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DAT moment when.....

50 Beiträge ▪ Schlüsselwörter: DAT ▪ Abonnieren: Feed E-Mail

DAT moment when.....

19.12.2014 um 23:27
... you're ready for work and suddenly realise that you got up 2 hours early because you forgot to set the darn clock on your mobile back after playing Candy Crush last night... :nerv:


DAT moment when.....

20.12.2014 um 22:08
...when you can sleep long but wake up at 6 am -.-


DAT moment when.....

08.03.2015 um 20:27
...you click on the English section, and nothing happened... again :chinamann:


DAT moment when.....

07.11.2015 um 12:34
then u go to the Toilet😂


DAT moment when.....

11.02.2016 um 21:51
... a person you don't like is friendly to you and you don't know what you should think about that.


DAT moment when.....

20.02.2016 um 05:14
...i read this

Sir, What is the secret of your success? a reporter asked the bank president C.W. Porter.
Two words
And, Sir, what are they?
Right decisions.
And how do you make right decisions?
One word.
And, Sir, what is that?
And how you get experience?
Two words
And, Sir, what are they?
Wrong decisions.


DAT moment when.....

07.03.2016 um 07:28
You wake up and your mobilephone lies under your back ..


DAT moment when.....

12.03.2016 um 18:28
I read this:

Question: What is the most common for of birth control?
Answer: Most people prevent  contraption by wearing a condominium

Question: What is terminal illness?
Answer: When you are  sick at the airport.


DAT moment when.....

15.03.2016 um 12:02
the earth is doomed. All life is going to perish in two days due to radiation. A spaceship from other solar system lands and offers to rescue twelve people, who could start a new world on an empty planet very much like earth.
Imaging you are the selection committee and you have to decide who may rescued.
Think about the criteria which you would use in your decision.
Genre such in Denglisch oder Deuglisch.


DAT moment when.....

17.03.2016 um 08:37
I read this
Yo really can teach a fish to walk... a other experiments that are changing our view of evolutions.

New Scientist 17.01.15
A very interesting article.


DAT moment when.....

05.04.2016 um 08:20
I read this..
Scientific American March 2016
Mystery human. A trove of enigmatic bones found in a cave in South Africa has stirred up a long-simmering debate about our origins. By Kate Wong



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