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Single or Couple?

107 Beiträge ▪ Schlüsselwörter: LOL, Love, Single ▪ Abonnieren: Feed E-Mail
kikuchi Diskussionsleiter
ehemaliges Mitglied

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Single or Couple?

05.04.2006 um 08:44
So today's issue will be, are you still living as a single, or in a partnership or areyou even wedded?

For my part I fell in love, a little time ago, and since then,I am a single no more *g*.

So I am interested in your ‘status’ ;)

Touch me, trust me
savour each sensation!
Let the dream begin,
let your darker side give in...


Single or Couple?

05.04.2006 um 19:40
yay first ^^v
yeah well.. single and happy with that :D

Never let the fear of striking out, keep you from playing the game!


Single or Couple?

05.04.2006 um 22:51
I'm single,because there isn't the right guy

"Es draengt sich auf, dass aus Gras Milch wird und wir daraus Kaese machen."-- ich koennts nicht shoener sagen :P


Single or Couple?

07.04.2006 um 12:42
i have a girlfriend in germay. that´s very far away, so what do u think about having onehere and one there!? ;)

真 善 忍

choda ehemaliges Mitglied

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Single or Couple?

08.04.2006 um 02:03
Gosh, i felt in love a longe time ago, a think 5 years are past now.
You might thinkit is a long time, but it is not. Time is short when feeling good, and vice versa.
But you, Mr.noname, trust me you feel much more satisfied in having a girl you havedeep (positives) feeling for, as having a lot of "chicks" everywhere.
Women zaizhonguo shuo, you yi ge qing'ai de bi you hen dou xihuan de hao!

Hey Kikuchitell us more about the new girly of yours.
Do you?

kikuchi Diskussionsleiter
ehemaliges Mitglied

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Single or Couple?

08.04.2006 um 14:43
On the one hand you say, you feel in love a long time ago, on the other hand you say itwasn't such a long time, this is not coherent ;)

And I think, I won't give anyinformation about my 'girly', I love her, and she is loving me, everything else is noneof your business ;)

Touch me, trust me
savour each sensation!
Let the dream begin,
let your darker side give in...

choda ehemaliges Mitglied

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Single or Couple?

08.04.2006 um 15:55
my dear mr.k,
it is not "not coherent", i was talking about the objektiv time and,
that what you feel about. 5 years is long, but might feel short.

"And Ithink, I won't give any information about my 'girly', I love her, and she is loving me,everything else is none of your business "

Indeed it is, it was just a smalltalkquestion, not a real one.
i just wanted thinks going on. that's it.

andplease feel free to tell if you want me out of allmystery,
it is not needed to banneme, just tell me and i go.

with kind regards


kikuchi Diskussionsleiter
ehemaliges Mitglied

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Single or Couple?

08.04.2006 um 16:09
and please feel free to tell if you want me out of allmystery,
it is not needed tobanne me, just tell me and i go.


Choda, you think I havean aversion to you, because I warned you officially? I am sorry; this has nothing to dowith your personality. If you want to leave allMystery, you can do this right now, if youwant to stay, this is ok, but you have to obey the rules.

Touch me, trust me
savour each sensation!
Let the dream begin,
let your darker side give in...


Single or Couple?

10.04.2006 um 06:09
u warned me also, cause of writing two sentences in german.....so read i read the englishrules.....and there i couldn´t find anything what about using another language. of coursethis is an english-forum, but i´ve never found another forum, don´t mind which languageit usually uses, where it is aggainst the rules to post sth. in another language.

maybe u treat this issue to seriously....

tell me, what is this:

Touch me, trust me
savour each sensation!
Let the dream begin,
let yourdarker side give in...

Or look at my signature, what if u post sth. in thegerman forum with this signature? is it aggainst the rules? am i only allowed to post inthe chinese version of allmystery cause of my chinese signature? sorry, but this lookslike a stupid rule to me....

真 善 忍

kikuchi Diskussionsleiter
ehemaliges Mitglied

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Single or Couple?

10.04.2006 um 09:42

This forum was created, to give people who speak English, the chanceto use allMystery. When you begin to use other languages here, like Chinese, German,French or whatever, not everyone can understand it. You signature is none of my business.And if you have any further questions you can contact me via pm, but please stop todiscuss this issue in this topic.

I just did, what DNS told me to do. I am justa moderator, I don't create the rules.


Kind regards, Kikuchi

Let the dream begin,
let your darker side give in...

..::Phantom of the Opera::..


Single or Couple?

13.04.2006 um 19:15
Last one, for 4 month and 3 days! *smile!

Wenn man keine Ahnung hat, einfach mal die Fresse halten!



Single or Couple?

13.04.2006 um 19:35
Watching out for new Opportunities Kikuchi?;)

"Sei vergnügt so lange du am Leben bist..."

kikuchi Diskussionsleiter
ehemaliges Mitglied

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Single or Couple?

13.04.2006 um 19:52
No, I am perfectly well with my present girlfriend :o)

Kind regards,


Let the dream begin,
let your darker side give in...

..::Phantom of the Opera::..


Single or Couple?

14.04.2006 um 14:25
single 0o

HA,HA,HA, du hast gerade Spam gelesen :D


kikuchi Diskussionsleiter
ehemaliges Mitglied

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Single or Couple?

14.04.2006 um 14:26
Why did I already knew this? ;)

Let the dream begin,
let your darker side give in...

..::Phantom of the Opera::..


Single or Couple?

14.04.2006 um 14:40
WTF ?!

I had the chance,but she was my friends Girlfriend ;)

HA,HA,HA, du hast gerade Spam gelesen :D


kikuchi Diskussionsleiter
ehemaliges Mitglied

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Single or Couple?

14.04.2006 um 14:46
Of course...that was the way it happend :D
In fact you don't have a girlfriend rightnow, ne ;)

Let the dream begin,
let your darker side give in...

..::Phantom of the Opera::..


Single or Couple?

14.04.2006 um 14:52
yea,coz i did not want to destroy the friendship.
All Girls I am interested in, areGirlfriends of my friends.

That sucks

HA,HA,HA, du hast gerade Spam gelesen :D


kikuchi Diskussionsleiter
ehemaliges Mitglied

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Single or Couple?

14.04.2006 um 14:56
Yes, that is defiantly bad.
Thought you don't even know any other girls, but yourfriends girlfriends. ;)

Let the dream begin,
let your darker side give in...

..::Phantom of the Opera::..


Single or Couple?

14.04.2006 um 16:54
Hey 0o
thats crap :p

HA,HA,HA, du hast gerade Spam gelesen :D


kikuchi Diskussionsleiter
ehemaliges Mitglied

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Single or Couple?

15.04.2006 um 19:14

Let the dream begin,
let your darker side give in...

..::Phantom of the Opera::..
