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Single or Couple?

107 Beiträge ▪ Schlüsselwörter: LOL, Love, Single ▪ Abonnieren: Feed E-Mail

Single or Couple?

10.09.2014 um 15:24
I adore someone but this love is killing me.

He is unfaithful , lying to and cheating on me . That's why we 're not together anymore , at least not properly .


Single or Couple?

20.09.2014 um 02:26

Yes, you are correct. I don't think she is ready to open up enough yet to have a stable relationship. I do agree that it is impossible to have a relationship while having little to no outside influence.

However, I still must disagree about sharing every aspect of life together. As long as you and your girlfriend are in mutual agreement about how you run your relationship(and you are both happy), then by all means, keep doing what you are doing.

When I mentioned sharing every aspect of life, I mean it literally. For example, a relationship in which one partner can't handle going to the bank without the other partner. Another example would be someone who can't bare to be alone while the other person might be gone for one night on a business trip. That is what I meant by sharing every aspect of life. These two examples of relationships would be unhealthy.

Certain amounts of privacy are necessary. Sometimes, taking a walk alone can give you time to reflect on different events happening in life. Privacy gives you time to think and be your own person for a little while. I am not saying that it is good to have too much privacy, but I do think that a little is important. Also, some partners in a relationship might have a hobby that does not interest their partner.

There is a difference between secrecy and privacy. Secrecy is filled with guilt and a bad motive. Privacy is more relaxed, in my opinion. Privacy does not necessarily mean hiding something.

Example: If you have a partner who claims that they are painting a picture in another room, but you come in and they quickly put their phone away, then that is secrecy. If the person paints a picture in another room while you walk in and they keep painting or they show you their work, then that is just privacy while painting.

Having to share every aspect, in my opinion, sounds very paranoid. Would you trust your girlfriend if she privately took a walk?


Single or Couple?

13.02.2015 um 09:53
i´m single and i am very fine with this


Single or Couple?

12.03.2016 um 18:06
I am single although i know the rules for a happy  married  life:
1. Don't  nag
2. Don't  try to take your partner over
3. Don't criticise
4. Give honest  appreciation
5. Pay little attentions
6. Be courteous
7. Read a good book on the sexual side of marriage.

Dale Carnegie: How to Win Friends  and Influence  People


Single or Couple?

08.05.2018 um 10:15
I'm in a relationship (have been for exactly 21 months today! ♥) And I love my girlfriend a lot


Single or Couple?

02.06.2018 um 20:45
I am single. I have been married, but I am now divorced since quite many years, and I live with my two almost-adult children. I would not have anything against meeting some attractive and exciting man though :-) , but I doubt that I will ever again live beneath the same roof with someone permanently. I appreciate my new freedom, when my kids are not dependent on me on a daily basis anymore, too much!



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