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Your thoughts in the morning...!

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Your thoughts in the morning...!

19.05.2014 um 04:23

Well, watching the sun rise is a nice reward of staying up for a long period of time. Do you ever like to look at the stars in the night sky? Sometimes staying up really late is good for that. ^^ The time that you sleep doesn't really matter, as long as you are getting enough sleep. I rarely see the sun rise, but when I do, I like to try to see what the weather will be like. I look for what color the sky is. From what I have seen myself and read, there is a saying that has some truth.

Here is the saying:

Red sky in the morning, sailors take warning.
Red sky at night, sailor's delight.

Well, you have begun the cycle once again. You are awake pretty late already. xD

I hope I get to sleep by midnight tonight, but I doubt it will happen.

Darn internet. :p

1x zitiertmelden

Your thoughts in the morning...!

19.05.2014 um 04:37
Zitat von ZynischelynneZynischelynne schrieb:I hope I get to sleep by midnight tonight, but I doubt it will happen.
Wow, first in 19 hours? Since when you are awake? It seems you have the same clock in your body like me.

But your right. it doesnt matter if you go sleep at night or on day.
I do not believe the science that says that you are rested properly only if you sleep at night.

I think we humans are more adaptable than animals.


Your thoughts in the morning...!

19.05.2014 um 04:43
but it is right that daylight is important


Your thoughts in the morning...!

19.05.2014 um 04:50

I have been awake since 9am this morning. Right now, the night is young. I live in New York. Here, it is 22:50. :D Sometimes, I go to sleep at 1am. Other times, I go to sleep at 4:30am. It depends how interesting the internet is each night. However, on most days, I get up by 13:00, but sometimes I don't hear my alarms and I sleep until 15:00. I set 3 alarms every morning. xD Each alarm gets progressively louder since I sleep through alarms. One time, there was a person fixing my roof in the morning and I did not hear all the banging sounds. I hate sleeping through the day though. It makes me feel very sluggish and have a lack of motivation. I also like to be awake for some of the day since I enjoy looking for fossils.

1x zitiertmelden

Your thoughts in the morning...!

19.05.2014 um 04:56
Zitat von ZynischelynneZynischelynne schrieb:I hate sleeping through the day though. It makes me feel very sluggish and have a lack of motivation
i agree. i also dont like sleeping through the day. But the Problem is, my body dont like go sleep at late evening oder at night. Maybe im not so good adaptable.

Are you a person who can nearly perfect english? Because you live in New York


Your thoughts in the morning...!

19.05.2014 um 05:10

Hmm, I don't know if you have it, but maybe you could try looking for Melatonin in a store? I have heard that it helps some people with sleep difficulties. If worse comes to worst, you can simply enjoy being a night owl. :) Besides, being a night owl is fun, most of the time.

I am a native English speaker. I was born in NY. I live in NY, but not New York city. I live in the countryside.

Nobody's English is perfect. Sadly, many native English speakers make horrible mistakes without a care. Mistakes from non-native speakers are understandable and fine. :) But, native English speakers make really silly mistakes. It is ok for native speakers to make some minor mistakes, but when they make huge ones, it looks bad.


Your thoughts in the morning...!

19.05.2014 um 05:23

hehe, thank you very much for the conversation. I wish you a nice night, regardless of whether you sleep or not (is this sentence right? Espacelly "regardless of wether you..")

I heard about melatonin. and its a good idea to try this. thank you


Your thoughts in the morning...!

19.05.2014 um 05:30

You're welcome. Perhaps we can chat in the future, when I find the time. Thanks for wishing me a good night. ^^

You used that sentence in the right context, but if you want me to be picky, it is spelled whether instead of wether. :p It was just a simple little spelling mistake. You did a great job of using the phrase. :)


Your thoughts in the morning...!

19.05.2014 um 05:35

Yes im almost every day here online.

hehe "phrase" means in German stupid talk.

For example: ..Man, I can not hear your phrases".

really curious :)

I wonder about your nickname. It looks like a german girl


Your thoughts in the morning...!

19.05.2014 um 05:59

Hahaha, now whenever I say phrase, I will have to try to say it without laughing. xD Oh good, when I get annoyed with someone, I can insult them without them knowing. xD haha

Well, I know a few German words and verb conjugations, not many, but a few. I would like to learn German one day, but, you know how it goes - stay up late, feel tired the next day, and lose motivation. :p One day, I will learn German. :) I chose Zynische because that's how I am. Lynne is my middle name, but never only call me by Lynne or else I will think I am in trouble. hahaha :D

And of course, now it is midnight here.....and I don't want to sleep. >< So, I will not. :D


Your thoughts in the morning...!

19.05.2014 um 06:09


I have befor now not really known what the meaning of Zynismus is.

I just checked Wikipedia and there is to read: I translate it in english by google translator:

In today's vernacular cynicism and the derived adjective cynically above all an attitude, thinking and behavior, which is characterized by biting sarcasm, and often consciously disregarded the feelings of other people or social conventions

Is that the cynically what you use in your Nickname? :)

And why you want learn german? I think its an unimportant language :)


Your thoughts in the morning...!

19.05.2014 um 06:23

I generally have a cynical view of life and the world. I can be sarcastic, depending on my mood. I tend to go against society because I enjoy doing so. I would rather be myself than be one of the herd so to speak. :D As for caring about the feelings of others, it depends on who it is. My general rule is: I will be nice if the other person is nice. :)

I think German is a cool language overall. I'll admit it, hearing it makes me melt. :p Learning a language expands knowledge and makes you think. It is good to use our brains and take on challenges. I really hope that one day, I will gain motivation and make a full commitment to learn it.

I think that sadly, most languages are becoming unimportant due to the expansion of English. I think that one day, in the far future, English will kill off other languages, and that to me, is not good. It won't happen right now or any time soon, but in the far future it could. I mean, of course it is good to know English since it is a dominant language, but preserving other languages is important too. Languages are part of cultures.


Your thoughts in the morning...!

19.05.2014 um 06:49

im often sarcastic when im happy and mostly when i will have fun with people. And often i exaggerating so that i feel worried.

Yes different language are interesting. And it gives variety and some language sound nice.
It would be nice if everybody have to learn english as major. their motherlanguage to preserve the variety of the different cultures, and english vor the future when we all get the awareness as one species. ;)


Your thoughts in the morning...!

19.05.2014 um 06:55

Ahh, that is interesting. I don't see that as often. Once in a while I get sarcastic when I'm happy, but not too often. Do you also get sarcastic when you are not in a good mood, or is it only when you are in a good mood?

I think that everyone should learn their native language first, and then English second. ^^

We are both owning this entire thread. hahaha People will have a story to read when they wake up. :D I find it rather amusing.


Your thoughts in the morning...!

19.05.2014 um 07:01

hehehe yes and it is all on topic :D

Yes im only sarcastic when im in a good moment. even when i here in the forum have conflicting discussions. :) maybe a part of cynicism? :D


Your thoughts in the morning...!

19.05.2014 um 07:03
on topic

"i need a coffe" :)


Your thoughts in the morning...!

19.05.2014 um 07:10

Yes, for the most part, it is on topic. We must periodically talk about the morning. xD hahahaha

Well, cynicism is pessimistic/ negative feelings.

It depends on what your conflicting discussion is about. For example: Someone might say that human beings are the greatest thing in the universe. They have made huge advancements, blah blah blah. Someone who is cynical will say things about how humans have ruined the planet and that humans are bad and will never improve.

However, if someone says that they believe humans are the greatest thing in the universe and you say that they are not the greatest, but they could improve one day, then you have a different viewpoint, but you are not being cynical in that case.

It all depends on how you view things. :)


Your thoughts in the morning...!

19.05.2014 um 07:14
Hahaha, I tried coffee once and it was so bad that I could not eat for a few hours. It made me sick because of the taste.


Your thoughts in the morning...!

19.05.2014 um 07:20
Is there to buy Senseo Coffee with you? i mean in New York? :D

I really like the taste. Not too much coffee, Sweetener and condensed milk. hmmmm.

But it is better when im not telling how much cups of coffee i take per day :D


Your thoughts in the morning...!

19.05.2014 um 07:27

I looked up Senseo coffee. I am not sure if it is here in NY. I'll see if it is in the store.

So, do you have more condensed milk and sweetener than coffee? hahaha :D

I don't know if I could try coffee again after my first experience. Maybe I will try it again, but I will do so near a sink in case it goes bad haha. I remember trying a coffee-flavored jelly bean candy and it was really bad tasting. Also, the aftertaste lasted what seemed like forever. Even the grass-flavored jelly bean candy was better. That wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.

Ahahaha, come on, tell me how many cups of coffee you drink per day. Admit it. :P hahaha
