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Women and men-groups? Workshops?

2 Beiträge ▪ Schlüsselwörter: distinguishing, Men-women ▪ Abonnieren: Feed E-Mail
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Women and men-groups? Workshops?

17.02.2024 um 11:14
Women and men - groups? workshops? Women’s workshops – women’s groups?!

When I was at school, I really wanted to start a girls' group: to finally get away from the trip of constantly fawning over men. It probably came from Muslims, because I tried to be very Christian back then.
I liked that men sometimes ( every two weeks: one day) shouldn't be so important! I saw a film on television in the early 80's where the girls in a youth center in the Ruhr region were given a room one day a week so that they could be free from the 'machos' of the youth center. They let themselves that go well together and I wanted to do that too! We did a lot together, we had a good time as girls in school.
Today there are no longer many women's groups, in fact men also spend weekends together or formed men's groups (eds. Jörg Ehrenfort/Herwarth Ernst: Gegenstimme=Männerlesebuch; © 1987,Rowohlt).
Why should only women band together? Stephen Biddulph and his wife Shaaron wrote a book about men in search of male identity: always with the basic psychological question - did the father love his son (Heyne-Verlag 1996+2003, TB)?
Even Turkish men today form men's groups in which they can address everyday problems as men with each other (Psychology Today, Jan. 2011-Integration/of Turks in Neu-Kölln).
Searching for identity could of course lead to the assumption that one can hardly discover any differences between men and women, i.e. biological and traditional ones!

As if that were unimportant for a democracy! The premise is of course: according to Voldben's (Italian author) “Collected Prophecies”, the Christian church should leave the stage!?!
Unfortunately, the elected Pope Carol Woijtila, family different from a nun Lucia in Portugal, (after Carl Gustav's marriage in Sweden in 1976 to a German Sommerlath Nazi family instead of a French woman from Mexico?) in 1978 was not the Italian Cardinal Alba!
In fact, it was only 500 years after “prophet” Jesus that the Muslims (with Mohammed/Archangel Gabriel) started to bring Christianity into community (via a twice forced expulsion of Hebrews off their country) - of course with their own set of rules for living together!
In such a case (church decline/without progrom pressure from the extremely stupid/without priests of the Christian church), who will still be able to distinguish between male and female? What kind of culture did we have before? How can we incorporate what has been achieved into new developments? “Equal duties and equal rights” is the wording that four women, along with all the German men and some foreigners, built into the German constitution. But who can distinguish between men and women without the church?
Or (to put it bluntly:) does a state need terrorist bombers as a “population reduction agent”?
Actually we don't have the death penalty in Germany! Or what else causes terrorists? What causes people to suddenly throw bombs in their need for change in the state?! And the transition from terror to Nazi (anti-democratic/anti-parliamentary) is fluid!

How else can you maintain a democracy that endangers Nazis and terrorists? The Germanic peoples already had a ting form for collective decisions by the tribes (what is what, "Germanic people") and the Weimar Republic showed a clear need for democracy!
Only with militarily imposed kings, from a non-democratically elected, Protestant clergy who crowned themselves in order to fool the Vatican state nobility (James Michener, Mazurka-Polish nobility of the Vatican state in Poland?), it was not possible to achieve democracy!
The people, the working class of Germans, have always tried to improve these kings/emperors - we were just never as servile as Indians (during military occupation); but our identity was never tied to the emperor or Nazi dictatorship!

Historically, we have always been Germans willing to be democratic. This is our story!

In other countries it has been possible to convert democratically elected/invited kings into representatives so that the people form the government, but not in Germany. Well, at least Napoleon crowned himself too; and all Europeans then had to muddle their way out of it together!!!

So, what do men do,
or when they start school, what do boys do?
And how can I get a female perspective on this?

For example, when religion teaches reduction techniques, including encouraging fasting, Muslim women have been taking part in Ramadan for a long time!

For example, combat techniques and military defense: if women also want to be soldiers, only(?) a Chinese nun has so far developed a combat technique (WingTsun) for an oppressed woman based on her physical capabilities.

For example, cooking was a male domain for centuries! Hebrew women were leave the principle of men in male areas and supplement a female family tree with cooking recipes, because today all women should/can cook too!

Would such examples be an approach to distinguishing men and women?

And what else can distinguish men from women?


Women and men-groups? Workshops?

17.02.2024 um 11:26
Reading list (in addition to the authors and journals mentioned):

Geo Special Norway (1990) - short outline of the history of Norway (among other things, a warlord was invited to the king and the Norwegian national holiday was set on the building of Buddha)... and the Dalai Lama received the Norwegian Nobel Prize!

The Secret Life of the Dalai Lamas/The Story of the God-Kings of Tibet by Alexander Norman (described simply - the Tibetans were fed up with the warlords' wars of conquest and declared them sacred; since then the Dalai Lamas have been religious and secular leaders in one!)

The Mossad by Viktor Ostrovski (courageous man! I wasn't interested in the airs and graces of the Mossad as such; he feared for his country's democracy, that's why he published the book!)

Collected prophecies by A. Voldben (including Machandelbaum prophecy with "1981 - Rome without Peter"?
Should the third last pope have been killed?
Would one consider an end to the church to be possible or realizable?).


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