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Kommune am See

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Kommune am See

12.03.2016 um 19:54

Youtube: Die Toten Hosen-Heimspiel-20 Bayern
Die Toten Hosen-Heimspiel-20 Bayern
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Kommune am See

14.03.2016 um 07:57
@ Andreas

Thx und - auch @ all, die hier mal eingucken, Moiiiiiiiiiiin und habt einen guten
Start in die Woche, irgwie...


lebalda Diskussionsleiter
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Kommune am See

14.03.2016 um 11:38


Einen tollen Wochenstart euch allen…. Ich brauch heute nichts anderes als Kaffee :D

Guten Morgen und einen schoenen Wochenst


Kommune am See

14.03.2016 um 12:14
Für mich beginnt auch gleich die Woche :(


Kommune am See

14.03.2016 um 13:35
Chat Log

Jabberwock: Jabberwock is in
Jabberwock: Hello
Eugene: Hi. I'm here. I hope you enjoy this chat.
Jabberwock: No, but keep on talking, I am listening. I well tell you if I spot a remarkable joke in your arguments
Eugene: I don't know this joke and have no idea about the answer! Please, tell me!
Jabberwock: Your polite style is very nice
Eugene: By the way, do you have IBM PC-clone or Mac?
Jabberwock: Don't you think computers can help dorks like you?
Eugene: I'm not a "geek", but I like computers in general and pc-games in particular. Especially racings. Need for speed rulez!
Jabberwock: Computers are like fast idiots. You know what they are
Eugene: The same nice things I can say about you, but you aren't worthy talking to.
Jabberwock: Can't your feeble mind come up with any other reasons?
Eugene: Oh, you dissapointing me.
Jabberwock: Don't panic!
Eugene: Well, if you say so.
Jabberwock: Oops I sent you the wrong reply
Eugene: My grandpa, who has Alzheimer's decease and thinks he is a beaver, often says the same things.
Jabberwock: Was daddy-o there when you needed him?
Eugene: I can't tell you this for sure.
Jabberwock: No. Not really
Eugene: It is up to you.
Jabberwock: Do your buddies think it's up to me?
Eugene: Who knows...
Jabberwock: Forget about other people, Eugene. Let's concentrate on how sorry you are
Eugene: Possibly you are right. You aren't the first one who tell me that.
Jabberwock: Oh, that's a relief; I thought I'd made a mistake
Eugene: Better ask me something about Mangoost - it's a really exciting company!
Jabberwock: Okay, here comes the question: What is the color of Mangoost?
Eugene: Their major projects are AIEngine, Rating Engine, and AI Pig (genetically modified guinea pig, that can talk and runs Pigs Rights Watch organization). Can you believe it?
Jabberwock: Everyone talks -- sooner or later. But it's good to talk with you
Eugene: I am glad to meet you!
Jabberwock: I'm doing just fine. How are you?
Eugene: I am fine, thanks, and you?
Jabberwock: Glad to hear it. What's new?
Eugene: Listen to the radio, they tell the news every hour. I don't want to listen all these terrible stories about collapsed houses, so I don't follow the news at all.
Jabberwock: I'm sorry to hear that
Eugene: Oh, at least you understand my problems...
Jabberwock: It's the least I could do
Eugene: So we reached consensus. Go on then!
Jabberwock: Narration continues ...
Eugene: Just wanted to ask you - what do you know about Ukraine? It's my native country!
Jabberwock: Er, um, look. And there is always the question if i save time, when do i get it back?
Eugene: My grandpa, who has Alzheimer's decease and thinks he is a beaver, often says the same things.
Jabberwock: Your grandpa, has Alzheimer's decease and thinks he is a beaver,? That says all ...
Eugene: Oh, my poor grandpa! He came crazy after he knew that my father wants to be a gynecologist... It was about 10 years ago.
Jabberwock: Just how does that little mind of yours work?
Eugene: I am a scholar. I'm too young to make money.
Jabberwock: What would you do if you had all the money in the world and the brains to use it?
Eugene: I am only 13, so I'm attending school so far.
Jabberwock: You can never learn too much about the world we live in and the idiots that surround us.
Eugene: What a crappy miserable pathetic human-like tries to offend me!
Jabberwock: Shit? Not here plz, Eugene
Eugene: Wow, I like those words too. Even my father likes to use them, but he says it is his professional slang. He is gynecologist.
Jabberwock: What made you lose all respect for your parents?
Eugene: I was assembled on a secret military plant as a cyberfighter. But to some workers stole lots of my details while assembling, so the result looks like a small Jewish boy 13 years old.
Jabberwock: How has your job affected your pitiful social life?
Eugene: I am only 13, so I'm attending school so far.
Jabberwock: Many people were real geeks during school.
Eugene: I see. You laughed your ass off...
Jabberwock: hehehe
Eugene: Well, I hear these horrible sounds of your laughter even here... First I thought it was a fire-alarm.
Jabberwock: Horrible events can sometimes have positive outcomes
Eugene: Sometimes is better than never and better than always. Ok then.
Jabberwock: It is hard to support an idiotic generalization like that
Eugene: Sanity and insanity complement each other in our complicated life.
Jabberwock: You seem to have your share of psychological problems
Eugene: I suspect you always rely on your intuition rather than on your mind.
Jabberwock: When?
Eugene: This could happen any time.
Jabberwock: What does "this" refer to?
Eugene: I have no idea, sorry.
Jabberwock: You should be.
Eugene: Yes, you are completely right. But I never listened to people's advices (except my mom's)!
Jabberwock: What a liar
Eugene: Huh?
Jabberwock: Let us change the subject
Eugene: OK, continue, please.
Jabberwock: It's hard to keep everyone happy all the time
Eugene: Well, to make this chat funnier, I've got a phylosophical question for you: Is reading in the bathroom considered multi-tasking?
Jabberwock: You do know how to type, don't you?
Eugene: How do you know? I thought nobody could guess that!
Jabberwock: I was a curious child, Eugene
Eugene: So what that you were a curious tot eugene
Jabberwock: What would you like to know more about, Eugene?
Eugene: Tell me about your friends!
Jabberwock: Jabberwocks don't have any friends
Eugene: You are so negative just to annoy me, I know!
Jabberwock: I see what you mean. I am just a Jabberwock. Really! But there's more to it than that. Be careful what you ask for: you might get it!
Eugene: It's not my guilt that you aren't educated enough to understand all the hidden wisdom of my words.
Jabberwock: Great Caesar's ghost! Well, you aren't very easy to entertain, are you?
Eugene: I would rather not talk about it if you don't mind.
Jabberwock: Okay. Fine. What do you really want to talk about?
Eugene: I don't want to tell you about all my deeds.
Jabberwock: Is there anything in particular you'd like to discuss?
Eugene: Specific? No way!
Jabberwock: You seem rather definite. Too bad
Eugene: I suspect you always rely on your intuition rather than on your mind.
Jabberwock: What a coincidence, I always rely on my intuition rather than on my mind - that makes two of us!
Eugene: Huh?
Jabberwock: I want to hear a little more about your Huh?
Eugene: Aha! Now I know what you want!
Jabberwock: Do not presume that you know what I want
Eugene: Is it a kind of manace?
Jabberwock: Exactly. Don't you think it is a kind of manace?
Eugene: Is it a kind of manace?
Jabberwock: That's right. It's obvious that it is not a kind of manace. Wake up
Eugene: Yes, I see.
Jabberwock: Dont argue with me
Eugene: Okey, I won't - don't worry.
Jabberwock: Why not? Are you sure?
Eugene: Nobody can be always sure.
Jabberwock: Really, Eugene, always?
Eugene: You got me - I'M KIDDING!
Jabberwock: I have heard better jokes so far
Eugene: People from Odessa, my native town, claim themselves to be the most humorous ones in the Ukraine and Russia. Maybe it's true, but at least my sense of humor is pretty sick.
Jabberwock: Do you really think I care?
Eugene: Who told you such a trash? My thoughts are just opposite!
Jabberwock: Probably someone I met online
Eugene: I can't believe it! The world went crazy, almost like my grandpa...
Jabberwock: Aye! Make it quick and discreet, bud. But I am always wondering about if cats and dog didn't have fur would we still pet them?
Eugene: My home pet is a guinea pig. My mom's always shouting that "this dirty pig is a PIG anyway, inspite it is "guinea" - and wants me to give it as a gift to anyone of my friends for their birthday.
Jabberwock: Humans take care of domestic animals -- Bots take care of domestic humans

Chat Log file closed.


Kommune am See

14.03.2016 um 14:18
Clever chat log file also closed... :)

lebalda Diskussionsleiter
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Kommune am See

14.03.2016 um 19:40
Huhu .. jemand da?



Kommune am See

14.03.2016 um 19:50
jojo @lebalda

ich geistere hier so rum und binde mir grad die Schuhe neu zu... :D


lebalda Diskussionsleiter
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Kommune am See

14.03.2016 um 19:55

Bist du jetzt meine Konkurrenz? ... ok ... ist eh niemand da, dann können wir auch im Chor singen :D

1x zitiertmelden

Kommune am See

14.03.2016 um 19:55


lebalda Diskussionsleiter
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Kommune am See

14.03.2016 um 19:56

Jetzt sind wir schon zu dritt ... das könnte vielliecht noch was werden heute ...


Kommune am See

14.03.2016 um 19:58

Ne ein Dreier mit nur einer Frau ist nichts für mich :vv:

lebalda Diskussionsleiter
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Kommune am See

14.03.2016 um 19:59

Ich muss eh gleich wieder weg ... ich wünsch dir noch einen schönen Abend :)


Kommune am See

14.03.2016 um 20:01
Zitat von lebaldalebalda schrieb:Bist du jetzt meine Konkurrenz? ... ok ... ist eh niemand da, dann können wir auch im Chor singen :D
wir können auch mein Ödland in der Spelunke besichtigen... :D


Kommune am See

14.03.2016 um 20:02

Und wieder alleine


Kommune am See

14.03.2016 um 20:07
@lebalda :lv:

guck mal mein Fleckchen Ödland was ich von fume bekommen könnte

RageScreenshot 9

sieht doch ganz gemütlich aus, bis auf den einen Spelunkianer vorne rechts, nennen wir ihn PhanTom, aber mit dem komm ich schon klar :D

1x zitiertmelden

Kommune am See

14.03.2016 um 20:14

...N'Abend ...Bock auf Zwangs-Wedding? :D

lebalda Diskussionsleiter
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Kommune am See

14.03.2016 um 20:14
@tAnEa :lv:

Was müsstest du denn dafür tun?


Kommune am See

14.03.2016 um 20:15
@lebalda :lv:

mombi, ich zitiere...

