. version of The X Factor two weeks ago.

Sources in the States say the publicity drive being coordinated by 83-year-old Joe and Katherine, 81, is all leading up to an announcement that the children have been signed up to appear in their own reality TV show which will give fly-on-the-wall cameras access to their California home.

And this attempt to turn Jackson’s children into highly bankable stars has understandably led to calls that they are being exploited.

Michael’s official fan club has raised its concerns and one influential website, set up to protect the dead singer’s legacy, has already called for an end to what it calls ‘the exploitation of his children for the financial gain of the Jackson family’.

The Michael Jackson Accountability Network website has published an open letter to the clan warning them to call a halt to the series of controversial money-making schemes they have embarked on since Jackson’s death in June 2009 at the age of 50.

The claims of exploitation have now led to a bitter split within the Jackson family, with some of Michael’s eight surviving siblings turning on each other and their parents in the unseemly scramble for cash.

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'Michael's way of bringing them (his children) up was that he wanted them to have a childhood,' said the singer's long-time friend Brian Oxman

The bad blood came to head two months ago when brothers Jermaine and Randy and sister Janet publicly criticised a star-studded tribute concert held at Cardiff’s Millennium Stadium which was organised by their parents.

While their siblings Marlon, Tito, Jackie and La Toya all agreed to appear on the bill, the event became mired in controversy with claims that although some funds would go to charity, and £64,000 to Michael’s children, the promoters could not confirm how much the good causes would actually receive.

Some family members were also angry that the event coincided with the trial of Jackson’s physician Dr Conrad Murray, who was jailed last month for four years for administering a fatal dose of the surgical anaesthetic propofol to the star.

The show also fell foul of the official executors of the singer’s estate, who have had a running battle with Michael’s parents over a series of stunts the Jacksons have dreamt up to cash in on their late son’s fame.

Indeed, the Cardiff event — at which Michael’s children were once again on public display — is said to have taken place in Britain only to get around U.S. intellectual property law.

D6fTbt dailymail 16.12.2011

Even so, the singer’s full name and picture were noticeably absent from the official concert promotion material.

Jackson’s children have been served up for public consumption by their grandparents on any number of occasions.

Earlier this year, when their grandmother was promoting a coffee table book she has written about Michael, Oprah Winfrey was granted access to the compound where they live with her in Los Angeles.

About the same time, the children appeared on the TV show Good Morning America to talk about the death of their father.

Both interviews led Michael’s brother Randy and his sister Janet to criticise their parents for exploiting the children for personal gain.

And the point is Joe and Katherine are rather keen on personal gain. They are currently fighting a lawsuit issued by Michael’s executors, who accuse them of trying to flog unauthorised tacky Jacko memorabilia, including a crystal-encrusted leather belt signed by Jackson’s children.

Earlier this year Joe, who lives for the most part in Las Vegas, was even said to have offered fans the chance to have their pictures taken with Prince, Paris and Blanket in exchange for cash.

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The estimated £500 million earned by Michael since his death has not yet filtered through to his heirs

Joe, who was left out of his son’s will, has launched a series of court actions to try to win damages over Michael’s death, including actions against Dr Murray, the concert promoters AEG Live, who were bankrolling Michael’s planned 50‑date London tour when he died, and the pharmacy which supplied the drug that killed him.

Meanwhile, Katherine, who along with Michael’s children stands to inherit the singer’s fortune, complains that the £50,000 his executors grant her each month to care for his children is not enough.

Family lawyers are also furious that the estimated £500 million earned by Jackson since his death — including a posthumous £166 million album deal signed with Sony and the £194 million earned by This Is It, the film of Jackson’s rehearsals for his proposed UK shows — has not yet filtered through to his heirs.

But John Branca and John McClain, the entertainment lawyers appointed as executors of the estate, say it could take years to unravel the troubled star’s financial affairs and pay off more than £300 million of debts Jackson had when he died.

Even so, the children and Katherine — who was declared bankrupt in 1999 — are hardly living in penury.

Since March they have been staying at a rented £16,000-a-month estate, complete with its own golf course, in the upmarket LA neighbourhood of Calabasas.

They have moved into the house on a gated community, where neighbours include Britney Spears and Kim Kardashian, while the family home in nearby Encino is being refurbished, with the bill being paid by the executors.

This week Paris said on the TV chat show that she felt ‘stupid’ in the masks and veil her father made her and her siblings wear to protect their identity.

Yet she insisted she and her brothers have a regular childhood.

As her grandmother Katherine has said: ‘They have their friends over. They ride their bikes.’

In reality, it is anything but normal.

Each morning, a slow-moving cavalcade of vehicles transports Paris and Prince to the private school they attend on the edge of California’s Santa Monica mountains.

Several bulky bodyguards, sporting Secret Service-style ear-pieces and lapel microphones jump out of the vehicles to usher them into school.

Throughout the day, armed close protection minders shadow the children as they attend lessons at £21,000-a-year Buckley School. The bodyguards eat lunch in the school cafeteria and swim in its indoor pool.

Ever since Paris and Prince enrolled at the school in September 2010, the presence of the hulking security men has been causing complaints from other parents who say they terrify their children.

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The children, who will inherit their father's fortune when they reach 30, are at constant risk of kidnap

For his part, Blanket, who is said to be very withdrawn and shy and is the only one of the singer’s children who looks even vaguely like him, is still taught by private teachers in the kitchen of the family’s seven-bedroom house, where he has his own constant bodyguards.

The children are occasionally visited by former nurse Debbie Rowe, Jackson’s former wife and the mother of the two elder children, both of whom are said to have been fathered by a sperm donor. (While Michael Jackson was alive, she was not involved with the children; he paid her off so that he could bring them up himself, with the help of an army of nannies. But when he died, grandmother Katherine agreed that Debbie could have supervised visits.)

The identity of Blanket’s mother and father has never been revealed — Jackson adopted him soon after he was born, and there has been endless speculation as to whether he fathered the child as a sperm donor.

The Jackson family insist that the security presence is very necessary, given that the children, who will inherit their father’s fortune when they reach 30, are at constant risk of kidnap.

The King of Pop’s children are, to put it crudely, very valuable commodities indeed.

Lawyers are expecting to set a trial date on January 31 for the children’s own separate lawsuit against promoters AEG Live.

The Jackson family’s lawyer Brian Oxman told me if they win, the damages could eventually reach up to $1 billion.

He says AEG employed Dr Conrad Murray — a claim it denies — and that this astronomical sum is based on what Jackson could have earned had he lived.

‘The children are the youngest plaintiffs for the largest amount of money in our memory,’ Mr Oxman said.

‘I don’t think there is anywhere that could rival the size of this legal claim.’

Is it any surprise, then, that the children Jackson tried so assiduously to protect have had to grow up so quickly?


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16.12.2011 um 22:37
Shock horror! Jacko's girl is so normal. Peaches, please take note

By Jan Moir
Last updated at 4:11 PM on 16th December 2011

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Down to Earth Song: Paris Jackson, 13, proved on the Ellen DeGeneres show that she is far from the neurotic teen wreck you might expect

Michael Jackson’s only daughter gave her first solo television interview this week. Paris Jackson turned up on the Ellen DeGeneres show in the U.S. to talk about her debut as an actress. It was an absolutely shocking appearance — for all the right reasons.

For 13-year-old Paris was poised, she was pretty, she was sweet. She was very, very far from the gibbering, neurotic teen wreck that one might expect following the, um, difficulties of her cloistered and bizarre upbringing.

Even by showbiz standards, Paris has lived through some challenging times. Daddy was the most famous entertainer on the whole planet. The circus of his life was matched only by the grotesqueness of his death. Not to mention the court case that followed, in which Jackson’s doctor was found guilty of involuntary manslaughter. None of it very edifying, least of all for a little girl to witness and absorb and try to understand.

One of the last occasions Paris was seen in public was at the incredibly gaudy memorial held in Los Angeles for her father, in which his body lay centre-stage in a gold casket. Over a billion people watched on television as the star-studded ceremony unfolded, with Stevie Wonder, Mariah Carey and Lionel Richie singing songs... to the casket.

Mind-blowing for all, not just for his traumatised and grieving then 11-year-old daughter. At one point during the proceedings, Paris was seen sobbing with her hands over her ears. Who could blame her?

Yet here she is now, all grown up — almost — and somehow managing to be remarkably down-to-earth and even empathetic as she explained to Ellen that yes, she hated being made to wear a mask in public by her father when she was little. However, now she understands that daddy Michael was only trying to protect her and her brothers, Prince and Blanket. All perfectly normal family stuff, what’s the problem?

Paris also explained that Michael helped her prepare for her upcoming film role, in which she will play Lundon in Lundon’s Bridge And The Three Keys, an action-animation adaptation of the fantasy series based on writer Dennis Christen’s novels.

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Protective father: Paris told presenter Ellen she hated being made to wear a mask when she was young

Michael taught her how to act by holding improv sessions at home and encouraging Paris to cry on demand. Or was that just her natural response when he also told her, in so many words, that he wouldn’t be around for very long. Encouraging!

Yet none of this seems to have dented Paris’s amiable confidence and charm. She is a credit to someone — but who? With a starring role in a film already to her credit, her future looks bright, in the short term at least. Yet can she or any of Michael’s children expect to live a normal life and escape the demons of the past? What real chance is there that it will all be OK for her?

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Jacko's offspring: Prince Jackson, 14, Blanket Jackson, 9, and Paris Jackson, 13, appear onstage at the 'Michael Forever' concert in Cardiff last October

Perhaps she will thrive and soar — and let us hope so. Or perhaps she will be just another recruit to the ranks of the SADOS — those desperate Sons and Daughters of Stars who want to carve out a slice of the fame pie for themselves — and choke it down with a nice, big glass of Do You Know Who I Am? And it is strange (or is it?) that having spent so many of her formative years under a blanket dropped on her head by daddy, that little Paris is now determined to be a star herself.

She seeks the limelight like a parched baby camel skipping towards the sparkling desert oasis. She is like a budgie who has ripped away the cloth over the cage with her own tiny beak.

For one thing SADOS do not want to do is hide their light under a bushel, no matter how hopeless or talent-free they might be. Paris has yet to prove herself — but the rest of us have so long suffered at the mercy of SADOS inflicting themselves upon the unsuspecting public that we are more than jaded.

From Jade Jagger and her ‘jewellery designs’, to Sting’s daughter Coco Sumner’s music career, Mick and Jerry’s goofy modelling daughters, to Ronnie Wood’s girl Leah and her rock star ambitions to interminable Peaches Geldof, who is both attracted and repelled by the celebrity life but cannot find it in herself to leave it alone.

She has even just become engaged to another man who looks just like daddy. Chelsea Clinton has launched herself as a TV reporter in America, saying that she had a responsibility to ‘do something’ with her fame. Nothing she did or said onscreen dismissed charges that she was there because of her surname.

Well, let us hope Paris Jackson bucks the ghastly trend. So far, so very positive even if fame is a burden as well as a blessing. Everyone has their fingers crossed for this exceptional and tragedy-struck teen.

Yet she must also be warned that we are all on a short fuse. For witnessing the underwhelming achievements of over-privileged offspring is one of the torments of the age. Peaches, you know we mean you-hoo.

[ .... ]


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16.12.2011 um 22:42
Elizabeth Taylor director's chairs, scripts sell

(AFP) – 48 minutes ago

NEW YORK — Memorabilia including director's chairs and scripts from Elizabeth Taylor's movie days fetched tens of thousands of dollars a piece at auction Friday in New York.

As on previous days at the marathon sale of the late actress's belongings at Christie's auctioneers, collectors paid far more than the estimated values.

A folding wood-and-leather director's chair for the 1987 western "Poker Alice" went for $84,100, many times higher than the estimated $3,000-$5,000. The story was similar for other chairs, including a matching pair inscribed for Taylor and her husband Richard Burton, which sold for $88,900.

Collectors also competed for a long list of movie scripts, paying $170,500 for Taylor's copy of the script to the 1944 "National Velvet" film that made her a worldwide child star. It had been estimated at just $2,000-$3,000 before the sale.

Her script for "Cat on a Hot Tin Roof," from 1958, fetched $104,500.

Previous sessions this week netted millions of dollars amid frenzied bidding for Taylor's vast collection of clothes, handbags, and jewelry.

Friday's sale also stood out for art works, including an Andy Warhol candy box that sold for $236,500, some three times the estimate, and a line drawing by Warhol of a pair of lips, inscribed "To elizabeth a big kiss Andy Warhol," selling for $242,500, compared to the $8,000 high estimate.

A photograph of Taylor's friend Michael Jackson, inscribed "To My True Love, Elizabeth," realized $146,500, compared to the $2,000-$3,000 estimate.

The actress died in March at the age of 79.


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17.12.2011 um 08:48
und nun auch eine Berichterstattung in Deutsch, zu dem vorgenanntem Bericht u. a. über den Verkauf des Bildes von Liz Taylor, mit der Widmung von Michael Jackson ...

Liz-Taylor-Auktion endete mit Erlös von 118 Mio. Euro

Christie’s Live-Auktion von Elizabeth Taylors Hinterlassenschaften ist gestern mit einem Erlös von 154,2 Millionen Dollar (118,0 Mrd. Euro) zu Ende gegangen. „Die Nachfrage von Interessenten aus aller Welt war überwältigend“, sagte der Vorsitzende von Christie’s Amerika, Marc Porter, zum Abschluss der viertägigen Versteigerung. Online sollte der Verkauf von Schmuck, Kleidung und Kunst aus dem Nachlass der Leinwandlegende noch einen Tag weiterlaufen.

Nach Angaben von Christie’s übertrifft das Ergebnis den Schätzwert des Auktionshauses um das Siebenfache. Auch am Freitag wurden wieder alle Lose (100 Prozent) zugeschlagen. Ein großes Foto von Michael Jackson mit dessen Widmung für Liz, seine langjährige enge Vertraute, erzielte einen Preis von 146.500 Dollar (112.140 Euro) statt der geschätzten 2.000 bis 3.000 Dollar. Jackson hatte die Worte „Für meine wahre Liebe, Elizabeth. Ich liebe Dich auf alle Ewigkeit, Michael Jackson“ auf das Bild geschrieben.

Publiziert am 17.12.2011


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17.12.2011 um 08:54
Freddie Mercury noch immer ein Teil von Queen

Queen-Gitarrist Brian May legt Wert darauf, dass der 1991 verstorbene Leadsänger Freddie Mercury in der Musik der Band weiterlebt.

17.12.2011 07:00

Brian May will, dass Freddie Mercury durch Queens Musik weiterlebt.

Obwohl der Leadsänger 1991 an den Folgen einer AIDS-Erkrankung starb, legt Gitarrist May Wert darauf, dass Mercury auch in Zukunft bei den Projekten der Gruppe, die dieses Jahr ihr 40-jähriges Jubiläum feierte, berücksichtigt wird. So suchen er und Schlagzeuger Roger Taylor immer wieder nach alten Aufnahmen, auf denen auch der einstige Leadsänger zu hören ist.

"Wir kramen jetzt nicht gezielt alte Sachen wieder hervor, wir finden einfach von Zeit zu Zeit Sachen, die interessant sind", verrät May im Gespräch mit dem Radiosender BBC 6 Music. "Es gibt ein paar interessante Aufnahmen, auf denen Freddie mit Michael Jackson singt und an denen wir momentan arbeiten. Das sind die Art von Sachen, an denen wir zusammen arbeiten können, und es ist schön, dass Freddie in gewisser Weise auch daran beteiligt ist."

Nachdem sich Queen-Bassist John Deacon 1997 aus dem Musikgeschäft zurückzog, ist May sich inzwischen derweil nicht mehr sicher, ob er und Taylor noch das Recht haben, den Bandnamen Queen zu verwenden. "Sind wir Queen? In gewisser Weise schon, aber dann wiederum werden wir es doch niemals wirklich sein", sinniert der 64-Jährige.

BANG Media International


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17.12.2011 um 08:57
I wish Paris had waited before starting acting: Janet Jackson

Source: PTI | Last Updated 12:54(17/12/11)

London: Janet Jackson is excited her 13-year-old niece Paris Jackson has landed her first movie role but wishes she had waited longer before beginning her career.

It was recently revealed that Paris, daughter of late pop icon Michael Jackson, had landed her debut movie role in 'Lundon's Bridge and the Three Keys', reported Femalefirst.

And while her aunt is excited about the opportunity, she doesn't want the youngster to miss out on her childhood in the way she did.

"I'm excited for her, but it worries me a little bit.

Yeah, I wish that she would maybe wait. I got into the business at a young age. It's not an easy thing. Your childhood. You completely lose and I didn't get to experience that, so she has the rest of her adult life to be that actress that she wants to be and I told her that," Janet said.


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17.12.2011 um 12:05 (Archiv-Version vom 22.12.2011)

15.12.2011: Paris Jackson bei Ellen DeGeneres

Gestern haben wir bereits über einige Aussagen von Michaels Tochter, Paris, bei ihrem ersten Soloauftritt in einer Talk Show berichtet. Heute wurde die betreffende Episode der Ellen Degeneres Show ausgestrahlt und es gab noch ein paar weitere interessante und herzige Momente und Aussagen, die wir Euch nicht vorenthalten möchten. Paris erschien in einem coolen Outfit und schwarzer Fedora und, auch wenn sie sagte, dass sie nervös sei über ihren ersten Auftritt, schien es, dass sie sich wohl fühlte und sie machte ihre Sache super. Ellen ist bekannt dafür, dass sie gern tanzt und sie tanzt immer wieder während ihrer Show. Und als Paris reinkam, tanzte sie ihren Weg zu Ellen. Well, I am telling you, she has definitely got the moves. Ihre Brüder Prince und Blanket waren zu ihrer Unterstützung im Publikum – ohne Begleitung. Wie wir erfuhren, singt Paris ein bisschen, lernt gerade Klavier zu spielen, aber am liebsten schauspielert sie. Als Ellen sie fragte, ob sie das Schauspielern dem Singen bevorzuge, weil sie nicht mit ihrem Daddy verglichen werden möchte, sagte sie, dass das sicherlich mitspiele und ihr bewusst sei, dass sie nicht die Erwartungen aller erfüllen werden könne. Aber sie sei ihre eigene Person und das sei auch gut so. Wir erfuhren auch, dass Paris super gern Kinder hütet – v.a. Babies. Hmmm, vom wem sie das wohl geerbt hat?;-) Im Moment hütet sie die Kinder ihrer Cousins und als Ellen sie fragte, wieviel sie denn fürs Babysitten verlange, sagte sie $10.:-) Ellen nahm es auch wunder, ob sie, als sie klein war, wusste, wie berühmt ihr Vater war und dass er der erfolgreichste und grösste Popstar war. Paris erzählte, dass sie, als sie noch ganz klein war, wusste, dass ihr Daddy ein paar Songs veröffentlicht hatte, aber sie dachte damals, dass das normal sei und dass das jeder macht.:-) Auf einen Lieblingssong von Michael konnte sie sich nicht festlegen, aber wir erfuhren, dass sie jeden Song von ihrem Daddy auswendig singen kann. Die Nummer zwei Lieblingssängerin nach ihrem Vater ist Beyoncé. Aber sie mag auch Coldplay und Rihanna.

Wie wir bereits berichtet haben, spielt Paris die Hauptrolle im Film “Lundon's Bridge and the Three Keys”, der nächstes Jahr rauskommt. Als Ellen Paris fragte, warum sie sich gerade für dieses Filmprojekt entschieden habe, sagte Paris, es ginge im Film darum, die Umweltverschmutzung zu stoppen. Und das Ziel ihres Dad war es immer “to heal the world” und sie dachte, das wäre schön und wäre auch in seinem Sinne. Sie erwähnte auch, dass 50% des Erlöses aus dem Verkauf des zugrunde liegenden Buchs und vom Film an Schulen gingen würden, um deren Programme für Sport und darstellende Künste zu finanzieren helfen. Viele Schulen, auch ihre eigene (die sich kein offizielles Football Team leisten kann), kämpfen mit finanziellen Problemen und diese beiden Programme seien immer die ersten, die gestrichen werden müssten. Paris, die nicht nur eine Leidenschaft fürs Schauspielern, sondern auch für Sport hat, erzählte, dass sie Volleyball, Softball [Baseball für Mädchen & Frauen], Football und ein bisschen Basketball spiele; am besten sei sie im Volleyball und Football. Als Ellen sie dazu fragte, dass sie ihren älteren Bruder, Prince, ja sehr verehre, bestätigte sie das liebevoll. Und sie erzählte dann, dass sie zum Beispiel dieses Jahr, in der 8. Klasse, die gleiche Position im Football Team spielen wollte, wie ihr Bruder ein Jahr zuvor in der 8. Klasse. Am Schluss des Interviews gab Ellen Paris noch ein ganz spezielles Geschenk, über das sich Paris riesig freute: eine Filmklappe und ihren eigenen Stuhl mit ihrem Namen drauf für den Filmdreh.

Quellen:, KITV (Hawaiis NBC Fernsehsyndikat)


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17.12.2011 um 12:54
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