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112.ua 31.05.2015:
Near Marinka Donetsk region three locals cruelly beat a policeman cautiously. This was stated by The Deputy chief of Main Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine in Donetsk region Ilya Kiva, reports TV channel "24".

According to him, the police officer went to the checkpoint in his car, but the car broke down, and he had to stop. At this time three local residents attacked the man and beat him. As noted Kiva, beating of the militiaman was very cruelly, and when they thought he died, they dragged him to the river.
Source: http://112.ua/obshchestvo/mvd-vblizi-marinki-mestnye-zhiteli-zhestoko-izbili-milicionera-233480.html

Meine Meinung:
Wahrscheinlich war es Notwehr.

Wir erinnern uns vor ein Paar Tagen rief Ilya Kiva öffentlich zum Meucheln von Busreisenden nach Donezk auf.
