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MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

23.746 Beiträge ▪ Schlüsselwörter: Mord, Michael Jackson, Verurteilung ▪ Abonnieren: Feed E-Mail

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

08.10.2011 um 11:12
Dr. Adams, der ein ausgebildeter und erfahrener Anästhesist ist, wehrt sich !!!
Zitat von FaIrIeFlOwErFaIrIeFlOwEr schrieb:Er habe MJ lediglich im Jahre 2008 innerhalb einer Klinik 4x Propofol verabreicht.
Murray hätte MJ total kontrolliert und keinen weiteren Arzt an seiner Seite geduldet.
Murray hätte MJ getötet und dies ganz allein zu verantworten.
Dr. Adams sei wegen der Falschaussage, Unterstellung und Verleumdung durch Murray sehr verärgert und werde ihn deswegen verklagen.
Issues w/ JVM HLN
date: Oct 7 2011
Libo Agwara

Attorney for Dr. David Adams
Adams is an Anesthesiologist

+says Dr. Adams has only met Murray once
+says Murray is lying
+says his client has only given Michael Jackson propofol 4 times in 2008 in a medical setting when Michael had
+says murray told Dr. Adams he could get somebody to join the tour for less money than his client was asking
+says his client turned down murray's offer to join murray on the London tour
+says Murray was pressuring local doctors to give MJ propofol as far back as 2007 (admin note: woah!)
+says murray overruled Michael jackson and hired himself (murray)
+says murray didn't want anybody else close to MJ
+says murray had total control over MJ
+says murray killed MJ himself
+says will be looking to file a lawsuit against Conrad Murray
+says Adams will sue Murray
+says Adams is very angry
+says Adams does not administer propofol to anyone outside of a medical setting,com_jdownloads/Itemid,112/catid,51/cid,198/task,

Dank an geli2709 aus dem Forum


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

08.10.2011 um 11:18
Zitat von FaIrIeFlOwErFaIrIeFlOwEr schrieb:Dr. Adams, der ein ausgebildeter und erfahrener Anästhesist ist, wehrt sich !!!
Danke ... :)

da hatten wir beide die gleiche Idee 323600197 ich habe das heute um 09:56h auch schon eingestellt ... :D :D


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

08.10.2011 um 11:24

Ohhhhhh sorry hab ich nicht gesehen .... tacko music whistle

1x zitiertmelden

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

08.10.2011 um 11:28
Zitat von ghost777ghost777 schrieb:Ohhhhhh sorry hab ich nicht gesehen .... tacko music whistle
ist eh auf der vorhergehenden Seite ... t39JFLv smilie frech 030


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

08.10.2011 um 11:47
das hat Jermaine Jackson getwittert ...!/jermjackson5
jermjackson5 Jermaine Jackson
I'd also like to express my gratitude for your love & support that remain a source of strength after each horrible day in court. thank you
vor 9 Stunden

Jermaine Jackson
jermjackson5 Jermaine Jackson
I hope the "rent-a-pundits" on TV were listening to this week's lab results that prove there was no Demerol in *(cont)
vor 9 Stunden
*(cont) =
I hope the "rent-a-pundits" on TV were listening to this week's lab results that prove there was no Demerol in Michael's body when he died. Finally, the truth comes out to nail the speculative bullshit that has filled air-time by people who prefer to fill in the blanks rather than stick to facts from court: that there is NO evidence of what my brother was 'under' at the time of Murray's audio recording; there is NO evidence that Michael was "addicted" to Propofol as some, like Dr Drew, have guessed; there is NO evidence that Michael's insomnia was linked to Demerol usage (a defense theory).
I have grown tired of the assumptions attached to the audio recording of Michael - the 2+2=5=slurred speech=addict argument that follows some kind of ESPN-style analysis that is not only a travesty to the truth but to the memory of a man who is not here to speak up for himself. This week, the EXPERT evidence shuts up those pundits, ex-friends and attorneys who have seemed determined to paint Michael out to be something he was not in the years before his death.
I'll say it again: events in 1993 and 2001/02 have nothing to do with my brother's death in 2009. Michael was not an addict. He was an insomniac desperate for sleep. We endure this evidence because we want answers -- and this vindication from the lab results is one of those irrefutable answers.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

08.10.2011 um 11:58
und das ist von Paris Jackson ... die Jacksons sind bereits in England ...!/pariisjaxn (Archiv-Version vom 08.10.2011)

oelrvgjtw1Original anzeigen (0,2 MB)
pariisjaxn Pαris Jαcksoη
omg!! i think there's a chance i get to mess with the guards of buckingham!! IM SO EXCITED
vor 1 Stunde
nz7haiwjtw1Original anzeigen (0,2 MB)
pariisjaxn Pαris Jαcksoη
@LianneMJJ yeah.. but i can't mess with guards cuz they're behind gates
vor 1 Stunde
pariisjaxn Pαris Jαcksoη
@ParisJaxnn change ur location, im not in Germany anymore
vor 18 Stunden


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

08.10.2011 um 12:06
Saturday, Oct. 08, 2011

Jurors hear Jackson doctor detail treatments
Associated Press

LOS ANGELES -- In his own words, Dr. Conrad Murray described how he spent months trying to shepherd Michael Jackson through a raging case of insomnia, giving him nightly infusions of an anesthetic until realizing the singer was becoming addicted.

Murray's account, in an interview with police that was played publicly for the first time Friday, was so detailed and graphic that Jackson's sister, Rebbie, arose and rushed from the courtroom during the description of the singer's death scene.

Given two days after the King of Pop died, Murray is heard in the more-than two hour recording describing his relationship with the star, the medications he gave him and the efforts to save his life.

Murray sounded calm, speaking in a lightly accented voice. As he neared the end of his story, emotion crept in.

"I loved Mr. Jackson," he told the detectives. "He was my friend. He opened up to me in different ways. I wanted to help him ... I cared for him. I had no intention of hurting him. I did not want him to fail."

He added, "I realized Michael Jackson had a dependency and I was trying to wean him off it."

The June 27, 2009, interview outside a noisy hotel ballroom gave police their first hint that Jackson's death was not from natural causes and that he had been given the powerful anesthetic propofol in an effort to cure his extreme insomnia.

"He's not able to sleep naturally," Murray told the detectives early in the interview.

Prosecutors contend that Murray was reckless by giving Jackson propofol outside a hospital setting and without proper monitoring equipment. They claim he gave the singer a lethal dose of the drug and other sedatives on the day Jackson died.

Defense attorneys say Jackson gave himself the lethal dose after Murray left the room. Murray has pleaded not guilty to involuntary manslaughter. If convicted, he could face up to four years behind bars and the loss of his medical license.

Jurors got about two-thirds of the way through the interview and will hear the remainder of the interview -- and some of its most emotional moments -- when the trial resumes on Tuesday.

According to a transcript released Friday, detectives asked Murray about his actions at the hospital after Jackson was declared dead, which led the doctor to describe telling the singer's mother and children that the singer had died.

Paris Jackson, the doctor said, was worried about being an orphan and expressed questions about why her father was dead.

"'Dr. Murray, you said you save a lot of patients, you know, you save people with heart attacks and you couldn't save my dad,"' Murray told the detectives Paris Jackson, then 11-years-old, said.

"'I know you tried your best, but I'm really sad," he continued, recounting her words. "'I will wake up in the morning, and I won't be able to see my daddy."'

Murray's account disclosed a long history of Jackson's reliance on propofol.

Jackson told him he had received the drug from doctors in Germany and then from a Las Vegas physician, Dr. David Adams, who came to Murray's office and put Jackson to sleep for hours with the anesthetic. Adams is slated to testify later in the trial.

Adams' lawyer, Liborius Agwara, previously said Adams administered propofol to Jackson four times in 2008 to assist a dental surgeon.

Murray sat next to his lawyers as the tape played in the hushed courtroom. The only sound came from jurors turning pages of the 125-page transcripts given to them.

The doctor's story, interrupted infrequently by detectives' questions, was probably his substitute for testifying in the two-week old trial. It offered him the chance to describe his treatment of Jackson without cross-examination.

The interview made clear that detectives knew nothing about propofol before Murray mentioned Jackson's dependence on it. When Murray said that Jackson had demanded "his milk," his nickname for the drug, Detective Scott Smith asked, "Hot milk?"

No, the doctor said. Murray then described the anesthetic.

Jackson remained awake for hours after returning home around 1 a.m. on June 25, 2009, after rehearsals. "It was 4 o'clock in the morning, and then he complained," Murray said. "'I've got to sleep Dr. Conrad. I have these rehearsals to perform."'

Jackson threatened to cancel that day's rehearsal, so Murray gave him some more lorazepam.

Over the course of the interview, Murray told police that other doctors had given the anesthetic before. Defense attorney Ed Chernoff told the detectives that Jackson was familiar with how the drug was administered through an IV and certain dosages.

Murray said Jackson actually asked him if he could "push it" through the IV himself and said he had done it before.

The doctor said he did not allow Jackson to do it.

At times during later portions of the interview that will be played Tuesday, Murray expresses his frustration that he didn't know what other doctors were giving Jackson.

But by the end of the interview, it becomes clear that Murray and his attorney sat down with detectives because they thought they had already found three bags filled with medical equipment, syringes and propofol bottles in Jackson's closet. Detectives wouldn't find the items until two days after the interview with Murray.

Murray told the detectives he always put the medications and equipment he used on Jackson away "because he wanted me not to have anything hanging around."

Smith then asked, "Where's your bag where those syringes would be now?"

"Oh, really?" Chernoff replied, according to the transcript.

"I don't have them," Murray replied, before telling the detectives exactly where to find the bags.

During the interview, Murray also told detectives how he took all possible precautions -- keeping oxygen and a pulse monitoring machine nearby -- and constantly warned Jackson that using propofol was an artificial way to sleep.

Murray said Jackson told him before he agreed to be his personal physician that he might need help. The physician said Jackson told him that he expected to sleep for 15 to 18 hours at a time.

Jackson had battled insomnia before he came to Murray. Repeatedly, Murray said, Jackson talked of cancelling his landmark "This Is It" comeback concert in London if he could not sleep.

"He said he would not satisfy his fans if he was not rested," Murray said. "There was a lot of pressure."

In his account of Jackson's final hours, Murray told of how he infused Jackson with lorazepam and another drug, Versed, during a 10-hour struggle to get the singer to sleep. At one point, he said, he checked to make sure the sedatives weren't leaking out of the IV bag.

"Where was this medicine going? Why was this man not responding?" Murray asked.

When Jackson stopped breathing, Murray added flumazenil, a drug designed to reverse the effects of the two drugs. There is no antidote for propofol.

In the interview, Murray acknowledged that he had left Jackson's side to go to the bathroom "for two minutes." He never mentioned the series of phone calls he made that were later detected on his cell phone records.

Murray recounted how the singer's assistant sought him out in early 2009 to accompany Jackson on his upcoming series of comeback shows. Then he got a call from Jackson, "telling me how elated he was that I was going to join the trip," Murray said.

The doctor said there was no commitment yet, but indicated how impressed he was about the request.

"Michael Jackson asked me to be on his team," Murray said. "I was talking to Michael Jackson himself."


AP Entertainment Writer Anthony McCartney contributed to this report.

McCartney can be reached at


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

08.10.2011 um 12:28
heute findet ja das Michael Jackson Tribute Konzert statt ... :)

Associated Press
Michael Jackson tribute set to go despite glitches
By JILL LAWLESS , 10.08.11, 06:02 AM EDT

LONDON -- Fans of Michael Jackson are heading to Wales for a tribute concert that has divided the King of Pop's fans and family - a celebration of the late star's life overshadowed by the Los Angeles manslaughter trial of his doctor.

The genre- and generation-spanning lineup for the "Michael Forever" show at Cardiff's Millennium Stadium includes Christina Aguilera, Smokey Robinson, Gladys Knight, Leona Lewis, British boyband JLS, Cee Lo Green - and, via video, Beyonce.

The Black Eyed Peas pulled out this week, citing "unavoidable circumstances" amid reports the chart-topping band is splitting up.

Despite the last-minute loss, organizer Chris Hunt said fans can expect "a very, very spectacular show."

"Everything we've done has been governed by one criterion - would Michael have done it this way, would he approve, would he like it?" said Hunt, chief executive of Global Live Events. "We're trying to do something worthy of one of the greatest showmen of modern times."

Jackson died in June 2009, aged 50, as he was preparing for a string of comeback concerts in London.

His last hours are being relived in graphic detail at the trial of Dr. Conrad Murray, accused of giving Jackson a lethal dose of the anesthetic propofol and other sedatives in the bedroom of his rented mansion on June 25, 2009.

Little that Jackson did in the final years of his life was without controversy, and the division has continued after his death.

Jackson's estate is not involved in the concert, and his family is divided about the show. Siblings Marlon, Tito, Jackie and La Toya are scheduled to perform, and Michael Jackson's mother Katherine is due to attend, along with his children Prince, 14, Paris, 13, and 9-year-old Michael Joseph Jr., known as Blanket.

Katherine Jackson has said the concert is "exactly the way Michael would have wanted to be remembered."

But brothers Jermaine and Randy Jackson have criticized the timing of the show, saying Murray's trial should take precedence over other events. In a statement, the brothers said "we feel that the most important tribute we can give to our brother at this time is to seek justice in his name."

Sister Janet Jackson also has said she will not attend because the concert coincides with Murray's trial.

Fan groups around the world have also criticized the event, not just for its timing, but for ticket prices that started at about $100 and for what some regard as an out-of-the-way location in Cardiff, 150 miles (240 kilometers) west of London.

Organizers have struggled to line up top-name acts for the show, hosted by actor Jamie Foxx and British TV presenter Fearne Cotton. They outraged many fans by inviting the rock band Kiss, whose bassist Gene Simmons told a magazine last year that there was "no doubt in my mind" that Jackson, who was acquitted of molestation charges in 2005, had abused children.

The invitation was hastily rescinded, but many fans remain angry.

"The fans are not happy that the Jackson estate is not involved," said Wesley Noorhoff, president of a Dutch Michael Jackson fan club. "It seemed like they wanted to build a concert soon, to get money.

"I believe it should wait, not only because of the Murray trial. If you do a tribute to Michael it has to be the best there is, just like Michael."

Hunt insisted the show would be a success. He said more than 40,000 tickets had been sold, and he was confident of reaching the venue's 50,000 capacity.

Some of the proceeds will go to the AIDS Project Los Angeles and Prince's Trust charities, and a portion will be placed in a trust fund for Jackson's children, though organizers did not give an exact breakdown.

Hunt said 13 Jackson family members were scheduled to attend the concert, many of them appearing onstage.

"It's a family's tribute to their own," he said. "I'm expecting it to be a hugely emotional evening."

Copyright 2011 The Associated Press.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

08.10.2011 um 12:39
Tach die Damen :D @FaIrIeFlOwEr @ghost777

Also das mit Adams...der hat wohl eine Ausbildung zum Anästhesisten und gleichzeitig ist er Zahnarzt?? Hat Murray jetzt bei einer Zahnbehandlung zugeschaut oder hat Adams MJ NUR unter Narkose gelegt??

Da muss ich mal das Transcript lesen, das habe ich gestern nämlich nicht so mitbekommen...

1x zitiertmelden

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

08.10.2011 um 12:48
Zitat von CosmicQueenCosmicQueen schrieb:Also das mit Adams...der hat wohl eine Ausbildung zum Anästhesisten und gleichzeitig ist er Zahnarzt?? Hat Murray jetzt bei einer Zahnbehandlung zugeschaut oder hat Adams MJ NUR unter Narkose gelegt??

Da muss ich mal das Transcript lesen, das habe ich gestern nämlich nicht so mitbekommen...
Tachschen Cosmi :D :D ... mir war auch so, als ob eine zahnärztliche Behandlung durchgeführt wurde ...
nach den Voranhörungen hatten wir da auch etliche Berichte ... werde mich mal
auf die Suche machen ... :D
das war doch auch im Zusammenhang mit den Kindern ... da wollte es doch TMZ so hinstellen, als ob MJ es zu gelassen hätte, dass die Kinder bzw. Blanket auch mit Propofol "vollpumpt" werden ... und das war dann eine zahnärztliche Maßnahme, die auch eine Narkose erforderlich machte ... :)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

08.10.2011 um 13:00

so, diesen Bericht habe ich erstmal wiedergefunden ... :D

MJ Pushed Dr. To Improperly Give Son Anesthesia


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

08.10.2011 um 13:04
Ich lese gerade das Transcript, ganz von weiß ich auch, warum das eine Zimmer von MJ so unordentlich war :D Da durfte keiner rein, nicht mal die Putzfrauen, weil schon öfter Sachen verschwunden wären, deshalb hat MJ auch immer zwei Schlafzimmer gehabt und in eins davon durfte keiner rein....

1x zitiertmelden

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

08.10.2011 um 13:10

so habe auch die "alten" Einträge gefunden ...

Eintrag vom 17.02.2011 um 18:31 und folgende
MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach! (Seite 240)



MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

08.10.2011 um 13:16
Zitat von CosmicQueenCosmicQueen schrieb:Da durfte keiner rein, nicht mal die Putzfrauen, weil schon öfter Sachen verschwunden wären, deshalb hat MJ auch immer zwei Schlafzimmer gehabt und in eins davon durfte keiner rein....
dann war es schon ganz richtig, wie wir es interpretiert hatten ... da durfte keiner rein ... :D

na MJ hatte sich ja für die "Behandlung" nicht in den MasterRoom zurückgezogen sondern
in den BedRoom 2 ...
dort ist er ja auch verstorben ... :(


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

08.10.2011 um 13:28

das oder die Videos von Conrad Murray Trial - Day 9 können noch nicht eingestellt werden ... z. Z. ist es noch nicht auffrufbar ... :D


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

08.10.2011 um 13:51
8. Oktober 2011, 13:28
Michael Jackson bettelte vor seinem Tod um "Milch"

Im Prozess gegen Conrad Murray wurde dessen Polizeiverhör veröffentlicht. Darin sagt er, dass Jackson vor seinem Tod um Propofol gebettelt hatte. Er nannte es "Milch".

In einem Mitschnitt, der im Gericht von Los Angeles vorgespielt wurde, gibt Conrad Murray zu, dass er Michael Jackson an dessen Todestag zahlreiche Medikamente zum Einschlafen verabreicht hatte.
Toxikologe belastet Jackson-Arzt Murray

In den letzten Stunden vor seinem Tod hatte der King of Pop zahlreiche Medikamente eingenommen. Darunter war auch das starke Narkosemittel Propofol. Dies hörten die Geschworenen im Prozess gegen Jacksons früheren Leibarzt auf eben jenem Tonband von dem Herzspezialisten selbst. Der wegen fahrlässiger Tötung angeklagte Conrad Murray hatte im Juni 2009, zwei Tage nach dem Tod des Sängers, Polizisten Rede und Antwort gestanden.

Der Sänger habe um seine „Milch“ gebettelt, erklärte Murray den Polizisten. Damit habe Jackson das Narkosemittel Propofol gemeint, das gewöhnlich nur vor Operationen in Krankenhäusern gegeben wird. Der Popstar habe das Mittel regelmäßig verlangt und auch von anderen Ärzten bekommen, sagte Murray in der Befragung.

Nach seiner Darstellung habe er gut auf den Sänger aufgepasst und dessen Zustand kontrolliert. Er sei nur kurz auf der Toilette gewesen, als er Jackson bei seiner Rückkehr leblos vorgefunden habe. Dann habe er gleich den Notarzt gerufen.

Diese Aussage steht laut Anklage im Widerspruch zu den Angaben früherer Zeugen. Eine Bekannte Murrays hatte ausgesagt, dass der 58-jährige Herzspezialist längere Zeit mit ihr telefonierte, vermutlich zu dem Zeitpunkt, als der Sänger starb. Nicht Murray, sondern ein Mitarbeiter Jacksons habe den Notarzt alarmiert.

Jackson wollte schlafen, um für die Konzerte fit zu sein

In dem Mitschnitt hört man Murray sagen, dass Jackson unbedingt schlafen wollte, um für seine Konzertproben fit zu sein. Der 50-jährige Popstar wollte im Juli 2009 seine „This Is It“-Auftritte in London beginnen.

Murray, der sich während der Tour weiter um Jackson kümmern sollte, hat auf „nicht schuldig“ plädiert. Nicht er habe Jackson die tödliche Dosis gegeben, sagen seine Anwälte. Der Sänger selbst habe ohne Wissen seines Arztes heimlich zu dem Narkosemittel Propofol und einer Handvoll Beruhigungspillen gegriffen. Im Falle eines Schuldspruchs muss der Arzt mit vier Jahren Haft rechnen.

Erinnerungskonzert für Jackson mit Aguilera und Beyoncé

Während bei einem Prozess die Todesumstände von Michael Jackson geklärt werden, haben sich Musikerkollegen wie Cee Loo Green, Christina Aguilera und Beyoncé für ein Erinnerungs-Konzert zusammengetan. Die Show mit dem Titel „Michael Forever“ war für Samstagabend in einer Arena im walisischen Cardiff angesetzt. 60.000 Menschen finden dort Platz, über die Zahl der verkauften Karten gab es zunächst keine Angaben.

Das Konzert hatte im Vorfeld Streit in der Familie Jackson ausgelöst. Während Michael Jacksons Kinder sowie seine Geschwister La Toya, Tito, Marlon und Jackie ankündigten, dabei zu sein, hatten Janet Jackson und weitere Familienmitglieder sich von dem Event distanziert.

Dabei ging es vor allem um den Termin, der eben mitten in den Prozess gegen Murray fällt. Auch einige Fanclubs hatten protestiert. Jacksons Mutter Katherine beteuerte allerdings ihre Unterstützung.

Auf der Bühne wurde neben Christina Aguilera, Cee Loo Green, Leona Lewis, Pixie Lott und anderen auch La Toya Jackson selber erwartet. Soul-Diva Beyoncé, derzeit schwanger, sollte per Videolink zugeschaltet werden. Die Moderation hat Hollywood-Schauspieler und Sänger Jamie Foxx („Ray“) übernommen.

Die Band Black Eyed Peas hatte ihren Auftritt kurzfristig abgesagt, ohne genaue Gründe dafür zu nennen. Das Konzert wird weltweit live in Kinos übertragen und kann gegen Gebühr auch live im Internet angeschaut werden.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

08.10.2011 um 13:59

Hallöchen :D :)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

08.10.2011 um 14:00
Dr. Conrad Murray
Explosive Interview with Police
The Blow-by-Blow

10/7/2011 3:06 PM PDT BY TMZ STAFF


“I have to sleep, Dr. Conrad, I have these rehearsals to perform.” That’s what Dr. Conrad Murray told investigators Michael Jackson said to him in the early morning hours of June 25th, 2009. Hours later, Jackson was dead.

In what's been the most anticipated evidence in the trial, the prosecution played the jury Dr. Murray's 2-hour interview with LAPD detectives, recorded 2 days after MJ died.

Murray told detectives he arrived at Jackson’s rented mansion at 12:50 AM on June 25, and headed straight to Michael’s room to wait for him to come home after rehearsals. According to Murray, Jackson arrived at 1:05 am saying he was tired and fatigued. Murray rubbed a cream on Michael’s body to treat his Vitiligo ... then gave Michael a 10 mg Valium pill. Michael couldn’t sleep, so Murray says he then gave him 2 mg of the anti-anxiety drug, Lorazepam.

Jackson complained he still couldn’t fall asleep, so Murray gave him 2 mg of the sedative Midazolam around 2am. MJ remained awake. Dr. Murray said he suggested turning down the music in the room ... and meditation. Murray said Michael “reluctantly" closed his eyes, finally dozing off around 3:15 am, only to reawaken at 4:00 am.

At 4:30 am Murray said Michael said, “I have to sleep, Dr. Conrad, I have to sleep." Murray gave MJ another 2 mg of Lorazepam. Again, according to Dr. Murray, Michael couldn’t sleep. Jackson was still wide awake at 7:30 am, so Dr. Murray administered another 2 mg of Midazolam, yet Michael remained awake and complaining that he was going to have to cancel the “This is It” tour.

Murray said Michael began to beg for his “milk,” the slang for Propofol. Murray agreed to give him 25 mg of the powerful sedative around 10:50 am, slowly infused over 3 to 4 minutes. Murray said Michael finally fell asleep around 11 am.

Dr. Murray said he monitored Michael long enough until he felt comfortable to leave the room, that’s when Murray told the detectives that he went to the bathroom and was gone for about two minutes.

Murray said when he came back, he found Michael not breathing with an accelerated pulse. Murray said he began mouth to mouth on Michael, and then chest compressions with one hand. Murray said he couldn’t take Michael off the bed to a harder surface, so he improvised by placing his left hand under the body. Murray said while he was giving compressions, he called MJ’s assistant on his cell. He said didn’t ask the assistant to call 911 because he was busy giving CPR. Murray also told detectives he didn’t call 9-1-1 himself because he didn’t know the zip code for Michael’s house.

Dr. Murray said he lifted Michael’s legs in the air to get more blood flowing to his heart. Murray told detectives that he then went downstairs to ask Michael’s chef to get security, who called 9-1-1. Murray continued CPR until the paramedics arrived and hooked Jackson up to a pulse oximeter and got him intubated.

Murray told detectives paramedics were talking to UCLA medical center and ready to give up, but he begged them to transfer care to him because Michael was his friend. Murray rode with Michael in the ambulance to UCLA, where Murray said they worked on Michael for about an hour.

After Michael was gone, the ER doctor asked Murray what happened, and he told her that maybe it was a massive pulmonary embolism. Murray told detectives he didn’t sign the death certificate because he didn’t understand the cause of death.

As far as Michael’s use of drugs, Murray told detectives he was surprised at Michael’s knowledge about all the different pills and medications he took. Murray said he first learned that Michael used Propofol when he asked Dr. Murray to help him get the drug. Murray said that Michael gave him the number of another doctor who would be able to provide it to him. In the interview, Murray said he called the other doctor, who said, “Michael loves that drug.”

Murray said he gave Michael Propofol every night for 30 days, except for three when he was trying to “wean him off.” Murray insisted that in the three days before Michael’s death he was trying to wean him off “milk,” giving MJ more Lorazepam and Diazepam to bring down the Propofol. Murray said two nights before MJ’s death, he had given him no Propofol and thought he was “onto something.”

The next night, that wasn’t the case. (Archiv-Version vom 08.10.2011)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

08.10.2011 um 14:03
@FaIrIeFlOwEr @ghost777
Also dieser Adams ist ein Schönheitschirurg und hat einmal Murray gezeigt, wie er MJ für 5-6 Stunden mit Propofol, schlafen gelegt hat...

2x zitiertmelden

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

08.10.2011 um 14:04

CM berichtet, dass er 6 Tage die Woche bei MJ verbracht habe. Außer Sonntags.
Am 25.06.2009 kam MJ nach Hause
(diverse Details lasse ich hier weg)
CM berichtet dass MJ nicht fähig sei auf natürliche Art und Weise Schlaf zu bekommen
gab MJ in diesen Nächten Medikamente um zu schlafen
legte MJ Infusion am Bein wegen Austrocknung (Saline)
MJ nahm oral 1 Valium 10 mg
CM gab mittels Spritze durch Infusion (wurde hier bereits berichtet, dürfte bekannt sein) Lorazepam 2 mg um 2 Uhr morgens
gab ihm das Medikament langsam in einem Zeitraum von 2-3 Minuten
MJ immer noch wach für mehr als eine Stunde
MJ war am jammern und klagen dass er nicht schlafen könne
CM gab ihm Medazolam (Versed) 2 mg ebenfalls mittels Sptize durch IV wie beschrieben, gegen 3 Uhr
MJ immer noch wach
CM sagte "versuch zu meditieren" , er machte die Musik leiser, die MJ immer hörte
MJ's Augen schlossen sich gegen 3.20 Uhr
CM saß dort und beobachtete ihn für ca 10 - 15 Minuten
Auf Nachfrage der Polizei bezüglich der Zeit sagte CM so etwas wie "ich habe nicht auf meine Uhr geschaut"
CM froh darüber dass MJ's Augen zugefallen waren, was um diese Zeit super war
nach 10 Minuten MJ wieder wach
MJ sagte etwas wie "ich hätte nicht gedacht, dass meditieren wirkt"
CM animierte MJ das weiter zu versuchen bis ca 4.30 Uhr
MJ immer noch wach
MJ am jammern - er könne nicht proben wenn nicht geschlafen - er müsse alles absagen
ca. gegen 5 Uhr gab CM 2 mg Lorazepam
MJ immer noch wach - konnte nicht entspannen
MJ beschwerte sich, er sei nicht zufrieden mit dem was CM tat - er muss schlafen
CM sagte es wurde langsam hell und MJ ist immer noch wach
ca. 7.30 Uhr immer noch wach
CM gab Medazolam 2 mg
hatte kein Effekt
CM checkte seine IV Zugang ob alles in Ordnung sei und die Medikamente auch durchliefen
es war alles in Ordnung
10 Uhr immer noch wach - immer noch kein Effekt
MJ wieder am beschweren und jammern
MJ fragte nach seiner "Milch" = Propofol
ich weiß dies ist das einzige was mir helfen kann zu schlafen
Polizei fragte was ist Prop --- CM ein Sedativum auch zur Anästesie genutzt
MJ am jammern wenn ich nicht schlafe kann ich nicht funktionieren
MJ übte großen Druck auf CM aus
verabreicht 25 mg gegen 10.50 Uhr
verabreicht wie alle anderen Medikamente -- über 3-5 minuten
MJ sofort weg und eingeschlafen ---
CM sagt die 25 mg wirken ca 15 minuten
Polizei fragte wie Monitoring durchgeführt wird? CM sagt mittels pulse oximeter - und gibt ihm sauerstoff jede nacht
CM sagte er hätte alles gentützt was für ihn verfügbar war
Polizei fragte was die höchste Dosis gewesen sei die er ihm je (in den ca 2 MOnaten) gegeben habe? CM sagte 50 mg
Wie oft hat MJ Prop bekommen ? CM sagte jede Nacht
ausser in den 3 Tagen vor seinem Tod -dort habe er versucht ihn vom Prop zu entwöhnen
es ist ca. 10.50 Uhr
CM überwachte MJ
MJ hat nicht geschnarcht was er normaler weise tat, wenn tief eingeschlafen
pulse oximeter zeigte Herzfrequenz in den 70 igern
dann musste CM ins Bad
kam zurück - bemerkte dass MJ nicht atmete
checkte pulse oximeter heart rate ca 120 schläge
Körper war warm - konnte Pulse fühlen
begann CPR + Mund zu Mund

Ein Dank an sad Forum :D :D

