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23.746 Beiträge ▪ Schlüsselwörter: Mord, Michael Jackson, Verurteilung ▪ Abonnieren: Feed E-Mail

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

06.06.2013 um 13:27
Nach dem Selbstmordversuch seiner Schwester Paris

Prince Michael Jackson jr.
sagt „Wetten, dass..?“ ab

Prince Michael jr. sollte für seine Schwester Paris einspringen. Jetzt kommt keines der Jackson-Kinder in die ZDF-Show

06.06.2013 - 11:46 Uhr

Diese Absage war abzusehen und ist unter den Umständen verständlich: Nach dem Selbstmordversuch von Paris Jackson (15) und ihrer Absage für die Sommer-Ausgabe von „Wetten, dass..?“ wird auch Bruder Prince Michael (16) nicht zur ZDF-Show nach Mallorca reisen. Wie BILD erfuhr, ist der komplette Europa-Trip der Familie bereits am Mittwochabend gestrichen worden.

Auf der Homepage der ZDF-Show wurde Prince Michael jr. Donnerstagvormittag noch als Gast aufgeführt, doch die Absage ist definitiv.

Auf der offiziellen Seite der ZDF-Show stand Prince Michael jr. am Donnerstagvormittag noch auf der Gästeliste

Ein enger Vertrauter zu BILD: „Es gibt jetzt wichtigere Sachen, die die Familie zusammenhalten müssen. Katherine Jackson geht es sehr schlecht. Sie macht sich Vorwürfe und steckt mit über 80 Jahren diesen Stress auch nicht mehr so einfach weg, obwohl sie ja viel gewohnt ist.“

Vor dem vermeintlichen Selbstmordversuch der Tochter des King of Pop hatte es nach Aussagen des Familienfreundes aus Deutschland Streit zwischen Paris und ihrer Oma gegeben. Es soll um die schulischen Leistungen des Teenies gegangen sein.

Paris wurde am frühen Mittwochmorgen in eine Klinik in Los Angeles gebracht, soll Schnittverletzungen an einem Arm gehabt haben und wurde genäht. Auch von Medikamenten war die Rede. In Lebensgefahr sei sie allerdings nicht gewesen.

Wer den leeren Platz auf der „Wetten, dass..?“-Couch nun ausfüllen soll, wird derzeit beim ZDF heiß diskutiert. So oder so sind Tickets für die Show sehr begehrt – der Sender stellte ein Foto online, das eine lange Schlange vor der Stierkampfarena zeigt.


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06.06.2013 um 14:06
neee, so einfach ist es nun aber doch nicht ... die Psyche eines Menschen lässt sich nicht nach diesem "Schema" ergründen ... :)

Paris Jacksons Selbstmordversuch

Das Twitter-Protokoll
ihrer Verzweiflung

06.06.2013 - 11:33 Uhr

Um diese Teenager-Seele muss man sich ernsthaft sorgen...

Schock für den weltberühmten Jackson-Clan: Mit einer Überdosis und einem Schnitt in den Unterarm hat Paris Jackson (15) am gestrigen Mittwoch versucht, sich das Leben zu nehmen! Die Tochter des King of Pop Michael Jackson († 50) musste in einem Krankenhaus in Los Angeles notversorgt werden. Zuvor schrieb sie einen Abschiedsbrief und postete traurige Botschaften auf Twitter...

Der Selbstmordversuch

Mit einem Fleischerbeil hatte sich Paris selbst verletzt – die Wunde musste mit mehreren Stichen genäht werden. Zusätzlich soll sie das Schmerzmittel Motrin konsumiert haben.

Ihre Rettung: Der Mitarbeiter einer Selbstmord-Hotline, die Paris angewählt hatte, erkannte den Ernst der Lage und alarmierte den Notruf 911.

Laut dem Jackson-Clan gehe es dem aufgewühlten Teenager „körperlich“ wieder gut: Tante La Toya (57) bedankte sich für die Anteilnahme: „Wir schätzen die überwältigende Besorgnis um Paris von Seiten der Öffentlichkeit und der Medien.” Und Großmutter Katherine (83) bestätigte, ihre Enkelin bekomme eine „angemessene, medizinische Hilfe“.

Es sei schwer, eine sensible 15-Jährige zu sein, so Katherine Jackson weiter: „Egal, wer du bist. Es ist besonders hart, wenn du eine nahestehende Person verlierst.“

Papas Todestag jährt sich am 25. Juni zum vierten Mal

Wie sehr sie ihren Vater vermisst, verriet ein namentlich nicht genannter Freund von Paris jetzt „E! News“: „Paris hat den Tod ihres Vaters immer noch nicht verarbeitet. Sie hatte nie wirklich Zeit zu trauern, weil sie nach seinem Tod erst einmal mit vielen Veränderungen klarkommen musste.

Auf Twitter lässt Paris die Welt in ihre Seele blicken

Manchmal fröhlich, oft traurig, zwischendurch sarkastisch – das Teenie-Gefühlschaos von Paris lässt sich an ihren Twitter-Posts ablesen: Liebeskummer, Schulmobbing, Familienstreitereien. Die Michael-Jackson-Tochter gibt Einblicke in ihre Gefühlslage. Seit dem Tod des King of Pop tritt sie über soziale Netzwerke mit der Welt in Kontakt. Zu Lebzeiten hatte Papa Michael großen Wert darauf gelegt, seine Kinder vor der Öffentlichkeit zu beschützen: Michael Jackson schirmte Paris und ihre beiden Brüder Prince Michael (16) und Blanket (10) ab.

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Paris letzte zwei Botschaften, in denen sie unter anderem aus dem melancholischen „Beatles“-Song „Yesterday“ zitiert, sind jetzt genau einen Tag her, sie twitterte sie vor ihrem Selbstmordversuch .

Auszug aus ihrem Twitter-Account

Der eine oder andere Eintrag im letzten Monat zeigt, wie aufgewühlt die Michael-Jackson-Tochter wirklich war...

tweetsparis06062013A zpsfc595278

„Jedes Mal, wenn ich versuche, mich abzulenken, funktioniert das nicht. Es endet damit, dass ich jede Nacht denselben Fehler mache.“

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tweetsparis06062013AB zps8c9a691a


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

06.06.2013 um 14:13
zu diesem Bericht gab es noch ein UPDATE ...

Paris Jackson
Possible Suicide Attempt
Rushed to Hospital

6/5/2013 9:05 AM PDT UPDATED: 6/5/2013 5:19 PM PDT

UPDATE -------------------------------------------------------------------------
5:19 PM PT -- Howard Weitzman, the lawyer for the MJ Estate, tells TMZ, "Co-Executors John Branca and John McClain wish to extend their heartfelt thoughts and prayers to Paris Jackson during this very difficult time. The Executors are fully committed to providing Paris with whatever assistance she requires in dealing with this situation and will be there for her."


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

06.06.2013 um 14:51
6. Juni 2013 11:15

Paris Jackson – die traurige Geschichte von Jackos Tochter

Sie lächelt, aber ihre Augen blicken traurig: Paris Jackson wollte sich das Leben nehmen © Twitter

Paris Jacksons (15) Selbstmordversuch ist nach dem Tod ihres Vaters, dem Weltstar Michael Jackson († 50), der traurige Höhepunkt ihres jungen Lebens.

Sie ist ein Teenager, hat das ganze Leben noch vor sich und doch lastet auf ihren zarten Schultern bereits eine unglaubliche Last. Eine Last, unter der sie zusammenzubrechen drohte. Mit einem Messer soll sich Paris am Mittwoch die Pulsadern aufgeschnitten und eine Überdosis Medikamente geschluckt haben – Medienberichten zufolge hinterließ sie gar einen Abschiedsbrief.

Bereits als Kleinkind bekam Paris Jackson zu spüren, dass sie kein normales Kind ist. Nur mit Tüchern und Masken verhüllt durften sie und ihre Brüder in die Öffentlichkeit treten – eine Maßnahme von Superstar Michael Jackson, um die Privatsphäre seiner Kinder zu schützen und ihnen eine "normale Kindheit" zu ermöglichen.

Am 7. Juli 2009, rund zwei Wochen nach dem Tod von Michael Jackson, weinte die Welt dann mit Paris Jackson: * Bei der Gedenkveranstaltung für ihren Vater griff die damals 11-Jährige zum Mikrofon und schluchzte: "Seitdem ich auf der Welt bin, war Daddy der beste Vater, den man sich vorstellen kann. Und ich will nur sagen, dass ich ihn so sehr liebe." Danach brach sie vor den Augen von Millionen von Zuschauern in Tränen aus und fiel ihrer Tante Janet Jackson (47) in die Arme, die sie von der Bühne brachte.

Viele fragten sich damals, ob Paris freiwillig zum Mikrofon griff – immerhin hielt Jacko seine bildhübsche Tochter stets aus der Öffentlichkeit fern und wollte unbedingt vermeiden, dass Fremde die Gesichter seiner Kinder kennen.

Dass sie den Tod ihres Vaters nicht akzeptieren will, wurde 2012 deutlich: An Jackos 54. Geburtstag postete sie bei Twitter ein Foto ihres Zimmers, dessen Wände unzählige Poster und Fotos ihres Vaters schmücken und verriet, sie wolle sich das Geburtsdatum ihres Vaters tätowieren lassen. Doch ein Tattoo hätte ihr ihre strenge Großmutter Katherine Jackson (83) und ihr Cousin TJ Jackson (34) wohl niemals erlaubt, die sich die Vormundschaft für Jackos Kinder teilen.

In einem ** Interview mit dem "Event"-Magazin verriet Paris kürzlich: "Ich werde an einer kurzen Leine geführt und ich habe das Gefühl, dass ich eine normalere Kindheit haben könnte, wenn diese Leine etwas gelockert werden würde." Außerdem verriet sie: "Ich denke, die Neverland Ranch sollte wieder zu dem werden, was sie einst war, damit Kinder, die nie eine Kindheit hatten, wieder Spaß dort haben können."

Im Mai 2013 tauchten dann schockierende Fotos auf, die die seelische Verfassung des Teenagers nach außen trugen. Ihr Unterarm ist von Narben gezeichnet – möglicherweise leidet Paris an der psychischen Erkrankung Borderline, zu der vor allem junge Menschen tendieren. Borderliner fügen sich sich mit scharfen Gegenständen Wunden zu, um seelischen Druck abzulassen und sich selbst wieder zu spüren.

Ob sie vor wenigen Wochen auf die ruhig gelegene Ranch ihrer Mutter Debbie Rowe (54) zog, um wieder zu sich zu finden? Angeblich hatte Paris seit der Scheidung ihrer Eltern im Jahr 1999 keinen Kontakt mehr mit ihrer Mutter, näherte sich ihr in den vergangenen Monaten jedoch Schritt für Schritt wieder an. Zunächst schien es dem Teenager bei seiner Mutter gut zu gehen – das Landleben und die Nähe zu ihrer Mutter schienen dem Teenie neue Lebensfreude zu schenken. Doch jetzt ist klar, dass es viel schlimmer um Paris steht, als vermutet.

Aktuell befindet sie sich in einer Klinik in Kalifornien ( ), wo sie psychologisch untersucht und medizinisch betreut wird.

* Michael Jackson 1958-2009, Paris Jackson said 'Daddy Has Been the Best Father'

** Paris Jackson opens up about dad in new interview
Youtube: Paris Jackson opens up about dad in new interview
Paris Jackson opens up about dad in new interview
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06.06.2013 um 17:13

Dr. Conrad Murray
Message to Paris
'You Are Not Alone' [AUDIO]

6/6/2013 7:05 AM PDT

TMZ06062013 zpsf932ac2f
AUDIO auf der Website

Dr. Conrad Murray has outdone himself ... this time sending an audio message to Paris Jackson, telling her he'd like to help her figure out what's eating her.

Murray used a pay phone to send what he calls a "letter" to Paris, telling her "I don't know if there's anything to do to solve your pain," adding, "I'm here for you."

The message is bizarre ... Murray also uses the title of a Jackson song, "You Are Not Alone." He also uses verses from "Ain't No Mountain High Enough" and "You've Got a Friend."

And there's this ... Murray mentions that Paris consoled him "in [her] deepest moments of grief."



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06.06.2013 um 17:22
Prince Michael Jackson sagt "Wetten, dass..?" ab

06.06.2013, 15:27 Uhr | sgü,

Diese Absage versteht sich von selbst: Nach dem Selbstmordversuch von Paris Jackson (15) hat ihr ein Jahr älterer Bruder Prince Michael Jackson die Teilnahme an der Sommer-Wetten, dass..?-Show abgesagt. Das Geschwisterpaar wollte gemeinsam die Show besuchen.

Auf der Facebook-Seite der beliebten Wettshow ist zu lesen: "Das Management von Paris und Prince Michael Jackson hat uns informiert, dass situationsbedingt auch Prince nicht nach Mallorca kommen wird. Wir bedauern es sehr, haben aber größtes Verständnis dafür und wünschen Paris viel Kraft und schnellste Genesung."

Paris Jackson, Prince Michaels jüngere Schwester wurde am Mittwochmorgen in eine Klinik in Los Angeles gebracht. Die 15-Jährige hatte sich das Handgelenk aufgeschnitten und einen Abschiedsbrief geschrieben.

Wer nun den leeren Platz des Geschwisterpaares auf der "Wetten, dass..?“-Couch füllen wird, steht noch in den Sternen.


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06.06.2013 um 21:01

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Paris Jackson Apparent Suicide Attempt: Why?
Michael Jackson's daughter apparently cut her arm with kitchen knife, according to dispatch call.
06:01 | 06/06/2013

Transcript for Paris Jackson Apparent Suicide Attempt: Why?

Let's get to the big questions swirling around paris jackson's apparent is suicide attempt and whether they are guardians missed the danger signs. Abc's cecilia vega joins us from los angeles with much more on all this. Good morning, cecilia.

Reporter: Robin, good morning. So many questions still, but what we do know is that paris jackson comes from one of the country's most famous families and with that seems to come a lot of grief. I just wanted to say I love you so much.

Reporter: Paris was right there in the middle of the jackson family at her father's memorial service, the first time the world heard from a child whose privacy had been fiercely guarded and she has been right there in the middle of that family's drama ever since. ♪ Reporter: Today paris, her brothers and their grandmother are six weeks into a $40 billion lawsuit against the promoter of what was supposed to be michael jackson's comeback tour. Paris was subpoenaed to testify in that case.
Let's get to the big questions swirling around paris jackson's apparent is suicide attempt and whether they are guardians missed the danger signs. Abc's cecilia vega joins us from los angeles with much more on all this. Good morning, cecilia.

Reporter: Robin, good morning. So many questions still, but what we do know is that paris jackson comes from one of the country's most famous families and with that seems to come a lot of grief. I just wanted to say I love you so much.

Reporter: Paris was right there in the middle of the jackson family at her father's memorial service, the first time the world heard from a child whose privacy had been fiercely guarded and she has been right there in the middle of that family's drama ever since. ♪ Reporter: Today paris, her brothers and their grandmother are six weeks into a $40 billion lawsuit against the promoter of what was supposed to be michael jackson's comeback tour. Paris was subpoenaed to testify in that case.

Paris jackson was asked intimate details about her father and her father's death. It was a very intense situation. Hi, how are you?

Hi, miss jackson. How are you. Reporter: Paris told oprah last year growing up has not always been easy.

A lot of people don't like me. So why do a lot of people not like you? I can't imagine.

I don't know. Do you think they're jealous. Maybe.

I don't know. Reporter: Paris said she was in high school just trying to have a regular childhood. More normal.

It's more fun if you have a social life has gotten better. I mean there's drama but I try to stay away from that. Reporter: But she has not stayed away from the battles in her own family.

Last summer some of the jackson siblings reported matriarch katherine missing. Others said she was never missing to begin with then the twitter war with paris calling her uncle randy a liar, not to mention the fights over custody of jackson's children and his will. Recently, paris was spotted meeting with an entirely different family member, her birth mother, debbie rowe.

But through it all, the memories of the father she was so close to still there. Do the memories come fast and furious still or some of it's fading and gets a little easier to move on? It never gets easier.

Reporter: Hard to hear. Well, as for that ongoing trial, there was no mention of what happened to paris during yesterday's proceedings. Her lawyers say, george, they have done everything possible to shield her and her brothers from the drama inside that courtroom.

Okay, cecilia, thanks. Let's talk more with howard bragman and "gma" legal analyst dan abrams. Thanks, guys for coming in.

Howard, you worked closely, you know many members of the jackson family. How seri what you have learned is this? It's very serious and a lot of people are focusing on was this a real suicide attempt or cry for help?
That's not the issue. The issue is here's a troubled 15-year-old girl going through huge emotional issues right now and she desperately needs help. Do we know what's at the root of it?

Absolutely. We saw last year that she was going, where's my grandmother? I haven't seen her in a week.

Recently reaching out to her birth mother debbie rowe. This is a girl who needs parenting. She needs consistency, leadership, continuity in her life and it's the one thing she can't get in this family.

Dan, there's been so much controversy. Could katherine lose her guardianship over this. You can lose guardianship but you don't lose it based on the actions of the child.

You lose it based on the inaction of the guardian so if they haven't been following her closely enough, if they are not paying enough attention, if she really is in desperate need of a parent figure, then, yes, that could be a reason that someone could lose it. But you don't just lose it because a child does something that is horrible. One could argue, she is under pressure preparing to testify in this lawsuit, questions about whether they should be bringing -- you heard the jackson family lawyer earlier saying she's under no pressure at all.

No one is put -- but, of course, she's under pressure. I mean the reality is she's preparing to testify in a trial about her father's death. She was going to be talking about the emotional impact that this had on her, of course she's under enormous pressure and i certainly hope that the family has been taking that into account from day one in deciding to relive everything of that painful -- she's been doing that, as i understand from people who follow her.

Her understanding four years later are much more mature and like reliving her father's death again. She was the love of her father's life and he was the love of hers. There's a void that I don't know that can ever be filled.

What does the family do? They have to pull together. You have a definite lack of leadership.

They have to decide on a structure, give her consistency, give her what every teenage girl needs, love, support. Is there any one person who's best situated to do that right now. You know, katherine is great.

She's a wonderful, loving lady but she's 83. She's frail. T. J. Is a great young man who is the cousin who's been helping, but from what I understand that relationship isn't real strong. They're going to have to get together to decide on a structure with paris. SEE LESS

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06.06.2013 um 21:07

<iframe id="kaltura_player_1370545313" height="221" width="392" style="border: 0px solid #ffffff;" src=";flashvars[autoPlay]=false&amp;addThis.playerSize=392x221&amp;freeWheel.siteSectionId=nws_offsite&amp;closedCaptionActive=false&amp;">Unfortunately your browser does not support IFrames.</iframe>

Paris Jackson 'Cut Her Arm With a Kitchen Knife'
Michael Jackson's only daughter was rushed to the hospital after an apparent suicide attempt.
02:42 | 06/06/2013

Transcript for Paris Jackson 'Cut Her Arm With a Kitchen Knife'

The only daughter of michael jackson rushed to the hospital yesterday after downing painkillers and cutting herself with a kitchen knife on her abc's david wright is in los angeles with the latest. Good morning, david. Reporter: Good morning, robin.

Paris jackson is said to be physically fine after that apparent suicide attempt and I'm getting the appropriate medical attention and her family is asking for the one thing that it's been toughest to give her since the day she was born, privacy. Overdose. Reporter: It came 1:30 a.

M. Wednesday. A medical emergency at the jackson family home.

This time michael jackson's 15-year-old daughter. 15, OD'd ON 20 MOTRIN AND CUT Her arm with a kitchen knife. Reporter: Paris jackson rushed to the hospital by ambulance after apparently taking 20 motrin, cutting her arm and calling a suicide hot line.

The person at the other end of the phone called 911. Hello, face, that's rarely seen in public without makeup. Reporter: A surprising cry from help by a teen who was video blogging beauty tips.

I need serious help. I'm crazy. Zy.

Reporter: It's almost four years to the day that we first heard her speak. Just wanted to say -- Reporter: With that heartbreaking eulogy at her father's funeral. She's had to relive her dead several t -- dad's death several times in court.

They're suing aeg live for the wrongful death of her father. She was deposed in the case but a family lawyer says she was under no pressure to testify. The jackson family and the jackson lawyers are putting no pressure on paris regarding this case at all.

Reporter: The lawyer representing aeg offered his own words of sympathy. This is a real person involved here. There's a 15-year-old girl and something incredibly tragic happened and none of us know why.

Reporter: This morning some say there were signs she was struggling, apparent wounds on her wrist that could be explained as self-harming, cutting. Lately her twitter feed has been full of song lyrics, mostly songs about heartbreak and loss including this -- "yesterday all my troubles seemed so far away now it looks as though they're here to stay. " That beatles tune one of the ones the jackson family owns as part of michael jackson's estate.

This transcript has been automatically generated and may not be 100% accurate.


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06.06.2013 um 21:12
Paris Jackson now in all-too-familiar spotlight

Associated PressBy SANDY COHEN | Associated Press – 8 hrs ago

LOS ANGELES (AP) — Until he died in 2009, Michael Jackson was fiercely protective of his children (save for that one balcony-dangling incident). He covered their faces when they went out with him so they might enjoy the kind of normal childhood he missed out on as a member of the Jackson 5.

But Prince, Paris and Blanket Jackson stepped onto a world stage without masks when they appeared at the King of Pop's public memorial. Paris, then just 11, delivered the most poignant words of the star-studded service when she tentatively took the microphone and said, "Daddy has been the best father you could ever imagine."

Since Jackson's death, Paris has become the most visible of his children, granting interviews to Oprah Winfrey and Ellen DeGeneres, appearing in magazine articles and amassing more than a million followers on Twitter. She has also expressed interest in starting a singing career and has plans to star in a movie. But on Wednesday, Paris became a trending tabloid topic all too familiar for the Jackson family after she was rushed to a hospital for unspecified reasons.

All fire and sheriff's officials would say is that they transported someone from a home on Paris' suburban Calabasas street in the middle of the night for a possible overdose. They did not release any identifying information or additional details.

The Jackson family would say even less about what happened.

"Being a sensitive 15 year old is difficult no matter who you are," Jackson's mother's attorney, Perry Sanders Jr., said in a statement Wednesday. "It is especially difficult when you lose the person closest to you. Paris is physically fine and is getting appropriate medical attention. Please respect her privacy and the family's privacy."

Sanders declined further comment on the teenager's condition or the circumstances that led to her hospitalization.

Yet on Tuesday, Paris hinted at her state of mind on Twitter, posting, "I wonder why tears are salty?" followed by lyrics from the Beatles' song "Yesterday": "yesterday, all my troubles seemed so far away now it looks as though they're here to stay."

A 20-minute video of the teen applying makeup was posted to YouTube last week. It shows Jackson in what she describes as her bedroom playfully demonstrating how she does her eye makeup. She receives and replies to several texts on her phone while offering cosmetics instruction. She also reveals that she watches the film "Tangled" three times a week and, as a child, fantasized about marrying a cowboy.

She also makes goofy faces and says, "I need serious help. I'm crazy!"

Paris wrote on Twitter that she doesn't know how the video, in which she repeatedly asserts, "I am so weird," ended up on YouTube.

"I hope you guys liked it tho and didn't think i'm too crazy," she wrote. "i get weird when i'm not around people lol."

Katherine Jackson shares guardianship of her son's three children with the singer's nephew, TJ Jackson.

Messages left for TJ Jackson's attorney were not returned.

"We appreciate everyone's thoughts for Paris at this time and their respect for the family's privacy," said a statement from Eric George, an attorney for Debbie Rowe, Paris' biological mother.

In recent months, she has reconnected with Rowe, with whom she has had little contact for most of her life.

Paris' uncles Tito, Marlon and Jackie echoed that sentiment in their statement Wednesday: "Thank you for the outpouring of concern and support for Paris — she is safe and doing fine. We truly appreciate you respecting our family's privacy at this time."

The children are listed as plaintiffs in a lawsuit filed by their grandmother against concert giant AEG Live LLC, who she claims is responsible for her son's death. Katherine Jackson's lawsuit claims AEG failed to properly investigate the doctor convicted of causing the singer's death, and pushed the superstar to rehearse and perform a planned series of 50 comeback shows titled "This Is It."

Paris and Prince are listed as potential witnesses in the case, which is in its sixth week of trial.

Marvin S. Putnam, a defense attorney for AEG Live, said Paris and Prince Jackson were deposed in the case because they are named plaintiffs and may be called to testify. He said Paris Jackson's testimony was not a "grilling" but urged privacy for her and her family.

"There's a real person involved here," Putnam said. "There's a 15-year-old girl and something incredibly tragic has happened that none of us know why and I think it would really be in everyone's best interest and particularly in her best interest if rather than blowing this up into something else, that they were given a little bit of privacy to deal with something that has to be a tragic, tragic moment for all of them."

"She's 15," he said. "Someone should give her a break."


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06.06.2013 um 21:33
Dr. Conrad Murray zu Paris Jackson: „Ich bin für dich da“

Bizarre Nachricht aus dem Knast
Geschrieben am: 06.06.2013 um 18:24 Uhr

Als hätte Dr. Conrad Murray der Familie von Michael Jackson nicht schon genug angetan, schickt er nun auch noch irre Botschaften an dessen Tochter Paris Jackson.

Der ehemalige Leibarzt des King Of Pop benutzte ein Münztelefon, um Paris eine Nachricht auf Band zu hinterlassen, die er als „Brief“ an sie bezeichnete. Offenbar bekam er im Gefängnis vom Selbstmordversuch der 15-Jährigen Wind und wollte seine 2 Cent dazugeben.

Murray sagte, „Ich weiß nicht, was du durchmachst, aber ich bin mir sicher, was immer es ist, es muss schwierig sein.“

„Ich weiß nicht, ob es irgendwas gibt, das deinen Schmerz auflösen kann. [...] Ich bin für dich da.“

Weiter erklärte er, dass er ihr jederzeit zuhören und ihre Fragen beantworten würde.

Wirklich gruslig wurde die Message aber erst, als er den Titel vom Jackson-Song „You Are Not Alone“ benutzte und die Verse aus „Ain’t No Mountain High Enough“ sowie „You’ve Got a Friend.“

Hier könnt ihr euch die bizarre Nachricht an Paris Jackson in voller Länge anhören!

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Dr. Conrad Murray Sends Message to Paris -- 'You Are Not Alone'


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06.06.2013 um 21:52
Michael Jackson an 'emotionally paralyzed mess,' AEG email says

By Jeff Gottlieb
June 5, 2013, 12:21 p.m.

Despite the apparent suicide attempt by Michael Jackson’s daughter, testimony resumed Wednesday in a wrongful death case brought by the pop singer’s children and mother against entertainment titan AEG.

Paris Jackson, one of the plaintiffs in the case, was rushed to the hospital early Wednesday morning, according to sources. The L.A. County Fire Department described the medical emergency call it received as a "possible overdose."

Jackson's former wife and Paris' mother, Debbie Rowe, told Entertainment Tonight that Paris Jackson tried to commit suicide.

In its suit, which is being heard in a downtown L.A. courthouse, the family accuses AEG of being responsible for the doctor who administered a fatal dose of the anesthetic propofol to Jackson as he was preparing for his return to the stage.

On the stand Wednesday, the chief executive of the company producing and promoting Michael Jackson's 2009 "This Is It" concerts testified it was a "miracle" that the singer showed up at a news conference in London to announce his comeback.

Randy Phillips testified that Jackson was hung over, although in emails he says the singer was drunk.

"The fact that the press conference even happened is a miracle," Phillips wrote to Jackson's manager.

In another email he wrote to Tim Leiweke, then-chief executive of parent company Anschutz Entertainment Group, Phillips said: “MJ is locked in his room drunk and despondent. Tohme [another Jackson manager] and I are trying to sober him up and get him to the press conference with his hairdresser/make-up artist.”

In a second email to Leiweke, Phillips wrote: “I screamed at him so loud the walls are shaking. Tohme and I have dressed him and they are finishing his hair and then we are rushing to the O2. This is the scariest thing I have ever see. He is an emotionally paralyzed mess riddled with self loathing and doubt now that it is show time. He is scared to death. Right now I just want to get through his press conference.”

In another email Phillips wrote to a business partner: “I haven’t pulled it off yet. We still have to get his nose on propery (sic). You have no idea what this is like. He is a self-loathing, emotionally paralyzed mess.”

The emails were shown to the jury in the wrongful death suit filed by Jackson's mother and three children against AEG Live. The Jacksons charge that the company negligently hired and supervised Conrad Murray, the doctor who administered the propofol. AEG says that Jackson hired Murray and that any money the firm was going to pay the doctor was an advance to the pop star.

No family members appeared in court Wednesday. This is one of the few days of the trial when no Jackson relatives have appeared to watch the proceedings.,0,6949167.story


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06.06.2013 um 22:12
Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 35m
Updated story on judge's remarks regarding sealing Wade Robson's abuse claims against Michael Jackson estate: (Archiv-Version vom 25.03.2014)
[ (Archiv-Version vom 25.03.2014) ]

The Associated Press
Judge may unseal part of Jackson abuse claim

LOS ANGELES (AP) — A judge said Thursday he was inclined to unseal portions of a choreographer's court filings alleging he was abused by Michael Jackson.
9:26 PM - 6 Jun 13

Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 1h
The link I just tweeted on this morning's Robson/Jackson estate hearing is a short version. A longer one will be available soon.

Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 1h
Probate judge said this morning he's inclined to unseal portions of Wade Robson's complaint against Michael Jackson:
8:43 PM - 6 Jun 13

Judge says he's inclined to unseal portions of molestation claim against Michael Jackson

By ANTHONY McCARTNEY AP Entertainment Writer
First Posted: June 06, 2013 - 3:17 pm
Last Updated: June 06, 2013 - 3:20 pm

LOS ANGELES — A judge said Thursday he was inclined to unseal portions of a choreographer's court filings alleging he was abused by Michael Jackson.

However, personal details and psychiatrist reports would likely not be released.

Superior Court Judge Mitchell Beckloff said he needed to address which records should remain sealed before he can deal with whether Wade Robson, a choreographer and television personality, can pursue his claim.

Robson requested on May 1 that Beckloff allow him to file a late creditor's claim against Jackson's estate nearly eight years to the day after he testified in Jackson's defense at the singer's molestation trial.

Jackson was acquitted after Robson told jurors the entertainer never touched him inappropriately. Henry Gradstein, an attorney for Robson, said a breakdown last year prompted Robson to address the abuse.

Howard Weitzman, an attorney for Jackson's estate and Thomas Messereau, the lawyer who successfully defended Jackson, have attacked Robson's credibility and noted his repeated defense of the singer.

Weitzman has called the accusations "outrageous and pathetic."

"We are confident that the court will see this for what it is" he said at the time the allegations were first made.

On Thursday, Beckloff presented attorneys with possible redactions of Robson's sworn declaration and said it should serve as a roadmap for what information can be made public.

The judge believes some of the material could be made public, even though attorneys on both sides would like the case sealed in its entirety.

Some of Robson's private and personal information, including a paragraph that detailed his allegations of abuse by Jackson, should be sealed, Beckloff said.

He also said portions of the records that deal with mental health issues also should not be released.

"There aren't a lot of redactions," Beckloff said of his suggestions.

Attorneys for Robson and Jackson's estate will review the suggestions by the judge and report back at a hearing on June 25, the fourth anniversary of Jackson's death.

Beckoff, who is overseeing the probate case involving Jackson's massive estate, said he will also handle a separate lawsuit filed by Robson against Jackson and two other defendants listed as "Doe 2" and "Doe 3" that includes allegations of abuse by the entertainer. That lawsuit also remains sealed.

Robson, 30, has worked with Britney Spears and numerous other stars. He was 22 at the time he testified, telling jurors in Jackson's criminal case that he met the pop star when he was 5 and spent the night at Jackson's Neverland Ranch more than 20 times, sleeping in the singer's bedroom on most visits.

During the trial, Robson bristled at testimony by other witnesses that they had seen Jackson molest him.

"I'm very mad about it," he told jurors. "It's not true and they put my name through the dirt."

Gradstein previously issued a statement saying, "Last year, on a career trajectory that was off the charts, (Robson) collapsed under the stress and sexual trauma of what had happened to him for seven years as a child."


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

07.06.2013 um 07:57

Debbie Rowe, La Toya
Unity At Hospital
For Paris

6/6/2013 10:15 AM PDT

Photogallery auf der Website

La Toya Jackson and Debbie Rowe showed up at an L.A. hospital Wednesday night to spend time with Paris Jackson.

We're told Debbie was inconsolable after she learned her biological daughter took a meat cleaver to her arm and downed a bunch of Motrin in what authorities called a suicide attempt.

In addition to Debbie and La Toya, Katherine Jackson was also present.

Paris is going to be physically ok, but as we first reported, she's currently being held on a 5150 -- a 72-hour psychiatric hold -- so professionals can attempt to get to the bottom of her troubles.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

07.06.2013 um 08:25
Jackson clan and Debbie Rowe gather around Paris' hospital bed as she remains under psychiatric hold after suicide bid

* Teenager asked for 'emancipation' from her family
* Showed signs of self-harm in recent weeks
* Prince Michael cancels TV appearance
* Paris 'threw a fit' after being told she couldn't attend Marilyn Manson gig
* Goth rocker sends her message: 'You can be on my guest list anytime'
* Conrad Murray, doctor convicted of killing Jacko, also chimes in: 'You are not alone'
* Paris targeted by Twitter trolls in recent months

By Daily Mail Reporter
PUBLISHED: 17:21 GMT, 6 June 2013 | UPDATED: 03:07 GMT, 7 June 2013

Paris Jackson's mother Debbie Rowe, grandmother Katherine and aunt La Toya Jackson rallied around the teenager on Wednesday night following her suicide attempt.

The women were pictured leaving the LA hospital where the 15-year-old is being held on a on a 5585 psychiatric hold, which permits a 72-hour hold for minors.

Both Debbie, 54, and La Toya, 57, appeared incredibly somber after the visit in pictures obtained by TMZ, while Katherine, 83, left in the back seat of a chauffeur-driven car. They all left separately.

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Meanwhile, a source told People, 'Paris is doing well, smiling again and can't wait to see her friends.'

There was no sign of Paris' siblings Prince Michael, 16, or Blanket, 13, nor other members of the Jackson clan. (Prince Michael canceled a scheduled appearance on German television on Thursday, following his sister's troubles.)

The women all made public statements about Paris yesterday, with Debbie admitting daughter has had 'a lot going on lately'.

Paris has recently begun developing a relationship with her biological mother, who relinquished her custody rights to Paris and Prince following her divorce from the Bad singer in 1999.

Her grandmother and legal co-guardian Katherine has been very supportive of Paris' decision to reach out Debbie amid her personal turmoil.

The suicide attempt is understood to have come after a dark time and episodes of self-harming.

'Paris has been very, very depressed for a while. She's been throwing fits and tantrums, kicking and screaming and cutting herself,' a source tells People magazine.

'She misses her father greatly,' the source adds. 'She was the center of Michael's world and it's all different now. She says that she is lonely and that she doesn't feel loved.'

The act is considered by many to be a cry for help, with the insider adding: 'Paris is very unhappy and alone. She's living in this place and there's security and uncles and all these hangers-on. And she's alone. That's one of the reasons she reached out to Debbie Rowe – she wants a family, she's missed her dad.'

June 25 will mark the fourth anniversary of Jackson's death.

Katherine lawyer said yesterday the teen is 'physically fine', adding: 'Being a sensitive 15-year-old is difficult no matter who you are. It is especially difficult when you lose the person closest to you.'

La Toya added: 'We are grateful and appreciate the overwhelming concern for Paris from both the public and the media, but request privacy at this time while our family handles these issues together'

It is understood Paris tried to commit suicide after reportedly being denied the chance to attend a Marilyn Manson gig.

Other reports have alleged Paris 'flipped out' and screamed at the relative who stopped her seeing the goth rocker, and it is claimed she then locked herself in her bedroom at her Calabasas, California home and cut her arm before leaving a note and ringing a suicide hotline.

Manson has since passed on a message of support via TMZ, saying: 'I hope you feel better. You will be on my guest list anytime you want.'

Conrad Murray also chimed in with a message for Paris - cold comfort considering he is doctor convicted of killing her father.

'I don't know what you're going through, but I'm sure whatever it is it must be difficult,' Murray said in a message from jail obtained by TMZ.

'I don't know if there's anything I can do to solve your pain or help you with your problem but I wanted you to know that I am here for you. I have never been gone.'

He also referenced the title of a Jackson song, You Are Not Alone.

On Thursday it emerged Paris asked for 'emancipation' from her family at one point, according to the US columnist Roger Friedman, who has strong sources close to the Jackson family. Katherine currently shares guardianship of Paris and her siblings with the son of Michael’s brother, Tito.

The court action would have given Paris control over her own life before legally becoming an adult at 18.

Friedman also alleged that Debbie could seek legal custody of her daughter removing her from the Jackson family compound in Calabasas.

During his high-profile but deeply troubled life, the King of Pop was fiercely protective of his children - covering their faces in masks in public outings - but since death in 2009, Paris has become the most visible in the public spotlight.

Paris, who was just 11 when her father died, delivered the most poignant words of the star-studded service when she tentatively took the microphone and said, 'Daddy has been the best father you could ever imagine.'

In the years that followed she granted interviews to Oprah Winfrey and Ellen DeGeneres, appeared in magazine articles and amassed more than a million followers on Twitter.

She has also expressed interest in starting a singing career and has plans to star in a upcoming movie.

But she has struggled in recent times, and on Tuesday she hinted at her state of mind on Twitter, posting, 'I wonder why tears are salty?' followed by lyrics from the Beatles' song 'Yesterday': 'yesterday, all my troubles seemed so far away now it looks as though they're here to stay.'

A 20-minute video of the teen applying makeup was posted to YouTube last week. It shows Jackson in what she describes as her bedroom playfully demonstrating how she does her eye makeup. She receives and replies to several texts on her phone while offering cosmetics instruction. She also reveals that she watches the film Tangled three times a week and, as a child, fantasized about marrying a cowboy.

She also makes goofy faces and says, 'I need serious help. I'm crazy!'

Paris wrote on Twitter that she doesn't know how the video, in which she repeatedly asserts, 'I am so weird,' ended up on YouTube.

'I hope you guys liked it tho and didn't think i'm too crazy,' she wrote. 'i get weird when i'm not around people lol.'

Paris and Prince listed as plaintiffs in a lawsuit filed by their grandmother against concert giant AEG Live LLC, who she claims is responsible for her son's death. Katherine Jackson's lawsuit claims AEG failed to properly investigate the doctor convicted of causing the singer's death, and pushed the superstar to rehearse and perform a planned series of 50 comeback shows titled 'This Is It.'

Both children are listed as potential witnesses in the case, which is in its sixth week of trial.

Marvin S. Putnam, a defense attorney for AEG Live, said Paris and Prince Jackson were deposed in the case because they are named plaintiffs and may be called to testify. He said Paris Jackson's testimony was not a 'grilling' but urged privacy for her and her family.

'There's a real person involved here,' Putnam said. 'There's a 15-year-old girl and something incredibly tragic has happened that none of us know why and I think it would really be in everyone's best interest and particularly in her best interest if rather than blowing this up into something else, that they were given a little bit of privacy to deal with something that has to be a tragic, tragic moment for all of them.'

'She's 15,' he said. 'Someone should give her a break.'

ParisFam06062013A zpsf7d40ec5


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

07.06.2013 um 09:14 (Archiv-Version vom 23.08.2013)

der Gesprächsverlauf zwischen Debbie und @MUZIKfactoryTWO ist wirklich sehr "strange" ...
das ist nur ein kleiner "Vorgeschmack" ... :)

Painted Desert Ranch ‏@DJRJPDR 3h
@MUZIKfactoryTWO you can shut the fuck up. Are you still talking?
5:12 AM - 7 Jun 13

ℳմz♪ʞғact๏rƴ₮ωσ ‏@MUZIKfactoryTWO 7h
@DJRJPDR I THOUGHT ud raise MJ3 in privacy - respecting MJs parental wishes! U r just as bad as Jacksons ~ selling them 4$ TIME & TIME AGAIN
2:21 AM - 7 Jun 13

twitterdebbie06062013 zpscc423205Original anzeigen (0,2 MB)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

07.06.2013 um 09:56
EXCLUSIVE PHOTOS - Prince Jackson Hits The Road After His Sister's Suicide Attempt

Posted on Thu Jun 6, 2013 07:45 PM PDT

princejackson060613 09-full

Hope he's holding up all right!

On Thursday, Prince Jackson looked a little distraught while with his girlfriend Remi as they were out and about in Los Angeles just days after his sister Paris attempted suicide on Wednesday.

As it was reported, the late Michael Jackson's daughter was admitted to West Hills Medical Center after apparently taking an unspecified medication in excess and cutting her wrists with a meat cleaver. She has since been placed on 5150 psychiatric hold for 72 hours.

While an outpouring of support has been duly noted, it's clear that the Jackson family are taking this incident pretty hard, with Prince probably feeling it worst of all.

Here's hoping everything turns out well for Paris and the entire Jackson family.

Photo Gallery enthält 78 Bilder ...

s. a.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

07.06.2013 um 18:13
Paris ist wieder zu Hause,
wäre bestimmt besser gewesen wenn sie
Therapeutisch im KH geblieben wäre.

2x zitiertmelden

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

07.06.2013 um 19:31

Paris Jackson
In 'Meltdown Mode'
For a Year

6/7/2013 1:00 AM PDT


Paris Jackson has been in meltdown mode for nearly a year ... this according to sources connected to her exclusive private school.

Our sources from the exclusive Buckley School in the San Fernando Valley tell TMZ ... school officials were aware Paris was dealing with a "major family trauma" when the school year began last September. Based on the timeline, it appears the issue involved Katherine Jackson's mysterious "disappearance" last July.

There were reports Michael Jackson's siblings were holding Katherine as part of a money grab -- something they deny. Paris confronted several of the siblings in a heated argument outside the family's Calabasas home.

Sources connected with Buckley tell TMZ ... when Paris came back to school in September, her grades started dropping and, as one source said, "she stopped caring."

A school official told one of our sources ... what really sent Paris over the edge was when she got an offer to do a movie but certain family members went on an all-out campaign to block it. The source says a school official said, at that point "Paris broke down."

There have been reports Paris was bullied at Buckley and that's what caused her downward spiral. We're told a top school official is adamant ... Paris was NOT bullied and she made the claims to get attention.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

07.06.2013 um 19:50

Marilyn Manson Dedicates
Song to Paris Jackson
'Disposable Teens'

6/7/2013 6:27 AM PDT

tmzvideo07062013 zps4f1bc4db
VIDEO auf der Website

Marilyn Manson dedicated a song to Paris Jackson at his concert in L.A. last night ... a song called "Disposable Teens" -- a track about a teenager who's angry with society.

Manson's dedication was simple -- just telling the crowd, "This song is for Paris Jackson."

The rocker then launched into "Disposable Teens." Here's a sampling of some of the lyrics:

"And I'm a black rainbow ... And I'm an ape of god ... I've got a face that's made for violence upon ... And I'm a teen distortion ... Survived abortion ... A rebel from the waist down."

"You say you wanted evolution ... The ape was a great big hit ...
You say you want a revolution, man ... And I say that you're full of sh*t."

We broke the story ... hours before Paris took a meat cleaver to her arm at her Calabasas home earlier this week, she "threw a fit" because she wasn't allowed to attend a Marilyn Manson show.

Marilyn has since extended a VIP invitation to Michael Jackson's daughter for the next time she can get to his show.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

07.06.2013 um 20:02

Tito Jackson
Paris 'Suicide Attempt'
Won't Shake Us

6/6/2013 12:35 PM PDT

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VIDEO auf der Website

The Jackson family is standing strong after Paris Jackson's alleged suicide attempt early Wednesday morning ... at least according to Tito, who says the Jacksons are coping well.

As we reported, Paris has been surrounded by loved ones since she was rushed to the hospital for slashing herself with a meat cleaver and downing a bunch of Motrin. Last night, La Toya Jackson and Paris' birth mother Debbie Rowe paid her a visit.

Katherine Jackson was also present at the L.A. hospital.

Paris is currently being held on a 72-hour psychiatric hold.

