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23.746 Beiträge ▪ Schlüsselwörter: Mord, Michael Jackson, Verurteilung ▪ Abonnieren: Feed E-Mail

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12.09.2011 um 22:40
Zitat von ilovemjilovemj schrieb:RTL hat sich schon lustig über Jermaine gemacht , wegen der Aussagen das sie MJ aussere Landes bringen wollten.
Hab ich leider nicht gesehen ..........bin voll im Streßßßßßß .............


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

13.09.2011 um 08:58
Discussion: Conrad Murray Jury Questionnaire
FOX 11 News discussion video.

Los Angeles - There's no court this week in the case against Dr. Conrad Murray, but just because there's no court doesn't mean there isn't any action in the case.

The action has to do with the questionnaire given to 145 potential jurors. Attorneys are set to begin questioning potential jurors Sept. 23 after reviewing the responses to the questionnaires, with opening statements tentatively set to begin Sept. 27.

The questionnaire quizzes potential jurors on 113 questions, including whether they have ever considered themselves a fan of Jackson or his family and whether they have ever watched "This Is It," the documentary made from rehearsal footage of Jackson in the days before his June 25, 2009, death.

On Monday defense attorney Mark Haushalter and former prosecutor Anthony Falangetti (who has his own defense firm now) joined Hal Eisner for a discussion on the questionnaire.

Watch the discussion in the media player.

Read more:


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13.09.2011 um 09:08
Jermaine Jackson inquiet pour l'image de son frère
Jermaine Jackson sagt, dass er befürchtet, dass sein Bruder Michael als "die schrecklichste Person" hingestellt würd während der Verhandlung über seinen Tod

Jermaine Jackson affirme qu’il craint que son frère Michael soit décrit comme « la personne la plus horrible » durant le procès concernant son décès, rapporte le journal britannique The Times.

Le roi de la pop est décédé en juin 2009 à la suite d’une surdose de Propofol. Son médecin personnel, le Dr Conrad Murray, doit maintenant subir un procès, accusé d’homicide involontaire ayant causé la mort de Michael Jackson.

Le processus de sélection du jury a récemment commencé, et le procès débutera ce mois-ci.

Toutefois, le frère de Michael Jackson, Jermaine, semble très inquiet, expliquant que l’équipe de la défense fera tout pour essayer de convaincre le jury que le chanteur était un drogué et qu’il s’est lui-même administré cette dose trop forte de médicaments.

Il déclare : « Je crois que ce qu’ils tenteront de faire, c’est de le décrire comme étant la personne la plus horrible. Nous savons tous que Michael prenait des antidouleurs pour sa douleur atroce et qu’il avait des médicaments pour dormir, mais ça ne signifie pas qu’il était un drogué. Un drogué prend de la drogue pour le plaisir. Un drogué n’est pas digne de confiance. Un drogué est une personne irresponsable, une personne qui se fout de tout. Michael était responsable.»

Jermaine Jackson a toujours été très préoccupé par l’image et le bonheur de son frère Michael.

Durant cette même entrevue, il a fait une révélation-choc, affirmant qu’il avait prévu faire fuir Michael s’il avait été reconnu coupable lors de son procès pour pédophilie en 2005. Il a révélé qu’il avait préparé un avion privé, financé par un ami, qui se tenait prêt à décoller vers le Bahreïn, et ce, sans même que Michael soit au courant.


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13.09.2011 um 15:04
The unlikely lawyer in Conrad Murray's corner
A little known but well-regarded Texas attorney is representing the doctor facing an involuntary manslaughter charge in the death of Michael Jackson.


Ein sehr langer Bericht ....

Ein Danke an
TrueCrypt blume1 aus dem Forum

für die grobe zusammenfassung........

Chernoff hat also Schmerzen in der Brust, (ist das ein Omen??) und Murray einen vermeintlich " Neuen Patienten! "
Verfolgt bis in den Traum, vom Aktenstapel, Angst vor dem Rampenlicht und Murray sollte auch einen Anderen Anwalt bekommen!

Eine durchsickernde Quelle aus der Kanzlei hätte Er schon feuern müssen, die Strategie das Michael die Drogen selbst nahm bröckelt auch seit der Richter Aussagen über Medikamentengebrauch in der Vergangenheit blockte!!

( Chernoff kam durch Zufall vor 2 Jahren an den Fall )
Chernoff wollte Murray da nur einen Rat geben, nicht mit der Polizei zu sprechen und sich einen örtlichen Anwalt zu nehmen. Nach dem Gespräch mit Murray, entschied Er sich anders! Murray sprach 3 Stunden lang mit der Polizei, wobei er den Gebrauch von Propofol einräumte.
Auch eine weitere Such nach einen NEUEN Anwalt , brachte nichts zu teuer oder Chernoff mochte diesen nicht ( ahJa )
Wobei Herr Flanagan über Chernoff sagt: "Er wird diesen Fall gewinnen, und das wird seiner Karriere für den Rest seines Lebens Aufwind geben."

Für den Großteil der Welt ist Murray der Mann, der Michael umgebracht hat. Chernoff hingegen beschreibt seinen Klienten als typisch, normal und mit jeder Menge zu verlieren.

Chernoff will diesen Fall offensichtlich gewinnen. In seinen trockenen Humor sagt dieser " Ich habe ein Ego. Aber was von Dauer wäre, wäre der Effekt, den es auf Dr. Murray hätte. Wir sind Freunde. Sein Kind und mein Kind haben zusammen gespielt. Wir haben zusammen gegrillt." ( ja ich habe da auch gedacht ist es richtig " Freunde " ähmja stimmt aber )!

Wie Murray Ihn bezahlt, dieser hat ja nichts ...Murray geht zwar arbeiten in Houston, ob es aber noch eine Stelle gibt nun da hält Chernoff sich bedeckt. Im Prozess wären ja nun auch zwei Co-Anwälte und forensischen Experten, Bezahlung Murray schweigt dazu....


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

19.09.2011 um 18:26
Prince Michael I. bei "BAMBI hilft Kindern"‎
MDR - vor 5 Stunden
Prince Michael I., Sohn des verstorbenen Pop-Stars Michael Jackson, wird die diesjährige "BAMBI hilft Kindern"-Gala auf ganz besondere Weise unterstützen: ...


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

22.09.2011 um 15:34

Ja das ganze kannst du dir denn am ...........
Prince Michael Jacksons Auftritt bei TRIBUTE BAMBI wird am 24. September 2011 in der Sendung „BAMBI hilft Kindern – Stars kämpfen für Deutschlands vergessene Kinder“ um 22:15 Uhr in der ARD zu sehen sein.


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22.09.2011 um 18:23
Mee schade das kann ich nicht sehn, da fliege ich nach Miami :D.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

23.09.2011 um 10:01

Na dann viel Spass :D :D


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

23.09.2011 um 10:07
Conrad Murray jury selection will be quick
The judge in the manslaughter trial of Michael Jackson's doctor is allowing lawyers only half the usual time to question potential panelists as they cull the pool.


By Harriet Ryan, Los Angeles Times

September 23, 2011
If, as is often said, trials are won or lost in the selection of jurors, the fate of Michael Jackson's doctor may be sealed Friday when a pool of prospective jurors is narrowed to a dozen.

That jury is expected to spend about five weeks hearing testimony about the music icon's final days and the culpability of Dr. Conrad Murray, Jackson's $150,000-a-month personal physician who gave him the surgical anesthetic propofol as a sleep aid.

The approximately 145 potential jurors are already well-known to both sides, thanks to what the judge in the case has called "the most complete questionnaire ever" — 32 pages of questions about their background, job history, views of Jackson and exposure to the media coverage of his 2009 overdose. In an initial screening earlier this month, every potential juror said they had some knowledge of the involuntary manslaughter case against Murray.

Because the questionnaire is so thorough, Superior Court Judge Michael Pastor has said he will allow attorneys only half the normally allotted time to question the would-be jurors as a group in court.

With less than a minute per potential juror, lawyers are likely to have decided beforehand "whether they want to keep them or get rid of them," said Richard Hirschorn, a veteran Texas jury consultant.

Murray's defense lawyers retained an unidentified jury consultant to help evaluate the questionnaires. The prosecutor's office has used such consultants in the past but elected not to this time.

"It's very lean times for public prosecutors' offices," said Sandi Gibbons, a spokeswoman for the district attorney's office.

In evaluating the questionnaires, experts said, both sides are likely to home in on the questions they care about most. Hirschorn said prosecutors might focus on what jurors wrote about their experiences with doctors and prescription drugs. Particularly revealing, he said, was the question, "Has a physician ever refused to prescribe a medication that you specifically requested?"

"That's the prosecution case in one sentence — Murray should have said no" to his famous patient, Hirschorn said. People who have been turned down by doctors may be more critical of Murray's acquiescence: "I'm putting them on the jury 99 out of 100 times," he said.

Questions about how closely they followed other high-profile legal cases, including the recent Casey Anthony murder trial in Florida, might draw close scrutiny also, said Richard Gabriel, a jury consultant who worked for music producer Phil Spector's murder defense. He said jurors interested in true crime stories covered obsessively by such cable news hosts as Nancy Grace "tend to be pretty pro-prosecution."

Justice, on such programs, "has become code for conviction," he said.

Attorneys might also zero in on potential jurors' experiences with drug and alcohol addiction, the subject of three questions. Hirschorn said people who have dealt with substance abuse would probably be more open to Murray's claim that Jackson begged for propofol and gave himself the fatal dose.

"If they know somebody who has been addicted, then they know that person will do whatever they have to to get drugs," Hirschorn said.

Legal teams typically rank jurors from one to five based on their answers and information turned up by Internet or public searches. In court Friday, experts said, both sides are likely to focus on the jurors they rank as ones — the worst for their case.

"It's not a matter of picking the people you want. It's really a de-selection process: getting rid of the worst of the worst and hoping the ones that are left can be fair," said Hirschorn, who worked for the defense in the William Kennedy Smith rape trial in the early 1990s.

Both sides can excuse 10 potential jurors without giving a reason. Additionally, they can ask the judge to remove anyone who shows bias.

But Howard Varinsky, the jury consultant for prosecutors in the trials of Scott Peterson and Martha Stewart, said the short time for questioning jurors in Murray's case will probably hurt lawyers' attempts to tease out bias.

"It usually takes about five, six … minutes" of questioning, Varinsky said. "When you've got one minute, you can't do it. You're handcuffed."

The limited time also constrains follow-up questions, such as in the case of jurors who check a box identifying themselves as Jackson fans, Gabriel said.

"You don't know if that means 'I've seen every concert and own every album' or 'I just really liked "Thriller,"'" he said.

Los Angeles Times staff writer Victoria Kim contributed to this report.,0,7904537.story


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23.09.2011 um 10:15
Anna Nicole's former doc defends Conrad Murray
Anna Nicole´s ehemalige Doc verteidigt Conrad Murray
From one celebrity doctor to another, Anna Nicole Smith's former physician is coming to the defense of Conrad Murray.

Murray, who was treating Michael Jackson and has been charged with involuntary manslaughter in Jackson's death, faces up to four years in prison if found guilty. Dr. Sandeep Kapoor, who was acquitted on charges of illegally providing drugs to the late Smith, says he feels sympathy for Murray.

“I think I do just based on the fact that there isn't a whole lot of medicine that is being talked about here. And it's very unclear about the history of how much he knew about his medical history, and how much he was told about his medical history," Kapoor tells "Showbiz Tonight" in an exclusive interview. "So I think that not knowing a lot of that could, potentially, have put him in a really bad situation. A bad situation where he did the best he could, and, obviously, it did not have a good outcome.”

There's been discussion about allowing the jury to look at a tape of Michael Jackson announcing his "This Is It" tour, with Murray's lawyers claiming it would allow the jurors to see MJ's "mental and physical condition back in March of 2009," three months before his death. But that's a move Kapoor thinks would be a bad idea.

“Having the jury look at a tape of Michael Jackson in an interview or prior to his concert tour, and trying to assess his health is somewhat risky," he says. "Having 12 people who are not physicians sort of say, ‘Well, geez, he looked healthy to me.’ Or, ‘He didn't look healthy,’ or ‘He was frail or weak.’ I think that's wrong.”

Overall, Kapoor says he believes that Murray "had every intention...that Michael Jackson should be healthy and live and he wanted to get him to London to perform his performances." He tells "SBT," "I don't think he's a monster. I mean he's a physician. He's a cardiologist. He meant well. And he has a patient base that's he's done a lot of great things for. I don't think he's a monster by any means.”

For "Showbiz Tonight's" full exclusive interview with Kapoor, tune in to HLN today at 11 p.m. ET. (Archiv-Version vom 27.09.2011)


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23.09.2011 um 10:20
Dr. Conrad Murray Relaxing On Eve Of Trial

Posted Thu September 22nd, 2011 - 02:14 AM EDT
Dr. Conrad Murray out looking relaxed with his family shopping in Santa Monica on the eve of his trail.

Bilder im Bericht .........


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23.09.2011 um 10:42
Prince Michael Jackson to Make First Solo Appearance

Michael Jackson-kids

Son of the late king of pop Michael Jackson, Prince Michael Jackson, will be making his first appearance without a family escort on November 10th.

Although Jackson will be making his first appearance without a Jackson clan rep, he won’t be entirely alone. The 14-year-old will be on hand for the auction of handwritten lyrics to his father’s hit “Bad” at a charity auction in the late fall. The auction- in Berlin, the site of the elder Jackson’s infamous 2005 baby-dangling stunt- will benefit the Tribute to Bambi foundation, a German charity dedicated to assisting needy children.

As for the event details, a spokesman for the shindig says Prince Michael will be integrated, and that the popstar’s son “will walk the red carpet and present the manuscript on stage surrounded by children.” Another source commented on Prince Michael’s first real foray away from the Jackson fam:

“He won’t be traveling alone… but he won’t have any family members with him.”

The younger Jackson and his siblings Paris and Blanket were notoriously close and even protective of their famous dad, and the three were understandably grief stricken when Jackson passed away somewhat suddenly in 2009. At the memorial for the star, daughter Paris sobbed:

“Ever since I was born, Daddy has been the best father you could ever imagine … I just wanted to say I love him … so much.”
The eldest Jackson child, Prince Michael is expected to testify against his father’s personal physician, Dr. Conrad Murray, at his manslaughter trial. One source close to the family said:
“Both the DA’s office and his relatives believe Prince Michael’s evidence is crucial to the case against Dr Murray and could even blow his entire defense out of the water.”

Bids for the item up for auction can be placed online.


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23.09.2011 um 11:04
Ich nehme das noch mit hier rein.....

Conrad Murray Trial
Michael Jackson Video
Proves Singer Was a Wreck


Lawyers for Dr. Conrad Murray want to show jurors just how worn down Michael Jackson was in the weeks leading up to his death -- and their proof ... MJ's blowout announcement for the "This Is It" concerts.

MJ held the news conference on March 5, 2009 ... announcing he would perform his last 10 concerts ever in London that summer ... insisting, "When I say this is it, it really means this is it."

Murray's defense team filed legal docs, claiming the video shows Jackson was rapidly deteriorating, both mentally and physically, when he made the announcement. They're asking the judge for permission to show jurors the video, to prove Michael was literally on his last leg ... several months before his death.

Murray's lawyers also think the video is relevant because Jackson was "adamant" about performing only 10 shows, and that subsequently adding 40 dates to the schedule may have been the straw that broke the camel's back.

1x zitiertmelden

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23.09.2011 um 11:54
Prince Michael Jackson Jr.: Und er ist doch gekommen!

Er macht seinem verstorbenen Vater alle Ehre. Die Veranstalter hatten nicht mit seinem Erscheinen gerechnet, doch Prince Michael Jackson Jr. überrascht ganz Berlin mit seiner Ankunft. Bei der heutigen “Tribute to Bambi”-Gala wird der älteste Sohn von Michael Jackson eine kleine Tradition seines Vaters fortsetzten. Der unverhoffte Stargast des Abends will bei der Veranstaltung den Originaltextentwurf des Songs “Bad” aus dem Privatbesitz von Michael Jackson für einen guten Zweck versteigern lassen.

Wenn man davon ausgeht, dass auch Michael Jackson selber der Veranstaltung hohe Bedeutung beigemessen hatte, dann ist der heutige Auftritt seines Sohnes eine logische Folge. Im Jahr 2002 hatte Michael eine Jacke und einen Hut für die Auktion bereitgestellt. Der Aufenthalt des Megastars ist fest in unsere Gehirne eingebrannt, weil bei diesem Besuch auch die Bilder entstanden bei denen er seinen Sohn Blanket aus dem Fenster des Hotels Adlon gehalten hatte. Ein Aufschrei der Entrüstung!

Es ist allerdings toll zu sehen, dass das Erbe von Michael Jackson durch seine Kinder weitergelebt wird. Natürlich gehen wir jetzt mal nicht von dem Skandal aus!

PRN-041047Original anzeigen (0,3 MB) (Archiv-Version vom 26.09.2011)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

23.09.2011 um 12:54
Und auf Deutsch ... :D :D

Verteidigung will MJs Pressekonferenz zur "This Is It" Tour zeigen

Am Dienstag haben die Anwälte von Dr. Murray den Antrag gestellt, dass die Pressekonferenz von Michael in London am 5. März 2009 beim Prozess gezeigt werden kann, um Michael Jacksons geistigen und körperlichen Zustand nur wenige Monate vor seinem Tod aufzuzeigen und den Geschworen zu zeigen, dass anfangs nur 10 Konzerte geplant waren. Es soll damit auch Karen Fayes Aussage unterstützt werden, dass Michael wütend war, als die Anzahl Konzerte von 10 auf 50 erhöht worden war und er besorgt war, dass er dies körperlich nicht durchstehen konnte. Wie vorgängig erwähnt, hat die Staatsanwaltschaft beantragt, die Aussage von Karen Faye nicht zuzulassen, da sie lediglich auf Hörensagen beruhe. Der richterliche Entscheid dazu ist noch ausstehend. (Archiv-Version vom 03.09.2011)

Nur etwas doof da ja viele an einen Double_MJ glauben ..... smilie frech 012 ... will Murray´s Team also nen falschen MJ vor Greicht zeigen ....smilie frech 008


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

23.09.2011 um 14:31
Bringing up Jacko's children: A highly charged interview with Michael Jackson's mother

-Paris schläft immer noch mit einem Pullover von Papa
-Nach ihrem bizarren Erziehung, sehnen sich die Kinder nach Normalität
-Der Sänger war überzeugt, er werde getötet werden,

article-0-0C9DC5D5000005DC-293 233x423

Read more:
Ein sehr langer Bericht.....


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

23.09.2011 um 15:30
Ein Dank an Lena :D .....aus dem Forum ....

für die kleine Übersetzung :D :D

On the day we meet there is a news story that suggests the trust had revised its policy and was to give £20 million to Katherine and the children and to some charities. ‘The only thing I’m going to say is they are unfair.’
Einen Tag als wir uns trafen gab es die News-Story das in den Trust 20 Mio. für K. und die Kinder und einigen Charities gegeben werden. "Das einzige was ich sage ist das es so unfair ist."
Perhaps she means the estate is unfair because it’s a trust and the children will not be awarded that money straight away.
Vielleicht meint sie das der Estate unfair ist weil es ein Trust und die Kinder das Geld nicht nicht gleich erhalten.
She continues: ‘They say they’re selling Hayvenhurst [the Jackson family’s English Tudor-style home in Encino, California, where Michael grew up]. I haven’t agreed to that. I don’t want it sold. Michael remodelled it as a gift to me, but I won’t go back to live there. I like where I live now because it’s lighter, brighter.
Sie fährt fort: "Sie verkaufen Hayvenhurst (das Jackson-Familienhaus im engl. Tudor-style in Enciono, Californien, wo Michael aufwuchs). Ich habe nicht zugestimmt zu dem. Ich möchte nicht das es verkauft wrid. Michael gab es es mir als ein Geschenk, aber ich möchte nicht zurück um dort zu leben. Ich mag wo ich jetzt lebe weil es heller und größer ist".


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

23.09.2011 um 18:59
Zitat von ghost777ghost777 schrieb:show jurors the video, to prove Michael was literally on his last leg ... several months before his death.
LOL :D TMZ wieder, naja so sind sie halt...

Aber mal ganz ehrlich, die Anwälte von Murray müssen ja absolute Vollpfosten sein! Wenn die nun dieses Video von dieser "großen Ankündigung" im Gericht zeigen wollen, um zu beweisen, dass MJ eigentlich schon mit einem Fuß im Grab stand, warum hat Murray dann trotzdem MJ behandelt um ihn auf die Konzerte vorzubereitet?? Irgendwie reißt der sich immer mehr in die Scheiße. :D :D

1x zitiertmelden

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

23.09.2011 um 21:31
Prosecutors: Dr. Conrad Murray Has Guilty Conscience!

dr-conrad 372x526

Dr. Conrad Murray's actions - or lack thereof - were telling, according to the officials tasked with investigating the death of Michael Jackson in 2009.

Prosecutors in the physician's involuntary manslaughter trial want the jury to hear about how authorities tried repeatedly to get in touch with Dr. Conrad Murray to figure out how Michael Jackson died, and how he didn't cooperate.

That, they say, is proof positive of a guilty conscience.

Prosecutors say both the LAPD and the L.A. County Coroner tried on at least three separate occasions from June 30-July 21, 2009 to contact Murray about the case.

Never once did they receive a call back.

By falling off the radar, prosecutors believe it shows a consciousness of guilt - if not a full-scale effort to be less than forthcoming - and they want this evidence before the selected jurors. The judge has yet to rule the motion.

The gaping hole in the Michael Jackson death timeline and the judge's ruling that some previous MJ doctors cannot testify won't help Murray, either.

Read more celebrity gossip at:


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

23.09.2011 um 21:45
Zitat von CosmicQueenCosmicQueen schrieb:Aber mal ganz ehrlich, die Anwälte von Murray müssen ja absolute Vollpfosten sein!
Nee glaub nicht das die so blöde sind ...........sie versuchen nur mit aller Macht und jeder Möglichkeit
ihren Mandanten da raus zu holen ..... da würd alles aufgefahren was es nur gibt ......selbst die PK mit nem Double^^ :D :D

