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MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

23.746 Beiträge ▪ Schlüsselwörter: Mord, Michael Jackson, Verurteilung ▪ Abonnieren: Feed E-Mail

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

22.06.2011 um 22:29
Und weiter gehts........ :(

Wie andere noch immer von Michael Jacksons Tod profitieren
Michael Jackson war hochverschuldet, als er starb. Durch seinen Tod machen andere noch zwei Jahre danach viel Geld. An diesem Wochenende, an seinem zweiten Todestag, wird Michael Jacksons knallrote Lederjacke, die der Popstar in seinem „Thriller“-Video trug, in Beverly Hills versteigert. Das Auktionshaus Julien’s Auctions rechnet mit 200.000 bis 400.000 Dollar.

Auch eine Helikopterfirma nahe Santa Barbara profitiert vom Tod des „King of Pop“. Channel Islands Helicopters bietet Rundflüge über Jacksons frühere Neverland-Ranch an. „Wir haben schon mehr als 100 Anmeldungen von Fans aus acht Ländern und von drei Kontinenten“, freut sich der Marketingchef Sean Casey. Umgerechnet 120 Euro kostet der halbstündige Flug. 15 Minuten würden sie über dem verlassenen Anwesen kreisen, danach könnten die Fluggäste über einer Bergspitze Blumen und Briefe zum Gedenken an den Star abwerfen.

Wie vor einem Jahr werden sich auch an diesem 25. Juni Fans am Eingang des Forest Lawn Friedhofs in Glendale nahe Los Angeles versammeln. Das prunkvolle Mausoleum selbst, in dem Jackson bestattet wurde, ist nur für Verwandte und Bekannte zugänglich. Auch in Gary, einem Vorort von Chicago, werden Dutzende trauernde Fans vor dem Haus erwartet, in dem Jackson aufgewachsen war.

Pünktlich zum zweiten Todestag bringen sich auch die Geschwister wieder ins Gespräch. Jermaine Jackson sagte dem US-Sender CNN in dieser Woche, dass die Brüder wieder als The Jackson Five auf Tour gehen wollten. „Michael würde sich wünschen, dass wir weitermachen“, spekulierte er. Schwester LaToya wiederholte Spekulationen um den Tod ihres Bruders. Michael habe um sein Leben gefürchtet, sagte sie in mehreren US-Talkshows. Sie sei fest davon überzeugt, dass er ermordet wurde, und verwies auf ihr neue Autobiografie.

Der letzte Akt in dem Justiz-Thriller um Jacksons Tod steht noch bevor. Sein früherer Leibarzt, Herzspezialist Dr. Conrad Murray, ist wegen fahrlässiger Tötung angeklagt. Nach mehreren Verzögerungen soll der Prozess im September beginnen. Jackson starb an einer „akuten Vergiftung“ mit dem Narkosemittel Propofol. Murrays Anwälte deuteten an, dass der schlaflose Sänger ohne Wissen des Arztes selbst zu den Mitteln griff und so ums Leben kam.

Der Rummel um Jackson reißt nicht ab. Im Dezember wurden in Paris bis dahin unbekannte Fotos des Sängers für knapp 200.000 Euro versteigert. Gleichzeitig eroberte das erste posthum veröffentlichte Album auf Anhieb die Spitze der deutschen Charts. Auf der CD „Michael“ wurden zehn unfertige Lieder von verschiedenen Musikern und Produzenten aufbereitet. Seine Erben, Gläubiger, Nachlassverwalter und Plattenmanager profitieren weiter. Im Februar rechnete der Internetdienst „“ vor, das Jacksons Tod Hunderte Millionen Dollar einbrachte. Die Gerichtsakten für seine Rechteverwalter würden einen Betrag von 310 Millionen Dollar (etwa 215 Millionen Euro) ausweisen. Allerdings hatte der 50-Jährige zum Zeitpunkt seines Todes auch

400 Millionen Dollar Schulden. Jacksons Nachlassverwalter hätten inzwischen etwa 159 Millionen Dollar zurückgezahlt. (Archiv-Version vom 26.06.2011)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

22.06.2011 um 22:45
Auch von Oprah kommt etwas zum 2 Todestag von MJ ............

Michael Jackson relives on Oprah Winfrey Show


MUMBAI: To commemorate second death anniversary of ‘King of Pop’ Michael Jackson on 25 June, BIG CBS Love will air three-day special episodes on Oprah Winfrey Show, starting from today at 9 pm.

The show will features Michael Jackson’s deepest secrets, his relationship with his family and many more as Oprah interviews his mother, his ex-wife Lisa Marie Presley, and the legal guardian of his three children Katherine Jackson on the show.

The show schedule:

June 22nd – 9 pm – The untold secrets behind Michael Jackson's controversial album.

June 23rd – 9 pm – Lisa Marie Presley speaks out about the death of ex-husband Michael Jackson

June 24th – 9 pm – Oprah talks to Michael Jackson's mother, Katherine, and visits with his children


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

22.06.2011 um 23:02
Und noch ein Bericht ........

Vor zwei Jahren starb der King of Pop

Vor zwei Jahren starb Michael Jackson. Der Thriller um den Tod des Popstars ist nicht vorbei. Mit seinem Namen wird noch fleißig Geld verdient.


Mit dem "King of Pop" ist immer noch groß Kasse zu machen. An diesem Wochenende, genau zwei Jahre nach seinem Tod, kommt Michael Jacksons knallrote "Thriller"-Jacke in Beverly Hills unter den Hammer. Die Lederjacke, die der Sänger in seinem berühmten "Thriller"-Video trug, ist nach Schätzungen des Auktionshauses Julien's Auctions 200.000 bis 400.000 Dollar wert.

Auch eine Helikopter-Firma nahe Santa Barbara profitiert von dem Todestag. Channel Islands Helicopters bietet Rundflüge über Jacksons frühere Neverland-Ranch an. "Wir haben schon über 100 Anmeldungen von Fans aus acht Ländern und von drei Kontinenten", erzählt Marketing-Chef Sean Casey der Nachrichtenagentur dpa. Der halbstündige Flug koste 175 Dollar (120 Euro). 15 Minuten würden sie über dem verlassenen Anwesen kreisen, danach könnten die Fluggäste über einer Bergspitze Blumen und Briefe zum Gedenken an den Star abwerfen.
Fans vor dem Friedhof
Wie vor einem Jahr werden Fans am Eingang des Forest Lawn Friedhofs in Glendale nahe Los Angeles erwartet. Das prunkvolle Mausoleum selbst, in dem Jackson zehn Wochen nach seinem Tod bestattet wurde, ist nur für Verwandte und Bekannte zugänglich. Dort fand Ende März auch Jacksons enge Vertraute, Hollywood-Legende Elizabeth Taylor, ihre letzte Ruhestätte. Auch in Gary, einem Vorort von Chicago, dürften Jackson-Fans vor dem Haus, in dem der Sänger aufwuchs, um ihr Idol trauern.

Pünktlich zum zweiten Todestag bringen sich die Geschwister wieder ins Gespräch. Jermaine Jackson sagte in dieser Woche dem US-Sender CNN, dass die Brüder wieder als The Jackson Five auf Tour gehen wollten. "Michael würde sich wünschen, dass wir weitermachen", spekulierte der ältere Bruder.
"Michael hat um sein Leben gefürchtet"
Schwester LaToya brachte bereits früher geäußerte Spekulationen um den Tod des Stars ins Spiel. Michael habe um sein Leben gefürchtet, sagte LaToya in mehreren US-Talkshows. Sie glaube fest, er sei ermordet worden. Sie beließ es allerdings bei vagen Vermutungen und verwies auf ihre gerade veröffentlichte Autobiografie.

Der letzte Akt im Justiz-Thriller um Jackson steht noch bevor. Sein früherer Leibarzt, der Herzspezialist Dr. Conrad Murray (58), geriet sofort nach dem Tod ins Visier der Polizei. Er ist nun wegen fahrlässiger Tötung angeklagt. Nach mehreren Verzögerungen soll der Prozess nun im September beginnen. Jackson starb an einer "akuten Vergiftung" mit dem Narkosemittel Propofol, dessen Wirkung durch Beruhigungsmittel noch verstärkt wurde. Murrays Anwälte legten in der Vergangenheit nahe, dass der erschöpfte und schlaflose Sänger ohne Wissen des Arztes selbst zu den Mitteln griff und so ums Leben kam.
Ampullen beiseitegeschafft
Einen Vorgeschmack auf das zu erwartende Gerichtsdrama lieferte eine Anhörung im Januar. Jacksons Leibwächter sagte aus, Murray habe, als der Sänger schon ins Koma gefallen war, Ampullen beiseitegeschafft und dann erst den Notarzt gerufen. Er habe große Mengen des starken Narkosemittels bestellt, das gewöhnlich zur Betäubung bei Operationen eingesetzt wird, bestätigte ein Apotheker.

Der Rummel um Jackson reißt nicht ab. Im Dezember wurden bis dahin unbekannte Fotos des Sängers in Paris für knapp 200.000 Euro versteigert. Gleichzeitig eroberte das erste posthum veröffentlichte Album auf Anhieb die Spitze der deutschen Charts. Auf der CD "Michael" wurden zehn unfertige Songs, die Jackson in den Jahren vor seinem Tod geschrieben hat, von verschiedenen Musikern und Produzenten aufbereitet. Der als Perfektionist bekannte Jackson hätte dies zu Lebzeiten bestimmt nicht zugelassen, merkten Kritiker des "neuen" Albums an.
Mehrere hundert Millionen
Seine Erben, Gläubiger, Nachlassverwalter und Plattenmanager profitieren weiter. Im Februar rechnete der Internetdienst "" vor, das Jackson seit seinem Tod hunderte Millionen Dollar einbrachte. Die Gerichtsakten für seine Rechteverwalter würden einen Betrag von 310 Millionen Dollar (etwa 215 Millionen Euro) ausweisen, hieß es. Allerdings hatte der 50-Jährige zum Zeitpunkt seines Todes laut "" auch 400 Millionen Dollar Schulden. Jacksons Nachlassverwalter hätten inzwischen etwa 159 Millionen Dollar Schulden zurückgezahlt. Von dem übrigen Geld seien hohe Summen an Michaels Mutter Katherine gegangen, für die Kosten der Beerdigung, Ausbesserungen am Familienanwesen und "andere fortdauernde Ausgaben".

Die jetzt 81-jährige Matriarchin kümmert sich um Jacksons drei Kinder, Prince Michael (14), Paris (13) und Blanket (9). Vor dem Trubel des ersten Todestages waren sie nach Hawaii geflüchtet. Über die Pläne der Familie für den zweiten Jahrestag war zunächst nichts bekannt. Gelegentlich zirkulieren Schnappschüsse von den Kindern durch die Presse. Ende Mai vergnügten sie sich mit den Kindern von Schauspieler Will Smith auf einem Filmset, wenig später wurde Paris mit einer Freundin beim Einkaufsbummel abgelichtet.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

22.06.2011 um 23:09
Seeing body brought 'closure' to Jackson's kids: sister (Archiv-Version vom 13.07.2011)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

23.06.2011 um 05:05
She added in an interview on CNN show 'Piers Morgan Tonight' ...
aus dem vorgenannten Bericht ... ;)
Sie fügte in einem Interview bei der CNN Show "Piers Morgan Tonight ' hinzu ...

das ist der entsprechende Bericht darüber ...

Michael Jackson was murdered, sister LaToya tells Piers Morgan
By the CNN Wire Staff
June 21, 2011 -- Updated 1001 GMT (1801 HKT)
(CNN) -- Michael Jackson's sister, LaToya, remains unshaken in her belief that the late pop icon was murdered.

LaToya Jackson unwaveringly restated the claim she first made after her brother's death two years ago -- a conviction that is shared by other family members -- in an appearance on CNN's "Piers Morgan Tonight." The interview is scheduled to be broadcast Tuesday.

Not only that, but Jackson told Morgan that her pop star brother told her he'd been targeted for murder before his death.

"I would never, ever think differently," Jackson said of her belief that the iconic performer's death resulted from foul play. "Michael told me that they were going to murder him. He was afraid. He was afraid for his life."

Without naming anyone, LaToya Jackson described those she believes killed him as "the people who were controlling him."

"People come into your life, wiggle their way in, control you, manipulate, control your funds, your finances, everything that you have. And you must do what they tell you to," Jackson said. "That's what Michael was going through and he knew that everything that was happening to him was not kosher. It wasn't right and it disturbed him greatly."

Michael Jackson's personal physician, Dr. Conrad Murray, faces trial for involuntary manslaughter in the pop star's death on June 25, 2009. The second anniversary of Jackson's death is Saturday.

Authorities say Murray, who had been treating Jackson for insomnia, was responsible for giving his patient a fatal overdose of a powerful anesthetic.

Murray's lawyers have suggested that a frustrated and sleepless Jackson may have self-ingested the fatal dose while the doctor was out of his bedroom.

Several members of the Jackson family have said they suspect that Michael Jackson's death was the result of a murder conspiracy, although they've not made public any evidence.

After a June 2010 hearing for the defendant that was attended by Jackson family members, Michael Jackson's brother, Jermaine, told reporters that "Dr. Murray's the fall guy."

"This is bulls**t," Jermaine Jackson said.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

23.06.2011 um 05:32
einige Videos von der Show "Piers Morgan Tonight" ...

Clips From Last Night: La Toya Jackson on her abusive ex and Michael's legacy
June 22nd, 2011
11:32 AM ET
Last night Piers Morgan talked to La Toya Jackson for the hour about her family, her life and her new book. She discussed her abusive ex-husband. "He was beating me," she said. "One of the worst beatings I endured was probably when we were Italy. I asked for an annulment...He told me listen, 'I own you.'"

She also talked about Michael Jackson's legacy:

Said La Toya: "You will never, ever find an entertainer as special, as talented, as loving and as caring as Michael Jackson."


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

23.06.2011 um 09:52
Frühere Agentin von Michael Jackson gesteht Steuerhinterziehung
dein Eintrag von gestern um 22:23h
beim "Stern" war es nur eine Kurzmeldung ...


Frühere Agentin von Michael Jackson gesteht Steuerhinterziehung
22. Juni 2011, 21:26 Uhr
Die frühere Agentin des verstorbenen Popsängers Michael Jackson hat massive Steuerhinterziehung eingestanden. Wie das US-Justizministerium mitteilte, plädierte Raymone Bain bei einer Anhörung am Mittwoch in Washington auf schuldig. Demnach hatte sie trotz erheblicher Einnahmen in den Jahren 2006, 2007 und 2008 keine Steuern an den Staat und die Stadt Washington gezahlt. Nach Angaben des Ministeriums war Bain 2006 Jacksons persönliche Agentin geworden und saß der "Michael Jackson Company" vor.

ähnliche Berichte: (Archiv-Version vom 25.06.2011);art154670,2432898

und "englischsprachige" Berichte:

Jackson manager pleads guilty to tax evasion

(AFP) – 2 hours ago

Raymone Bain (AFP/Getty Images/File, Justin Sullivan)
WASHINGTON — The general manager to late pop icon Michael Jackson pleaded guilty to tax evasion Wednesday in a federal court in Washington, according to the US Justice Department.

Raymone Bain, founder of public relations firm Davis, Bain & Associates, became personal general manager to the superstar and president of the Michael Jackson Company in 2006, and was responsible for financial, public relations and marketing tasks.

"Despite earning substantial income, Bain knowingly failed to file her federal (and) District of Columbia income tax returns, and she failed to pay income taxes owed during 2006 through 2008," the Justice Department said in a statement.

"According to the plea documents filed in court today, the tax loss is between $200,000 and $400,000."

Bain pleaded guilty to two charges. Sentencing was set for August 31, and she faces up to 18 months in prison and fines of up to $105,000.

Jackson died in 2009 at age 50, and his personal doctor Conrad Murray faces involuntary manslaughter charges over the death. His trial has been postponed until September.

Copyright © 2011 AFP.

ähnliche Berichte:


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

23.06.2011 um 10:12
na, Janet soll aber nur gemütlich durch den Tiergarten spaziert sein ... Janet wohnt in Berlin in einem ganz tollen Hotel ... ;)

Popstar Janet Jackson auf Tour durch Berlin
Donnerstag, 23. Juni 2011 02:24

Seit Montag ist im Hotel Ritz-Carlton ein Weltstar zuhause: Janet Jackson (45).
Ob sie das Hotel gewählt hat, weil es direkt am Tiergarten liegt? Jedenfalls sah man die Queen of Pop am Dienstag samt Trainer und Bodyguard quer durch den Park joggen. Sie muss sich fit halten, schließlich ist die kleine Schwester von Michael Jackson für ihre Figurprobleme bekannt: Mal ist sie schlank, dann wieder rundlich. Nach dem Spor...
weiterlesen ist hier leider nicht möglich ...

ein neuer Versuch !!!! *lach*

Im Tiergarten trimmte die Sängerin sich fit. Dafür braucht es gleich zwei Personal Trainer

Janet Jogging Jackson
22. Juni 2011 07.50 Uhr, BZ

Nein, das ist kein Autonomer aus dem schwarzen Block, der hier so vermummt über den Potsdamer Platz läuft! Es eine der erfolgreichsten Pop-Diven der Welt.
Schwarze Pilotenbrille, schwarzer Schal trotz Sonne, schwarzer Yamamoto-Jogginganzug, der trotz Schlabber-Schnitt über dem Prall-Popo spannt. Janet Jackson (44), ewige kleine Schwester des großen Michael (+50), Verursacherin des Nipplegate-Skandals und fleischgewordener Jojo-Effekt, macht sich mal wieder dünne.Gesternnachmittag schlurfte sie mit einer dreiköpfigen Truppe aus dem Ritz Carlton Hotel. Eine ebenfalls diätbedürftige Freundin sowie zwei Drill-Instructor, einer davon mit Stretchband in der Hand, gingen neben Janet her, in Richtung Tiergarten.Als sie unseren Fotografen entdeckten, nahmen sie doch lieber den Wagen, um unbeobachtet zu sporteln. Dabei macht Janet aktuell eine gute Figur! Aktuell tourt sie mit ihrem Luxus-Kurvenkörper und 30-köpfiger Entourage durch die Welt, checkte gestern in Berlin ein und tritt Freitag im Tempodrom auf.Bis dahin wird Miss Jackson garantiert etwas ablegen ...

wer noch Karten für das Konzert von Janet Jackson kaufen möchte, kann sogar noch welche bekommen ... ;)



MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

23.06.2011 um 10:18

guten morgen.

ich hab nach wie vor zweifel daran, dass Michael im Forest Lawn Menorial Park nahe Glendale bestattet wurde. mein zweifel begründen sich auf dem fackt das der sarg in dem MJ liegen soll im Sables Center wie auch auf Forest Lawn unterschiede auf weisst.

man beachte die verziehrungen an den beiden särgen.

der sarg im stables center

eng mj sarg BM Baye 849016p

hier der sarg in forest lawn.

sarg friedhof

für mich sind das zwei ganz unterschiedliche särge.

4x zitiertmelden

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

23.06.2011 um 10:47
nach diesem Eintrag, soll das "tolle" Motorrad ein Geschenk an Michael Jacksons Kinder sein ...
und nicht nur ein Motorrad, nein zwei sollen es sein ... ;)
ob das alles so stimmt ???
und der Berichterstatter scheint den genauen Todestag leider auch nicht zu kennen ... ;)

Fan Shows L-O-V-E To Michael Jackson's Children

Fan zeigt "L-O-V-E" an Michael Jacksons Kinder

Author: Bryan Cain-Jackson
Published: June 22, 2011 at 11:17 pm

Just before the one-year anniversary of the passing of the pop icon, children of the late Michael Jackson received a special gift from a fan.
Kurz vor dem einjährigen Todestag des Ablebens der Pop-Ikone, erhalten Kinder des verstorbenen Michael Jackson ein besonderes Geschenk von einem Fan.

Michael’s oldest son, 14-year old Prince and 13-year old daughter Paris received two customized motorcycles that were dedicated to the 'King of Pop.' Looking at the images of this motorcycle, it is clearly evident that this was a fan with a great love of the icon.
Michaels ältester Sohn, der 14-jährige Prince und die 13-jährige Tochter Paris, erhielten zwei maßgeschneiderte Motorräder,
die dem "King of Pop" gewidmet waren. Betrachtet man die Bilder dieses Motorrades, ist klar ersichtlich, dass dies ein Fan mit einer großen Liebe zur "Ikone" war.

The front shows MJ circa the Jackson 5 era sitting on a throne sporting an afro. Other images on the bike show MJ wearing his trademark sunglasses. Michael's trademark poses were lovingly portrayed, making it truly a work of art.

The music industry and the world just doesn’t seem the same since Michael died on June 25, 2009.

There will be naysayers and what MJ fans refer to as “haters,” but all he wanted in the world was love. With this gesture, it is clear that MJ was more than loved in this world. It’s just too bad that he wasn’t shown that when he was alive.

Mit dieser Geste ist es klar, dass MJ mehr als in dieser Welt geliebt wurde. Es ist nur schade, dass es ihm nicht gezeigt wurde, als er noch lebte. (Archiv-Version vom 24.06.2011)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

23.06.2011 um 11:13
@ all

Ivy von der mjjcommunity hat eine zusammenfassung von LaToyas buch geschrieben.... leider kann man die wohl nicht einsehen, wenn man dort nicht angemeldet ist, aber im wurde es auch eingestellt :)....

habe an einigen stellen ein paar anmerkungen hinzugefügt :)....


Inhaltliche Zusammenfassung von LaToya's Buch "Start Over"

Here's the summary. I tried to focus on stuff related to Michael.


- She didn’t want to write her first book , Jack Gordon made her do it.
- Jack Gordon controlled her for a decade.
- 2003 interview with Larry King made her want to help other women in the same situation.

- 2007/2008 she decides to write the book she wants to tell her family first so that they don’t get the wrong idea. Before she can Michael calls Katherine and says to her that Randy told her that Latoya was writing a book and Katherine says to Michael not to believe Randy.

Chapter 1: He's Going to Kill You

- 1993 incident of Gordon beating her.

- She says Michael knew Gordon was dangerous through Dileo and few years ago warned her that he’s going to kill her.

- She says Michael was frightened of Gordon.

Chapter 2: I Wish I Could Have Your Life

- Talks about how no one from outside knew or saw the abuse she received
- Talks about meeting Jack Gordon
- She talks about her JW raising made her trusting people
- Insert Michael going door to door as JW

- Talks about how Gordon started to work for Joe, how she wanted to be independent and leave Joe’s management and how Gordon became her manager.

Chapter 3: Illusions of Freedom

- She calls Joe a good starter manager.
- 1987 trip to Japan was Gordon her manager.
- Gordon takes her passport and controls her.

- Insert Michael she says that she believed Michael went through the same things as her and became a victim as wolves targeted and exploited him. Again effects of religious beliefs mentioned.

Chapter 4: A Smile for the Public

- Talks about mind games that Gordon was playing with her such as beating her ant hen saying that he didn’t beat her.

- Believes that Gordon gave her mind-altering drugs

- Blames her live performances on Gordon because he didn’t let her practice on them as he was afraid that she would talk yo other people and tell them what was happening.

Chapter 5: A Brave Voice Silenced

- Talks about how she tried to tell other people what happened

- She told Gordon beating her to Amir Bayyan from Kool and the Gang, he came to her hotel room with some guys to take her, she didn’t go.

- She told to a TV personality who didn’t believe her and told to Gordon what she said
- Tito confronted Gordon.

Chapter 6: The Man Behind the Monster

- Gordon’s background was in brothels , born in one and owned several of them later on

- Talks about his business deals and her beliefs that he had ties to mobs (later says there was no evidence of such)

- FBI interviews her some time later about this mob ties and tell her that they had been smuggling diamonds and drugs using her to bypass airport security

Chapter 7: Torn from the Nest

- Talks about how Gordon distances her from her family
- Mentions Katherine’s suspicions
- Gordon badmouths Katherine calling her “not saint”, bad mouths Michael calling him “nothing”.

- Latoya talks about Michael “closest thing to God”, “unique”, “had incredible gift”, “perfect instincts” had “sensitivity and compassion”.

- Insert story of buying Neverland

- 1987 Michael is able to get a call through her although Gordon limited their communication for her to come and be in TWYMMF video. Says she was supposed to be the lead girl in video but Katherine said it was inappropriate for her to be Michael’s love interest again. Oh and apparently she was to be the lead girl in Thriller video and again it was vetoed by Katherine.

- Compares Dileo to Gordon and their controlling style of management. reportedly Dileo said “ All I have to do is wind Michael up, point him in the direction I want him to go and he does it”.

- 1988 Donald Trump wants to do shows with Michael in Atlantic city, asks for Gordon and Latoya to broker the deal. Gordon forced her to get Michael to commit, Michael would say he’d do it but phone line goes dead. Dileo calls and says he’s not doing the shows. Dileo poisoned Michael against Gordon.

- Mentions Michael was also being isolated from family, says that Bill Bray was keeping people away and says she doesn’t believe it was Michael’s wish , she says Dileo was doing it.

-1992 Hannover, she goes to meet with Michael and Katherine. Gordon goes to convince Michael of Atlantic city deal. “Even though my brother weighted almost nothing, he danced with such energy”

- She can’t bring herself telling Michael about abuse.

- Gordon makes her ask Michael about Atlantic city shows , Michael gives a vague answer about competing egos. Few weeks later Michael calls her and says Frank says that Gordon is tied to gangsters and even if one doesn’t get paid they would kill him. ( odd: a few pages before she mentions Dileo’s 89 firing , she doesn’t know the reason but says that Michael said her he didn’t trust Dileo the least bit )

- Then comes the phone call she mentioned in the beginning of the book that Michael said her to get away from Gordon or Gordon would kill her.

- Gordon convinces her that Katherine was trying to kill her.

Chapter 8: Against My Will

- Playboy photos hot

- Michael saw pictures while he was at Playboy mansion calls and says that they are great and Diana Ross also liked them

- Katherine and Jermaine was unhappy. Katherine said she wasn’t her daughter anymore. Marlon and Jackie had middle of the road opinions.

- With the increased publicity Gordon arranges for her first book deal.

Chapter 9: In Name Only

- Gordon forcing her to marry him, she says the marriage was in name only as long as it lasted

Chapter 10: I Own You

- He told her when they got married she can get an annulment in 6 months. This chapter talks about she’s asking for annulment and Gordon rejecting saying that he owns her.

- After the beating paparazzi gets the shot of her with bruised eyes.

- 1990 when Michael was in hospital with chest pains Gordon sent him black roses with Latoya’s name.

Chapter 11: A Family Further Divided

- 1991 Her book gets published and she’s performing in Paris. Gordon is having relationship with prostitutes.

- Jermaine and Farrakhan’s son visits Latoya she doesn’t tell them anything.

- Gordon breaks the deal with Moulin Rouge, declares her bankrupt so that they don’t have to pay back to the cabaret.

- Gordon keeps the news of her grandmother dying.

Chapter 12: The Puppet Master at Work

- 1993 Gordon allows Latoya to watch TV to see the criminal investigation against Michael.

- Gordon says “They are taking him down now. I knew they would. I just didn’t know when”. Later on phone he says “You guys did it”.

- Latoya asks to go on TV to protect Michael, Gordon says that he’ll arrange it. They arrive in Israel, media waiting for her. Gordon gives he a piece of paper and says “read it”.

- She says if she didn’t read it she believed that Gordon’s mob friends would kill Michael.

- She also mentions how Joe though them to do whatever they did with enthusiasm and energy and she didn’t show any emotion because she was afraid that Gordon would hurt her.

- Gordon says to media there had been 2 kidnapping attempts on Latoya financed by Michael. She says Gordon tried to extort money from Michael & his handlers saying that he would say such thing if they didn’t pay him.

- According to Latoya 1993 Bert Fields – Michael’s lead attorney- brings Weitzman who brings in Dileo and Branca to work on the case and Gordon was secretly meeting them. Latoya says it was Branca’s idea to settle in 1993. Latoya blames this to Branca’s firm also representing Sony and that Sony was desperate to get their hands on Michael’s catalog.

- She learns Michael’s admittance of drug dependency and checking into rehab later. She says that Michael saw her press-conference with Elizabeth Taylor when he was in rehab.

Chapter 13: Living in Hell

- She says that she didn’t know her family’s attempts to reach to her and save her.
- She says Gordon damaged her reputation.
- Talks about Psychic Friends Network and Playboy video

- She starts to disobey Gordon. She does an interview without him knowing and keeps the money. She went to shopping without telling Gordon. She starts copying contact information from Gordon’s Rolodex.

Chapter 14: The Beginning of the End

- 1996 Latoya is thinking about leaving Gordon. Tells about how she got a Bible, tells about how she saved the money but lost it. Gordon solicited Mike Tyson to have sex with her etc.

- She says at this time Gordon wanted her to do strip shows at a club he would call “The Jackson’s Strip Club” in Florida. She refuses.

- Gordon tells her that she will do pornography (sex with 4 men for $15M), that’s the straw.

- He says if she’s not doing it he’ll get Brandi – Jackie’s daughter. Latoya says he was trying to go after her before, trying to bring her to Paris to be a model

- She asks for her passport and gets it after a fight. ( Note: I can’t understand this request, she was in New York at the time)

Chapter 15: Risking It All

- She’s trying to find the right time to escape

- May 3 1996 when Gordon is taking a shower she calls Randy. Randy gets Katherine and Joe in a conference call. Joe tells Randy to go to New york and bring Latoya home.

- Randy comes (with their cousin Tony) and Latoya leaves with only her bible, passport and DAT tape that had all of the music for her live show

Chapter 16: Free at Last, Free at Last

- NY to LA plane gets rerouted to Las Vegas. She talks about plane landing and making it out the airport.

- Insert memories of Jackson variety show
- Her house in Las Vegas later turns out to be in Gordon’s name.

Chapter 17: Baby Steps

- Katherine tells her to come to Hayvenhurst but Latoya can’t because she still believes that what Gordon told her that Katherine wants to kill her.

- Randy says they would take her to a doctor to file a report of abuse, get a restraining order and file for divorce.

- Gordon controlled all her money and assets etc. She only had $27,000
- Gordon calls her says that he loves her, he’s sorry, he won’t hit her again, asks her to come back and says he will give her all her money and accounts.

- She couldn’t find a lawyer to take her divorce case because of Gordon’s connections. Jermaine recommends her a “great attorney” he knows: Brian Oxman.

- After the divorce case starts she starts getting threatening calls from Gordon.

Chapter 18: Starting Over

- Her experiences makes her understand manipulation and abuse in Michael’ life.

- She had no contact with people from outside world (except for the food delivery people) and only Gordon called her.

- Talks about how she had to do everything herself and adds their life in Gary and the changes in their life once Jackson 5 become famous.

- She left her condo a year and half later she left Gordon to attend a family get together after Jackie’s wife died.

- She says she kept her distance from her family because she wanted to protect them from Gordon and she wanted to stand on her own.

- Insert positive opinions about Joe, his strength, skills and work ethic he taught them. she changed her opinion about Joe, says Michael changed his opinion later on too. Michael said he wished he had more of Joseph's strength in him.

- She says Joseph spanked them but it was the norm at the time they grew up.

- She believes if Michael was co-managed by Joseph he would still be alive.

Chapter 19: A Family Reunion and a Face-Off in Court

- Jackson family comes to support Latoya in her divorce case against Gordon. It was the first time she was seeing her family in years. Michael was doing History tour wasn’t there and she hadn’t yet seen him.

- Says that Gordon picked a judge he wanted , made her family leave the courtroom.

- Gordon lies about her saying that she was a sleaze (as she did Playboy), said she hid money, made her take drug and psychological tests.

- She gets divorced in 1998 by only getting the Las Vegas condo, Gordon gets everything else, and doesn’t pay her the $350,000 he’s ordered to pay.

Chapter 20: Rebuilding a Life

- Gordon leaves her with debt, unpaid taxes etc.

- Finds out that Gordon still arranger performances in her name and took the advances so she faced with lawsuits and more debts.

- This also caused her not to be able to book any more appearances.

- Talks about Oxman telling her to stay in bankruptcy and how she wasn’t able to buy a house or a car.

Chapter 21: Learning to Trust Again

- Talks about how she no longer wanted to be in the music business but wanted to be like a manager etc. says she no longer wanted to work in America, her goal was to work in Paris and London.

- Gets another bad legal advice and her bankruptcy is extended another 7 years , so she wasn’t able to get her royalties longer. She says she got back her royalties in April 2011.

- She meets Jeffre Phillips who is a friend of Jermaine. They form Ja-Tail (Just another timely adventure in life) Films in 1999.

- Jeffre worked with Michael when he did the marketing for Sony in 80s.

Chapter 22: Free the World

- 2001 World Trade Center attack

- She says Michael was supposed to attend a meeting at 9:00AM at the top of World Trade Center on September 11 but he didn’t go because he was so tired. If he went he would have died in the attack.

- The family leaves with tour busses.

- Latoya writes a song “free the world”, she records it, the reactions were positive.

- That’s what made her return too music and start recording Starting Over.

- 2002 they try to get a record deal but hear stuff like “she has no talent”, “she can’t sing and dance” etc. They couldn’t get a deal. They go to radios to play a song so that it would become popular and that they would get a record deal, radios refuse to play the songs.

- She says she had to put aside the album with the events about Michael surfaced.

Chapter 23: A Dirty Business

- She reconnected with Michael in 2002. (Note: That’s quite some time, the latest conversation she mentioned with Michael was in 1992 - unless she omitted stuff).

- She lists through what happened in regards to Michael between the time she left Gordon (1996) and when they reconnected (2002).

- She talked about Michael with Katherine. She met Paris in 1998 (but not Michael).

- Talks about Michael’s parenting. kids only watched educational TV programming, they weren’t allowed to watch news accounts about Michael. Michael never told her why he limited their access to outside world. She assumes it was to give them normal life and made them know him as only their father and not superstar.

- She says she was worried if such secluded upbringing made them vulnerable.

- Michael also limited the music the kids listened. At that time Paris was only allowed to listen to “Butterflies”.

- Latoya again says she had no direct contact with Michael at this time.

- Mentions Michael’s troubles with Sony and catalog. Says Michael fired Branca in 1990 after Geffen told him Branca had to much control.

- 1995 Branca urges Michael to merge ATV with Sony. She says this partnership became problematic as Michael was an artist first and businessman second and he wasn’t motivated for a quest for profit.

- Talks about Michael’s masters and how they would not revert to Michael till 2009 and she says she doesn’t know if Michael got them or Sony kept them. (Note: Estate got them back).

- Says Michael had no concept of money.

- Talks about Sony, Invincible, promotion issues. Says Sony purposely sabotaged the album so that it wouldn’t sell so that he would be forced to sell his half of catalog.

- She watches Michael’s press conference on TV about Sony and says that he wore a bulletproof vest at that conference. (Note: they haven’t reconnected yet).

Chapter 24: Family Reunion

- 2002 Latoya is called to a family meeting, Michael was using prescription painkillers and family believed it was getting out of control.

- She says Michael wouldn’t taken prescription drugs on his own and he was given it by a doctor after he fell off the stage and injured himself when touring with Jacksons. He forms a dependency but gets cleaned in 1993 by going to rehab.

- She says chronic injuries from lifetime performing and stress again turned him to painkillers and he again had dependency issues by 2002.

- Family decided to confront Michael and do an intervention. She says she hadn’t seen Michael for a decade and this intervention would be the first time she would see him.

- Family goes to Neverland, security doesn’t let them in, they jump the gate. Tito enters into the house through an open window and opens the doors for the rest.

- Michael sees them and acts like he didn’t know that they were at the house. Latoya says she doesn’t know if it was a simple miscommunication or someone wanted to keep them out.

- Michael send Prince and Paris with the nanny and then goes into Blanket’s room (who was 3 months at the time) to attend to him. They have a meeting in Blanket’s room.

- Michael refuses to see the doctors ( a physician and psychiatrist) and says there was nothing wrong with him. Latoya says he was fine, alert and relaxed, looked good physically and happy with his kids. After several hours he convinces them that he was good. Family plans to take turns staying with Michael at Neverland for next few weeks but they weren’t able to follow their plan. She says it took Michael several years before he got the help he needed.

- In this meeting Michael also talks about the people in business. He reportedly says “ Certain people in this business are no good. They take things from you, they rob you. don’t ever trust them”. “LaToya you can’t trust them, they are no good, they don’t really care about us” “ They just want to get everything they can out of you and milk you and use you and toss you away at the ened of the day”.

- Next time she saws Michael is news report about Berlin Balcony incident.

- Talks about how fans called “Let’s see the new one” and Michael wanted to please them and he had a good grip.

Chapter 25: The Quiet Before the Storm

- 2003 Latoya does Larry King Live show.

- She receives quite an attention due to the show. She forms Ja-Tail Records and signs a distribution deal.

- 2003 Family day with Hawaiian theme and everyone dressed accordingly (except Michael and his kids). This is the first time since intervention in Neverland she saw Michael.

- April 2003 she runs into Michael shopping at Beverly Hills, she goes in to talk to Michael. They leave all together with Michael’s children wearing Spiderman masks. She says the children understood the need for the masks and loved them, it was like playing dress-up everyday.

- Michael says he can’t go and have dinner with them as he was going to studio, drops them by their car, Layoya gives Paris a pink rabbit as a present.

- June 2003 she would be presenting an award at BET awards. Producers ask her help to get Michael to give an award to James Brown. Then they get him on their own as apparently Michael didn’t know Latoya was a presenter until she went into his dressing room.

- Backstage Michael getting ready. Michael called perfume “smell”, they were together for 30 minutes, they took a picture together. Michael goes on stage. They spend another 30 minutes in the dressing room with James Brown, his wife etc.

- Michael takes Latoya into a closet and tells her that he misses her, he loves her and that he’s glad that he got to see her.

Chapter 26: The Conspiracy is Revealed

- 2003 Joseph calls her to say that Neverland is being raided.

- No one in the family knew where Michael was. They later find out he was in Las Vegas and they went to his hotel.

- They find Michael all dressed up for video shot but visibly upset in a wrecked suite. Paris tells Katherine that Michael broke the lamp, threw the food and turned over the statue. Apparently when Michael got the call from Neverland security about the raid, he got very angry.

- Michael says to Latoya “I didn’t do anything. I promise you. I’m being framed. All of this is a setup. you gotta believe me”.

- Michael also mentions that he is even afraid to walk around his own yard because he was afraid that he would be killed. He says he knows who’s behind the framing of him. Latoya asks who, Michel says “ they want my catalog, they want my publishing, they’ll do whatever it takes to get it. they are going to kill me. I hate my life. I don’t even want the catalog anymore”

Chapter 27: Facing Down Allegations as a Family

- Little funny story about how Paris will wave to paparazzi to be friendly.
- Mirage asks Michael leave the hotel due to press disturbing other guests at the hotel.
- Michael has reservations about surrendering to the police.
- She released her single Just Wanna Dance under her nickname Toy tops the charts at 19.
- Michael’s trial starts and she again thinks its not appropriate time to release the album.

Chapter 28: The Final Days of Neverland

- Michael mentions Latoya “when this trial is over. I’m never ever coming back to Neverland again. they invaded my privacy. They ruined my entire life. I hate this place. I can’t stand it. I never want to see it again. Never. I’ll never come back here”.

- Says Michael was adamant when he made a decision.

- Describes Neverland, animals, trains. movie theater, children coming to visit. Dreamworks stealing Neverland logo.

- Says after the raid Michael stayed at one of the bungalows. Family stayed with him at Neverland during prelim and trial.

- Mentions “field trips” of Michael’s kids around the property to the “beach” (a pool of water with white sand around it) and to library.

Chapter 29: The Trial of a Lifetime

- 2004 start of preliminary this is the first time Latoya had the chance to sit down and talk with Michael one on one for the first time in more than a decade.

- Michael says she doesn’t have to say anything, he knows her heart and that he knew Gordon made her do those things. She says Michael had forgiven her long ago and didn’t want to discuss it further.

- She says that she later realized that Michael also had manipulators and understood what she went through very well and that made him forgive her so easily.

- Says that Michael hid his fears from his children keeping upbeat and smiling around them.

- Jumping on the roof of SUV to please fans , being misunderstood.

- August 2004 family get together for Michael’s birthday. First time Latoya saw Michael since pretrial in January. Michael calls Joe to sit next to him, Latoya says Joe was a special force of power for Michael and Michael felt Joe protected him.

- Again Latoya holds her album.

- January 2005 trial starts. Family returns to Neverland. She says dressing all white was her idea.

- Mentions Michael had made peace with Joe.

- Says Michael was in despair, he didn’t want to eat or take care of himself. They pleaded with him to at least take vitamins. She says most of the time Michael stayed in his bungalow alone.

- Prince of Bahrain during trial says to Michael he can always stay there to rest and get away from everything.

- Gordon dies from cancer on 2005.

- Verdict day. Michael nervous, says that he’s leaving US and never coming back.

- says Michael have been wearing bulletproof vest since 2001 (when we went head to head with Sony / Mottola). Before trial Michael reportedly said “If I get off, I’m going to be assassinated”.

- says that Michael was a zombie after he heard the verdict, drained, distant. She says that the experience marked him and he believe that he would be assassinated that day.

- She says that the trial had made grave damage to him, a crack formed in his spirit, she says he lost his will to fight, and he was like he was lost.

- Michael leaves US as soon as he gets his passport back from court and lives like a vagabond for 1.5 years.

- Mention of Fox news, again Michael’s catalog.

- Latoya says that during the time Michael was gone, he distanced himself from everyone in the family and no one spoke to him.

- says Michael didn’t want to perform anymore, afraid that he would be assassinated on stage and wanted to produce and direct movies with Peter Jackson.

Chapter 30: A New Lease on Life

- Latoya says that whenever she saw footage of Michael on TV after the trial she tried to examine it to understand his health, mental stage, emotional well-being etc.

- She also says that she started to investigate the conspiracy Michael told her in Mirage (the day Neverland raided).

- She throws herself back to her career. reworking on her album, Armed and Famous show (most of the chapter is about that), Celebrity Big Brother

- She says that the skills she learned at that show as she looked for clues as to who killed Michael.

Chapter 31: The Final Days

- Mid 2006. Michael fires most of his staff including at Neverland and closes down the main house.

- Grace was acting his manager and this worried Latoya as the wrong person can have the power to destroy him in such vulnerable state.

- December 2006 James Brown dies, Michael comes to US.

- Latoya wasn’t united with Michael but heard about him through Katherine.

- Jermaine introduced Michael to Tohme who later revealed to have a troubled past.

- says Tohme was like Gordon , isolated and controlled Michael. Says Tohme kept family away from Michael.

- enter Leonard Rowe. January 2009 a concert promoter offers $15M for one show (Allgood concert) flies to LA to talk to Michael.

- Latoya repeats Leonard Rowe’s book Tohme doesn’t meet with him for a while. Tohme says Michael cannot do it because he was doing negotiations for a $300M deal (AEG TII deal).

- says AEG was paying Tohme $100,000 monthly salary and he was therefore biased.

- claims Phillips got Michael to rehire Dileo.

- in a moment of clarity in March 2009, Michael asks Leonard Rowe to take over as his business manager.

- Reportedly Michael said he didn’t know what he signed because their attorney drew up the contract, he agreed to 10 shows and not 50 shows.

- April 2009 , Michael meets with Leonard Rowe who brought Joe with him. Latoya says that Joe hadn’t seen Michael for 3 years. Payment in dollars versus pounds and scalping of tickets is discussed.

- April 2009 Julien’s Auctions of Michael’s items. Michael didn’t know it, Katherine told him about it. Michael says everything was being put in storage, Tohme says it was storage agreement.

- Mentions the Michael’s confiding in June Gatlin (she heard it at Today show)

- Mid May meeting with Phillips. Katherine, Joe, Leonard Rowe and Michael present. Joe and Leonard stood up to Randy Phillips. Joe gets up starts shouting I will not let you steal from my son. Michael began laughing. She says it was because Michael was happy his father was there to protect him from vultures.

- She says Leonard told her that Michael was at times animated at the meeting but also seemed like he didn’t care about details, he wasn’t acting perfectionist and Leonard felt like Michael knew for one reason or another he would never perform those concerts.

- Leonard pushed out, replaced by Dileo.

- Leonard couldn’t intervene about Michael’s health and and in regards to his painkiller dependency.

- Latoya heard all these through Joe.

- Latoya spent time with Michael for the first time in May 14, 2009 since his 2005 trial. that’s also the last time she sees him.

- Latoya says he was excruciatingly thing.

- She asks over and over if he was fine, Michael says he was fine and the rehearsals were going good.

Chapter 32: The Worst Day of My Life

- Joe calls her, tells her to get to Michael’s house saying that a fan told him he was sick.

- She calls Jeffre , he says that Michael is doing it to get out of the shows. “Michael is known to have fake illness and injury.. “

- Joe calls again and says there’s an ambulance, tells her to go to hospital instead.

- Latoya calls Trent , Katherine’s assistant, they are on their way to the hospital. Katherine tells her Michael is dead.

- She arrives hospital, a nurse tells her Michael isn’t dead.

- She goes to the room where Katherine is with Prince, Paris and Blanket on her lap. The kids are screaming and crying. Dileo is in the room. Trent tells her Michael is gone and Katherine again tells her that Michael is dead.

Chapter 33: Trying to Make Sense of the Tragedy

- She says she immediately thought “who killed Michael?” and not “how did he die?”. in the last 3 chapters Latoya constantly goes back to 2003 when Michael said he would be murdered for his catalog.

- Children want to go see Michael.

- Paris screams Murray is the best multiple times and says she doesn’t know what happened. She says she wants to die and be with her daddy.

- Paris says Michael was always cold, freezing. He would sit by the fireplace and fall asleep there.[anm. schlafproblemen ?] Paris says Michael always cried and they (the kids) watched to make sure everything was fine. Paris says Michael was freezing and needed a doctor and then turned the lights and they were in the dark. Latoya asks they turned the lights out? Paris says yes and they cut the phones off.

- Paris says Michael told her to be strong and said to her she would have to take care of Prince and Blanket if something happens to him. He told her that she would have to be the mother. [anm: sollte mj seiner kleinen tochter eine solche verantwortung auferlegt haben?]

- Latoya asks when Michael said this. Paris says last night before Michael went to rehearsal. [anm. da soll mj doch topfit gewesen sein - hat jeder gesagt] She was arguing with Prince and Michael said her to stop fighting with her brother and “I’m not always going to be here and you are going to have to be the lady and watch over them”.

- The children wants to see Michael, 2 nurses take them to the room Michael was says it would be therapeutic for them.

- She says Michael was skinny (skin and bones) but looked peaceful as if he was sleeping.

- Kids talked to their dad, left the room calm. Saying good-bye helped them.

- Latoya goes to find Dr. Murray. She couldn’t learn anything from him. He gave her excuses.

- Kathy Hilton comes to the hospital with her sister. Latoya takes them to see Michael. Kathy Hilton tells her to collect everything she see that Michael written down.

Chapter 34: The Investigation Intensifies

- Michael Amir calls Latoya to say that Tohme fired all security and asks her to come to the house. [anm. davon hat er nichts in der voranhörung ausgesagt, auch andere bodyguards nicht] Michael Amir vowed to not leave the house until someone from the family came.

- Police had been in the house all day. Jacksons wasn’t allowed inside the house until detectives said it was okay.

- 11:30 Latoya, Jeffre, Randy and Ron Boyd (family friend police officer) arrive to Carolwood.

- 12:00 Katherine and Trent came. Later Janet came.

- Michael Amir lets them in.

- Latoya says the house was hot, asks Michael Amir he says Michael kept the heat on because he was freezing. Latoya brain thinking: is it because Michael was freezing or is it to give a different time of death? [anm. schlaues kerlchen LaToya, die sofort fachmännisch-medizinische rückschlüsse zieht, noch dazu unter diesen umständen]

- Michael Amir tells them what happened. Leads them into Murray’s room (the room Michael died in). Michael Amir says he didn’t saw anything suspicious last night.

- Latoya searches the room with her eyes as she’s trained as a police officer.[LOL] Outside the door what looked like Michael’s last meal on top of a dresser (soup and crumbs from a sandwich), pajama top on the floor(paramedics cut it off when trying to save Michael, IV stand on the foot of bed, 3 oxygen tanks in the corner.

- She asks if there was cameras in the room. There wasn’t. Remembers back to 2003 Mirage and Michael saying he would be killed for his catalog.

- Michael Amir then shows them Michael’s actual bedroom. Room was a wreck, torn to pieces, clothes on the floor, dressers turned over etc. Latoya asks if it was always like this. Michael Amir says he doesn’t know because Michael didn’t allow anyone in that room. Latoya brain thinking : this is too messy to be police doing, who did this what they were looking for? suspects people were in there for cash and jewelry Michael kept. [anm. und der polizei ist dieser zustand des raumes nicht aufgefallen, sie wurden nicht einmal darauf hingewiesen, dass womöglich jemand diesen raum auf der suche nach bargeld verwüstet hat???]

- Remembers what Kathy Hilton said. Says that Michael was a compulsive note taker. so she finds post it notes in Michael’s actual bedroom.

- Notes said
---- I hate John Branca
---- John Branca stole lots of money from me and continuously double & triple billed me
---- I hate Tohme Tohme
---- Randy Phillips & Dr. Tohme are not flying with me. No! No! No! Ever !
---- Call Joseph
---- Get Joseph’s help to get these people out of my life.
---- I don’t want Frank Dileo back in my life.
---- I only agreed to 10 shows
---- Tell Tohme Tohme to give me back my cars
---- AEG is pressuring me to go see Dr.David H. Slavit for a physical.

- Latoya says they reviewed hundreds of notes and learned about whom Micheal feared. Later she says they got a letter from Estate asking them to return anything they might have taken from the house. [anm. der estate hat somit die weitergabe dieser notizen an die LAPD verhindert und LaToya hat dem folge geleistet ???]

- She says they weren’t even able to organize Michael’s possessions and set aside any keepsakes for the children and doesn’t know where those items are now.

Chapter 35: A Family Loss.

- family disagreements about memorial. Ideas about doing it at Washington monument and Los Angeles Coliseum.

- AEG offers Staples center + Nokia theater.

- Latoya says AEG made money off memorial by charging media for box seats, news trucks parking, concession stands and licensing of the broadcasting of the memorial.

- Latoya wanted Michael to be brought by a procession of gilded horse drawn carriages, fanfare of horns, carried between rows of uniformed guards and an announcer saying “please rise for the king”. She wanted an open casket.

- Katherine vetoed anything showy and wanted a closed casket and relatively simple service.

- Private viewing before the memorial. Paris attends with Latoya, Randy and Rebbie. Puts the necklace on his wrist, places 2 colored stones on his chest.

- mentions Paris speech at memorial and how it humanized Michael.

- most of the brothers wanted to bury Michael at Neverland. Latoya fights against it. Finally they settle on Forest Lawn. She says mausoleum was selected due to it’s beauty and security (to protect Michael’s body).

Chapter 36: Inside the Conspiracy

- says AEG offered the brothers to take over Michael’s dates at O2. Latoya says that she though this was a cover up and didn’t want them to focus on Michael’s death.

- finds it odd that AEG didn’t express concern over Michael’s death and seemed like they stood to make more money with Michael dead then alive.

- Latoya says 100 hours wasn’t all Michael. AEG only recorded last 3 rehearsals.

- questions why they worked with Sony rather than their own Regal Entertainment group. she says why bring Sony in unless a larger deal was in the offing perhaps involving Michael’s catalog. (Hello! This is it soundtrack and release of TII as DVD and Blu-ray).

- Jeffree who did the show and people who worked with Michael said to her that Michael never did complete run-through of any song. So she says Michael wasn’t well and could not have done those shows and AEG should have known that Michael wasn’t well.

- complains that Michael didn’t receive producer credit but the people he hated and fired before did.

- asks who called the tour “this is it?”, calls it a sick joke. [anm. aber ihre buch-promotion mit herzschlag, EKG-geräusch etc. war wohl besser ?]

- says many people didn’t offer condolences to the family

- lists the projects and the money earned and says that Estate should have paid the debt quickly.

- some Jackson family members didn’t want to launch an investigation into Michael’s death. Latoya says she can’t let it go.

- Latoya says that she believes Michael would have wanted his mother to be the executor.

- says in July Branca and Joel Katz came with Michael’s will and they knew nothing about the will before.

- Latoya says they wanted a family member be on the board of Michael’s Estate. Executors didn’t agree with this.

Chapter 37: A Legend is Laid to Rest

- Latoya says she saw Michael’s body 9-10 times between memorial and funeral, talking to him, checking to see if his body was still there (she was worried that his body could be stolen)

- mentions Coroner’s office wanting to see Michael’s body again. They get hair samples and get palm print.

- talks about private memorial and burial.

- says that they got the stacked tombs on the side of the walls that the family members will eventually repose.

Chapter 38: Eyewitness Accounts of a Cover-up

- Leonard Rowe reached out to Latoya. Insert Leonard Rowe’s claims on his book here.

- Joe told her that he tried to see Michael at the last weeks but security didn’t let him in the house.

- She learned that Michael said Prince and Paris to call Granpa and he’ll know what to do and help him.

- She learned about Michael’s last night from the follower fans (TINI group), they say Michael didn’t do his usual talk with them when he left the house for rehearsals. [anm. siehe Lloyds versicherung: "no meet-and greets with fans"]

- mentions a meeting in Michael’s dressing room. Speculates to the maximum (I don’t know what’s said in that room but I believe..) saying them either the people realized he wouldn’t be able to do the shows or Michael told them he wouldn’t be doing the shows. Latoya says that she knows that Michael was threatening them not to show up for rehearsal and not do any shows until they cancel the 40 shows he didn’t agree to perform.

- After the meeting he goes on the stage to do 2 songs. (Note: why would he do that if he wasn’t going to do the shows?)

- Karen Faye’s talk with Dileo. Michael Bush saying Michael lost 15 pounds, a choreographer thought that he was too skinny. Latoya says Michael weighted 112 pounds and it’s incorrectly reported that he was 136 pounds.

- When he’s leaving the rehearsal Michael tells the fans “help me get out of here”.

- Again TINI people referenced with increased security “10 men lined up on both sides of gate”

- A fan walks up to her and says that the light in Michael’s room never went off that night (usually it was off in 20 minutes)

- talks about hearing Randy Phillips was at the house when Michael arrived, finds it odd that he was going to Michael’s house in the morning

- questions TII movie and how fast it was done, like it was already planned

- why Prince was called to help when there was adult staff in the house

[nebenanmerkung: mj war am 25.06.2009 um 14.00 h mit Travor Payne zur probe verabredet..... und da *bettelt* er um 10.40 h murray wegen propofol an bzw. bestand darauf, zu schlafen?.... es blieben keine 3 stunden bis zum probentermin....]

- she concludes that she believes that Murray is the “fall guy for a much larger plot”

Chapter 39: Starting Over Again

- Jeffre tells her that she needs to get on with her life. She starts making appearances.

- Says Katherine is strained and quickly fading away.

- says Estate hasn’t asked the kids if they wanted any keep-sakes from their father. and claims Estate have been auctioning of Michael’s stuff such as his furniture, memorabilia and his handwritten notes. she says she has been buying some items.[?????]

- Latoya says that Michael’s death divided the family and they do not support her in her fight. She hopes to repair relationships between them down the road.


1x zitiertmelden

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

23.06.2011 um 11:17
@ all

hier das transcript des gesamten interviews von LaToya mit Piers Morgan.... ohne zusätzliche kommentare von mir, sonst werd ich noch ganz blöd :).....


Interview with La Toya Jackson
Aired June 21, 2011 - 21:00 ET


PIERS MORGAN, HOST: La Toya Jackson lived her whole extraordinary life in the spotlight. Now, she's starting over.

Her looks, her love life, strained relationship with her family -- all of it makes headlines.

If that's what you know about her, you don't know the real La Toya.


LA TOYA JACKSON, AUTHOR AND MUSICIAN: Piers, there are certain things that I haven't told anyone. But, tonight, I'll tell you.


MORGAN: Tonight, she speaks out of what it is like growing up a Jackson.


JACKSON: There's always this misconception of what people think the family is or the way the family should be.


MORGAN: A marriage to her abusive manager.


MORGAN: And what was he physically doing to you?

JACKSON: He was beating me.


MORGAN: On why he thinks Michael was murdered.


JACKSON: Michael told me that they were going to murder him. He was afraid.


MORGAN: La Toya Jackson, for the hour.



MORGAN: La Toya Jackson's second memoir is called "Starting Over," and La Toya joins me now.

Welcome, La Toya.

JACKSON: Thank you. Welcome. Thank you for having me.

MORGAN: Listen, my pleasure. It's a fascinating book title, I would say, and a great cover picture of you and your brother Michael because, of course, there's the -- the irony, you're starting over --


MORGAN: -- Michael can't, he -- he's --

JACKSON: Absolutely.

MORGAN: -- no longer with us. He's a big figure in this book.

Tell me about the motivation. Was it Michael dying that motivated you to write this new book?

JACKSON: No, actually, Piers, I started writing this book in 2008, and I kept writing and kept writing and there was always something that was coming up that prevented me from actually putting it out. So, I -- I finally got the nerve to put it out eventually and it was on the back burner for quite a while.

And then, Michael, of course, the tragedy happened with him and that's when I just moved forward because I felt it was something that was necessary.

I think it's important for everybody to start over in their life when it's not going properly or the way they think it should go or should be going, or if there's problems in their life. However, Michael doesn't have and he didn't have the opportunity to start over, which is so sad, because he's not with us any longer.

MORGAN: Do you think if he'd even lived, Michael, and I -- I interviewed him once, a fascinating experience.

JACKSON: You did?

MORGAN: Yes. And he was -- he was smart.


MORGAN: He was funny. He had these two voices, one was the quite high-pitched --

JACKSON: Yes. MORGAN: -- gentle voice and then when he talked about business, bam --

JACKSON: Oh yes, everything changes, doesn't it?

MORGAN: -- down it came.

JACKSON: And you see the seriousness in him when he talks about the business --

MORGAN: Yes, totally --

JACKSON: -- and how -- how he's really involved in what he's doing in his career and how he's passionate about his job.

MORGAN: But really focused and he knew about business in a way that really surprised me and I saw then that he was a kind of, you know, a chameleon character, you know, in many ways. I'm sure he could be a totally different Michael given the situation that he was in with all sorts of different people, but a fascinating guy and, I've said this before, the greatest entertainer, certainly, that I've ever seen.

JACKSON: Thank you.

MORGAN: Do you think he -- if he had lived, would he have ever had a chance to start over, Michael, do you think?

JACKSON: That's -- that's what hurts me more than anything else because he could have started over. And now, he's not able to start over. It's so important for everyone who -- who's going through anything in their life to start over. And, yes, Michael could have started over.

My biggest regret is that I wasn't there to help him start over. I feel he probably would have been here today had he started over properly.

MORGAN: Let's talk about you for a moment. How has it been for you starting over?

JACKSON: It was a very difficult task for me to start over because there were so many different interruptions when I was about to start over, and I would have to put everything on the back burner but I think that in everybody's life we go through different journeys and different paths and it doesn't always take us the way that we think it's going to take us. But I feel that every life experience that we experience in life is a learning tool and it's up to us to find out what is the best way for us to go when we're taking these paths and different roads -- paths through life. I think you learn something in everything that you do.

MORGAN: What's also interesting to me in this book --

JACKSON: And, it's important to start over. MORGAN: -- is that you're searingly honest and, I mean, it really is -- it's, in parts, difficult to read how open and frank you are about some difficult stuff.

JACKSON: You have to be. Especially if you are starting over, you have to be honest with yourself.

MORGAN: But you never used to be. I mean, I remember this sort of seven or eight year wall of silence you had where --

JACKSON: Well, I was very quiet, very shy, and I was very controlled. But now, things have changed. I'm very free. I'm very open and when you start over you have such a wonderful feeling because, you know, this is the beginning of the rest of your life and you can make that better and it's up to you to make that better.

MORGAN: I interviewed your sister, Janet, earlier this year, who I love.

JACKSON: Yes, isn't she adorable?

MORGAN: She is. Although she did say you were the diva of the family.

JACKSON: Jan would say that, wouldn't she?

MORGAN: And I thought --

JACKSON: She would say that.

MORGAN: -- I did think, and I love her dearly, but I did think pretty rich coming from Janet Jackson.

JACKSON: Yes. Well, she would -- she would, well, that's what she thinks. I think that -- well, it actually depends on how you interpret diva, but Jan is more or less, she's more on the tomboyish side and I was never that way and she used to really get angry when we were younger and my mother would say, you have to go to etiquette school and she would look at me, "It's all your fault, it's because of you I have to etiquette school, you act too much like a girl." I'd go, "Well, Jan, I've never gone."

And she was so defiant. She did not want to go and I have this memory in my head about Jan because she -- we took her to the school and my mother was driving and Jan was in the back of the Mercedes and the minute my mother got out of the car to open the door, Jan locks the door, locks my mother out, props her foot against the door and she holds it like this, like, no, you're not going to make me get out of this car. I'm not going to.

She -- she was rebellious. She refused to go to etiquette and charm school. She didn't want that.

MORGAN: She still has that kind of naughty streak, I think.

JACKSON: Yes, but she's a wonderful person and she -- after all, she didn't need it. She's a lady today.


How do -- when you all get together, I mean, you come from what appears on the outside to be -- let's be honest, a fairly dysfunctional family, simply because of the ludicrous fame that you've had to all live in for so long.


MORGAN: And yet, when I talked to Janet, I found that she was -- I don't want to be patronizing, but refreshingly normal to talk to.

JACKSON: Yes, of course.

MORGAN: I didn't get a sense of somebody who was a crackpot. I got a sense of somebody -- a smart businesswoman. But, she was very honest like you'd be too about particular difficulties of growing up a Jackson.

I mean, for all of you it's been very, very tough surviving that period, isn't it?

JACKSON: Well, I think what it is, Piers, is that when you grow up in the spotlight that everything is magnetized and everything is totally actually blown out of proportion. And in the Jacksons' case, it has been that throughout the entire careers of everyone and there's always this misconception of what people think the family is or the way the family should be or -- but the fact of the matter is, everybody's quiet, everybody's shy and jovial and just love to have fun.

And people mention the word dysfunctional. I don't really see that. I know that every family had their problems and I'm sure the Jacksons have their share of problems -- we all do.

However, no, it's nothing compared to what I've been seeing in reality TV. It's like, people really act this way? Because, we were nothing like that. We're so quiet and shy and it's like, gee.

MORGAN: Are you -- are you, oddly, because of the tragedy of Michael, as a family, are you oddly closer now than you've ever been do you think?

JACKSON: I would love to say, yes, we're closer than we've ever been but it's really interesting, Piers, because when -- when a loved one in your family and Michael was the first that we've lost. And it hurt so badly and everybody wants to be on the same page and it's not always that way.

I think it was very difficult when it came to the plans of what we were going to do with him and the burial. Everybody had different opinions and we would have to vote on which way we were going with it.

So, you want that togetherness, you want people to come closer, yes, it's closer in a sense. But, at the same time, no, it isn't, which is really sad.

MORGAN: I want to take you back, just show you a clip from when you were young --


MORGAN: -- performing with some of your family, and just see what your memory is when you see this.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Now, if you guys are going to fight, I can bring out a replacement. Ladies and gentlemen, the Jackson Girls, Rebbie, La Toya, and Janet.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: How's it going, pipsqueak?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: This one's because I'm funny.





MORGAN: I mean, when I watch that, it's almost at the end there you get to the Jackson Brothers and off they go and they do this amazing thing. A little part of me, I'll be honest with you, it feels slightly -- you know, I've got three children -- like you all had your --your childhood, your innocence taken away from you. You didn't really have much choice.

You got pushed into this world and that's what you knew and that was your life and you didn't have a normal existence when you were young, any of you.

JACKSON: Well, this was our life and that is what we knew and that's all we knew, and how could someone rob or take something away from you if you don't know anything else? That's -- that's --

MORGAN: When you -- when you look back on it now, do you feel that?

JACKSON: When I look back on it now, it was fun times, it was wonderful times. I wish that I had known a little bit more about the world because then you can control your life a little bit better because you know what -- what you're about to face.

However, no, I have no regrets when it comes to that. I think that, when I look at those brothers and it's just amazing to me, because I used to watch the girls just faint over them and I couldn't understand to save my life, what are you guys fainting over? And the screaming and the paramedics running in and the whole bit. It's like, come on, they're just guys. I couldn't understand that because, you grew up with this music and you grew up with them and to me they were nothing special. They weren't special at all.

But for outsiders, they were just like screaming and, "Oh, you're so wonderful and look, Jermaine, waved at me," and I was just like, so, he waved at you.

MORGAN: You're like, he's my brother. What are you getting at?

JACKSON: I know. It's so funny though.

But, I'm not taking it for granted, but it's so funny when you think about how people look at you when you see yourself totally differently. We see ourselves as very normal and people -- like, oh, I can't believe I touched you and things of that nature.

MORGAN: Do you ever wish you hadn't gone into show business?

JACKSON: I didn't want to go into show business. I refused to -- I wanted to go into business law and I wanted to go to school to be an attorney, and eventually, I got off and I went to school for a little while and my father took me right out. He says, no, you're going to sing like everybody else in this family, and you're -- you're born here to entertain and this is what you're going to do.

And, when he did it, I didn't want to do it but I -- I loved it. Ever since he's done that I said, wow, this is great, I kind of like this a lot.

MORGAN: It's funny, in talking to Janet. I mean, she clearly had slightly bittersweet view of your father. He's clearly an incredibly tough guy. He's a disciplinarian.

You know, he did what he did -- I don't think for his own gain. He did it because he believed in you as children that he thought that the only way you're going to make it big is if he kept pushing and pushing and pushing and that -- very hard, particularly for the girls, I think, to deal with that.

JACKSON: No. He was absolutely right. You must remember that he was a disciplinarian and my father, at the same time, he had that drive. He saw, in his children, how good they could be. He saw the talent.

And, if you don't make people, and children, of course, if you don't show them that if this is what you truly love you must really, really go headstrong with it, and my father was there to make sure that everyone did what they needed to do.

As far as show business was concerned, he would rehearse them and rehearse them, and they became perfectionists. And, look at the result of it today. I thank him very, very much because if it wasn't for my father, we really wouldn't have had the Jackson 5, we wouldn't have had the Jacksons, we wouldn't have had Michael or Jan -- or anybody for that matter.

MORGAN: We're going to take a short break. I want to talk to you more about your dad. I want to ask you, really, if you ever felt it was an abusive relationship.

And then I want to talk to you about what was clearly an abusive relationship, the one that you had in your marriage which makes for horrifying reading.

JACKSON: Very well.


MORGAN: Tonight, my special guest is La Toya Jackson.

La Toya, before the break, we were talking about your dad, Joe, tough man, hard man in many ways. Did you ever feel that in his relentless pursuit for you guys to be successful, that the relationship you had with him crossed the line, that it became abusive in any way?

JACKSON: No. And, let me tell you why I'm saying no to you. It's because my father instilled the music in us. It was already there but he made sure that we knew what was right and what was wrong when it came to that.

He was a disciplinarian, as I said to you earlier. I also feel that when you're young, as children, you don't understand when your parents are trying to discipline you. You feel that it's wrong and they shouldn't do this -- this way or that way.

MORGAN: Did he hit you then?

JACKSON: But, as you grow older -- yes, I got one spanking. But, as you got older, you realize, well, geez, he was doing this for the best, for the best of us, and that's what he was doing. But you must also remember, Piers, during those days and back then in that time, people did spank their children.

Today, it's totally different. People don't do that.

MORGAN: That's completely true and, actually, you know, I think -- I think Janet said he'd hit her once with a belt or something.

JACKSON: Yes, I got one spanking.

MORGAN: But what she found more abusive in a way it seemed to me was when she said to me that the really sad thing, when she tried to call him Dad or Daddy once and he stopped her and said, no, my name is Joe. And, I found that, as a parent, hard to listen to.

And I think she -- I just got a sense that she wished she had been able to have a normal father in that respect.

JACKSON: He was a normal father. I think, probably -- now, I don't know the experience with the Joe and the dad part with her, but I do know --

MORGAN: What did you call him?

JACKSON: Joseph. We all do. That's -- that's what we know him as, Joseph.

MORGAN: But everybody else would call their father, "Dad," "Daddy," or "Father."

JACKSON: Dad or Daddy. Yes, of course. But that's what we call him and we call our mother "Mother" and that's --

MORGAN: Do you still call him Joseph?

JACKSON: Yes, of course. Of course. That --

MORGAN: But if you called him dad, what would happen?

JACKSON: I don't know. He'd probably be shocked. He'd probably be surprised.

MORGAN: You laugh exactly like Janet.


MORGAN: Exactly the same.

JACKSON: That's funny. That's probably the last thing I --

MORGAN: How do you get on with him now?

JACKSON: Very well. I love my father very, very well. I'm so happy that I'm older and I'm able to see things differently than I did when I was a bit younger. So, I understand.

Well, as you get older and you start -- I don't have children of course, but, when you start with your nieces and nephews and you begin to raise them and watch them, you understand and realize why your parents did the things that they did.

MORGAN: Do you think modern parents are a bit soft with their kids?

JACKSON: I do. I do.

I think parents are too lenient with their kids today. I think that -- I think we've really, really and truly lost the respect factor from children today. Children have absolutely no respect in regards to elder people -- elderly people. I would love to see children much more respectful.

MORGAN: I think that's completely true.

JACKSON: Of course it is. I mean, don't you find that true when you --you see -- MORGAN: I do, and I think the discipline thing is a really interesting subject because I know with my kids, now, if they're kept inside all day, they become little monsters. A bit of fresh air, a bit of, you know, playing sport, whatever it may be, they get it out of their system.

But, when they're really aggressive, you know, you can't just sit there and watch them terrorizing people which is what happens. Kids can be like that.

JACKSON: Yes. How are they with you? Do they speak back to you? Or they --

MORGAN: Sometimes, and I don't like it.

JACKSON: Well, what do you say when they speak back?

MORGAN: I have pretty strong words with them.

JACKSON: Really?


JACKSON: And then do they learn from that or?

MORGAN: No, I'm like you, I'm big on respect. I don't -- particularly from the young to their elders. I think it's really important.

JACKSON: Yes. Because if you don't teach your children respect, how are they going to go out in the world and respect other people? You must teach them this so they can understand. You give them respect, you get respect back. And that's so important.

MORGAN: Did your mother have a kind of slightly complicated relationship with the way your father treated you all or did she go along with it completely?

JACKSON: My mother was very quiet. She was very shy and she was very quiet. I don't know if she went along with it or not, because she would never really say. Sometimes, she would say, "Oh, that's just Joe's way of expressing his love or showing his love" -- which, my father, don't get me wrong, he's a very loving person.

MORGAN: Has he ever told you he loves you?

JACKSON: Yes, all the time. As a matter of fact, I just spoke to him --

MORGAN: But only now, he didn't when you -- when you were younger, right?

JACKSON: When we were younger -- no, no.

MORGAN: Do you remember the first time he said that? JACKSON: I think I told him first, I said, "Joseph, I love you very, very much, and you mean the world to me, I want you to know that." And, Piers, I had seen a man that I had never seen before. He became like a little humble boy with his eyes got watery and the whole bit. And --

MORGAN: Really?

JACKSON: Yes, and you must remember something which is very interesting is that I don't care who you are in life, everybody is looking for love. Everybody wants to be accepted.

So, when my father heard those words, you have to remember, it was almost as if, geez, I've never heard this before from any of my children. This is wonderful.

And it made him feel good. It made it feel like he was someone because, after all, we're all children, no matter how old or how young we are we're all children and I always become very analytical with people.

If someone's mean to me or saying something very negative, I say, "What went wrong in their life? What went wrong in their childhood? Why are they reacting the way they're reacting?"

So, what I did was I began to study my father. Watch what he was doing. Watch his ways. Learn a little bit more about his parents and that taught me about him.

I learned that my father was a loner. His mother wasn't there for him. He was the one who raised his brothers and sisters. He's the one who took care of them. He's the one who walked five miles to school every day.

MORGAN: So, he never really had love himself?

JACKSON: He never had love himself and so, how -- if you don't --

MORGAN: He didn't know to express it really.

JACKSON: Yes. You can't give away what you don't have. If you don't have love in here to give away, how can you give it away?

But, he did have love in there. He just didn't know how to express it. And, now he does.

MORGAN: Did Michael ever say I love you to Joseph, do you know?

JACKSON: Yes, he has, he did say that to him, yes, absolutely. Absolutely.

It was something that we always said. We shared that with our mother all the time.

With my father, it was probably in the past 10, 12 years. MORGAN: He's a fascinating character.

JACKSON: He's a good guy though. He really is.

MORGAN: I'm suspect history will -- will be kinder to him --


MORGAN: -- than his past history has.

JACKSON: Oh, yes, it would be, and I think it's a very bad misconception of him and when you don't know how to handle that misconception, it makes it sometimes even more difficult. But, as you come around and receive love and you embrace the love and you embrace it the way he's embracing it, he becomes a better person and I see that.

MORGAN: We're going to take another short break. When we come back, we're going to talk about what I was going to get to in that segment, it was fascinating about your dad, and that's the marriage you had with Jack Gordon who emerges in a pretty horrendous manner from this book and I want to talk to you why.


MORGAN: Back with La Toya Jackson.

La Toya, some of the most difficult stuff to read in this book, and it's a powerful book in many ways, is about your manager who became your husband, Jack Gordon. I've got say -- I mean, he comes over as a complete monster in this book and it sort of prompts the question, when I talk to you now, you seem intelligent, you seem quite worldly-wise, how did you ever get together with a man like this in the first place?

JACKSON: It started with my having to go to Japan and my mother wasn't able to go with me, and she asked my father if he could go with me to Japan and my father wasn't able to go with me. So, they sent Jack Gordon, my father sent him, Gordon, to go to Japan.

Once we got in Japan, he took my passport and told me I wasn't going back, that was it.

MORGAN: He just sort of seized control of your life.

JACKSON: Yes, seized control of my life and you have to remember, back then, I was -- I didn't know what I know today -- meaning, I was a Jehovah Witness, I didn't know the outside world. I lived by the motto of "bad association spoils useful habits," so I always associated -- if I did associate, it would only be with Jehovah Witnesses.

So, you trust everybody, you believed what the said, you thought they were being honest with you. And he took my passport and he just never allowed me to come -- go back home and I didn't --

MORGAN: How did you feel when he did that?

JACKSON: I couldn't understand why. I said, "Please, can I have it?" It was no, no, no. But, please.

And then from there, he went from there to Germany and, just -- you're not going home, you're not going back.

But why? I couldn't understand why.

And it was one of those situations that I wasn't strong enough to say "I'm not going to listen to you, I'm not going, I don't want to do this." I just -- I went along with it.

MORGAN: Where were your family in all of this? Why weren't they steaming in to save you?

JACKSON: My family was there. My family was there. They would call and see how I was doing.

He monitored the calls. He wouldn't let me speak or say certain things. It became a very, very complicated relationship, very, very difficult.

The control factor -- you must remember, Piers, and this is very important about women and that's why I tell them it's very important to start over, is that it starts very slowly, very gradually, and they start saying, well, you're going here because you have to do this and I just got this contract for you to do this and you have to do this.

MORGAN: So, it all sort of makes a bit of sense.

JACKSON: It makes sense and you're going along with it because --

MORGAN: But you're slowly being sucked into something from which there's almost no escape.

JACKSON: You're being sucked into something and there -- there's deadlines and things that you have to make according to him and you're beginning to believe this, because it's making sense, it sounds true. But at the same time, in the back of his mind, he has a motive, he has a plan. You don't know that, because you're not part of that plan but you are the plan.

MORGAN: You say in the book he forced you to marry -- marry him.

JACKSON: Yes. Absolutely.

MORGAN: Even then, you tried to get away.

JACKSON: Yes. Then I tried to get away. I tried desperately to get away at that point and I wasn't able to.

MORGAN: Did you love him?

JACKSON: I walked out many, many times. No, I did not. No, I did not.

MORGAN: You never loved him?

JACKSON: No. No. We were -- we were a manager and artist. Manager -- and he would always ask me that. He would always say, "Do you love me?" And I would say, my answer would always be, "I love everybody. I love everybody."

And that would be my answer.

MORGAN: But when did he first start being physically abusive to you?

JACKSON: It was shortly after we were together. It was shortly -- it started, Piers, little terrible things, just answering the phone. You don't answer the phone, squeezing my hand and then twisting and turning. I would go, ow, why are you doing that to me?

Because you don't know, you don't understand what's going on. I said, OK, I won't. Reaction. Phone rings and it's like, uh, and then there it is again, you don't answer the phone and then, all of a sudden, "I told you not to answer the phone," there's a slap.

And then you're thinking, oh, no, I better obey. And then you become very -- you start obeying.

MORGAN: And at its worst, how bad was the violence?

JACKSON: Well, it put me in the hospital?

MORGAN: And what was he physically doing to you?

JACKSON: He was beating me. He took -- I think the worst beating that I -- well, there were so many, I'm trying to -- one of the worst beatings that I endured was probably when we were in Italy and I asked for an annulment.

I said, "It's been six months, please, can I get an annulment, you told me I could." And he said listen, I own you. Don't you understand that? I own you.

He took my head and he started beating it on the corner of the desk in the hotel room, the table and the desk. And I remember falling back and coming back and I said -- I go please, please, please, don't.

He kept beating my head on the table. I recall trying to get over to the telephone to call downstairs to the operator. And I managed to do that. I called the operator. And you're in Italy, and nobody came up. No one came up. Nobody came up or anything.

The next day, he sends in the aupaire. Sends her up, and she knocks on the door and asks me, she says Latoya, I would like to pack your clothes, we are leaving in an hour or whatever time it was. I said no, it's OK. I'll do it myself. She said is there anything in can get you. And I said well, yeah, can you get a bucket of ice for me, please, and just leave it at the door, just knock and let me know that you left it at the door? She said sure.

She did that. And I waited for about three minutes to make sure she wasn't around. And I opened the door to get the ice. As I reached down, there she was, standing. And Piers, the first thing that came out of my mouth -- I don't know why I said this, I can't even tell you to this day. She looked at me, she went oh, because my eyes were al black and everything. And I said I slipped in the shower.

I don't know where that came from.

MORGAN: The classic excuse.

JACKSON: I said I slipped in the shower. I was protecting him for some silly reason. She didn't say anything. She said can I come in now and pack your things? And I said yes. And she packed my things. We left. He totally ignored me. He never spoke to me in the limo, at the airport, when we got back to London. I was going to my home in London, didn't speak to me there.

When I got there, to the home in London, she asked me are you hungry. I said, a little, I'm OK. She said why don't we get something to eat. I said you know I can't do that. She said yes, you can. You can do whatever you want. I said, no, I can't.

She goes I have the key, you can go. She was allowed to have the key to our home. I wasn't allowed to have anything. I wasn't allowed to have keys or anything, whatsoever.

MORGAN: Was that the moment you broke free?

JACKSON: No, it wasn't. Actually, we walked down. We were living next door to the Hilton Hotel. I can't think of the name of the hotel at the moment that's right across the way from it. We were living right next door to the Dorchester Hotel. They were having some kind of event at the Hilton. Photographers were there. They happened to get pictures of me. I had on my sailor hat and glasses.

And I put my head down so they could take pictures. My glasses fell to the ground. I said oh no. I picked them up my glasses and I put them on like this. Then they got my wrist. And this is when they were -- they just surrounded the house for about three days, I can remember or more.

And I couldn't go out. He told me you did this purposely. You did this so they can see this. I said, I promise I didn't. Yesterday you told them I beat you. I said, I did not, I never said a word.

He said OK, I'll fix that. He goes, I'll fix that. I said please, I promise you. He said, you want me to go to jail, don't you. He says you know I am on probation. He was on probation.

And at that time the media kept calling and calling. He kept making up stories. He gets on the phone and goes, I never touched her. That's plastic surgery. She had surgery. And the reporter said oh, really, they said surgery? And all of a sudden, they said, then what is all the bruises on her wrist? That's not surgery. Where is this coming from?

That's when he knew that he was caught. But Piers, he would not allow me to go see a doctor. My head was boiling. I could feel something shaking in my head. I didn't know what was wrong with my head.

MORGAN: Hold it there. I want to continue this after the break, and find out how you finally got away from this guy.


MORGAN: That will be the inspiration to all of America, how you finally got away.

JACKSON: Oh, yes.


MORGAN: Back with Latoya Jackson. We left before the break with you talking about this abuse from Jack Gordon, your husband. I mean, he was such a control freak, he alienated you from your family. He made you pose for "Playboy," which you didn't want to do. And I think to this day, you regretted that.

But the worst thing for me -- I remember this as a journalist, when it happened -- was when he made you do that press conference about Michael, when you basically went along with all of the allegations against your own brother at a time when Michael most needed probably support of his family.

JACKSON: Absolutely.

MORGAN: That was a despicable thing for him to do.

JACKSON: It was just the lowest of all. It was the lowest. And that's one of the things that --

MORGAN: Do you absolve yourself completely? There will be people watching and reading the book -- you know. You've had this before. They say you can blame somebody to a point.


MORGAN: But when you denounce your own brother in public --


MORGAN: Part of you has to take responsibility yourself for that.

JACKSON: You have to. You have to take responsibility. And I do take responsibility for it, I must tell you. But at the same time, I have to tell you that if I didn't do what he asked me to do, he blatantly told me -- not just me, but others -- my other loved ones -- that he would kill Michael. And I believed him because I believed the actions.

So when he says you get up there, you read this and you say this -- prior to this allegation about Michael, there I was on television saying oh, my brother is wonderful; he would never, ever, ever do a thing like this. This is despicable, the whole bit.

Then Gordon gets this idea, OK, is that what you're saying? No, you're going to change that story. It was like no, no.

MORGAN: How did Michael react when you did that?

JACKSON: I don't know how he reacted at the time. I know how he reacted later, when I talked to him about it. He and I had a conversation. And I told him, I said I need to talk to you, Michael. I want to tell you what exactly happened, what went on. He says Latoya, you don't have to. I said no, I want to.

He said Latoya, I know you. You're my sister. I know you. I love you. I know you would never, ever, ever in your heart do a thing like that. Piers, when my brother said that, that made me feel so good.

MORGAN: How did you finally get rid of him? How did you get out of his clutches?

JACKSON: I got rid of him. I was in New York. And he had taken my passport and everything, wasn't allowed to have my passport. I begged for it that night. He wanted me to do a pornography film. He says you're doing it. I said you've destroyed me. He said, you're nothing now. You're doing this film. You're going to do the sex scene with two guys. He just went on and on, what I was going to do.

I said, please, don't make me do this. I can't do this. I can't do this. He says you're doing it. He was getting money for it. He was getting quite a few million for me to do this. And I said I can't do this. I won't.

So I decided that I was going to leave him. This was the straw that broke the camel's back. I said this is it. I have to leave. He promised me if I left, he would kill me and he would kill Michael. I called my brother on the phone. I picked up the phone when he got in the shower.

MORGAN: Which brother did you call.

JACKSON: The first Jackson I saw. It happened to be my brother Randy. Randy told me, you're lucky, I never answered the phone. And he did. And immediately he got my mother and father on the phone. My father said, Randy, just go get her right now. I was in New York. They were in L.A.

They were just so happy to hear from me, and the whole bit. And I was so nervous, Piers, the entire time, because we were in a hotel. He was in the shower. They had the red lights on to know that somebody is using a phone line. I kept thinking, I can't talk. If he looks at the phone and sees the red light on, he is going to kill me.

I waited for Randy to come, which seemed like forever. Finally, Randy knocked on the door, and he and my cousin came. And Piers, I just left with nothing. I had on my pajamas before that.

MORGAN: When you got out, how did you feel?

JACKSON: I felt like there was freedom, but I was still nervous. Because we were still at the hotel. I thought he would be lurking at the elevator or somewhere. I didn't know how I was going to escape this guy.

By the way, we got in the car, got on the plane, and I felt so good. It was the best feeling in the world. Yet, there is still that part of me, Piers, that told me you're not safe yet. You know this man. You know you're not safe.

MORGAN: You never did go back to him.

JACKSON: Never went back, Piers, never.

MORGAN: Let me conclude it with him. How did you feel when you heard he died in 2005.

JACKSON: When I heard he died, I was very, very hurt. I felt sorry for his family. And everyone that I knew and that knew me were very happy, and they were rejoicing. I would say to them -- I said, you can't rejoice over someone's downfall.

MORGAN: We're going to take a short break now. When we come back, we are going to talk about Michael and talk about the day that he died. And I want to talk to you about all of the conspiracy theories and whether you still believe, as you stated recently, that he may have been murdered.


MORGAN: Latoya, let's talk about Michael. Where were you when you heard that he died?

JACKSON: I was at home when I heard that he had passed.

MORGAN: Hear in Los Angeles?

JACKSON: Here at home in L.A., yes.

MORGAN: How did you hear?

JACKSON: My father had kept calling and telling me to get over to his house, because I live about two or three minutes away from him, and to go over to his house. He heard something was wrong with him, that he was sick or something of that nature.

I said OK. Then he called back and said, I need for you to go now. He goes, no, go the hospital instead. He had his assistant -- they kept calling me. And it was my mother who initially said to me -- my cousin, when I decided to go to the hospital, I was talking on the phone. I said please, you've got to tell me which way. I said, how is he doing? How is he doing?

Because I didn't know he had passed. And I kept saying how is he doing, please tell me. He would never tell me. I said, why can't you tell me. I heard my mother in the background say who is that. And he said it is Latoya. She said give me the phone.

She grabbed the phone and she screamed as loud as she could, Piers, he's dead! As loud as she could. And when she said that, I was driving at the moment, and I almost wrecked the car, ran into people. I just -- everything went limp. Everything just -- I couldn't do anything. I got so weak.

And I started begging people on the street to drive me to the hospital. Just please, can you take me to the hospital. I couldn't do anything. And it was so sad. And I got so nervous, I rushed into the hospital. And they took me upstairs to where my mother was, my mother there. And I walked in the room, and there she was sitting, and all the kids.

Michael's kids were sitting on her lap just crying, just crying. And it was the worst thing I had ever seen or experienced in my life. I didn't know what to do. It's one of the most helpless feelings in the world, that you have no power, no control over. And you don't know what to say.

And I didn't know what to say. And his kids kept crying and crying and crying. And I said, "mother, is it true? Is it true? " She says yes, it's true. Going up there one of the nurses said, you can relax. Your brother's still with us.

And then I got happy. And then I saw them all crying. Yeah. And I didn't know what to do.

MORGAN: Did you see Michael, after he passed?

JACKSON: Yes. Yes. I went in right away. The kids demanded to see him. We were in the hospital. And they kept saying, "please, aunty Latoya, we want to see him one last time". And they asked the nurse, "please we want to se him one last time. Please, can we go se our daddy? "

I looked at the nurse. I didn't know if this was appropriate or not. And she said yes, I want them to see them. I said are you sure? She said yes, because this will be closure for them.

They were crying the whole time. We all went in to see him. And Michael's three kids and myself and the nurse came with us. And we all held hands. And we all prayed to him. And we all just said all of our special thanks to him, what he's done for the world and for his family and the whole bit, and how much we loved him, and brushing his hair, wiping his face. And just -- I just kept kissing him and telling him how much I love him. And we all went around separately saying little things to him. And the minute it was done, the nurse felt that it was enough for everybody to be there, which was quite awhile. The kids walked out. And they never cried again. I never saw them shed a tear after that.

MORGAN: Really? It's like they had shed all the tears then?

JACKSON: Yea it was closure. It was closure for them, like she said.

MORGAN: How do you think he died? You've been quoted as saying you believe it may have been murder. Do you still think that?

JACKSON: Absolutely. Absolutely.

MORGAN: Why are you so sure?

JACKSON: I will never ever think differently. First of all, Michael told me they were going to murder him. He was afraid for his life.

MORGAN: Who were going to murder him?

JACKSON: The people that were involved in his life. The people that were controlling him. This book "Starting Over" is about my life and it's about Michael's life. It's the parallel between the two of our lives. We shared that same life, where people come into your life, wiggle their way in, control you, manipulate, control your funds, your finances, everything that you have. And you must do what they tell you to do.

That's what Michael was going through. And he new that everything that was happening to him was not kosher. It wasn't right. And it disturbed him greatly.

They controlled Michael. They controlled everything that he did, the people that were around him. This whole show, the whole bit going from 10 to 50 shows that he didn't agree with. He wasn't capable of doing. They knew he wasn't healthy enough to do those shows. But yet they sad he was fine, yet they took out insurance on him, yet it was time to go to Lloyds of London for another insurance.

The day when he gets there, he's supposed to go there and go directly to the hospital. But Michael never makes it there because they knew he wouldn't be healthy enough. Yet they put their own doctor in, who said Michael -- he passed with flying colors. He's in perfect health.

Michael was not in perfect health. He was very, very fragile, very thin. And the coroners, I will tell you -- this was not an O.D. The coroners told me immediately that the only drug that was in Michael's body was the drug that was administered to him that night. And that was it. He was totally clean.

MORGAN: Do you think we'll ever find out the truth?

JACKSON: I'm going to make sure we do.

MORGAN: We're going to take a final break. When we come back, I want to talk to you about how the kids are doing now, how the family has dealt with life after Michael.


MORGAN: Latoya, how are the kids doing now, Michael's children?

JACKSON: The kids are doing very well. Thank you. Thanks for asking. They are very happy. They enjoy their life. They enjoy just doing what they've never really had a chance to do, because my brother kept them really, really just confined to the house, and home schooling and the whole bit.

Now they're going to -- well, a private public school, of course, but it's public as long as you're not at home.

MORGAN: Your mother's been bringing them up.


MORGAN: I mean, you know her better than most people.


MORGAN: What sort of job is she doing, do you think?

JACKSON: She's doing a great job, fabulous job. I see the kids all the time. I'll see them in two days, of course, again, family day. We'll see everybody again.

I see them all the time. I try to go to my mother's house every Sunday and visit the kids and see how they're doing. I speak to them all the time and we text back and forth. And just call each other and see how they're doing, making sure their grades are fine and they are doing good in school. And they are.

MORGAN: If you had the chance to talk to Michael again, what would you say to him, that you never had a chance to maybe?

JACKSON: I would tell him that I'm sorry that I wasn't there to help him to start over. I wasn't there to prevent this from happening to him, what took place and what happened, this control. Had I think I been there, I think he would still be here today. I know he would. Because I wouldn't have allowed it to happen.

I'm -- there's so many things that I could say, that I'm sorry that he's no longer with us, that these people took control of him, took advantage of him, because he was a kind, meek person, a very loving person. And people preyed on that.

MORGAN: I mean, awful that it was that Michael died -- it was. I remember just being so shocked. A huge fan of his. I had ticket to the first show in London. I was excited by seeing him again.

I could never imagine him as an old man somehow.

JACKSON: I know.

MORGAN: Michael. In a funny way, the kind of immortalizing that went on after he died, awful that it was for the family, I think for his memory -- when all his records went back to the top of the charts, I had a 10-year-old -- a 10-year-old son, my youngest, got really into Michael Jackson music after he died. He was on the radio all the time.

I liked that, that at least the legacy was protected. Because there was a time when you thought the Michael Jackson legacy might be tarnished forever.

JACKSON: Yeah. As long as I live, as long as you live, your children, your grandchildren, your great great grandchildren, you will never, ever, ever find an entertainer as special, as talented, as loving and as caring as Michael Jackson. I promise you that.

Michael is a gift from God.

MORGAN: It's been fascinating. The book is a riveting read. Thank you for sharing it with me. And it's a pleasure to meet you finally.

JACKSON: Thank you. Thanks for having me.

MORGAN: Thank you very much. That's all tonight. Now here's Anderson Cooper with "AC 360"


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

23.06.2011 um 11:19
Zitat von EC145EC145 schrieb:ich hab nach wie vor zweifel daran, dass Michael im Forest Lawn Menorial Park nahe Glendale bestattet wurde. mein zweifel begründen sich auf dem fackt das der sarg in dem MJ liegen soll im Sables Center wie auch auf Forest Lawn unterschiede auf weisst.

man beachte die verziehrungen an den beiden särgen.
ich kann mir nicht vorstellen, dass man bei der Trauerfeier im Staples Center den Sarg vor der Bühne aufgestellt hatte, in dem der tote Michael Jackson lag ... denn diesen wird man nach der privaten Trauerfeier (Sarg und MJ), gleich wieder in die Kühlung gebracht haben ...

zur allgemeinen Trauerfeier wurde symbolisch ein geschmückter goldener Sarg verwendet ...

darin begründen sich vermutlich die kleinen Unterschiede dieser beiden Särge ...

ich denke schon, dass MJ seine letzte Ruhe auf dem Forest Lawn Friedhof gefunden hat (vielleicht wird man es ändern, wenn Katherine mal geht ... ) ... nur weil auf dem Sarkophag keine Gedenktafel angebracht sein soll (wer kann es denn schon so genau sagen, MJ befindet sich in einem nicht öffentlichen Teil des Mausoleums) ...

man sollte es nicht immer an den "kleinbürgerlichen, konservativen" Vorstellungen festmachen, wie z. B., dass dort NIE die Familie, die Kinder gesehen werden usw. ...

trauern UND gedenken kann man doch auch an vielen anderen Orten ... und man trauert nicht für all die anderen Menschen, die meinen, dass sie sich auskennen und ganz genau "wissen" wie man zu trauern oder zu gedenken hat ... smiley5287

und das was manche Fans auf dem Forest Lawn Friedhof veranstalten, ist total überzogen ... ;)
von den vielen Blumen, den Briefchen, Bildchen, den Plüschtieren und den Geschenken, hat Michael Jackson leider nichts mehr ... :(


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

23.06.2011 um 11:46
@ all

und hier zum vergleich noch mal das protokoll darüber, was LaToya am 29.11.2009 über den Tod ihres Bruders von sich gegeben hat.... von ihren vielen unterschiedlichen interview-aussagen mal ganz abgesehen.... dieses protokoll enthält persönliche anmerkungen einer userin aus dem malibu-forum, wo es u.a. veröffentlicht wurde, an einigen anderen stellen, die es auch veröffentlicht hatten, wurde es inzwischen wieder entfernt.....


Protokoll vom Gespräch mit La Toya Jackson und Jeffrey Phillips Gesprächsprotokoll

Unterhaltung mit Jeffrey Phillips, Manager von La Toya Jackson am 29.11.2009

Am 28.11.2009 war La Toya Jackson aufgrund der Aufzeichnung für die Sendung Menschen 2009 (Ausstrahlungstermin: 06.12.2009) mit Thomas Gottschalk in München, um über ihren, im Alter von 50 Jahren am 25.06.2009, verstorbenen Bruder, Michael Jackson, zu berichten.

Am darauffolgenden Tag, den 29.11.2009, kam es am Hotel „Bayerischer Hof“ in München zu einer Begegnung zwischen Michael Jackson Fans und La Toya Jackson, sowie ihrem Manager Jeffrey Phillips, der selbst über 20 Jahre mit Michael Jackson zusammenarbeitete.

Er informierte uns Fans im Namen La Toyas über einige Fakten zum Tode von Michael Jackson, da La Toya selbst nicht öffentlich darüber sprechen darf.

Diese Fakten sind zwar zum Teil in Büchern über Michael Jackson oder in der Presse nachzulesen, zum Teil sind es aber für die Öffentlichkeit bisher unbekannte Informationen.

Wir möchten ausdrücklich betonen, dass all unsere Informationen, auf dem (ca. 45- minütigen) Gespräch mit La Toya und deren Manager Jeffrey Phillips basieren.

Zum Teil wurden die Aussagen von Jeffrey von uns durch zusätzliche Anmerkungen mit Quellennachweis untermauert.


1.Fakten zum Tode Michael Jacksons
2.Verlauf und Hintergründe zu Michaels Tod
3.weitere Zusammenhänge zu Michaels Tod
4.Informationen über die geplante Tour und die Proben zu „This is it“

1. Fakten zum Tode Michael Jacksons

Michael Jackson ist definitiv ermordet worden, wie jetzt auch aus dem im Januar 2010 vollständig veröffentlichten Totenschein zu entnehmen ist. Die erste Seite wurde im Juli 2009, die zweite Seite im September 2009 vom County of Los Angeles- Department of Health Services ausgestellt.

→ sein Arzt Conrad M. wurde als Instrument benutzt. [zusätzliche Anmerkung: Dr. Conrad M. darf wieder praktizieren. Er ist nach Angaben des US-Senders ABC in die Armstrong Klinik von Houston zurückgekehrt, wo er vorher bereits als Kardiologe gearbeitet hat. Er wurde bisher nicht für sein Handeln verurteilt - (ungewöhnlich für die USA!!!) Er wurde nur wegen verweigerter Alimentenzahlung belangt.] (1)

→ Michael Jackson wollte Dr. M definitiv NICHT als Arzt haben [zusätzliche Anmerkung: sein langjähriger Freund James Brown war bereits Patient bei ihm und starb angeblich an Herzversagen] (2)

→ La Toya Jackson, Jeffrey Phillips und einer der Brüder waren zuerst bei Michael vor Ort.

2. Verlauf und Hintergründe zu Michaels Tod

Michael Jackson war bereits mehrere Stunden tot, als der Notarzt gerufen wurde. [zusätzliche Anmerkung: der Notruf traf 12:21Uhr Ortszeit ein ( 21:21Uhr MESZ). (3)

Am 25. Juni 2009 um 14:26 Uhr Ortszeit (23:26 Uhr MESZ) ist Michael Jackson offiziell für Tod erklärt worden. (4)]

→ Michaels ältester Sohn Prince wurde Stunden später vor dem Rettungsruf ins Zimmer von Michael geholt, damit er bezeugen konnte, dass Dr. Conrad M. Rettungsversuche unternommen hat. [ zusätzliche Anmerkung: Michael sei zu diesem Zeitpunkt bereits 2 Stunden!!! tot gewesen.(5)]

→ Dr. M selbst war sich über den Tod Michael Jacksons zu diesem Zeitpunkt aber bereits im Klaren

→ Michael lag NICHT im Koma, wie die Presse allgemein behauptet hat.

Michael hatte zu der Zeit ein leichtes Leberproblem, was aber nicht zum Tod geführt hätte, jedoch aber dazu, dass das von Dr.M injizierte Propofol nicht mehr vom Körper abgebaut werden konnte, was tödlich gewesen ist!!

→ Dr. M hätte die Wirkung beobachten müssen, hielt sich aber nicht ständig in Michaels Zimmer auf. Er als Arzt hätte wissen müssen, welche Wirkung das Propofol auf Michaels Körper hat.

wichtig: auf Michaels Bett, neben Michaels Leiche lag ein ununterschriebener Vertrag zwischen Dr. Conrad M. und dem Konzertveranstalter AEG. Dr. M. sollte für die Behandlung von Michael 150.000,00 Dollar monatlich bekommen, die er aber nicht erhalten hat. Es sollte so aussehen, als hätte es zwischen Michael und Dr. M des Geldes wegen Streit gegeben, weshalb Dr. M Michael ermordet haben soll. [zusätzliche Anmerkung: „Der Konzert-Promoter AEG Live wollte dem 56-Jährigen 150.000 Dollar monatlich dafür zahlen, dass er Jackson für die geplanten 50 Auftritte in London fit hält.“(6)]

→ laut Jeffrey Phillips hatte Michael keine Schmerzen als er starb.

3. weitere Zusammenhänge zu Michaels Tod

Michael ahnte seinen Tod bereits voraus - in seinem Zimmer hinterließ er Notizzettel mit den Namen derer, die ihn umbringen würden, vor denen er große Angst hatte, die er verabscheute oder mit denen er nicht mehr zusammenarbeitete oder nicht mehr zusammenarbeiten wollte. Als La Toya Jackson und Jeffrey Phillips das Haus am 25.06. betreten, haben sie die von Michael im ganzen Haus verteilten Notizzettel gesehen, die kurz darauf verschwunden waren. Bei dem Gespräch mit Phillips fielen u.A. die Namen:

Frank D. ( wollte dafür bezahlen, um wieder als Manager tätig zu werden), Randy P., John B. und Dr. Th Th.

Michael Jackson hatte bereits lange Zeit vorher geäußert: "die wollen mich umbringen", was aber nicht ernst genommen wurde.

→ Hinzu kommt, dass Michaels Testament laut La Toya (und auch der Presse) höchstwahrscheinlich gar nicht von ihm selbst unterschrieben wurde. Außerdem ist es nicht aktuell und wurde mit jemandem verfasst (sein alter Anwalt Howard Weitzmann??) mit dem er schon lange nichts mehr zu tun hatte. Phillips betonte in LaToyas Namen, dass Michael das Testament inhaltlich nicht so bestehen hätte lassen wollen. [zusätzliche Anmerkung: Weitzmann verwaltet das Vermögen nach Michaels Tod.(7)]

→ Jeffrey Phillips betonte ausdrücklich auch die Wichtigkeit des Beatles-Katalogs im Zusammenhang mit Michaels Tod - Michael hatte nach wie vor Rechte am Beatles-Katalog: nach seinem Tod erschien u.a. das Playstation 3 Game: The Beatles: Rock Band. [zusätzliche Anmerkug: "Nach den ersten amerikanischen Statistiken ist The Beatles: Rock Band das bestverkaufteste Musikspiel im September und hat sich gegenüber Guitar Hero 5 doppelt so gut verkauft. Auf jedes verkaufte Guitar Hero 5 kamen somit zwei The Beatles: Rock Band. Des Weiteren wurde der Song: "All You Need Is Love" über 100.000 mal für das Spiel heruntergeladen."(; weitere Anmerkung: der Tod Michael Jacksons hatte keinen Einfluss auf den Veröffentlichungszeitpunkt des Spiels.(9) ]

4. Informationen über die geplante Tour und die Proben zu „This is it“

während der Proben zu „This is it“ herrschte laut LaToya zwischen Kenny O. und Michael Jackson eine stark sarkastische Beziehung, die von Seiten Kenny O's nicht auf Respekt basierte. [zusätzliche Anmerkung: z.B. deutlich an der Stelle im Film „This is it“ als Michael sagt: "I do it for Ortega- Or-te-ga"- wirkt sehr sarkastisch; weitere Anmerkung: Michael tut im Grunde alles nur für Ortega- er wurde quasi gezwungen.]

→ Szene im Film von Thriller wurde aufgenommen einen Tag bevor er starb

→ Jeffrey Phillips äußerte sich sehr negativ über die Behandlungsweise gegenüber Michael während der Proben. Als Beispiel ist zu erwähnen, dass Michael während der Proben eine Bomberjacke trägt, weil er Schüttelfrost hatte. Statt sich zu schonen, musste er
trotzdem arbeiten. Phillips wörtlich: "They treated him like dirt" ’Sie behandelten ihn wie Dreck’

Michael äußerte sich auch des Öfteren u.A. in Telefonaten mit LaToya und Phillips, dass er die 50 Konzerte definitiv nicht machen möchte und nicht glaube sie durchstehen zu können, aber auch, dass er die Fans nicht enttäuschen wolle. Auch Michaels Tochter Paris wusste von seiner Überarbeitung- “ Sie gönnten ihm keine Pause” hat sie wahrscheinlich ihrer Tante La Toya mitgeteilt.(10)

Zwei Fans hatten nach dem ausführlichen Gespräch mit Jeffrey Phillips außerdem die Möglichkeit noch einmal mit LaToya persönlich zu sprechen.

LaToya Jackson und Jeffrey Phillips bitten alle Fans und Freunde bei der Klärung des Todes ihres Bruders Michael mitzuhelfen. Dies kann insofern Geschehen, dass der Inhalt des Protokolls verbreitet wird oder Informationen über oben genannte Personen an den email-Kontakt auf La Toyas Homepage gesendet werden können. Jeffrey Phillips wird alles an LaToya weitergeben!

Vielen Dank!!!!

Gerechtigkeit muss siegen!

(1);art745,161629 vom 24.11.2009]
(2)Michael Jacksons Arzt an Tod von James Brown mitverantwortlich?
(3) Michael Jackson: der Notruf - ''Er pumpt seine Brust, er reagiert nicht!'' - Panorama -
(4) Michael Jackson – Wikipedia
(6) Privatarzt von Michael Jackson - Die Schulden des Conrad Murray - Panorama -
(9) The Beatles - Rock Band: Jackson's Tod hat keinen Einfluss | GamersGlobal



MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

23.06.2011 um 12:03
bei muzikfactorytwo wurde etwas neues eingestellt ... und es steht fest, dass MJ weder Propofol noch Lidocain getrunken hat ... aber es zeigt auch, wie die Verteidigung für viel
Verwirrung sorgt ... sehr interessant ... ;) und wieder Berechnungen *lach*

June 22, 2011
MICHAEL JACKSON trank nicht Lidocain (Widerlegung Michael Flanagan)

Dear reader. I usually aim to post as detailed and concise as possible so that even readers without background information can understand. This post may be an exception. If you have not been following Conrad Murray Preliminary Trial, this post may be confusing because I haven’t published the posts that should have come prior to this blog entry.

I have been looking into some things to answer an impasse from Richard Ruffalo testimony, the answer came to me yesterday and I felt that it I should post it ASAP.

Let me give a little background so this post somewhat makes sense.
JANUARY 10, 2011: Conrad Murray Preliminary Morning Trial
Richard Ruffalo, an anesthesiologist and pharmacologist, stood as the last witness.

David Walgreen questioned Richard Ruffalo re: the stomach contents:

Propofol in stomach= 0.13mg
Lidocaine in stomach= 1.6mg

Richard Ruffalo testified that these amounts reflect the total amounts of Propofol and Lidocaine found in stomach. To find Propofol and Lidocaine in stomach PER UNIT,
he divided the above amounts by 70 (70 gram being the total stomach contents).

Concentration of Propofol in stomach= 0.13÷70=0.00186mg/ml
Concentration of Lidocaine in stomach=1.6÷70= 0.0228mg/ml

Richard Ruffalo concluded that these concentration levels are very low and that they weren’t indicative of someone orally taking them. If someone drank Propofol or Lidocaine, their respective concentrations in the stomach would be much higher.

Richard Ruffalo also explained why propofol and lidocaine were found in the stomach:
“It is a phenomenon that we call postmortem redistribution, meaning drugs go from high concentration to low concentration. For example, we have the liver which has a very high concentration of 6.2mg/ml. It is a very high concentration compared to the 0.00186mg/ml found in stomach. That is because the liver is kind of next to the stomach. The heart literally sits about now quiet an inch from the stomach.”


JANUARY 10, 2011: After lunch break
Michael Flanagan cross examined Richard Ruffalo, pointing out to a conversion mistake. Mr. Ruffalo admitted the mistake. Consequently, Mr. Ruffalo stated that Michael may have drank Lidocaine.

In the morning Trial, Mr. Ruffalo had testified
that drug moves from high concentrations to low concentrations, which explained the Propofol and Lidocaine found in stomach. To do so, he compared the Propofol and Lidocaine levels in the stomach to their respective levels in other samples (femoral, heart or hospital bloods).

But Michael Flanagan pointed out that the other samples are measured in micrograms per milliliter, whereas the concentrations that Mr. Ruffalo came up with, before the lunch break, were measured in milligrams per milliliter. All units should be the same for accurate comparison.
Michael Flanagan:
So as it stands, you made a mistake here?
Richaerd Ruffalo:
I have to agree
Richard Ruffalo converted the milligrams (mg) in the concentrations into micrograms (ug)
1 mg (milligram) =1000ug (microgram)

Concentration of Propofol in stomach= 0.00186mg/ml =1.86ug/ml
Concentration of Lidocaine in stomach=0.0228mg/ml = 22.8ug/ml

Michael Flanagan pointed out that in all other samples, Propofol is higher than Lidocaine.

Propofol in heart blood=3.2ug/ml Lidocaine in heart blood= 0.68ug/ml
Propofol in hospital blood= 4.1ug/ml Lidocaine in hospital blood=0.51ug/ml
Propofol in femoral blood =2.6ug/ml Lidocaine in femoral blood = 0.84ug/ml

Michael Flanagan pointed out that the Lidocaine in stomach (2.28ug/ml) is 40 times higher than Lidocaine in hospital blood (0.5ug/ml). Based on the new calculations, Richard Ruffalo testified that MICHAEL MAY HAVE DRANK LIDOCAINE.
Mr. Ruffalo advised asking the coroner what the numbers for gastric contents on the autopsy report stand for. Are they concentrations or the total amount?

Now we have more Lidocaine than Propofol in the stomach whilst we have more Propofol than Lidocaine in other blood samples (heart, hospital, femoral or liver etc)
So, Mr. Flanagan concluded, the Lidocaine levels in the stomach can't be explained by postmortem redistribuion, thus, he concluded, Michael must have drank Lidocaine.
First and foremost, I confirmed that the Propofol and Lidocaine levels for stomach on the autopsy report are the TOTAL AMOUNTS IN THE STOMACH, NOT concentrations.

I am not sure if the confusion during Richard Ruffalo testimony was an honest mistake
by Michael Flanagan or it was an deliberate defense tactic devised to confuse the expert. Mr. Flanagan knew or should have known that the levels for gastric contents on autopsy report were total amounts because LA Coroner toxicologist Jamie Lintemoot testified so.
Michael Flanagan:
The autopsy report says that the stomach contains 70 grams
of dark fluid Did you analyze this dark fluid for Propofol?
Jamie Lintemoot:
Zitat von Benny007Benny007 schrieb am 16.06.2011:Yes
Michael Flanagan:
In that dark fluid, you determined 0.13ug/ml of Propofol, correct?
Jamie Lintemoot :
That is incorrect. It was 0.13mg (milligrams)
Michael Flanagan:
0.13 milligrams. That is not a percentage, is it?
Jamie Lintemoot:
Zitat von Benny007Benny007 schrieb am 16.06.2011:No
Michael Flanagan:
In the 70 grams of dark fluid in the stomach, is that the total amount of propofol that was in there?
Jamie Lintemoot:
Zitat von Benny007Benny007 schrieb am 16.06.2011:Yes
Michael Flanagan:
So you determined it was 0.13mg in the 70 gram that is in the stomach?
Jamie Lintemoot:
Zitat von Benny007Benny007 schrieb am 16.06.2011:Yes
Michael Flanagan:
I am wondering what this dark fluid consisted of. That is 0.13mg
of Propofol and we have 1.6mg of Lidocaine. We have another 69 grams plus that was something other than Propofol and Lidocaine
Michael Flanagan:
12 parts of Lidocaine to 1 part of Propofol?
Jamie Lintemoot:
Zitat von Benny007Benny007 schrieb am 16.06.2011:Yes
Michael Flanagan:
In the stomach?
Jamie Lintemoot:
Zitat von Benny007Benny007 schrieb am 16.06.2011:Yes

Michael Flanagan and Richard Ruffalo overlooked that the stomach contents are in GRAMS whilst the Propofol and Lidocaine levels in stomach are in MILLIGRAMS

So we need to convert 70 grams into milligrams, divide it by the stomach Propofol and Lidocaine levels on autopsy report then multiply it by 1000 to get concentrations in ug/ml
1 gram =1000mg (milligram)
70 gram = 70,000mg
1 mg =1000ug (microgram)
Concentration of Propofol in stomach= 0.13÷70,000=0.00000186mg/ml
Concentration of Lidocaine in stomach=1.6÷70,000=0.0000228mg/ml

Now we have to convert the mg values to ug values so they are compatible in units
to those levels in heart, femoral, hospital etc. To do this, we multiple them by 1000
Concentration of Propofol in stomach= 0.00000186mg/ml =0.00186ug/ml
Concentration of Lidocaine in stomach=0.0000228mg/ml = 0.0228ug/ml

We have the same numbers we had before the lunch break, minus the technicality
This renders Michael Flanagan’s argument INVALID

Richard Ruffalo’s following testimony still stands:

David Walgreen:Are those concentration values very low?
Richard Ruffalo:Yes
David Walgreen:Are those concentration levels are consistent with someone orally ingesting Propofol or Lidocaine?
Richard Ruffalo:Not at all
David Walgreen:Why is that?
Richard Ruffalo:If you ingest Lidocaine, you would have a higher concentration
David Walgreen:How about Propofol?
Richard Ruffalo:Same thing

Übersetzung mit Translater:

1x zitiertmelden

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

23.06.2011 um 12:35
Zitat von ilovemjilovemj schrieb:Na mal sehn ob Paris vor Gericht aussagen muss was Tante La Toya sagt???
na, vielleicht werden die Kids als Zeugen geladen, vielleicht aber auch nicht ... und wenn ja, dann ist zu vermuten, dass diese "Aussagen" nicht öffentlich verhandelt werden ...

abwarten, ist eh alles nur spekulativ ... ;)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

23.06.2011 um 13:08
Zitat von Benny007Benny007 schrieb:Ivy von der mjjcommunity hat eine zusammenfassung von LaToyas buch geschrieben.... leider kann man die wohl nicht einsehen, wenn man dort nicht angemeldet ist, aber im wurde es auch eingestellt :) ....
schön, dass man es auch so lesen kann ... aber auch wenn es so nicht möglich gewesen wäre, gekauft hätte ich mir dieses Buch ganz bestimmt nicht ... und das gilt nicht nur für LaToya Jacksons Buch ... da gibt es noch vieles, was die Welt nicht braucht ... ;)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

23.06.2011 um 14:22

Michael Jackson – Reinheit und Unschuld als Lebensphilosophie…
by all4michael
22. June 2011

PURITY and INNOCENCE AS A WAY OF LIFE. A natural experiment

In diesem Artikel geht es um Reinheit und Unschuld als Lebensphilosophie, und darum, wie Michael Jackson uns bewies, dass Unschuld der beste Weg ist, den ein Mensch nur nehmen kann.
Warum hatte Michael einen Zettel mit den Worten “Kinder sind unschuldig” an der Wand von seinem Zimmer? War diese Botschaft für ihn so wichtig, dass er sie bis zu seinem Todestag sehen wollte? Der Grund dafür war wohl, dass er sehr ermüdet war, von dem Zustand, indem die Welt sich heute befindet, und sich permanent an diese andere Kraft im Leben erinnern wollte, die ihm half, weiterzumachen. Wenn du fühlst, dass die Welt über dir zusammenbricht und das es überaus schwer für dich wird, darin zu lebe, dann bleiben dir nur die kleinen Kinder und die Alten, die dir noch etwas Zuversicht geben. Nur die, die gerade angefangen haben zu Leben, und noch nicht von Korruption berührt sind, und die, die dabei sind, das Leben zu verlassen und längst all seine Verführungen hinter sich gelassen haben, sind diejenigen, die an deiner Seite sein können und dir Gesellschaft leisten, wenn du einsam bist und dich in einer Welt, wie der unseren, nach Reinheit sehnst.

Du kannst dir nicht vorstellen, wie einsam eine Person sein kann, wenn sie versucht, etwas von ihrer kindlichen Unschuld im Erwachsenenleben zu Bewahren. Es ist ähnlich wie ein Marsmensch auf der Erde zu sein, umringt von einer ausgelassenen Schar von echten Erdenkindern. Du kannst immer schwören, dass auch du irdisch bist, und hier und da ein nettes Lachen gibt dir für eine Zeit das Gefühl so zu sein wie sie, aber die tiefe Trauer, für das was du um dich herum siehst, entfernt dich unweigerlich von ihnen.

Diese Einsamen sind traurig, weil das, was für sie der größte Reichtum bedeutet ist für die Welt völlig wertlos. Sie fühlen eine natürliche Verbindung mit der Natur, pflegen Selbstperfektionismus und schätzen die Frische an Beziehungen mit dem anderen Geschlecht. – die Welt jedoch misstraut diesem Verhalten und betrachtet es als pervers, oder Heuchelei, oder Asexualität oder einen Publicity Gag oder was auch immer, denn sie, die Welt, hat ihre Frische schon lange verloren, erinnert sich nicht mehr daran, und das Wort “Unschuld” wurde unmodern, sowohl das Wort als auch das Phänomen. Stell dir vor, wie weit diese Einsamen von der Welt entfernt sind und du erkennst, wie tief der Spalt dazwischen ist und wie schnell er größer wird. Die Welt wundert sich, warum die Einsamen sich selbst so einschränken und so vielen verlockenden Angeboten widerstehen, aber was die Welt nicht weiß ist, dass diese “Verrückten” durchaus dieses andere sehen, oder ausprobiert haben – nur um sich nachher schmutzig zu fühlen und den Schmerz zu verspüren, dafür, dass sie sich selbst betrogen haben und die Werte an die sie glauben. Sie wollen danach ihre wieder gewonnene Frische nicht mehr gegen die Komplexität in der Welt tauschen, denn sie Leben nur wieder auf, wenn sie diese Frische haben.

Sie sind traurig, denn sie sind so einsam, wie in der Wüste und versuchen, für sich zu leben, in ruhiger Zurückgezogenheit, aber der Welt gefällt das nicht, weil es nicht zu dem passt, was sie tut. Die Welt ist geschäftig dabei, nach mehr Vergnügen im Leben zu suchen, es zu intensivieren, denn was ihr gestern noch genug war, befriedigt sie heute nicht mehr, und morgen muss es noch einen Schritt weiter gehen.

Die Suche nach Vergnügen ist sehr anziehend und verbreitet sich unter den Menschen wie eine Pandemie. Wenn die Welt ihre neuste Errungenschaft für noch mehr Befriedigung der menschlichen Bedürfnisse präsentiert, gibt es immer welche, die dafür einstehen, dass es doch so gut ist, wie es ist, aber ihr Widerstand wird schnell gebrochen, von den Jungen, die alles Neue ausprobieren und es fantastisch finden.

” Warum lässt du uns diesen Spaß nicht? Warum haben wir nicht das Recht dazu? Es ist unser leben und keiner kann uns sagen, wie wir zu leben haben, und was wir uns auswählen.” ist ihr Argument, und es ist schwer zu widerlegen. Es ist natürlich ihr Recht aus zu wählen und der Umstand, dass sie tatsächlich auswählen ist, was es so traurig macht.

Wenn du denkst, ich rede hier nur von einer Sache, dann liegst du falsch – die Erneuerungen sind überall um uns herum und beinhalten viele Dinge, zum Beispiel den Hunger danach, konstant unterhalten zu werden, anstatt selbst zu denken und zu lernen, das Prinzip “Ich mache, was ich will”, die Abschaffung von Gewissen und es durch Zynismus oder Raffinesse zu ersetzten, das Geld ist Alles” Konzept, eine größere Auswahl an Sexuellen Möglichkeiten und ein aufregendes Rennen darum, wer früher Sex hat und wie, das sind nur einige Punkte auf dieser Liste. Manche nennen es Fortschritt während die Einsamen anders darüber denken – sie betrachten es als eine Auslieferung an die dunklere Seite der menschlichen Natur im ganzen.

Diejenigen, die es sich zu sehr zu Herzen nehmen, machen vielleicht Sonntagsbesuche in den Häusern von anderen, mit Verkleidungen und frommen Büchern unter ihrem Arm. Sie teilen Millionen von Dollar mit Kranken und Bedürftigen um ihnen wenigstens etwas Hoffnung in die menschliche Natur zu geben und den Glauben an die himmlische Gerechtigkeit, die tatsächlich durch Menschen wie sie gegeben wird.

Sie machen Versuche Anderen zu erklären, dass sie “Kindgleicher” sein sollten, weil sie nicht wissen, wie sie es sonst beschreiben sollten, dass die Menschheit zu dieser Reinheit zurück kommen muss, als Mittel zum Überleben, denn anders werden die Dinge bald nicht wieder gutzumachen. Sie machen nicht mit, bei den “normalen” Sexorgien, wegen ihrem großen Respekt vor der Liebe, Romantik und gemeinsamen Interessen mit ihrem Partner, und suchen nach der perfekten Verbindung, um dann “Love until dawn” zu machen und Sex in etwas einzigartiges zu verwandeln – denn Perfektion ist etwas, worum sie fast inständig bitten. Sie finden die Luft, die sie atmen zu erstickend und versuchen sich mit denen zu verbinden die ihnen mehr Luft zum atmen lassen – Kinder und Alte, die auch wieder dieses Stadium erreicht haben.

“Wenn alte Leute wieder zur Kindheit zurückkehren, ich habe es gesehen, dann werden sie wieder verspielt und wie Kinder. Ich passe sehr gut zu alten Leuten, denn sie haben diese Kindlichen Qualtitäten. Immer wenn ich ein Krankenhaus besuche, finde ich immer einen Weg um in ein anderes Zimmer zu schlüpfen und ich rede mit den Alten. Gerade vor 2 Tagen habe ich es getan. Ich war in einem Krankenhaus und sie waren so süß, sie begrüßen dich, wie die Kinder es tun. Sie sagen: ” Komm rein” und dann reden wir. Sie sind einfach süß. Alte Menschen und Kinder sind sehr ähnlich. Sie sind unbesorgt und spielen, frei, einfach und süß. Es ist ein spirituelles Gefühl. Ich besuche nicht so viele Altenheime wie Waisenhäuser. Viele von ihnen haben Alzheimer und erinnern sich nicht. Aber ich habe ein großartiges Verhältnis zu älteren Leuten.” Michael Jackson
Sie erschaffen solche Plätze, wie eine große Ranch mit Vergnügungspark und vielen anderen Dingen für Gastgeber und Gäste, um den Menschen den Wert von einfachen Freuden im Leben zu vermitteln, wie das Füttern von Tieren, auf ihnen zu reiten, mit Golfcarts Rennen zu fahren, auf Bäume zu klettern, Wasserschlachten auszutragen, zusammen zu tanzen oder zu lesen. Sie wissen, dass so einfache Dinge wie diese im Stande sind, Kinder von anderen “Attraktionen” fernzuhalten, die ihre Welt ihnen bietet. Sie denken zurecht, dass je glücklicher die Kindheit ist, desto ausgeglichener wird der Charakter und desto gesünder bleibt die Seele – das wäre der Beginn der Hoffnung, dass die Kinder besser wären, als ihre Eltern, und dass Morgen besser wäre wie Heute.

Sie glauben fest daran, dass fast alles im Leben korrigiert werden kann, mit ein wenig Hilfe von “oben” wenn ein Mensch es nur wirklich will, dann sind sie bereit es zu geben und versuchen es sogar mit den übelsten Charakteren der Geschichte.

Diese Einsamen wissen, dass alle Menschen einen göttlichen Funken in sich tragen und beschwören die Menschen, ihn nicht verlöschen zu lassen denn sonst werden sie zu Helfern von Gewalt, Zynismus und Korruption.

Und sie sind wütend wenn sie sehen, dass diejenigen, die diese Linie überschritten haben die unschuldigen Babies mit sich nehmen anstatt zu versuchen wieder zurück zugehen, dorthin wo sie vorher waren.

Wenn Michael Jacksons Gedankenwelt so verrückt und seltsam wäre, wie man uns es glauben lassen wollte, kann mir dann jemand erklären, wie er es jemals hätte schaffen können, alleine drei wunderbare Kinder groß zuziehen? die, als sie schließlich der Welt vorgestellt wurden sich als rein und unschuldig herausstellten, gut erzogen und mit Würde, bescheiden und mit Disziplin, beherzt und mutig und das alles trotz Michaels seltsamen pädagogischen Methoden?

Könnte es vielleicht genau das Gegenteil sein? Und sie sind so geworden, weil er sie vor uns und unserer Korruption beschützte und es war seine Herangehensweise an das Leben, und die der Leute die ihm bei der Erziehung halfen, was ihm ermöglichte, sie zu solch fantastischen Kindern werden zu lassen. (OMG- lasst uns für diese Kinder die Daumen drücken, jetzt, wo sie mit unserer Realität konfrontiert sind, mit all ihrer “Schönheit”,)

Könnte Michaels Leben ein “natürliches Experiment” sein, was Gott uns allen aufgeführt hat, um uns zu zeigen, dass es Michael Jacksons Art zu Leben und zu Denken ist, die am besten für unsere Kinder ist? Ich denke, die Reinheit seines Denkens und die Unschuld, nach der er immer suchte und über die er sprach, und die immense Menge an Liebe, sind die Dinge, die uns solch ein gutes Ergebnis bringen.

Zeigt das Experiment uns nicht, dass “wir Arroganten” komplett versagt haben mit unseren Erziehungsmethoden und jetzt da stehen mit einem Berg von Problemen, und die wirklichen Verlierer in diesem Wettstreit sind?

Ich wünschte mir, Michael wäre nie gestört worden und er hätte sich weiterhin mit all den Kindern verbinden können, die er in sein Haus einlud, ohne irgendwelche Einmischungen von außen. Auf die Art hätte er eine ganze Armee von großartigen Jugendlichen hervorbringen können, die jetzt einen großen Unterschied in unserer Welt ausmachen würden, die so hätten sein können, wie seine Kinder sind – besonders, weil wir um den Umstand wissen, dass er alle Kinder so behandelte, als wären es seine eigenen.
Er hätte es tun können, wenn die “Bestien” ihn nicht dabei gestört hätten….


“Ich sagte immer, wenn ich Kinder habe, ich werde ihnen kein Haar krümmen. Die Leute sagen immer, die Missbrauchten missbrauchen selbst auch und das ist nicht wahr. Es ist nicht wahr. Ich bin das totale Gegenteil davon. Das schlimmste, was ich mache, ist, sie in die Ecke zu stellen, für kurze Zeit, das ist meine Auszeit für sie.” Michael Jackson

Wenn sich jemand dafür interessiert, wer Michael diese Sicht, dass “alle Kinder unsere sind” beibrachte, der kann dieses Stück von Shmuleys Tapes lesen, wo Michael über Rose Fine spricht, eine jüdische Frau die ihn und seine Brüder auf Tourneen begleitete, bis Michael 18 war. Sie war ihre Lehrerin und immer an seiner Seite, denn er war der Jüngste und an die Michael sehr liebevolle Erinnerungen hat. Es scheint genau Rose Fines Verhalten zu sein, was später durchklingt, in der Art wie Michael seine und alle Kinder behandelt:
MJ: Rose Fine ist eine jüdische Frau und meine geliebte Lehrerin in meiner Kindheit, als ich mit meinen Brüdern reiste, als Jackson 5.

Nach einer Show rannte ich in ihr Zimmer. Wir lasen und ich bekam warme Milch. Ich brauchte das so sehr. Sie sagte immer zu mir: “Meine Tür ist offen”, und sie lies die Tür auch offen.

Boteach: Denkst du, sie sah dich als ihren Sohn an?

MJ: Sie nannte mich ihren Sohn.

Boteach: Zeigte sie dir unvoreingenommene Liebe?


Boteach: Du denkst also, dass vorbehaltslose Liebe auch zwischen zwei nicht verwandten Personen bestehen kann?

MJ: Oh mein Gott, ja, natürlich. Ich denke, ich lernte es von ihr und ich habe es gesehen und erfahren. Es ist gleich, welches Blut, welche Farbe, welche Rasse man hat. Liebe ist Liebe und sie durchbricht alle Grenzen, du siehst es einfach. Ich sehe es in den Augen der Kinder. Wenn ich Kinder ansehe, sehe ich hilflose kleine Wesen. Sie sind so süß. Wie könnte irgendwer sie verletzten?

Boteach: Obwohl Rose Fine nicht deine biologische Mutter war, hat sie dir eine Menge von mütterlicher Zuneigung gegeben?

MJ: Und ich brauchte das so sehr! Ich war nicht mehr oft bei meiner Mutter, als ich noch klein war, nur noch selten, und meine Mutter ist wunderbar. Ich sehe sie als einen Engel, aber ich war immer unterwegs, auf Tournee, Konzerte über Konzerte, in ganz Amerika, in Übersee, in Clubs… einfach immer unterwegs. Rose Fine war immer bei uns, von unserer ersten Tour mit den J5 bis ich 18 war.

Boteach: Und sie unterrichtete dich tagsüber?

MJ: Aha.

Boteach: Normale Fächer? Mathe? Englisch? Sie unterrichtete euch 5 zusammen?

MJ: Ja, alle zusammen, 3 Stunden lang. Sie unterrichtete auch Janet, alle von uns.

( Rose hat Michael nie ihr Alter verraten. Er dachte, dass sie über 90 gewesen sein musste als sie starb.)

MJ: Es schmerzte, als ich zu ihrer Tür kam um sie zu besuchen, und ich sagte: “Mrs. Fine, ich bin’s, Michael”, und sie antwortete: “Du bist nicht Michael.” …das tat so weh. Alt werden ist nicht immer so schön. Es ist traurig. Rose starb dieses Jahr, Janet und ich zahlten für ihre Krankenschwester und das Krankenhaus, oder wenn ihr Fernseher kaputt war oder irgendetwas im Haus nicht in Ordnung war, wir zahlten immer die Rechnungen. Nun istihr Eheman krank, deshalb kümmere ich mich jetzt um ihn, denn wir empfanden sie wie eine Mutter und du kümmerst dich um deine Mutter….

Boteach: Du hast es wirklich so empfunden?

MJ: Absolut. Sie war viel mehr als eine Lehrerin und ich habe mich sehr geärgert, dass ich so sehr weit weg war, als sie starb. Ich konnte nicht zu ihr.
“Du brauchst Liebe. Du brauchst Liebe. Das ist das allerwichtigste. Ich fühle mich immer schlecht für all die Kinder, die in Waisenhäusern leben und die so alleine sind und sie binden sie an den Betten fest – sie binden sie fest, weil sie nicht genug Personal haben. Ich sage: “Seid ihr verrückt?” Und ich gehe zu jedem Bett und mache sie frei. Ich sage: “Das kann man nicht mit Kindern machen. Ihr könnt sie nicht anbinden.” Michael Jackson

Übersetzung: MVDL


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

23.06.2011 um 14:31
Jackson Family Tribute - Family Comes First
Youtube: Jackson Family Tribute - Family Comes First (by Whitney Houston)
Jackson Family Tribute - Family Comes First (by Whitney Houston)
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I found this whitney houston song and it reminded me so much of the Jackson family. Despite all their troubles the Jacksons have remained united.

This song was featured on the soundtrack for the Tyler Perry film 'Daddy's Little Girl'. It is performed by Whitney Houston, Cissy Houston, Dione Warrick and Bobbi-Kristina Houston-Brown.

The Jackson family is an African American family of musicians who originated in Gary, Indiana and later relocated to Encino, California. Performing as members of The Jackson 5 and as solo artists, the children of Joseph Walter and Katherine Esther Jackson influenced and shaped the sound of popular music. As a group, the eldest sons Jackie, Tito, Jermaine, Marlon, and Michael, set the family on a path of musical success that spread among siblings Rebbie, La Toya, Randy, and Janet. The acclaim of The Jackson 5 led the group to become known as the "First Family of Soul"; the continued success of Michael and Janet's careers as solo artists led the Jacksons to become known as the "Royal Family of Pop". Eight of the nine Jackson siblings (excluding La Toya) have gold records to their credits.

Members of the Jackson family have been the subject of heavily publicized controversies and legal imbroglios, most notably allegations of child abuse against Michael in 1993, his criminal trial in 2005, and Janet's controversial Super Bowl halftime performance in 2004. Some Jackson siblings have, at various times, publicly criticized one another and alleged abuse at the hands of their father.[4][5] In spite of these circumstances and other troubles, the Jacksons have continued to be praised for shaping the world of entertainment with some of the siblings' own children taking the spotlight in various careers. In recent years, certain members of the family have been honored for their work: in 1997 The Jackson 5 were inducted to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. Michael would follow the group to the hall in 2001. In 2002, Joseph was acknowledged as "the best musical manager of all time" by the Hall in Cleveland. The Jacksons, Michael and Janet all received stars on the Hollywood Walk of Fame in 1980, 1984 and 1990 respectively.

Michael died on June 25, 2009, just weeks before he was to begin a series of 50 comeback concerts.

In 2009 a new series from A&E Entitled The Jacksons: A Family Dynasty premiered documenting the Jackson brothers dealing with the loss of Michael and Preparing for a Jackson 5 Reunion tour.

Song: 'Famiy Comes First'

RIP Michael. This vid is also dedicated to his 3 children Prince, Paris and Blanket


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

23.06.2011 um 14:45
der verkürzte Bericht wurde bereits heute um 10:12h eingestellt ... nun kann er vollständig eingesehen werden ... ;)

Auf Tour
Janet Jackson joggt durch Berlin

Donnerstag, 23. Juni 2011 14:18

Michael Jacksons kleine Schwester Janet ist für ihr einziges Konzert in Deutschland in Berlin. Um sich fit zuhalten, joggt sie durch die Stadt.

mim janet BM Berlin 980059b
Gibt in Berlin ihr einziges Deutschland-Konzert: Janet Jackson

Seit Montag ist im Hotel Ritz-Carlton ein Weltstar zuhause: Janet Jackson (45). Ob sie das Hotel gewählt hat, weil es direkt am Tiergarten liegt? Jedenfalls sah man die Queen of Pop am Dienstag samt Trainer und Bodyguard quer durch den Park joggen.

Sie muss sich fit halten, schließlich ist die kleine Schwester von Michael Jackson für ihre Figurprobleme bekannt: Mal ist sie schlank, dann wieder rundlich. Nach dem Sport dinierte Jackson beim Japaner "Di Japanese Cuisine" am Kurfürstendamm.

Freitag gibt sie ihr einziges Deutschlandkonzert im Tempodrom. Sicher wird sie ihren Hit "Rhythm Nation" singen - den Song widmete sie Berlin.

