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23.746 Beiträge ▪ Schlüsselwörter: Mord, Michael Jackson, Verurteilung ▪ Abonnieren: Feed E-Mail

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

22.04.2013 um 19:21

Prince Jackson
The Girl is Mine
After Pricey Dinner Date

4/22/2013 9:15 AM PDT

0422-prince-jackson-pcn-3 zpse7f6b4d9

Prince Jackson stepped up his royal pimp game -- taking his Kuwaiti princess girlfriend out for a fancy Hollywood dinner ... and all signs point to the princess being impressed.

Michael Jackson's 16-year-old son and Remi Alfalah had dinner Friday night at Madeo -- some of the best Italian grub in L.A. -- and judging by the grin on her face ... she gave the date 2 royal thumbs up.

A couple weeks ago Prince and Remi were spotted on another date -- but that was just daytime bowling.

The jump to a high-priced dinner is a clear sign Prince is making, y'know ... progress.

Who's Bad?


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

22.04.2013 um 20:45
Paris mit Mädchen der gemeinsamen "Tanz AG" an der Buckley School ... :D

BIdVvOXCIAEEyAY zps1d8afa99
parisherfriend zpsc081b9e7
parisherfriend2 zpsfa1c0b94


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

23.04.2013 um 08:12
die Jury wurde ausgewählt und vereidigt !!!!!! sie besteht aus 6 Männern und 6 Frauen ... :D

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts
BREAKING: Jury has been selected and sworn. Details coming soon. Alternates being chosen now.
Retweetet von Ivy
11:16 PM - 22 Apr 13

Jury impaneled in AEG-Michael Jackson wrongful death case

By Corina Knoll
April 22, 2013, 2:58 p.m.

A jury of six men and six women has been impaneled in the wrongful death suit filed by Michael Jackson’s mother and three children against entertainment powerhouse AEG over the death of the pop singer.

The trial is expected to last up to four months as the jury weighs whether AEG negligently hired and supervised Dr. Conrad Murray, who gave the singer a fatal dose of the anesthetic propofol on the eve of what was to be Jackson’s comeback tour.

The lawsuit alleges that AEG relentlessly pushed Jackson to move forward with the "This Is It" tour, knowing the singer was neither physically nor mentally capable of handling it.

AEG had advanced Jackson "substantial sums of money" and threatened that if forced to call off the tour, "there would be lawsuits and Jackson’s career would be over.”

AEG, however, contends that it had favored a British doctor but that Jackson insisted on bringing Murray aboard instead.

The trial is expected to delve into the sensational – the singer’s eccentric lifestyle, his purported drug use, his enormous debt and his allegedly erratic behavior in the days leading up to his death.

Witnesses in the trial could include celebrities such as Prince, Diana Ross and Quincy Jones, as well as Jackson's ex-wives Lisa Marie Presley and Debbie Rowe.

Director Spike Lee and actor Lou Ferrigno are also among the listed possible witnesses, as are AEG founder Philip Anschutz and his former chief executive, Tim Leiweke.

Attorneys may add or withdraw names from their initial lists. Some witnesses will appear via deposition testimony.,0,4633572.story

ähnlicher Berichte: (Archiv-Version vom 28.04.2013)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

23.04.2013 um 08:14
Jurors chosen to decide Michael Jackson wrongful death case

By Alan Duke, CNN
updated 5:48 PM EDT, Mon April 22, 2013


* Six alternates must still be picked for the two-to-three month trial
* Michael Jackson's mother and children claim AEG Live is liable in his death
* Testimony could be days away in the Los Angeles trial

Los Angeles (CNN) -- A jury of six men and six women has been chosen to hear the Michael Jackson family's wrongful death lawsuit against concert promoter AEG Live.

Another six jurors must now be selected to serve as alternates in the trial, which is expected to last two or three months, in a Los Angeles courtroom.

Jackson's mother and three children are suing AEG Live, claiming the promoter was liable in the pop icon's death in 2009.

The judge has not set a date for opening statements and testimony to begin, although the trial opening could happen later this week.

Jackson died two weeks before his "This Is It" comeback concerts, organized by AEG Live, were to have debuted in London in the summer of 2009.

Lawyers for Jackson's mother, Katherine; and children, Prince, Paris and Blanket, argue that AEG Live is liable because the company hired and supervised Dr. Conrad Murray, who used a surgical anesthetic in a fatal effort to treat the singer's insomnia as he prepared for the comeback concerts. Murray was convicted of involuntary manslaughter and is serving a prison sentence.

AEG Live's lawyers argue that Jackson chose and controlled Murray.

The lawsuit seeks a judgment against AEG Live equal to the money Jackson would have earned over the course of his remaining lifetime if he had not died in 2009. If AEG Live is found liable, it could cost the company several billion dollars, according to estimates of Jackson's income potential.

AEG Live is a subsidiary of AEG, a global entertainment company that was up for sale recently with an $8 billion asking price.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

23.04.2013 um 08:19
Michael Jacksons Leibarzt legt Berufung ein

23. Apr. 2013 | 06:00

Conrad Murray, Michael Jacksons Leibarzt, ist zu vier Jahren Haft verurteilt worden. Nun legte er Berufung ein, weil es keine Beweise gegeben habe, dass Jackson Propofol verabreicht bekommen habe.

Der frühere Leibarzt von Pop-Ikone Michael Jackson hat gegen seine Verurteilung wegen fahrlässiger Tötung des Sängers Berufung eingelegt.

Die Anklage habe nicht beweisen können, dass Jackson am 25. Juni 2009, dem Tag seines Todes, das Betäubungsmittel Propofol verabreicht bekommen habe, argumentierten die Anwälte von Conrad Murray in ihrem 231 Seiten starken Berufungsantrag, den sie am Montag in Los Angeles einreichten. Murray war im November zu vier Jahren Haft verurteilt worden.

Einseitige Zeugenauswahl

Der heute 60-Jährige machte außerdem geltend, dass bei seinem Prozess Zeugenaussagen nicht zugelassen, die den Fall in einem anderen Licht erscheinen lassen könnten.

"Die Geschworenen durften nicht erfahren, dass, als Jackson starb, er (der Konzertagentur) AEG fast 40 Millionen Dollar schuldete, mehr als 30 Klagen gegen ihn liefen". Auch den US-Steuerbehörden habe der Popstar mehrere Millionen Dollar geschuldet.

An Tropf mit Propofol gehängt

Die Anklage hatte Murray vorgeworfen, Jackson am Tag seines Todes einen Tropf mit Propofol angehängt und ihn dann unbeaufsichtigt gelassen zu haben, so dass der Sänger an einem Atemstillstand starb.

Murray versichert hingegen, er habe Jackson drei Tage lang kein Propofol gegeben und ihm schließlich nur eine 25-Milligramm-Injektion des Betäubungsmittels verabreicht, damit er besser schlafen könne. Danach habe er Jackson eine Kochsalzlösung als Infusion angehängt.

Milliardenschwerer Schadenersatz

Murray legte die Berufung ein, kurz nachdem Anfang April ein Prozess um milliardenschweren Schadenersatz gegen Jacksons Konzertagentur AEG begonnen hatte.

Jacksons Mutter Katherine und seiner Kinder werfen AEG vor, zu großen Druck auf den Sänger ausgeübt zu haben und damit eine Mitschuld an seinem Tod zu tragen.

ähnliche Berichte:


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23.04.2013 um 08:22
Vater Joe veranstaltet Doppelgänger-Themenabend!

00:09 UHR | 23.04.2013 | S. Camatta

Mit seiner Jackson-Foundation ist Michael Jacksons Vater Joe Gastgeber einer zweifelhaften Veranstaltung in Las Vegas, die angeblich Geld für Bedürftige sammelt.

Ob das dem toten „King of Pop“ wirklich würdig ist? Familien-Patriarch Joe Jackson veranstaltet am 27. April im „The Boulevard Theatre“ in Las Vegas einen Themenabend zu Ehren seines Sohnes. Mit einem Wettkampf zwischen zweitklassigen DJs und Auftritten von Michael Jackson-Doppelgängern.

Die Erlöse dieser Veranstaltung, die von Insidern als sehr zweifelhaft belächelt wird, soll diversen Wohltätigkeitsorganisationen zu Gute kommen, die der Jackson Family Foundation nahe stehen.


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23.04.2013 um 08:38
MJ4evermore ‏@Coleen4MJ
Michael Jackson’s doctor appeals conviction, claiming multiple legal errors at trial via @washingtonpost
Retweetet von Ivy

The Washington Post
Michael Jackson’s doctor appeals conviction, claiming multiple legal...

LOS ANGELES — Eighteen months after his involuntary manslaughter conviction, Michael Jackson’s doctor on Monday appealed his case, claiming there were multiple legal errors at his trial.
Im Web anzeigen
10:42 PM - 22 Apr 13


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23.04.2013 um 08:39
Ivy ‏@Ivy_4MJ
I did an update about KJ- AEG trial and the latest motions -
3:55 AM - 23 Apr 13


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

23.04.2013 um 08:53
OMG, jetzt kommt der Murray auch noch mit seinem Berufungsverfahren! D.h. ja dann, die beiden Prozesse überschneiden sich bzw. laufen parallel. Da kann man doch nur noch abschalten. :D
Es ist schon erstaunlich, wie lange das Prozedere geht, nur um die Jury auszuwählen. Aber so wie es da steht, geht es ja voran, trotzdem 1 Monat nur für eine Auswahl, da kann man ja verzweifeln.

1x zitiertmelden

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

23.04.2013 um 08:58
Na ist ja schon bis zur "Bunten" vorgedrungen, daß der Joe eine klebrige Veranstaltung in Las Vegas durchführt. hahaha

1x zitiertmelden

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

23.04.2013 um 09:03

Ivy ‏@Ivy_4MJ
Here's a portion from AEG's motion talking about "zealous fan base" and one specific fan's actions -
Hier ist ein Teil aus dem Antrag von AEG, sie reden über die "enthusiastische Fangemeinde" und von einer, der speziellen Fan-Aktionen

761328357 zps6630a06a

4:19 AM - 23 Apr 13
Ivy ‏@Ivy_4MJ
As for Tom Mesereau AEG states his testimony is not needed as AEG will stipulate that MJ was acquitted in 2005 trial.
3:59 AM - 23 Apr 13
Ivy ‏@Ivy_4MJ
Arnold Klein, Tom Mesereau, Sharon Osbourne and Tohme Tohme among others. AEG wants to exclude these last minute additions.
Ivy ‏@Ivy_4MJ
Katherine Jackson added 16 new witnesses. It includes Raymone Bain, Michael Bush, Michael Bearden, Lou Ferrigno, Kathy Hilton (cont.)
3:57 AM - 23 Apr 13


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

23.04.2013 um 09:17
Zitat von SylvinaSylvina schrieb:OMG, jetzt kommt der Murray auch noch mit seinem Berufungsverfahren! D.h. ja dann, die beiden Prozesse überschneiden sich bzw. laufen parallel. Da kann man doch nur noch abschalten. :D
Es ist schon erstaunlich, wie lange das Prozedere geht, nur um die Jury auszuwählen. Aber so wie es da steht, geht es ja voran, trotzdem 1 Monat nur für eine Auswahl, da kann man ja verzweifeln.
ja, das kann ja richtig stressig werden ... :D na, da muß man sich dann auf das Wesentliche beschränken ... hahaha

das mit der Auswahl der Juroren, hat sich ja wirklich als Prozedur entwickelt ... hoffentlich haben sie jetzt auch eine "vernünftige" Jury zusammengestellt ... :D


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

23.04.2013 um 09:25
Zitat von SylvinaSylvina schrieb:Na ist ja schon bis zur "Bunten" vorgedrungen, daß der Joe eine klebrige Veranstaltung in Las Vegas durchführt. hahaha
hahaha, aber für dieses Images hat ja nicht nur Joe gesorgt ... die Jacksons umgeben sich leider immer wieder mit fragwürdigen, obskuren, ominösen, suspekten Charakteren ... :D :D denke nur an DW ... :D


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

23.04.2013 um 09:34
und auch bei der DailyMail ist die Story "Prince & Remi" angekommen ... :D und sie bleiben alle bei der kuwaitischen Prinzessin ... :D obwohl sie doch gar keine sein soll ... :D

He's found his princess! Prince Jackson steps out for romantic dinner date with Kuwaiti royal Remi Alfalah

By Tess Eyrich
PUBLISHED: 19:41 GMT, 22 April 2013 | UPDATED: 22:49 GMT, 22 April 2013

It appears Prince Jackson may have met his match in Kuwaiti princess Remi Alfalah.

On Friday Michael Jackson's 16-year-old son escorted the royal beauty to hotspot Madeo in Los Angeles, where the two shared a romantic dinner.

Remi couldn't contain her smile as she exited the restaurant at the end of the evening, indicating that the date must've been a success.

article-2313104-1967BB14000005DC-272 634
Sharp dress man: Prince Jackson, 16, joined Kuwaiti princess Remi Alfalah for a romantic dinner at Madeo in Los Angeles on Friday

Prince charmed in a black Lacoste polo shirt and matching trousers, downplaying the ensemble with a pair of black trainers.

Meanwhile his lady love looked undeniably chic in a navy blazer, fitted jeans and heels.

Although it remains unclear when the two started dating, they've been on several outings recently, stepping out to go bowling three weeks ago and go-kart racing on Tuesday.

After their auto adventure, Prince posted a photo of the pair clutching helmets beside the caption, 'Still can't drive ❤.'

A source revealed to TMZ that the couple met at the Buckley School in Sherman Oaks, California, where they are both juniors.

Prior to dating Remi, Prince was romantically linked to another classmate, Niki Berger, as recently as February.

The young heartbreaker, who recently joined Entertainment Tonight as a correspondent, has been spotted driving his new flame around town in his Ford Raptor truck.

The shaggy-haired teenager was pulled over in the same truck by police just days ago for affixing illegal strobe lights to the vehicle's grill.

After negotiating with an officer he begrudgingly removed the hardware.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

23.04.2013 um 09:52
neues Bild von Paris ... bei LSA entdeckt ... :D

tumblr mlooxo5QgY1qlutfoo1 500 zps64e6e3

Paris Jacksoη ‏@ParisJackson
i #mustache you a question

BIg28XCCUAAYgjp zpse5d5e1b8

7:41 AM - 23 Apr 13
Paris Jacksoη ‏@ParisJackson
the fact that @shakghacha's snapchats don't make me laugh but my own snaps that i send to other people make me laugh ? that says something
8:41 AM - 23 Apr 13

1x zitiertmelden

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

23.04.2013 um 12:45

Prince Jackson
I'm Not Into Bonding
With My Mom Right Now

Ich stehe im Augenblick nicht in Verbindung
mit meiner Mom

4/23/2013 1:00 AM PDT


Michael Jackson's 16-year-old son Prince Jackson is clearly into girls ... but NOT the grown woman who goes by "Mom" -- aka Debbie Rowe.

Sources with direct knowledge of the situation tell TMZ ... although Prince's sister has developed what we're told is "an intense bond" with the woman who gave birth to her ... Prince has no curiosity or desire to develop a relationship with Rowe ... at least for now.

We're told it's not that he has beef with Rowe ... it's that establishing a relationship with her is not on his radar. His 15-year-old sister Paris, on the other hand, now has a passion for nurturing a relationship with Rowe, and the 2 have spent a good deal of time together in the last few months.

Our sources say there's no conflict between Paris and Prince ... they just have different priorities.

As for Rowe, we're told she would absolutely like to have a relationship with Prince, but -- just the way it happened with Paris -- she wants it to develop naturally ... when Prince is ready.

ähnlicher Bericht:


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

23.04.2013 um 14:09
weitere Tweets von ABC7 Court News@ABC7Courts zur Juryauswahl ... (Archiv-Version vom 07.09.2013)
zu allen 12 Juroren wurden Angaben gemacht ... :D

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts
It was a baseless challenge and the Court appears to have recognized it as such." Marvin Putnam, attorney for AEG
3:39 AM - 23 Apr 13
ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts
as the law requires. Of course, that is what we have been doing and will continue to do - as the composition of the actual jury demonstrates
ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts
So, the Court's warning was just a reminder that the parties should conduct themselves ethically and without prejudice against any juror
ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts
And the judge found exactly that; she found that Katherine Jackson's counsel had not even met his burden of bringing the challenge.
ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts
and he replacement juror was in fact from his same racial group. There thus was absolutely no basis to even make such a challenge.
ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts
when I asked the court to dismiss a juror - even though I had not previously struck any juror from that juror's racial group
ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts
made on impermissible grounds. Even though this has not happened, Katherine Jackson's counsel nonetheless brought such a challenge today
ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts
Strikes a series of potential jurors in row of the same gender or race, leading one to question whether peremptory challenges are being
ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts
... or ethnicity or gender or other protected classes. If this issue comes up at all - and it shouldn't, then it usually occurs when someone
ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts
AEG response: "The law allows each party to make peremptory challenges to jurors. However, they cannot strike jurors on the basis of race...
ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts
What do you think of the jury picked?
ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts
AEG attorney did not comment. We've reached out again in order to get their reaction.
ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts
Jacksons attorney said he's happy with the jury picked, "It's a good, diverse jury," he told us.
ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts
Opening statements are not expected until at least Friday, possibly even Monday.
ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts
Attorneys are now questioning 12 jurors to be alternates in the case. They are looking for 6 people. Selection to resume tomorrow.
ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts
Juror 12: man, Hispanic, married, works for DWP, three children. Wife is a librarian assistant.
ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts
Juror 11: husband also in pathology, she's downsizing and hobby is to sell things on eBay. Says she can be fair and impartial.
ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts
Juror 11: woman, knows one of the doctors expert witness for defense. Was involved in cancer research at UCLA.
ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts
Juror 10: as mechanic, thinks people like to blame other for their mistakes. Likes music, mostly blues.
ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts
Juror 10: man, black, had one traffic case against himself. No verdict on case, split decision. Retired metal worker, 61 years old.
ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts
Juror 9: man, conservative, not flamboyant or in public eye. Ok w/ big verdict, no specific thoughts on MJ, didn't care a lot for his music
ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts
Juror 8: man, works at Baxter, would not hesitate to award multimillion dollar verdict. Conservative, thinks strong will can stop addiction
ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts
Juror 7: woman, Black, 4 kids, one deceased. She's clinical research study coordinator at UCLA. Daughter school teacher, son in military
ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts
Juror 6: man, married, school PE teacher and wife works for a fashion manufacturing company. Possibly white?
ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts
Juror 5: woman, single, software engineer working for JPL. Knows MJ from the Jackson Five era. No experience with drug addiction
ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts
Juror 4: woman, Hispanic, likes all music. Knew of MJ but doesn't consider herself a fan. She's the one who feels harassed working 4 AT&T
ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts
Juror 3: possibly Hispanic. Thinks it's hard to quit prescription drug addiction. Mother addicted to pain meds, has not seen her in 10 yrs
ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts
Juror 3: man, single, works at a print T-shirt shop. Ok with large verdict. No strong feelings about MJ, thinks he had a tough upbringing
ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts
Juror 2: woman, registered nurse who works on triage. Widower, ok awarding multimillion dollar verdicts. Believe she's from the Philippines
ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts
Juror 1 looks to be white, but with the diverse LA residents it's hard to say for sure. We're trying to get their questionnaires.
ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts
Here's a description of the seated jurors: juror 1 is a woman, married, personal banker for Torrey Pines Bank, no children.
ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts
Judge said next time AEG tries to dismiss jurors based on their skin color not only will she keep them but will give plaintiff extra strike
ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts
Judge Yvette Palazuelos strongly admonished AEG attorney Marvin Putnam and said she won't tolerate this anymore.
ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts
Jacksons attorney said that AEG was dismissing jurors just because they were black.
ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts
After lunch, judge heard argument from Jacksons attorney that AEG was using their peremptory challenged to dismiss African American jurors
ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts
12 jurors were chosen after 13 days of jury selection. Attorneys now picking the alternates.
ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts
Jury is selected in Jackson family vs AEG trial. Six men and six women will decide whether AEG is liable for the death of Michael Jackson
1:37 AM - 23 Apr 13


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

23.04.2013 um 15:25
ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts
Opening statements are not expected until at least Friday, possibly even Monday.
Eröffnungspladoyers sind nicht bis mindestens Freitag zu erwarten, möglicherweise sogar Montag

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts
Jacksons attorney said he's happy with the jury picked, "It's a good, diverse jury," he told us.
Jacksons Anwalt sagte, dass er mit den ausgewählten Geschworenen zufrieden ist, "Es ist eine gute, vielfältige Jury", erzählte er uns.

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts
AEG attorney did not comment. We've reached out again in order to get their reaction.
AEG Anwalt hat nicht kommentiert. Wir haben es aber wieder erreicht, um deren Reaktion zu erhalten.

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts
What do you think of the jury picked?
Was denken Sie über die ausgewählte Jury?

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts
AEG response: "The law allows each party to make peremptory challenges to jurors. However, they cannot strike jurors on the basis of race...
AEG Antwort:. "Das Gesetz erlaubt jeder Partei, die Ablehnung eines Geschworenen ohne Angabe von Gründen anzubringen. Jedoch, können sie Juroren nicht auf der Grundlage der Rasse ausschlagen ...

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts
... or ethnicity or gender or other protected classes. If this issue comes up at all - and it shouldn't, then it usually occurs when someone
... oder ethnischer Zugehörigkeit, Geschlecht oder anderen geschützten Kategorien. Falls dieses Problem überhaupt aufkommt - und das sollte es nicht, folglich tritt es in der Regel auf, wenn jemand

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts
Strikes a series of potential jurors in row of the same gender or race, leading one to question whether peremptory challenges are being
eine Reihe von potenziellen Geschworenen des gleichen Geschlechts oder Rasse hintereinander ausschlägt, an erster Stelle muß man sich fragen, ob unabhängig davon die Ablehnung eines Geschworenen ohne Angabe von Gründen sein könnte


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

23.04.2013 um 16:43
Michael Jackson civil case: Attorneys seek six alternate jurors

Zivilprozess Michael Jackson: Rechtsanwälte suchen sechs Ersatz-Juroren

By Corina Knoll
April 23, 2013, 7:03 a.m.

A day after a jury of six men and six women was impaneled in the Michael Jackson civil case, attorneys were scheduled Tuesday to continue questioning potential jurors to find six alternates.

Jury selection began three weeks ago with potential jurors first brought to the downtown Los Angeles courtroom to determine whether they were even able to commit to a trial projected to last four months.

The civil suit, filed by Jackson’s mother, Katherine Jackson, and the singer’s three children, accuses entertainment company AEG of negligently hiring and supervising Dr. Conrad Murray.

Murray was convicted of involuntary manslaughter for administering a fatal dose of the anesthetic propofol to Michael Jackson, who died in 2009 shortly before he was to perform in a series of concerts promoted by AEG.

Last week, voir dire began with a pool of about 100 would-be jurors who had indicated it would present no hardship to serve on a months-long trial. The group was asked to review the extensive list of witnesses who might be called to testify and let the court know if they recognized any of the names.

That pool has now been whittled down to about 50 after some potential jurors were tossed and 12 were impaneled.

In addition to personal questions about their background, jurors were asked about their ability to be fair and impartial and their feelings on wrongful-death lawsuits.

The lawsuit contends that AEG pushed Jackson at a time when the music legend was in poor physical condition, putting “its desire for massive profits from the tour over the health and safety of Michael Jackson.”

“Three loving children lost their father, a loving mother and father lost their son, the Jackson siblings lost their brother and the world lost its most celebrated entertainer,” the complaint in the case said.

Brian Panish, attorney for the Jackson family, said he had faith in the 12 chosen jurors and said it was “a good, diverse jury.”

He estimated that after alternates are selected and hearings are held on outstanding motions, the trial could begin Monday.

The trial is expected to delve into the sensational -- the singer’s eccentric lifestyle, his purported drug use, his enormous debt and his allegedly erratic behavior in the days leading up to his death.

Witnesses in the trial could include celebrities such as Prince, Diana Ross and Quincy Jones, as well as Jackson's ex-wives Lisa Marie Presley and Debbie Rowe.

Director Spike Lee and actor Lou Ferrigno are also among the listed possible witnesses, as are AEG founder Philip Anschutz and his former chief executive, Tim Leiweke.

Attorneys may add or withdraw names from their initial lists, and some witnesses are expected to testify via deposition.,0,4733551.story


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

23.04.2013 um 20:15
Quelle: MJJC .. Eintrag #31 .. User: Ivy

Katherine Jackson first amended possible Witness list - as of April 15

(Additions in green, removed names in red)

Katherine Jackson / Prince Jackson / Paris Jackson / Paul Gongaware / Randy Phillips / Jeffrey Adams / Dr. David Adams / Daniel Anderson/ Phillip Anschutz / Dr. Frederic Askin (removed) / Raymone Bain / Ramone Baines(removed - could be a typo) / Richard Barnet (removed) / Tom Barrack / Martin Blount / Michael Bearden / Dan Beckerman / David Berman / John Branca / Dr. Emery Neal Brown / Ellen Brunn / Michael Bush / Kai Chase / Patrick Cousins / Dr. Charles Czeisler / Jenna Daddario EMT / Kelly DiStefano / Melissa Elias / Arthur Erk/ Joyce Essex / Alimorad Farschian / Karen Faye / Lou Ferrigno / Dr. Stuart Finkelstein / Peter Formuzis / Maritza Glassman / Paramedic Mark Goodwin / Dr. Stephen Gordon / Hosny Habashy / Dennis Hawk / Reynold Henry EMT / Cathy Hilton / Julie Hollander / Alejandra Jackson / Jackie Jackson/ Janet Jackson/ Jermaine Jackson / Marlon Jackson / Rebbie Jackson / Randy Jackson / Taj Jackson / Tarryl Jackson/ TJ Jackson / Tito Jackson / Trent Jackson / Quincy Jones / Kathy Jorrie / Michael Kane / Arnold Klein / Michael Laperruque / Cherilyn Lee / Spike Lee / Tim Leiweke / Hendrikus Lemmens (removed) / Carlos Letelier DDS / Arlyne Lewiston / Detective Orlando Martinez / Dr. Gordon Matheson/ Cindy Medina / John Meglen / Tom Mesereau / Dr. Allan Metzger / Tom Miserendo / Amy Morrison / Roselyn Muhammad / Dr. Conrad Murray / Barry Nadell/ Prince Rogers Nelson / Kenny Ortega / Sharon Osbourne / Ray Parker Jr / Amy Pascal / Travis Payne / Lisa Marie Presley / Howard Rile / Dr. Christopher Rogers / Diana Ross / Debbie Rowe / Amir Dan Rubin / Alif Sankey / Dr. Lakshamanan Sathyavagiswaran / Madeline Schilder / Dr. Sidney Schnoll / Jean Seawright / Paramedic Richard Seneff / Dr. Myer Shimelman / Barry Siegel / Dr. David Slavit / Janice Smith / Scott Smith / Dr. Alon Steinberg / Dr. Barry Swerdlow / Mark Tadrisi DDS / Evvy Tavasci / Tohme Tohme / Shawn Trell / Anthony Urquidez / Carl Virgil / Daniel Wallace / Frederick Webking / Bill Whitfield / Debra Willis / Dr. Daniel Wohgelernter / Timm Woolley


AEG Live full possible witness list - as of April 15

(Additions in green, removed names in red)

Dr. David Adams / Jeffrey Lee Adams / Marcel Avram / Irving Azoff / Tom Barrack / Michael Bearden / Daniel Beckerman / Martin Blount / John Branca / Ellen Brunn / Jeffrey Telle Cannon / Frank Cascio / Melissa Elias/ Dr. Alimorad Farshchian / Lou Ferrigno / Dr. Stuart Finkelstein / David Fournier / Kenneth Froelich / Paul Gongaware / Dr. Stephen Gordon / Dennis Hawk / Julie Hollander / Dorian Holley / Dr. Hosny Habashy / John “Bugz” Houghdahl / Janet Jackson / Jermaine Jackson / Joe Jackson / Katherine Jackson / Latoya Jackson/ Prince Jackson/ Paris Jackson / Randy Jackson / Rebbie Jackson / TJ Jackson / Tito Jackson/ Kathy Jorrie / Michael Kane/ Dr. Lawrence Koplin / Bruce Lang / Michael La Perruque / Cheryln Lee / Arlyne Lewiston / Joseph Marcus / John Meglen / Dr. Allan Metzger / Kim Moore-Mestas / Amy Morrison / Steven Lloyd Mortensen/ Roselyn Muhammad / Dr. Conrad Murray / Consuelo Ng /Sarah O’Leary Sinnorai / Kenny Ortega / Bob Parks / Travis Payne / Randy Phillips / Jeffre Phillips / Dr. Christine Quinn / Dr. Neil Ratner / Debbie Rowe / Dr. Gordon Sasaki / Dr. Scott David Saunders / Madeline Schilder / Richard Sherman / Barry Siegel / Dr. David Slavit / Janice Leigh Smith / Dr. Mark Tadrissi / Evvy Tavasci / Dr. Tohme Tohme / Shawn Trell / Anthony Urquidez / Dr. William Van Valin II / Dr. Carl Virgil / Stacy Walker / Frederick Webking / Bill Whitfield / Alan Whitman / Timm Woolley / Taunya Zilkie

Retained experts : William Ackerman / Eric Briggs / Arnold Dicke / Dr. Paul Earley / William Flynn (removed)/ Dr. Gary Green / Marty Hom / Dr. John R. Iacovino (removed) / Dr.Norman Elliott Lepor/ Dr. Petros Levounis / Mark Allen Roesler (removed) / Dr. Christine Nai-Mei Sang / Dr. Karl Williams (removed) / Rhoma Young


Estate's motion to seal medical records / depositions dated April 15

Estate mentions they have filed 3 motions to seal in this case to protect Michael's confidential medical records and/or information. Estate points out Court of Appeals have agreed that Estate has made a convincing argument that the documents continue to be kept under seal for the time being. Estate also has 2 more motions set to be heard in August 2013.

Estate argues that some of the medical matters being discussed at Murray criminal trial does not make the rest (the ones not mentioned at Murray's trial) public. Estate also points out that the court had previously agreed that medical records and depositions discussing those medical records should be sealed.

Estate mentions they aren't a party to the case, they did nothing to put Michael's medical information at issue. Estate also points out that a criminal trial does not constitute for Estate waiving doctor-patient privilege.

(Ivy's note: Michael's medical records are still conditionally under seal but there will be hearings in this regard this week. Some of the seal / protective order might be removed or some medical records can come public during the trial)


AEG's opposition to release jury questionnaires

AEG states that jury questions included sensitive personal information, the media have reported many personal and identifying information and zealous MJ fans are attending the proceedings and seeking out personal contact with parties and their lawyers.

AEG argues if the jury questionnaires are released such sensitive personal information that the jurors provided will be posted all around the Internet and remain there forever. This will hurt jurors privacy. AEG argues that the jurors weren't told that the questionnaires could become public and they weren't given the option to answer questions in private - and not in writing.

AEG argues that passionate MJ fans and media would use these information to identify the jurors. AEG argues MJ fans can seek out the jurors and even try to influence and intimidate and even threaten them - or at least have inappropriate communications with the jurors. AEG again mentions one specific fan and their experience with that fan as evidence that MJ fans "more than willing to resort to such extreme measures".

AEG also argues that if these questionnaires become public , in the future high profile cases potential jurors will not be honest in fear that the information they provided could become public too.

So AEG asks the judge to not release the juror questionnaires or in alternative release redacted version. The motion states that Katherine's lawyers want the jury questionnaires to be released.


AEG's motion to preclude Katherine's past due discovery

AEG is trying to exclude 4 late trial discovery issues coming from Katherine. The information below

1. Late produced documents:

In April 2011 AEG had asked for documents from Katherine about Michael's relationship with Katherine and his kids. Katherine objected and refused to produce any documents. April 2012 before AEG filed a motion to compel Katherine, they have provided 140 pages to AEG. AEG kept asking Katherine to give them the rest - final requests being at February and March 2013.

AEG states on April 1st 2013 - one month after the discovery cutoff and 1 day before the trial start - Katherine provided them more documents including pictures and videos and said they can give other stuff later on.

AEG is asking the court to exclude these stuff that was given to them late on April 2013.

Note: Some stuff provided to AEG includes the following (not a full list)
March 6 : 5 pages of notes and doodles by MJ's kids, 68 pages of notes and ideas in MJ's handwriting, 30 pages of business documents
April 1 : May 2009 family photo, photo of a toddler and bathtub, school photograph, little league photograph, home video of Michael giving his children a puppy on Christmas & a lot of photos from MJ's photo shots with his kids.

2. Late identified witnesses

AEG is stating March 14 was the deadline to submit witness lists. Yet Katherine have added Tom Mesereau as a possible witness on March 21. On April 3rd they added Sharon Osbourne. On April 15 - one month after the witness deadline - Katherine has added 14 more people to her witness list.

AEG says Katherine only provided explanation to why she wants to call Tom Mesereau as a witness and did not give any explanation to why she wants to add the other 15 people and why they didn't do that on time.

AEG states Tom Mesereau's testimony is not necessary as AEG will stipulate that Michael was acquitted in 2005 trial. AEG argues Katherine should not be allowed to call the other 15 people that have been added late to the witness list.

3. Late identified and improper designation of William Ackerman

Ackerman is a CPA and an retained expert for AEG. He is expected to talk about Michael's finances , the support Katherine received from Michael and any alleged economic loss.

On April 9, Katherine's lawyers say that they will cross list Ackerman as a fraud expert.

AEG states a) time to designate experts have passed b) fraud is not a cause of action in this case c)fraud is not an area of expertise for Ackerman. So AEG argues Katherine's request to cross-list Ackerman as a non-retained fraud expert should be denied.

Note : the motion mentions Katherine want to elicit Ackerman's opinion that a certain document is somewhat fraudulent. This document was produced more than 9 months ago (June 27 2012).

4. Katherine's improper non-retained experts should be excluded

Katherine had listed more than 84 non-retained experts. AEG had previously went to court and the court have ordered Katherine to limit her non-retained witnesses to the ones she intends to call during trial. March 18 was the deadline for this. However Katherine have not withdraw anyone from her non-retained witness list.

AEG states on April 15 - one month after the deadline- Katherine withdraw some experts and added some new ones. Her current non-retained expert list includes entire LA Police, Fire and Coroner departments.

AEG is asking the judge to excluded parties that have not been individually identified such as "entire LA coroner"

4. Late requests from MJ Estate

January 2013 Katherine's lawyers filed a request from MJ Estate asked Estate to give them documents from AllGood and Lloyds lawsuits. Estate objected to this request stating that all the documents were protected by protective order by respective courts. Katherine's lawyers never filed a motion to compel (asking the court to order the Estate to give them the documents) April 12 - 3 months after Estate's rejection and 2 weeks after motion to compel deadline - Katherine is again asking for the same documents from MJ Estate.

AEG is asking the judge to prohibit such late discovery.

