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Can you help me translate this ....please

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Can you help me translate this ....please

20.12.2014 um 00:26
Well, both versions are correct, and there even is a third one, which is a variation of the infinitive use. For example, when I come home from shopping and have to unload the trunk, I might say to my children:

"Can you help me to bring this in, please?" (Actually, I think this is the least used option)

"Can you help me bring this in, please?" (This is what most people here would say, using infinitive but omitting the "to")

"Can you help me bringing this in, please?" (This I would only use if I already have begun bringing my stuff in)


Can you help me translate this ....please

20.12.2014 um 12:46

Ah, so there's an almost imperceptible difference in meaning when the gerund is used, like in your last example. Thanks a lot! =)


Can you help me translate this ....please

20.12.2014 um 13:17
Yes, I think so. May be another example:

I just came home from a shopping trip.
Before I unload the trunk, I go into the house and call my daughters and together we go to the open trunk full of the Marzipan and Lebkuchen I just bought to have a German Christmas under palm trees. I point to the bags and say: "Can you please help me bring those in?"

Different scenario:

Not waiting to get my kids first, I grab three bags, juggle my keys, open the side door of my house, still carrying the bags, and yell into the house: "Can someone please help me bringing these bags in?"

However, in this second situation it also would be completely normal to say "bring in." I just would not use "bringing" in the first scenario.

Another example where I always would use the gerund is if I go into my house where I find my wonderful wife and my lovely daughters in the kitchen, and I make a rather general comment: "I need some help bringing all the grocery bags in." In my opinion this implies, I will right away start carrying those bags in.

It would be different if I wanted to say: "By the way, after lunch I need someone to bring in the bags from the car." Here I imply that it can wait until after lunch and I don't make a commitment that I will actually help.

Now, this is how people talk here. I can't vouch for the complete grammatical correctness. I would have to ask my wife, she is a schoolteacher. :)


Can you help me translate this ....please

20.12.2014 um 15:18

Very interesting, thank you for sharing your knowledge with us :Y:

I thought about all this a bit and realized that its pretty much the same in German. And even in Spanish, although i only speak very little of it.


Can you help me translate this ....please

21.12.2014 um 02:44

You are welcome. And I agree, I speak several languages and often have noticed the same kind of trends in all of them.


Can you help me translate this ....please

06.08.2016 um 01:12
which languages do you speak?


Can you help me translate this ....please

06.08.2016 um 07:10
I do speak German, English, Italian, French, Spanish and Ivrit (Hebrew). In school I also learned Latin and classical Greek, which nobody speaks any more. My Dutch is not too bad, either.


Can you help me translate this ....please

06.08.2016 um 11:00
wow that is really spectacular. So many Speaks. what is your job? Are you working on a university?


Can you help me translate this ....please

06.08.2016 um 11:04
No, I am a lawyer with lots of international clients. However, that is not the reason I speak the languages. I always have been interested in languages and seem to have a talent for them, since it never felt difficult to learn them. What really made the difference, though, is that I lived in several of the countries where those languages are spoken. Living in a place where everyone around you speaks a foreign language is the best incentive to learn it.


Can you help me translate this ....please

06.08.2016 um 11:08
yeah that is for sure. i wish i could also be able to speak several languages. I was good in English but more than english...is not available at the moment


Can you help me translate this ....please

06.08.2016 um 11:23
That's cool. And it never is too late to learn more. My aunt started learning Spanish at the age of 72.


Can you help me translate this ....please

06.08.2016 um 11:25
what is your favourite country / language?


Can you help me translate this ....please

06.08.2016 um 11:28
Hm, that is a tough question. My favorite countries are Italy, the United States and Mexico. I would be happy living in any of them (I actually do live in one of them and lived in a second of them). My favorite language probably is Italian. But I also like the sound of French.


Can you help me translate this ....please

06.08.2016 um 11:33
i have an idea for those countries you have told me
