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What means "Doch!" or "ups, doch nicht" in english?

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Primpfmümpf Diskussionsleiter
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What means "Doch!" or "ups, doch nicht" in english?

10.05.2014 um 01:14
Hello, im asking me since years what "Doch" called in english. Or, "oh, doch nicht, sorry".


What means "Doch!" or "ups, doch nicht" in english?

10.05.2014 um 01:14


What means "Doch!" or "ups, doch nicht" in english?

10.05.2014 um 01:15
Doch = yes

Primpfmümpf Diskussionsleiter
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What means "Doch!" or "ups, doch nicht" in english?

10.05.2014 um 01:15
and what means "Ja doch!" ?


What means "Doch!" or "ups, doch nicht" in english?

10.05.2014 um 01:16
Einfach yes.


What means "Doch!" or "ups, doch nicht" in english?

10.05.2014 um 01:16
I´m asking me (if)... = I wonder (whether)... ;)

Primpfmümpf Diskussionsleiter
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What means "Doch!" or "ups, doch nicht" in english?

10.05.2014 um 01:17
i thought first "yet!"

Was heist überhaupt hauptsächlich "Yet"? Wann verwendet man es meistens?


What means "Doch!" or "ups, doch nicht" in english?

10.05.2014 um 01:17
not yet = noch nicht


What means "Doch!" or "ups, doch nicht" in english?

10.05.2014 um 01:17
yet = noch

I haven´t yet = Ich habe noch nicht

Primpfmümpf Diskussionsleiter
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What means "Doch!" or "ups, doch nicht" in english?

10.05.2014 um 01:18

What? I do not need "if" oer whether in my question

Primpfmümpf Diskussionsleiter
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What means "Doch!" or "ups, doch nicht" in english?

10.05.2014 um 01:18
and what means "still"?


What means "Doch!" or "ups, doch nicht" in english?

10.05.2014 um 01:18
That was only for example :)


What means "Doch!" or "ups, doch nicht" in english?

10.05.2014 um 01:19
still = (immer) noch

Primpfmümpf Diskussionsleiter
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What means "Doch!" or "ups, doch nicht" in english?

10.05.2014 um 01:19
and always still?


What means "Doch!" or "ups, doch nicht" in english?

10.05.2014 um 01:20
I have never heard nor read that. :)

Primpfmümpf Diskussionsleiter
ehemaliges Mitglied

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What means "Doch!" or "ups, doch nicht" in english?

10.05.2014 um 01:20
ok i understand.


What means "Doch!" or "ups, doch nicht" in english?

10.05.2014 um 12:19
Das Wort "doch" ist einzigartig und nur in der deutschen Sprache vorhanden. Ich finde es cool.

Wenn Barack Obama sagt: Yes we can, meint er: Doch, wir können, aber es ist bei weitem nicht so ausdrucksstark, wie unser deutsches "doch".


What means "Doch!" or "ups, doch nicht" in english?

13.05.2014 um 00:05
'yes, by all mean'


'sorry, i was wrong' / 'sorry, i made up my mind'

the best thing is, never try to translate something directly, word by word, 1:1...just translate the meaning or the sense of the stuff, you want to say

Primpfmümpf Diskussionsleiter
ehemaliges Mitglied

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What means "Doch!" or "ups, doch nicht" in english?

13.05.2014 um 02:37
hi. Another question. Is there any worrd in english directly for "egal"?


What means "Doch!" or "ups, doch nicht" in english?

13.05.2014 um 03:59
Some suggestions in this thread ("Yes") are just wrong. Words such as "doch" are almost untranslateable since the grammatical concept behind it is unique to German, Dutch, and to some extent Indonesian and Japanese.

They are called "modal particles" and carry the speaker's mood or intention with them -- when saying "Ja doch" you want to convey impatience -- and the best way to translate them into English is by adding a sentence like "I told you so".

There is a very interesintg Wikipedia article on the topic:
Wikipedia: German modal particle

Best translation for "egal" when spoken would be "doesn't matter" or "not important". When being a little impatient with someone, "never mind" might be appropriate.

