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The Lottery: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

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Beitrag von Banana_Joe - am 19.11.2014

Salmon Cannon: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

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Beitrag von Banana_Joe - am 19.11.2014

Wetten, dass..? in Augsburg: STADTWETTE

To say it in advance, this is not just the worst nightmare for American celebrities, but a nightmare came true for every German possessing more intellectual keenness than a common sack of hammers also.Nevertheless it seems to me, German people do love the fact of being forced to pay for this show. Maybe because it's fun.But taxes aren't fun here, they're kind of boring so they do not pay via taxes for it, but in terms of a right, the German government has given to the broadcasting companies in ...
Beitrag von Banana_Joe - am 05.11.2014

Warren G. Harding's Love Letters: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

Nasty, it's really nasty!
Beitrag von Banana_Joe - am 30.08.2014

Nuclear Weapons: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

How shall I put it? Ouh, i know...: oO
Beitrag von Banana_Joe - am 30.08.2014

Louie Gohmert accuses the Attorney General of casting "aspersions on my asparagus"

God save the asparagus!
Beitrag von Banana_Joe - am 24.08.2014

Rep. Louie Gohmert Goes Berserk On Anderson Cooper!!!

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Beitrag von Banana_Joe - am 24.08.2014

Net Neutrality: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

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Beitrag von Banana_Joe - am 13.06.2014

Eurovision and Crimea Coin: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

This is about news and so on. You know what i'm sayin, do you? Well, furthermore this is designed for news of interest, other news, weird news, mad news, different, disgusting, ridiculous, funny or absurd news. You know what i'm sayin, so do not post anything different. Don't you dare! I mark the start with this one and that's that!
Beitrag von Banana_Joe - am 13.06.2014