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MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

23.746 Beiträge ▪ Schlüsselwörter: Mord, Michael Jackson, Verurteilung ▪ Abonnieren: Feed E-Mail

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

26.04.2013 um 16:36
Quelle: MJJC .. Eintrag #2069 .. User: Ivy

Some corrections
mjjcivy26042013 zpsd1098c0f

Next medical test was July 6th in London. And the increase or no increase the number of the shows the second medical examination was needed "the insurers have been firm from the very beginning of the coverage that they will only give illness cover after completion of a further medical and also review MJ doing a rehearsal"

Plus didn't Murray email insurance broker and said that Michael did not give authorization to him to release his medical records? So he wasn't working on any medical information. Also how do you explain Murray calling his 3 girlfriends? That got nothing to do with AEG or Lloyds.

I'm also curious what is your source that Lloyds insurance was increased from 10 shows to 30 shows? Every court document I have seen at Lloyds lawsuit has said the insurance policy was for first 30 shows and for $17.5 Million.


Actually let me post the second medical information as well.

June 22 email from insurance firm to broker
22. June email vom Versicherungsunternehmen an Vermittler

fo3o2a zps5b466a3d

June 24 email from insurance firm to broker
24. June email vom Versicherungsunternehmen an Vermittler

2vkavwk zps3d90b32b

June 24 email from broker to AEG and Murray
24. June email vom Vermittler an AEG and Murray

2zzhxzd zps19fa7851
21l09 zps7968afae

then Paul Gongaware responds it has to be done at MJ's house, The broker responds back to him at the insurance firm won't accept that and it has to be at the doctors office. the last email is sent from the broker to AEG / Murray on midnight of June 24 / June 25 asking them confirm the July 6 afternoon for the second medical.




Let me give you a little summary of the policy (and that was one hard and boring read)

- Insurance policy is called " non appearance and cancellation insurance"
- The coverage was to start in April 2009 and go on until January 2010.
- Michael was insured for $17.5 million.
- It states that 30 shows in O2 was expected to bring $43M income , $1.4M per show and insurer would be off risk after the completion of 13 shows.
- Income from the shows reduced the sum insured.
- It again states that losses are restricted to accident only until the insurers see the medical report from London and attend rehearsals.
- It says that meet and greets aren't allowed and insurer has to see and agree to any promotional work in advance.
- The policy doesn't cover SARS, pneumonia, avian flu, child diseases (such as mumps , measles etc) as well as terrorism, biological and chemical weapons.
- Premium was $437,500 with additional US TRIA (Terrorism Risk Insurance Act) of $1,750,000. Later it's stated that TRIA wasn't bought.
- Full policy was to cover death, accident, illness, unavoidable travel delay, venue damage, adverse weather and national mourning.

- Insurers are notified of concert date moving, they agree to this changes.
- Effective of June 10, insurer agrees to include 7 band members, 4 vocalists and 12 dancers as insured people as well.
- It's stated that AEG rented a house in Chislehurst, Kent from July 2009 to June 2010. The travel from the house to venue will be between 20 minutes to 1 hour.
- It's stated that Michael would travel with 3 cars (4 if his children attend) to and from the venue. They list that 2-3 security guards, his make-up artist and Dr. Conrad Murray would be travelling with him.
- It states that Michael's UK arrival date was July 4th 2009 and the first UK rehearsal was July 8th, 2009.
- Insurers are also sent the plans for the stage and the policy effective June 18 extended to include "cover losses from resulting from problems with the stage,staging or special effects". "Swinging arm" is explicitly mentioned. There are handwritten notes of "how high does the arm go?" , "what % of the show will the arm be used in?", " what effect would there be on the show if the arm didn't work?"


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

26.04.2013 um 17:05
Nunyadamnbidniz ‏@MJCB_Junky
Transcript of Conrad Murray's Interview on Today Show 4/26/13: >> conrad murray who was convicted of (cont)
2:40 PM - 26 Apr 13


Transcript of Conrad Murray's Interview on Today Show 4/26/13:

>> conrad murray who was convicted of involuntary manslaughter in the death of michael jackson speaks out live from his los angeles jail cell , but first nbc's take taibbi has new details on dr. murray 's attempt to have his conviction overturned. mike, good morning to you.

>> reporter: good morning, savannah. at this point dr. murray 's appeal isn't intended to shorten his prison sentence . he's due to be releelsreleased soon. probably by the fall. it's to that he did nothing wrong. before he was convicted of involuntary manslaughter and sentenced to the max, four years, he told savannah that michael jackson 's death had nothing to do with the care he provided.

>> do you feel guilty that he died?

>> i don't feel guilty because i did not do anything wrong.

>> reporter: in his appeal, murray says his trial was fundamentally unfair, the trial judge was biased and the jury should have been sequestered because of the media frenzy around the case. his goal not to get out of jail early but to get his life back, says attorney valerie walsh.

>> he wouldn't be a convicted felon for one thing. he wouldn't lose the rights as a felon, it may lose his ability to practice medicine in the future.

>> reporter: murray could be a turning point witness in the jackson family 's mega millions suit against the promoters of the king of pop 's doomed final concert tour . if the doctor's negligence led to the final fatal dose of propofol who was the role of aig live who murray believed would be paying his monthly $150,000 fee? law professor lori levinson.

>> the jackson family will argue aig is responsible for everything conrad murray did. they reminded him they're in charge.

>> reporter: murray has not been subpoenaed to testify in the suit against aig though he's on the witness list for both sides. aeg says the company didn't hire murray and had nothing to do with jackson's medical care . murray says he'll likely take the fifth if he's called to testify.

>> mike taibbi thank you so much. dr. conrad murray is with us exclusively on the phone from the men's central jail in los angeles . his attorney valerie wasser is here, handling his appeal.

>> good morning, savannah.

>> dr. murray , this is not about shortening your sentence. you're expected to be out in a few months. as i understand it, this appeal is for you, a chance to clear your name. do you think it will be sufficient to do that and do you expect you should be able to practice medicine again?

>> well, i hope that i think my attorney has done an excellent job in her brief and i hope that the court would see that an injustice has occurred at this occasion and if that be the case, i will have my license back and i'll be able to continue practicing medicine to give services to all those who seek it and especially to the underserved.

>> in your appeal which i have seen, you blame michael jackson . you blame the jury. you blame the judge, and you blame your lawyers and i wonder if, having reflected on these facts now, you take any personal responsibility for what happened to michael jackson .

>> not any responsibility as it relates to his death. i am sorry that i have lost michael as a friend and as a patient. being a doctor almost, such a huge impact on our lives, to have to tell a family member someone has passed away , you could not save them. it's a tremendous loss, so much pain and i have lost a very dear friend and a dear person to me, and it's going to remain with me for the rest of my life but i'm not going to accept responsibility for anything i did not do.

>> but doctor, let me push back on that just a little bit. he died from this powerful anesthetic called propofol as you well know. you prescribed it and you administered it. i know your theory is he injected it, however, are you not responsible for bringing the drug into the room and leaving him unattended?

>> that, i am not. i met michael jackson with his own stash of medication. i tried to get rid of the propofol from michael jackson . you may not have liked the approach i took but nonetheless, the circumstances were to actually get him away from that agent.

>> speaking of the night he died, doctor, in just those actions, you left the room, you left him unattended, and pro to follow on the package labeling says it requires constant monitoring.

>> i left the room but i left no propofol in his way he should have used, i did not leave it to michael to have taken his own action and cause his own demise. i did not do that.

>> let me let valerie on this.

>> jackson was not on a pro to follow drip. he was on a saline drip. he's given him 25 milligrams of propofol .

>> that's doctor murray 's contenti contention. there was a larger amount of propofol found in his autopsy.

>> correct.

>> you don't dispute the fact that propofol was prescribed and michael jackson gained access to it when dr. murray left the room.

>> gained access whether it came from dr. murray or his own source has not been established.

>> dr. murray , let me ask you what life in jail has been like for you?

>> it has been one of my most horrendous experience. i have only survived because of the loving hope and the support that i get from various individuals and especially would like to say my girlfriend, any koes nicole alvarez, never missed a visitation and never not called me on a daily basis and my children and just a bunch of other people who have written to me from all over the world who encourage me.

>> do you regret not taking the stand in your own defense?

>> i don't know. i do not think that the prosecution had solved or they had proved their case, and i did not see if i took the stand if i would have added anything more. i believe the problem is my attorneys. i believe there was a lot of ineffectiveness. actually there was an obstruction of justice when the prosecutor himself destroyed the evidence in the open courtroom. that was obstruction of justice, and that was unbelievable. that is almost i think impossible to live with.

>> dr. conrad murray , we appreciate you getting up early, calling us from your jail cell . we appreciate it, and valerie wass, thank you to you.



MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

26.04.2013 um 18:56

Conrad Murray
MJ's Death??

Conrad Murray
MJ's Tod?

4/26/2013 6:45 AM PDT

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Conrad Murray -- Still Accepts No Responsibility for Michael Jackson's Death

Dr. Conrad Murray is once again speaking out from jail (but not singing this time) -- still proclaiming his innocence in the death of Michael Jackson ... and says he has hopes of practicing medicine again some day.

Murray called in to the "Today" show this morning live from jail and said he is sorry that Jackson died, but he still maintains he is in no way responsible for his death. Murray is sticking to his story ... that Jackson administered the fatal dose of propofol himself.

The good doctor also said he DIDN'T file his appeal to shorten his prison sentence, but rather so that he can one day restore his medical license and see patients again.

Good luck with all that.

Ivy ‏@Ivy_4MJ
Murray: "I am sorry that I have lost Michael as a friend and as a patient. iIm not going to accept responsibility for anything I did not do"
Ivy ‏@Ivy_4MJ
Murray called Today show this morning and said "(I take) not any responsibility as it relates to Michael Jackson's death"


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

26.04.2013 um 19:09
Na da hat sich ja nichts geändert, der Murray hat immer noch keine Schuld und der Michael hat sich das Propofol selbst besorgt, so hat der Dr. es ja jetzt gesagt und er hat sich auch das Propofol selbst gegeben, obwohl, so 100%ig sicher bin ich nicht, ob es nicht tatsächlich so war.
Aber trotzdem, wir wissen, der Murray sitzt zu Recht ein.
Wer weiß, was da wirklich passiert ist. Wir werden es nie erfahren, wirklich nie. Der Murray wird nie etwas anderes sagen, auch wenn es so wäre.
Es sei denn, es war diese fremde Person, von der Lie-Toilette erzählt hat :D :D :D
Ich frage mich trotzdem, zu was man da Bodyguards hat, wenn einem dann so etwas passiert? Oder war es doch Michael selbst?

1x zitiertmelden

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

26.04.2013 um 19:45
Zitat von SylvinaSylvina schrieb:Na da hat sich ja nichts geändert, der Murray hat immer noch keine Schuld und der Michael hat sich das Propofol selbst besorgt, so hat der Dr. es ja jetzt gesagt und er hat sich auch das Propofol selbst gegeben, obwohl, so 100%ig sicher bin ich nicht, ob es nicht tatsächlich so war.
Aber trotzdem, wir wissen, der Murray sitzt zu Recht ein.
Wer weiß, was da wirklich passiert ist. Wir werden es nie erfahren, wirklich nie. Der Murray wird nie etwas anderes sagen, auch wenn es so wäre.
Es sei denn, es war diese fremde Person, von der Lie-Toilette erzählt hat :D :D :D
Ich frage mich trotzdem, zu was man da Bodyguards hat, wenn einem dann so etwas passiert? Oder war es doch Michael selbst?
ja, wenn Murray angeblich gewußt hat, dass MJ einen eigenen Vorrat an Propofol angelegt hatte, dann hätte er auch reagieren müssen ... und bei dem damaligen Prozess kam ja u. a. zur Sprache, dass Murray sich auch schuldig gemacht hat, wenn er den "eingeschlafenen" MJ mit weiteren Propofolmengen unbeaufsichtigt zurück lässt ... hmmmm, ja, so 100%ig sicher kann man sich wirklich nicht sein ... aber auch wenn sich MJ das Propofol selbst verabreicht hat, die Schuld liegt bei Murray ...
verurteilt wurde er ja NUR wegen fahrlässiger Tötung ... und sein Verhalten war absolut grob fahrlässig ...


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

26.04.2013 um 20:34
Natürlich war das Verhalten von Murray grob fahrlässig und er sitzt zu recht da im Knast und sollte auch noch länger sitzen. Da kann er noch tausendmal rumjammern, daß er es nicht war, spielt absolut keine Rolle. Keine Einsicht - keine Gnade.
Aber warten wir mal ab, was in der nächsten Woche passiert. Vielleicht platzt noch eine Bombe!


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

26.04.2013 um 22:32
Das sind wir!!! Viele Grüße an alle und ein wunderschönes Wochenende!

1x zitiertmelden

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

27.04.2013 um 12:19
Zitat von SylvinaSylvina schrieb:Das sind wir!!! Viele Grüße an alle und ein wunderschönes Wochenende!
ja, irgendwie schon ... ein schönes Video ... Danke, auch an Dich viele Grüße und ein wunderschönes Wochenende ... :)


das habe ich beim Stöbern entdeckt >

MJJJusticeProject ‏@MJJJusticePrjct
@DrShepp @lmt4mj Love this - Rodney and Michael - Youtube: RIDE WITH ME [HQ] - MICHAEL JACKSON & RODNEY JERKINS
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Ride With Me - the Instrumental track composed and produced by Rodney Jerkins which appeared on his cd called "Versatility ".. Michael Jackson did the background vocals for the track. it was also sampled for Brandy's Single "It's Not Worth It" .

R.I.P ♥ michael
4:22 AM - 27 Apr 13


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

27.04.2013 um 12:40
Michael Jackson-AEG attorneys get a time limit for statements

Michael Jackson - AEG Anwälte bekommen ein Zeitlimit für ihre Plädoyers

By Corina Knoll
April 26, 2013, 6:15 a.m.

No matter the stakes or the celebrity, attorneys in the Michael Jackson wrongful-death case will each be held to a 2 1/2-hour opening statement when trial opens Monday in a downtown Los Angeles courtroom.

Superior Court Judge Yvette Palazuelos said she hoped the time limit would keep the statements from spilling over into the next day, when witnesses could be called to the stand.

Palazuelos also plans to rule on multiple outstanding motions, including whether to unseal the music legend’s medical records and preclude certain testimony from expert witnesses.

Filed by Jackson’s mother and three children, the wrongful-death suit accuses AEG’s concert promotions arm of hiring and controlling Dr. Conrad Murray, who administered the fatal dose of propofol to the pop singer shortly before he was scheduled to appear in a series of comeback shows in 2009.

“AEG had legal duties to Michael Jackson to treat him safely and to not put him in harm’s way. But AEG, despite its knowledge of Michael Jackson’s physical condition, breached those duties by putting its desire for massive profits from the tour over the health and safety of Michael Jackson,” the complaint alleges.

Brian Panish, attorney for the Jackson family, said he did not know who would be called first from a list of witnesses that is lengthy and celebrity studded. In addition to Jackson’s family members and his ex-wives, Debbie Rowe and Lisa Marie Presley, plaintiffs’ attorneys have indicated they could call music industry heavyweights Quincy Jones, Diana Ross and Prince.

The jury, which includes six alternates, was impaneled earlier this week after selection began April 2. The jurors were drawn from a pool of about 100 people who first had to demonstrate that sitting on a trial slated for four months would not present a hardship.

Attorneys expect to focus on Jackson’s medical condition, which is why both sides have requested that the singer’s medical files be unsealed. Jackson’s estate, although not a party in the suit, has requested that certain portions of those files be kept private.

Among the experts that the defense took issue with is certified public accountant Arthur Erk, who projected in his deposition that Jackson could have earned $269 million on a series of Las Vegas shows featuring his music, as well as $50 million in a clothing deal.

Sabrina Strong, an attorney for AEG, said that was unrealistic for a performer who had many failed projects.

“That’s a hope, a dream, that’s not a basis for damages,” she said.

In hearings leading up to the trial, tension has been high in the courtroom, with attorneys trading barbs and pointed comments.

Panish has accused the defense of turning every motion into “World War III,” and AEG’s attorneys have sounded off about what they called the plaintiffs’ lack of professionalism.

On Thursday, attorneys quibbled over the audio-visual equipment to be used during the trial. Despite plaintiffs’ protests, Palazuelos ruled that the courtroom would use monitors provided by the defense. Panish insisted his firm had no reason to shoulder any of the equipment cost, estimated to be about $6,000 a month.

“AEG can afford it,” he said.

“Your honor, we have to stop those type of references,” said Marvin Putnam, a partner with O’Melveny & Myers.

Panish countered, “I’m not AEG, I’m not worth billions of dollars.”,0,3619414.story


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

27.04.2013 um 13:03
Prince Michael Impresses '90210' Director


April 26, 2013

prince90210A zps15f589a1
VIDEO auf der Website

Yesterday, ET's Brooke Anderson took you exclusively to the set of 90210 as Prince Michael made his acting debut. Today, we're revealing more from the budding thespian's shoot for the popular CW show!

Perhaps his lack of nerves had something to do with it, but according to episode director Harry Sinclair, Prince, 16, was praised as a natural actor on his very first day.

"I thought he was great," raved Sinclair. "He's very young but he was able to be totally relaxed and do his performance. It was very unusual and he seemed totally at ease."

Despite his praise, the teen star-in-the-making revealed he doesn't have the stomach to view himself on the small screen.

'[I'm] probably my own worst critic," admitted Prince. "I don't watch myself."

Watch the video for more!

Prince's acting debut on 90210 is set to air May 15 on the CW.

Prince Michael: No Nerves During First Acting Gig

April 25, 2013

prince90210AB zps6f16219dOriginal anzeigen (0,2 MB)
VIDEO auf der Website

Earlier this year, Prince Michael Jackson interviewed the stars of Oz: The Great and Powerful as a guest correspondent for Entertainment Tonight, and this May, MJ's teenage son will grace the small screen once more with his very first acting role.

ET was on the Los Angeles set of the CW's 90210 with the aspiring thespian, who told our Brooke Anderson that preparing for the part was a breeze.

"Not really" fazed by the job, the 16-year-old revealed his plan of action was to treat the scene like an everyday exchange between him and the other actors.

"It was kind of more like just a regular conversation just with a camera in front," he explained.

Now that's not to say Prince didn't prep for the part. The star-to-be actually spent weeks learning the craft and memorizing his lines for the big day.

"I went to a couple of acting classes for a couple of hours and did some privates," said Prince, who added that he "read the script over and over" with his cousin and aunt before the shoot began.

Click the video for a sneak peek at Prince in action!

You can catch his acting debut on 90210 May 15 on the CW. (Archiv-Version vom 28.04.2013)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

27.04.2013 um 19:36
Prince Jackson on Entertainment Tonight!
PPBforum .. Veröffentlicht am 27.04.2013


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

27.04.2013 um 20:37
Painted Desert Ranch ‏@DJRJPDR
Me and my daughter I love her

BI345 jCUAIf1c8 zps8f365e75

6:59 PM - 27 Apr 13


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

28.04.2013 um 10:02
und schon beginnen die Schlagzeilen im Boulevard-Blätterwald zu blühen ...
ETonline meint das EXCLUSIVE Bild zu haben ... :D

dieses Bild hat Debbie bei Twitter und auch bei FB eingestellt ... es wurde am 03.04.2013, dem
15. Geburtstag von Paris, im Ahi Sushi, in Studio City, Kalifornien, aufgenommen ... :)

ET-PARIS-DEBBIE-ROWE640 zps942763dd

EXCLUSIVE PIC: Paris Reunites With Mom Debbie Rowe

April 27, 2013

ET has exclusively obtained the first photo of the late Michael Jackson's daughter, Paris Jackson, reuniting with her mother Debbie Rowe.

The two were spotted celebrating Paris' 15th birthday at Ahi Sushi in Studio City, Calif. on April 3, 2013.

According to Rowe, former wife to the late King of Pop, the two celebrated with a day of shopping and quality mother-daughter quality time.

Paris tweeted on her birthday: "Thank you everyone for all the birthday wishes !! you guys are beautiful and i love you !!"

twitterparis03042013 zps8c1df248

Rowe, 54, married Jackson on November 14, 1996, in Sydney, Australia, and later divorced the music icon in Oct. 1999. They had two children together: Prince Michael Jackson Jr., born February 13, 1997, and Paris Jackson, born on April 3, 1998. Both kids live with Michael's mother, Katherine Jackson, who also looks after the singer's youngest son, Prince Michael Jackson II, age 11.

In an interview with ET this past year, Paris had some advice for kids of famous parents, saying simply, "Stay humble. Don't let things get to your head."

Both Paris and Prince have expressed interest in acting, with Prince Michael already landing a role on the May 15 episode of The CW's 90210. "It was kind of more like just a regular conversation just with a camera in front," the 16-year-old said of his acting debut. "I went to a couple of acting classes for a couple of hours and did some privates."

Michael Jackson passed away on June 25, 2009. He was 49.

ähnlicher Bericht

Together at last! FIRST picture of Paris Jackson reunited with her mother Debbie Rowe on her 15th birthday

By Daily Mail Reporter
PUBLISHED: 23:54 GMT, 27 April 2013 | UPDATED: 23:57 GMT, 27 April 2013

Paris Jackson grew up without her mother after Debbie Rowe signed away all parental rights to Paris' father Michael Jackson in 2001, when she was just three years old.

But since Michael's death in 2009, mother and daughter are trying to make up for lost time by slowly forging a close relationship.

And the first picture of the pair together has surfaced, showing Debbie with her arm around Paris as they celebrated the teenager's 15th birthday at Ahi Sushi in Studio City, California on April 3, reports Entertainment Tonight.

Paris appeared serene and content as she leaned in close to her mother, a dermatologist's nurse, who looked thrilled to be included in her daughter's birthday celebration.

Paris - the youngest of Michael and Debbie's two children - showed off her edgy style by wearing her short dark hair swept across her forehead and highlighting her eyes with thick black liner.

The resemblance between the pair is clear, especially in the colour and shape of their eyes and their noses.

Debbie has reportedly developed an 'intense bond' with her daughter and the pair have been spending lots of time together in recent months.

The Billie Jean singer's ex-wife supported the teenager, who performed in a dance contest at her school in Los Angeles last weekend, turning up with a bouquet of flowers.

In a recent interview for the Mail On Sunday's Event Magazine, Paris revealed that she had also been shopping with her mother, an activity that her grandmother Katherine Jackson was approving of.

Paris said: 'When I'm with my mom, we don't really have security with us. Which is really nice.'

Paris' uncle Jermaine Jackson recently said he approved of the pair's burgeoning relationship.

He told TMZ: 'I think that's wonderful. The kids need their mum. I think it's great. That's their mother. That's wonderful. That's a good thing.'

Debbie and Michael met when he was a patient at the specialist skin clinic she worked at when he was being treated for his chronic vitiligo.

The pair were married between 1996 and 1999, and Debbie gave full custody of her two children with Michael, Prince and Paris, during their divorce proceedings in 1999.

She later took things one step further in 2001, and relinquished all parental rights to the children, who were just toddlers at the time.

However, after the singer's death in June 2009, Debbie, 54, reached an agreement with Michael's mother - who became the children's' legal guardian - for supervised visitation rights.

The Daily Mirror previously reported that Paris had found it 'easy' to bond with the skin nurse, and had been interested to know more about the dynamic of her relationship with her late father.

A friend said : 'Paris is very inquisitive and found Debbie easy to bond with.'

Meanwhile, it appears Debbie and Michael's son Prince is not yet ready to develop a relationship with his mother.

The 16-year-old budding TV presenter allegedly isn't interested in getting to know his birth mother, but she hopes that they will develop a natural connection much like she did with Paris.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

28.04.2013 um 10:28
aber es gibt auch noch andere Schlagzeilen ... aber so ganz unbekannt ist sie mir nicht ... :(

Michael Jackson had 'died twice before of drug overdoses'

Michael Jackson ist 'zweimal vor der Medikamenten-Überdosis gestorben'

28 Apr 2013 | 00:00

The King of Pop was discovered slumped with no signs of life after visits by his personal “medical staff” on two separate occasions in the 1990s, a maid claims

MichaelJackson zpsd3d49285

Michael Jackson was twice found “dead” by frantic staff after popping dozens of pills given to him by dodgy doctors, his former maid claims today.

The King of Pop was discovered slumped with no signs of life after visits by his personal “medical staff” on two separate occasions in the 1990s.

The startling revelations come just a day before Jacko’s family are set to go head-to-head with concert promoters in a $40billion court case into his death.

Adrian McManus, the Billie Jean singer’s personal maid during the 1990s, said she and other staff members ­frequently stumbled across Jackson “dead” or passed out on a ­cocktail of prescription drugs. She said: “One day I knocked on his door, but got no answer so I went in to clean. He was lying on the bed, ­motionless, looking very pale.

“I called several times, but he didn’t answer. As I got closer his eyes were open and he appeared not to be breathing.

“My heart sank as I thought he was dead. I called his name for several ­minutes. I feared that he was gone for ever, but then he came to suddenly. He didn’t say a word, but burst into tears.”

Adrian said she thought about calling for help, but had been warned before by the singer to not involve “outsiders”.

She also reveals that another incident occurred just a few weeks later, in 1993, when Michael’s security guard found him lifeless at the edge of a swimming pool.

Adrian said: “The guard thought he was dead. He feared the worst, trying to wake him by shaking and ­shouting at him. He couldn’t find a pulse and he didn’t appear to be breathing.”

Terrified his boss was dead, the ­worker radioed another guard, who performed life-saving treatment. Adrian added: “Michael made his guards train in CPR so they knew what to do.”

Adrian also revealed the singer had dozens of bottles of drugs in his rooms in bags, wardrobes and among c­lothes. ­Unknown doctors and medical “professionals” would file into his ­Neverland ranch in California and lock themselves away with Jackson for hours at a time.

She added: “It is a shock that people didn’t realise he had such issues, as it was common knowledge in the 1990s. Michael was not a pop hero, but a messed- up, depraved junkie, who was manipulative, twisted and demonic. I still have nightmares thinking about Neverland.”

Jackson, 50, died in Los Angeles on June 25, 2009 from a lethal dose of the surgical anaesthetic Propofol that his doctor Conrad Murray administered for sleep problems. Murray was found guilty of involuntary manslaughter in 2011.

His mother Katherine, 82, is ­suing AEG Live — promoters of his ill-fated 2009 “This Is It” tour — in America for the wrongful death of her son, but news of Jackson’s drug taking could adversely affect the family’s claim that AEG Live was negligent in hiring Dr Murray to care Jackson as he rehearsed for the shows. AEG deny any negligence.

ähnlicher Bericht:

'I still have nightmares thinking about Neverland': Michael Jackson's ex-maid reveals singer was found 'dead' twice in the 1990s as she calls late singer a 'messed-up, depraved and demonic junkie'

By David Gardner In Los Angeles , Jill Reilly and Snejana Farberov
PUBLISHED: 06:26 GMT, 28 April 2013 | UPDATED: 06:28 GMT, 28 April 2013

Decades before Michael Jackson passed away from a drug overdose, his former maid says workers at his Los Angeles estate had found the singer 'dead' on two separate occasions.

According to revelations made by Adrian McManus, who worked as Jackson's personal maid in the 1990s, she and other staffers on the Neverland estate would come upon the singer passed out after taking dozens of pills prescribed by his medical staff, who would spend hours locked in a room with the singer.

Speaking to the Mirror Sunday, McManus recalled one occasion in 1993 when she knocked on the door to Jackson's room but received no response.

The housekeeper went in and discovered the pop star lying on the bed motionless with his eyes open. McManus recalled that Jackson was very pale and appeared not to be breathing.

'My heart sank as I thought he was dead. I called his name for several minutes,' she told the British paper. 'I feared that he was gone for ever, but then he came to suddenly. He didn’t say a word, but burst into tears.'

The maid considered calling for help but didn't because she had been warned in the past by Jackson not to involve 'outsiders' in the goings on in his estate.

A few weeks after this incident, McManus said the singer's security guard discovered him motionless at the edge of a swimming pool.

The sentry thought his famous employer was dead after he was unable to detect a pulse, so he called his colleague who revived Jackson by performing CPR, the paper reported.

'Michael made his guards train in CPR so they knew what to do,' McManus explained.

Describing the scene at the Neverland ranch in the 1990s, McManus revealed that Jackson's palatial home was clattered with bags crammed with drugs, which were also scattered in bottles among his clothes.

'It is a shock that people didn’t realize he had such issues, as it was common knowledge in the 1990s,' McManus told the Mirror.

'Michael was not a pop hero, but a messed-up, depraved junkie, who was manipulative, twisted and demonic. I still have nightmares thinking about Neverland.'

This is not the first time that Jackson's former staffers have come out with tales of drug abuse by the singer.

In 2008, TMZ reported that another one of Jackson's housekeepers, Kristina Fournier, told law enforcement in 1993 that she saw syringes on the Nederland property and spoke about doctors coming and going into the house.

Fournier said it was 'well-known' among the staff that Jackson had a drug addiction problem and would often go through 'bad periods.’

'His eyes were rolling in the back of his head and he wouldn't know what he was talking about,' she maid said at the time.

McManus spoke out about her experiences working for the 'King of Pop' one day before Jackson’s ' mother, Katherine, is expected to file a $40million wrongful death lawsuit against the concert promoter AEG Live.

The suit claims that the company that was in charge of Jackson's 2009 This Is It tour was negligent in hiring Dr Conrad Murray to oversee the singer's medical care as he prepare for the show.

The 50-year-old singer died on June 25, 2009, from a lethal dose of the anesthetic Propopol that was administered by Murray. In 2011, the physician was found guilty of involuntary manslaughter.

Lawyers acting for Jackson's children, Paris, Prince Michael, and Blanket, and their grandmother Katherine, 82, contend that pressure from AEG led to Jackson’s death from an overdose of surgical anesthetic in June 2009, two weeks before his This Is It concerts were to begin at the O2 Arena in London.

After a judge ruled that there was sufficient evidence to warrant a jury trial, the family’s lawyer Kevin Boyle said: ‘The truth about what happened to Michael, which AEG has tried to keep hidden from the public since the day Michael died, is finally emerging.

‘We look forward to the trial where the rest of the story will come to light.’

The family are demanding $10.2billion for loss of future earnings by Jackson, and nearly $40billion in other damages.

AEG, which denies any liability for the star’s death, says the huge figure is based on speculation and that Jackson’s career was on a downward spiral.

Legal analysts say the billions being claimed are unlikely to be awarded and are a legal tactic to get publicity for the case.

A senior AEG lawyer said the company would argue at the civil trial, which is expected to last two to three months, that Jackson’s addiction to prescription drugs made him responsible for his own death.

The company is also likely to bring up Jackson’s ‘shopping’ for doctors to prescribe him drugs, as well as his acquittal on child molestation charges.

In a TV documentary to be broadcast on Friday, AEG lawyer Marvin Putnam says: ‘I don’t know how you can’t look to Mr Jackson’s responsibility. He was a grown man.

‘Mr Jackson is a person who was known to doctor-shop. He was known to be someone who would tell one doctor one thing and another doctor something else.’

He said Jackson’s 2005 child molestation trial was relevant because it ‘resulted in an incredible increase in his drug intake’.

‘We’re talking about Michael Jackson,’ adds Mr Putnam. ‘This is a man who would show up in pajamas.

‘This is a man who would go to public events with a monkey named Bubbles.’

At Murray’s trial it emerged that the doctor was paid $155,000 a month to help Jackson get enough rest to perform at the O2.

But AEG will argue that Murray was hired by Jackson, not the promoter.

VIDEO auf der Website

Jackson's Maid -- He Binged On Drugs

7/14/2009 7:30 AM PDT


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

28.04.2013 um 10:46
Ivy ‏@Ivy_4MJ
Before the trial starts it is time to repost "My feelings about Katherine Jackson - AEG trial." :
6:17 AM - 28 Apr 13
15th March 2013 from Twitlonger
My feelings about Katherine Jackson - AEG trial. I rarely post something that's about emotions and personal. Given the latest heated discussions among the fans I decided to write this.

For me the criminal trial of Conrad Murray was about justice but it wasn't easy on any of us. I remember being physically ill the first night of the trial after seeing Michael's hospital photo. I remember at the end feeling spent and emotionally lost. I only later during MJJC Q&A found peace and closure when Dr. Shafer multiple times assured us that Michael did not suffer. It was also his encouragement to set Michael's death aside and celebrate him, made me want to start the healing process.

This is why I'm so emotionally dreading the upcoming Katherine - AEG trial. It's just the rehash of the same stuff. I can't help myself to ask "at what cost?" and "to achieve what?".

For some people a civil trial that can only end in monetary payments will be considered justice. I'm not in that group. To me money doesn't equal justice - not $1 and not even $100 Trillion.

Some people want this trial because they want to find answers to Michael's "murder". What they don't know is that this is now just a contract lawsuit. In this lawsuit Katherine claims Michael died due to Murray's negligence and AEG shares responsibility because they hired Murray. That's it.

Fraud claim is dismissed because there was no evidence. Conspiracy claim is dismissed because there was no evidence. Judge ruled there's nothing wrong in AEG wanting Michael to show up to rehearsals. Judge ruled financial pressure doesn't mean AEG controlled Michael. Even Katherine admitted that Michael was an intelligent adult that is capable of entering into contracts. Judge ruled that there's no evidence that AEG ordered or controlled Michael's medical care as he was freely seeing other doctors.

If Katherine wins this case it would only mean that AEG did not do a good job in background checks when hiring Murray. That's it. It won't prove "murder", it won't prove intent and it won't prove AEG was involved.

So that makes me ask "at what cost?". Is it really worth to go through a trial that would not only paint Michael as "raging addict" (as media recently called him) but also will trash his family? Some fans have quickly forgotten how angry they were when AEG at depositions asking Jacksons about their financial dependence on Michael or when AEG was sending questions to Michael's kids about their father's "addiction". This trial won't be pretty. I can't help but think this is a heavy price to pay just for a verdict that would at best mean "AEG should have run a credit check on Murray".

Also honestly Jackson's dropping restitution is a sore spot for me personally. No it's not about money, it's about how it would mean that Murray could never profit from his crime. I can't help but think about Goldman family at O.J. Simpson trial. How they used restitution to get control over the book O.J. wrote, how they got every cent from the TV interviews. They never let O.J to make a dime from their son, they never allowed anyone even try to deflect blame from O.J. But in our situation without restitution, there's nothing that would stop Murray from trashing Michael and profiting from Michael. This is something that I'm having a hard time with.

Finally also the $40 billion damages amount makes me question if this is really about "truth" and "justice" or if it is about money. The ridiculously high 5 times the value of AEG amount, the leaking of emails by Katherine's partner Mann, the Jackson sources talking to media about $1 billion and $500 Million settlements, make it sound like this is unfortunately all about money. Sure AEG has all the incentive in the world to settle and make this go away but if Jacksons accept a settlement then it would bring the question if this was about getting the truth out or getting the money.

Not everyone will agree with me and that's completely fine. Everyone is entitled to their opinion. It's also apparent that this is a heated subject among the fans. Please remember something. Trials are fought and won in a courtroom. The decisions are made by judges and jury. Just remember that the fans expressing their opinions - whether you agree or not- have absolutely NO effect on the outcome of this trial. There's no reason to attack or hate a fan if they don't agree with you on this subject.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

28.04.2013 um 11:14
Ivy ‏@Ivy_4MJ
We at MJJC will try to do out best to keep MJ fans informed. Everyone is free to follow whichever source they want.Whether it's us or others
Wir bei der MJJC werden versuchen, dass Beste für Euch zu bringen, um MJ Fans auf dem Laufenden zu halten. Jeder ist frei, der Quelle zu folgen, der er folgen möchte. Unabhängig davon, ob wir es sind oder andere
5:32 AM - 28 Apr 13
Ivy ‏@Ivy_4MJ
Reporting / summarizing the upcoming KJ- AEG trial is a service for MJ fans. It's not a ego or popularity race.
Berichterstattung / Zusammenfassung des kommenden KJ-AEG-Gerichtsverfahrens, ist ein Service für MJ Fans. Es ist kein Ego- oder Beliebtheitsrennen.
5:31 AM - 28 Apr 13


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

28.04.2013 um 11:34
28. April 2013 09:51; Akt: 28.04.2013 10:01

Michael Jacksons Familie will Geld

mjgericht zpsa06dd07d
In einem Gerichtssaal in Los Angeles werden die letzten Wochen vor dem Tod von Popstar Michael Jackson noch einmal lebendig.

Der Tod des "King of Pop" liegt vier Jahre zurück, doch der Fall Michael Jackson lebt jetzt vor Gericht wieder auf. Die Familie des Sängers zieht den Konzertveranstalter AEG Live zur Rechenschaft.

In einem Gerichtssaal in Los Angeles werden die letzten Wochen vor dem Tod von Popstar Michael Jackson noch einmal lebendig. Mit den Eröffnungsplädoyers geht es am Montag in der Westküstenmetropole in die heiße Phase eines Justiz-Thrillers, in dem schockierende Einzelheiten aus dem 50-jährigen Leben des Sängers ans Licht kommen dürften. Es geht um Jacksons Medikamentensucht, seinen Marktwert als "King of Pop", um Profitsucht im Musikgeschäft. Und um Millionen oder gar Milliarden für die Hinterbliebenen.

Jacksons Mutter Katherine (82) und seine drei Kinder haben den amerikanischen Konzertveranstalter AEG Live auf Schadenersatz verklagt. Sie werfen dem Unternehmen unter anderem vor, die Gesundheit und Sicherheit des Stars aus Geldgier vernachlässigt zu haben. Das Unternehmen organisierte die für Sommer 2009 geplanten Comeback-Konzerte des Sängers in London. Wenige Woche vor dem Auftakt starb Jackson - am 25. Juni 2009 - an der Überdosis eines Narkosemittels, das er zum Einschlafen nutzte.

Auswahl der Geschworenen

Die mühsame Auswahl von zwölf Geschworenen in den vergangenen drei Wochen war der Vorgeschmack auf einen langwierigen Prozess, der sich nach Einschätzung des Gerichts bis zu vier Monate hinziehen könnte. Aus einem Pool von über 100 Kandidaten wurde ein Gremium von sechs Männern und sechs Frauen herausgefiltert. Dutzende waren ausgeschieden, allein weil sie ihrem Job nicht so lange fernbleiben konnten. "Ihr könnt euer Leben nun fortsetzen", gab Richterin Yvette Palazuelos denen, die am Ende nicht verpflichtet wurden, mit auf den Weg, berichtete die "Los Angeles Times".

Schnell geht es bei Jackson-Prozessen nie zu. Als der Sänger 2005 im kalifornischen Santa Maria wegen Verdachts auf Kindesmissbrauch vor Gericht stand, zog sich das Verfahren über vier Monate hin. Es endete mit einem für Jackson triumphalen Freispruch in allen Anklagepunkten. Auch der Prozess gegen den Leibarzt des Sängers, Conrad Murray, machte im Herbst 2011 über Monate hinweg Schlagzeilen. Der Herzspezialist wurde wegen fahrlässiger Tötung zur Höchststrafe von vier Jahren Haft verurteilt. Murray hatte dem schlaflosen Sänger über Wochen hinweg das Narkosemittel Propofol gegeben, das ihn am Ende das Leben kostete.

Leibarzt Murray

Jacksons Familie will AEG Live für die Einstellung von Murray zur Verantwortung ziehen. Der Leibarzt sollte den Sänger bei seinen Proben für die Auftritte gesund halten. AEG-Anwälte argumentieren, Jackson selbst habe Murray gewählt. Die Familie erhebt schwere Vorwürfe. Der Sänger sei bei seinen letzten Proben körperlich am Ende gewesen. Der Veranstalter habe den labilen Zustand gekannt, den Star aber nicht geschont. Murray sei unter Druck gesetzt worden, seinen Patienten um jeden Preis fit zu machen. E-Mails und vertrauliche Anweisungen der Konzertmanager sollen der Anklage als Beweisstücke dienen.

Neben Familienangehörigen des Sängers könnten unter anderem Jacksons Ex-Frau Lisa Marie Presley, die Musiker Prince und Diana Ross und Regisseur Spike Lee in den Zeugenstand treten. Zudem sollen Ärzte, frühere Mitarbeiter des Popstars und Manager aus der Plattenindustrie aussagen. Mit Spannung wird auch der mögliche Auftritt von Jacksons älteren Kinder, Prince (16) und Paris (14), erwartet. Beide wurden von den Anwälten des Konzertveranstalters bereits in die Mangel genommen. Nur der zehnjährige Blanket, der beim Tod seines Vaters gerade sechs Jahre alt war, blieb von eidesstattlichen Aussagen verschont.

Fehlende Showeinnahmen

Die Angehörigen wollen mit einer Summe entschädigt werden, die Jackson nach seiner Comeback-Tour und einem Karriereschub hätte verdienen können. Ein Experte schätzte vorab, dass der frühere "King of Pop" nach den London-Konzerten in Las Vegas über 260 Millionen Dollar (200 Millionen Euro) an Show-Einnahmen hätte kassieren können. Dies sei bloß Hoffnung und ein Traum, aber keine Grundlage für eine Entschädigung, konterte die Verteidigung in einer Anhörung.

Das zu erwartende Drama im Gerichtssaal wird diesmal nicht von Kameras mitverfolgt. Mehrere TV-Sender hatten den Antrag gestellt, das Verfahren live ausstrahlen zu dürfen, doch die Richterin sprach sich dageben aus. An Schaulustigen und Blitzlichtern vor dem Gericht dürfte es aber nicht fehlen.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

28.04.2013 um 11:45 (Archiv-Version vom 01.05.2013)

Debbie Rowe in Beverly Hills, am 6. August 2009 ...


Debbie Rowe auf ihrer Ranch in Palmdale, am 9. September 2009 ...



MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

28.04.2013 um 14:24
MJJCommunity ‏@MJJCommunity
Please read - Katherine Jackson vs. AEG Live Case organization and (possible) transcripts #KJvsAEG
4:54 AM - 27 Apr 13

aus Eintrag #1 .. User: Ivy

As the trial is scheduled to start this coming monday (April 29) , It's time to discuss case organization, and possibly buying transcripts.
da der Prozess am kommenden Montag (29. April) beginnen soll, ist es Zeit, um Fall-Organisation und möglichen Kauf von Transkripten, zu besprechen.

Case Organization

This is how the case organization will work.

There will be one

- Video thread (no discussion)
- Picture thread (no discussion)

These will be open to all members to post videos and pictures but discussion should not be done on these threads.

There will be one

- Summary thread ( no discussion )

This will be closed thread. It will be regularly updated at the end of the day by staff from daily media stories. This thread is for everyone to follow the daily developments easily and quickly.

There might be one

- Transcript summary thread (no discussion)

This will be closed thread. It will be updated by staff if & when we get transcripts of proceedings. See more info about this below.

There will be daily

- news only thread (no discussion)
- discussion thread

Moderators will start these daily threads at the morning of each trial day. News only thread is for every member to follow and post the news it would not have any discussion. Daily discussion thread is for every kind of discussion. The next day moderators will close the previous day threads and start new ones. Daily news threads will be merged to form one big news only thread.

At this time we are asking every member to be active participants and post news stories, tweets from media sources, videos and pictures to appropriate threads to keep everyone updated.


While we were previously discussing the trial buying transcripts were brought up. We have at least one member who is willing to pay to buy transcripts. Now is the time to discuss transcript issue.

We are expecting daily court transcripts to range anywhere from 200 to 300 pages. The cost for same day transcripts are $1.50 per page. The cost per page goes down to $1.05 if we wait 3 court days.

So we are looking at anywhere between $210 to $450 for daily transcripts. Given the trial expected to take 60 to 90 days, it's obvious that we can never afford to buy them all.

We have discussed to buy the transcripts 3 day delayed at the reduced cost of $1.05 and only buy partial transcripts - testimony of witnesses we are interested in- such as Jacksons, AEG people,Branca and so on and do not buy expert witnesses.

As I said we have at least one member who volunteered to pay for some of the transcripts. At this time we are asking your opinions about a whether or not to start a transcript donation fund and your opinions about buying transcripts. Please keep in mind that:

- they will be 3 days delayed to save costs
- almost certainly we can't afford to buy it all
- transcripts cannot be posted in full. transcripts are copyrighted by the court reporter. So even if you donate to transcript fund, you will only see summaries of them posted.

Given this limitations, please comment on this thread about your opinions on transcripts and a possible transcript donation fund.

Please don't send any money for transcripts now. We will decide whether to open a donation fund based on comments. We will also wait to see how in detail the media reports and if transcripts are needed or not.


beim Forum wurden extra zwei neue Threads eingerichtet, um dieses Verfahren zu verfolgen ... einer informativ ... einer mit Diskussion ... smilie les 049 zpsda83d0e3
Danke Lena, eine gute Sache ... :)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

28.04.2013 um 14:58
und der darf doch im Medien-Zirkus nicht fehlen ... Stacy Brown meldet sich zu Wort ... :D

Jacko-girl blood ties
Daughter bonds with ma

Last Updated: 3:57 AM, April 28, 2013
Posted: 1:12 AM, April 28, 2013

She’s Mommy Weirdest.

Debbie Rowe, the nurse who married Michael Jackson in 1996 and bore two of his three kids in a weird $8 million arrangement, is developing a bond with Jacko’s daughter, Paris.

Family members say the 15-year-old even wants to live with her mother.

Rowe, 54, owns a farm in the Antelope Valley near Palmdale, Calif., where Paris has been visiting, riding horses, and recently stayed overnight.

Rowe gave birth to Prince and Paris, and later agreed to relinquish her parental rights for an $8 million payout.

Mother and daughter initially began spending brief periods of time together after Child Protective Services descended upon the Jackson family compound in Encino shortly after Jacko’s death in 2009 to check on the welfare of the children. But it was in 2011 that the pair ramped up their phone conversations.

281N014jackokids1--300x300 zps28f30983
ODD COUPLE: In exchange for $8 million, Debbie Rowe gave up parental rights to her two kids by Michael Jackson.

“They talked about the weather, they talked about Neverland and the various places they’ve been to around the world,” the source said. “It was delicate, I’m sure, for Debbie, who let Paris do most of the talking. Now, it’s both of them; they gab a lot.”

The pair has even chuckled about the time when Paris and her siblings were forced to wear masks in public. Rowe admitted it was her idea because she feared someone would try to kidnap them if they revealed their faces.

Sometimes now they even wear matching outfits.

“They talk about animals. Michael loved animals, so it’s one of those things that they all have in common. They talk about show business, and play games of ‘What would daddy do.’”

“Paris misses her dad so much, so I think her wanting to be close to her mother is a natural thing,” the family source said. “She has said as much.”

The Post has also learned that Paris has asked her grandmother, Katherine, to make provisions to staff the famed but dilapidated Neverland Ranch so she and Rowe could spend a week there this summer.

“Paris is hopeful that Prince and [Michael’s youngest child] Blanket will come along, as well, so that they all can feel even closer to their dad,” the source said. However, those same sources told The Post that Prince, 16, Rowe’s oldest child with Jacko, remains aloof.

“There are some issues, and Prince definitely has some questions,” a family source said. “There are ordinary things, such as why she was reluctant to step in before? Why she signed them away like they were objects? Prince also wonders whether she is like so many others who see them as a meal ticket either for money or fame.”

Despite recent reports that claimed Prince is okay with the reunion, sources told The Post that he is not. “He goes out of his way not to be a part of whatever Debbie and his sister are doing,” the source said.

Jacko’s youngest child, Blanket, 10, has a different mother, who has never been identified. All three children currently live with their grandmother and guardian, Katherine, at a rented mansion in Calabasas, while their Encino home is under renovation. Prince is said to be dating the young Kuwaiti princess, Remi Alfalah, whose family has a net worth north of $400 million.

While Rowe’s motives may be in question, one concern isn’t money. In addition to her Jacko payout, her millionaire stepdad owns property in Malibu and she is a private nurse in Beverly Hills.

Rowe was introduced to Jacko in 1995 by the singer’s dermatologist, Arnold Klein. Jacko and former wife Lisa Marie were divorcing and the “Thriller” singer confided to Klein how desperately he wanted children. Klein told his star patient about Rowe and assured Jacko that she could be trusted.

They married a year later in Australia, when Rowe was six months pregnant with Prince.

The pop star was in the region to seal a business deal with the Saudi Prince, Bin Talal Bin Abdulaziz Al Saud Alwaleed, when it was revealed that Rowe was expecting his child.

Jacko and the prince were forming a venture called, “Kingdom Entertainment.” .Fearing he would insult Alwaleed and the Arab culture by being an un-wed father, Jacko summoned Rowe Down Under for a brief wedding ceremony which concluded with the newlyweds sealing the nuptials with a slight peck on the cheek.

The freshly married couple, however, spent the night in separate hotel suites and, shortly afterwards, Rowe returned to California.

“Did you think there would be a honeymoon? This was a marriage of convenience,” the source said. “There was never any, ‘I love you,’ no sex, nothing like that. It was business only and ironclad confidential agreements.”

* Stacy Brown is a journalist and former longtime friend of the Jackson family.
Amn. aber bestimmt nicht von allen Familienmitgliedern!!!!

