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Die 3 Tage der Dunkelheit (3 Days of Darkness)

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Die 3 Tage der Dunkelheit (3 Days of Darkness)

16.04.2005 um 23:14
Leider nur auf Englisch Sorry!!

"The aspect most spectacular of the action of God will be the three days of darknesses on the entire land. The Three Days had been announced by many prophets, Anna-Maria Taigi, Pious Priest, Elizabeth Canori-Mora, Rosa-Colomba Asdente, d'Oria of Palm, in Italy, Gere Nectou, in Belgium, Sta. Hildegard, in Germany, Lamy, Marie Baourdi, Marie Martel, Marie-Julie Jahenny, in France, (This list is not depleted; many other prophets had announced the Three Days.) The Church does not compel to believe any particular prophecy as a faith dogma , but Christian common-sense really recommends to let us consider that prophecies in our times can even though be made , in the Bibel is writen : Jo16,12-13 "Still I have much to say to you; but you you cannot support it now. When the time comes, however, that one, the Spirit of the truth, it will guide you to all the truth; because it will not speak by itself, but it will say what it will have heard, and it will announce you the coming things."
Moreover, when an identical prophecy is made by separate people per the centuries, when this revelation particularwas followed by other predictions that already had come to pass, and when the sanctity of the prophets in question were recognized by the Church, we really would be fools not to believe that the prophecy has come to mark itself. Such is the relative case to the Three Days of Darkness. As we could explain a prophecy that a woman of an analphabet peasant is describing the same thing that another prophet in Germany or Italy also are describing? It has to have common-sense in understanding its intention.


Here they are the signals of proximity of the three days in the probable order of their occurrence. This, is only my proper opinion, and I can be wrong because I am not a prophet; but, after studying a great number of prophecies, this order appears to be probable:

1 - Disrespect of the teachings of the Church, arrogance in prelates of the Church, constants schisms and pleas of the authority of the Church.

2 - Lack of charity with the next one, social egoism, indifference, divisions, disputes, disdain to the God, pride and supervaluation of the human knowledge.

3 - Disarrangement of familiar life: immorality, adultery, perversion of youth (for example homosexuals that gives conferences in schools), immodest fashions (for example "hot" mini-skirts and pants, biquínis, accessible pornography, sexual freedom), the people to cultivate a life of pleasures.

4 - Civil commotions, disdain for authority, fall of governments, lack of humanized politics, corruption, sudden coup d etat, civil war, revolution.

(the first four signals of proximity already had happened, at least in part; because we still will go to see its constancy and repetition as today already we attend in all the globe. But the succession of events is not strict chronological. Thus, 5º proximity signal also seems to have started.)

5 - Floodings and droughts, failures of harvest, unstable climate, become, earthquakes, unknown scarcity of natural resources, epidemics, illnesses.


These will happen between the approach of the fact and the immediate signals. Both will be supernatural occurrences, and the Miracle will be followed to the Warning of close. It will have a solar prodigy; a Cross will be visible in the whole world sky. The Warning will be associated with a number, probably "ONE"; it will not fall in one day holy day of Maria , nor in l8º days of one month.
The Miracle will fall into the day of party of mártir young of the Eucaristia; this will be in a thursday night, and will coincide with an important event of the Church.
The Miracle will be seen in Spain and Rome, and as the Cross in the sky, will be seen in all places, seems that the Warning will not happen jointly with the Miracle. However, the Miracle also can have a Cross in the sky.
During the Warning, all the human being will be alerted on its proper errors, and many will desire to die, but the proper Warning for itself will not kill , the ones that die will be for pure scare ahead of the fruit of their sins. The Warning and the Miracle must be seen as the last act of clemency of God, a final acknowledgment for human sort to make penance before the three days of darknesses and the destruction of three-rooms of the human sort.
Since that the abortion and the sodomy had been transformed socially into acceptable things and to the times legal, we would not have to desire to know why God goes to punish human sort.
Nothing of that we saw until today, no catastrophe, no war will be compared with the Three Days of Darknesses.


It will be a bitterly cold night of winter in the hemisphere Of the north. (Presumable, on the same night of cold summer in Australia or, through contrast, a torrid night in other regions.)
The wind will roar. Ray and rays of a magnitude without precedent will hit the land. The entire land will tremble, will be disturbed celestial bodies - (this will be the start of the Three Days).
All Demon, all bad spirit will be frees of the hell and will be allowed to become vacant on the land. Terrificantes appearances will happen. Many will die of scare. Fire will rain of the sky, all the great cities will be destroyed, poisonous gases will fill the air, shouts and lamentations in all places. The skeptics will burn to the outdoors which dry gram. The entire land will be afflicted; to the end it will be looked like an immense cemetary

Commentary of the author of the site:

When reading this disturbing text you imagine this text is about a fantasy, you should remember of the Appearances of Maria in Ruanda in Africa in the decade of 80. It augured to the young videntes days of war, plagues, full entire cities of corpses, full rivers of bodies case that nation dont convert they self. Many had considered the appearance exactly a youthful fantasy for foreseeing that much of destruction.
But the reply to these fidgets came fast for the unbelievers. Three years after the end of the appearances in Ruanda it had begon a bloody civil war, plagues, hunger, dries, still more terrifyinger then the ones that they had doubted, the TV showed for the whole world images of entire cities coved of corpses, cities deceased, and showed most horrible of the evidences of the prediction made by the Virgin (Maria). It did not have drinking waters in Ruanda, the river had gone up a little its level and was full of bodies. Of that time it was a direct message for that nation, the apell is now directed to the world, are there still doubts?"

Hab die Sache vom Portugischen aufs Englische mit Babelfish übersetzt. Der Text ist sehr Katholisch angehaucht. Fand die Prophezeiung aber sehr Interessant und passend zu unserer Zeit. Hätte die Sache gerne auf Deutsch Übersetzt aber dafür würde zu viel Zeit & Geduld drauf gehen .
Man kann die Sache jetzt Glauben oder nicht.... Aber der Papst war sehr von Maria angetan bzw. wurde von den Hirten Kinder von Fatima (Portugal) von dem Attentat gewarnt. Diese hatten "3 Geheimnisse" von Maria erhalten, als die Kinder diese sahen. Von daher könnte diese Geschichte ja wahr sein wer weis?
Mehr über die 3 hirten kinder von Fatima : http://www.santuario-fatima.pt/portal/index.php?lang=EN (Archiv-Version vom 08.03.2005)


Die 3 Tage der Dunkelheit (3 Days of Darkness)

16.04.2005 um 23:16
kannst du das nicht übersetzen ich hab keinen bock das alles auf englisch zu lesen

1. schaut in mein Profil
2. Tragt euch ins Gästebuch ein

magicfriend Diskussionsleiter
ehemaliges Mitglied

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Die 3 Tage der Dunkelheit (3 Days of Darkness)

16.04.2005 um 23:30
Sorry...muss für meine Abi Prüfung lernen hab den Artikel nur kurz in Babelfish reingworfen. Du kannst dir den Text unter http://babelfish.altavista.com/ auf Deutsch übersetzen lassen..... Von mir aus kannst du den hier dann auf Deutsch Posten... So muss jetzt aber noch lernen ...bye


Die 3 Tage der Dunkelheit (3 Days of Darkness)

17.04.2005 um 16:40
Link: www.prophezeiungen-zur-zukunft-europas.de (extern) (Archiv-Version vom 10.03.2004)

3 Tage der Finsternis.. ein bekannter link

Reinige zuerst deine eigenen Sünden und urteile dann erst über die anderen...


Die 3 Tage der Dunkelheit (3 Days of Darkness)

15.06.2011 um 20:29
ist doch wohl ein witz
