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Spiritual conflicts

5 Beiträge ▪ Schlüsselwörter: Religion ▪ Abonnieren: Feed E-Mail
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Spiritual conflicts

10.11.2018 um 15:32
Islam believe in one God ideology. But the Hindus regects it and follows multi forms(avatars) of God.
What could be the general ideology behind this and which is more logical?


Spiritual conflicts

10.11.2018 um 15:41
Ich finde die sumerische Götterwelt am coolsten.


Spiritual conflicts

23.08.2019 um 22:53
there are tempels in india where 10 people pray to 10 different gods and that is ok for them

no one tryes to force his belives on one another

to force your belives on another beeing is a easy indication of a false religion from my

point of view true spirituality teaches not to harm another beeing in any way if your holy book

say otherswise it has been corruptet by greedy people how want to controll the population


Spiritual conflicts

26.08.2019 um 07:50
for me :) one god ,one personal and to accept for poeple with other Religion and godness


Spiritual conflicts

27.08.2019 um 11:34
there is no such thing as one singel religion in india

however it is said that rudra (isha) screamed and so the kosmos started

and from him all other entety´s emerged

so also many hindu religions belive in one beeing that is father and mother at the same time

not only to god´s but also to the kosmos and to humankind all animals and nature itself


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