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MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

23.746 Beiträge ▪ Schlüsselwörter: Mord, Michael Jackson, Verurteilung ▪ Abonnieren: Feed E-Mail

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

29.11.2011 um 05:12
@ all

ein "sauberes früchtchen", dieser D.W..... SO kommt man natürlich auf eine "10-jährige tägigkeit".... ist halt alles eine frage des betrachters.....

01. März 2006: Neues Buch von Michael? (Archiv-Version vom 12.04.2013)

z0DOBU DW-buch

Amazon führt ein neues Buch, als dessen Autor Michael Jackson angegeben wird: ein Fotobuch namens "My World", welches neben zahlreichen Bildern auch Gedichte von Michael Jackson enthält und das am 30. März 2006 erscheinen soll. Hier die Beschreibung von "Der King of Pop Michael Jackson bricht sein Schweigen. In seinem ersten Buch seit 14 Jahren versucht die lebende Pop-Ikone, sich der Welt zu erklären. In 'My World' spricht Jackson über die Idole seiner Kindheit, seine Inspiration, und darüber, wie es ist, das berühmteste Leben der Welt mit nur wenig Normalität zu leben.

Das Buch enthält über 40 vollfarbige Bilder aus Michael Jacksons privatem Archiv. Die niemals zuvor veröffentlichten Photos zeigen Michael Jackson auf der Bühne, im Studio, bei Preisverleihungen und ganz privat zu Hause. Ein photographischer Rückblick auf seine Karriere und sein einzigartiges Leben auf und abseits der Bühne. Eine Nahaufnahme eines der größten Entertainer der Welt, eines menschlichen Wesens mit Emotionen und faszinierenden Gedanken, die das Resultat von 40 Jahren im weltweiten Scheinwerferlicht sind. Zusammenfassung: Michael Jacksons sehr persönliche Retrospektive seines Lebens, in Bildern und einigen handgeschriebenen Gedichten."

01. März 2006: Vorsicht!

Das neue Buch, von dem wir früher am heutigen Tag berichteten, ist nicht von Michael Jackson selbst. Es wird von D. W. herausgegeben, der ja seit einem Rechtsstreit Michaels Namen für verschiedene Produkte benutzen darf.

Raymone K. Bain schrieb zu diesem Thema: "Mr. Jackson hat das Buch weder authorisiert, noch war ihm bekannt, dass es veröffentlicht wird."


und das ist längst nicht alles, was es so über D.W. und seine "geschäfte" zu berichten gibt ;).....

ja, eine ganz ehrliche haut, dieser D.W. !..... ihm kann man VOLL vertrauen, er erzählt NUR die wahrheit und meinte es (als einziger) IMMER nur GUT mit MJ.....

viel spaß beim lesen von D.W's "WAHRE geschichte(n) über Michael Jackson".....

im himmel ist jahrmarkt und D.W. verkauft etlichen fans von MJ bis heute noch immer eintrittskarten für dieses (sein) event (für "nur" 22,99 €):) :) :).....

1x zitiertmelden

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

29.11.2011 um 08:29
Dr. Murray's Mom
Begs Judge for Mercy

11/28/2011 4:45 PM PST BY TMZ STAFF

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Link zum Dokument: (Archiv-Version vom 15.12.2011)

Dr. Conrad Murray's mother says she's "suffering" from overwhelming sadness because her only son is incarcerated -- and has begged the judge to go easy on the Doc when it comes to his sentence.

Mrs. Milta Rush sent a letter to Judge Pastor -- explaining why Murray deserves mercy ... because he's a good person who has "never drank alcohol, took drugs or smoked cigarettes in his life."

Milta explains, "He has never been in trouble with the law before and I am barely standing, scared and worried sick about him being incarcerated."

"He is saddened and remorseful about the death of his friend Michael Jackson and I do believe he is certainly learning the toughest lesson of his life."

Milta continues, "I sympathize with Mrs. Jackson as a mother; I feel her pain for having lost her son. I sense she was very close to her son. I really wanted to approach her personally and tell her I am sorry for the loss of her son but I was unsure if she would be receptive, and I did not want to take the chance of violating the courts rules. I am sorry for her loss."

"Judge Pastor, Conrad, is my son and as a mother I must say I know him inside out. He is sorry for what happened to Michael and had no intent towards him."

"I humbly beg for your heart felt consideration of everything I have said about Conrad, and ask for your compassion and leniency in giving him probation or community service."

Dr. Murray's sentencing hearing is scheduled for tomorrow.
Have Mercy!


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

29.11.2011 um 08:44
Zitat von CosmicQueenCosmicQueen schrieb: Ja das ist ja ganz toll für Murray, wenn er meint er hätte nichts falsch gemacht. Wie kann man nur so blöd sein und keinerlei Schuldbekenntnisse machen und dann auch noch hoffen, man käme damit auch noch durch? Wenn jeder normale Arz,t so eine Behandlung abgelehnt hätte, warum glaubt dann Murray weiterhin das seie alles schon ok gewesen?
Murray scheint tatsächlich davon überzeugt zu sein, dass er nichts falsch gemacht hätte ... es sind immer nur die anderen ... er nicht ... poor CONRAD MURRAY
aber genau DAS passt zu einem Soziopathen ... und Murray ist ein Soziopath ...


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

29.11.2011 um 09:23
Zitat von Benny007Benny007 schrieb:aber logisch, dass hierzu auch ein alter bekannter zählt, der augenblicklich (wieder einmal) versucht, ins licht der öffentlichkeit zu treten :)
auch D.W. hat sehr schnell erkannt, wie man sich mit "fremden Federn" schmücken kann ... und dabei natürlich auch noch viel Geld verdient ... dazu gehört dann wohl auch eine "tolle" Hompage, die vieles bestätigen soll ... natürlich alles etwas "geschönt" ...

ja, so fing die Verbindung MJ & D.W. an, dass sich D.W. als "Handelsvertreter" an MJ "herangetastet" hatte, um evtl. einen gemeinsamen Vertrieb eines Energy-Drinks aufzubauen ...

und Merchandising, scheint noch immer D.W.s Welt zu sein ...

wer noch einen Blick auf die Seiten von D.W. werfen möchte, hier ist der entsprechende Link (Archiv-Version vom 09.12.2011)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

29.11.2011 um 09:31
Zitat von Benny007Benny007 schrieb:ein "sauberes früchtchen", dieser D.W..... SO kommt man natürlich auf eine "10-jährige tägigkeit".... ist halt alles eine frage des betrachters.....
genau so ist es ... man muss es nur "glaubhaft" darstellen, dann scheint es schon zu klappen ... :D

ja, die Seiten von der "Swiss Michael Jackson Community" hatte ich am 25.11.2011 um 18:09h eingestellt, sie sind wirklich interessant ... und auch teilweise sehr hilfreich ... :)

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MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

29.11.2011 um 09:36
@ all

und jetzt soll noch mal jemand sagen, WIR sind böse zu poor Conrad Murray :)..... andere machen sich ganz anders über ihn lustig..... englischer humor ist schon heftig....

Justin Bieber: “My Tixylix hell at the hands of Conrad Murray”"

Justin Bieber: "Meine Tixylix-Hölle in den Händen von Conrad Murray

Murray Latest: At a press conference given just hours before Michael Jackson’s former doctor is sentenced, Justin Bieber broke down in tears, admitting, "Conrad Murray regularly gave me spoonfuls of Tixylix – whether I had a little cough or not. It was hell."

dAFeVi justin-bieber

Defending himself, Murray said, "Justin spooned it in himself and I always sat with him afterwards to make sure he was OK while he talked utter nonsense."

On his worst Tixylix bender Bieber allegedly didn’t cough for 5 days straight.

"He was like a man possessed," Murray said, "by nice polite demons, literally asking me calmly for the recommended dose for a child his age and always remembering to say please and thank you."

"It was a wild few nights," shuddered Murray, "but two 5ml spoons of Tixylix every 8 hours can do that to Justin."

"Make sure my fans get their knickers back at the end of the gig Mum," were the last words Bieber allegedly mumbled before adorably drifting off to sleep on Murray’s lap.


the poke - about us

The Poke is the fastest growing humour site in the UK with over 650,000 unique users and 2.5 Million page impressions per month.

We aim to deliver an ultimate antidote to the daily grind – so on here you’ll get original spoof news stories, videos and artwork PLUS we’ll also bring you funniest stuff on the web, occasionally even WEEKS before you’ll see it anywhere else.

The site is produced by a collective of enthusiasts – up-and-coming comedy writers, photoshop wizards and tech geniuses.

We aim to champion all manner of new and exciting comedy talents rising up from the interwebs and give them a platform. (Archiv-Version vom 01.12.2011)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

29.11.2011 um 09:55
hmmmm....was ist das? (Archiv-Version vom 12.11.2011)

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MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

29.11.2011 um 09:59
Michael Jackson's mom wants doctor to get maximum time

By Alan Duke, CNN
November 29, 2011 -- Updated 0821 GMT (1621 HKT)


* Katherine Jackson's thoughts on Dr. Conrad Murray are in a report prepared for the judge
* Murray's "compassion and his soft heartedness" led to his troubles, the doctor's mother says
* Murray could get anything from probation to four years in prison Tuesday

Story Highlights

* Katherine Jacksons Gedanken über Dr. Conrad Murray sind in einem Bericht für den Richter vorbereitet
* Murrays "Mitgefühl und seine Weichherzigkeit" führten zu seinen Sorgen, sagt die Mutter des Arztes
* Murray könnte am Dienstag alles von Bewährung bis zu vier Jahren Gefängnis bekommen

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Dr. Conrad Murray was found guilty of involuntary manslaughter in the death of singer Michael Jackson.

Los Angeles (CNN) -- Michael Jackson's mother says she's hoping Dr. Conrad Murray will get the harshest sentence possible, four years in a state prison, in the death of her son.

"I don't believe that he intended for Michael to die," Katherine Jackson told CNN Monday. "He was just taking a chance."

A jury found Murray guilty of involuntary manslaughter three weeks ago, and Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Michael Pastor set Tuesday for his sentencing.

Pastor, who sent Murray directly to jail after he was convicted this month, has a choice ranging between probation and up to four years in a state prison. But measures to relieve California prison and jail crowding could significantly shorten his time locked up.

Prosecutors successfully argued that Murray's reckless use of the surgical anesthetic propofol to help Jackson sleep, without proper monitoring equipment, led to the pop icon's death.

Testimony during his trial revealed that Murray gave propofol nearly every night in the two months before the singer's death on June 25, 2009, as Jackson prepared for his comeback concerts set for London the next month.

Katherine Jackson and several of her children will be in court for the sentencing Tuesday, but her grandchildren Prince, Paris and Blanket will not. They'll be at school, she said.

She was uncertain whether anyone from the family would speak in court, but she was interviewed by a probation officer who will include her thoughts in the report to the judge, Jackson said.

Murray's elderly mother, Milta Rush, wrote a letter to the judge asking for mercy, saying "his compassion and his soft heartedness for others led to this dilemma."

Prosecutors are asking for the maximum four years behind bars, and they want Murray to pay Jackson's children more than $100 million in restitution. Defense lawyers want probation, not prison time.

Each side will have a chance to present oral arguments Tuesday, but their positions were detailed in sentencing memos filed with the judge last week.

Murray has "displayed a complete lack of remorse" about Jackson's death, and is, "even worse, failing to accept even the slightest level of responsibility," deputy district attorneys David Walgren and Deborah Brazil wrote.

The prosecutors cited Murray's decision not to testify in his own defense, even while he was giving interviews for a documentary that aired days after the verdict.

"In each of these interviews, the defendant has very clearly stated that he bears no responsibility for Michael Jackson's death," the prosecutors said. "Moreover, the defendant has continued to express concern only for his individual plight and portrays himself, not the decedent, as the victim."

"I don't feel guilty because I did not do anything wrong," Murray said in the documentary quoted by the prosecution.

"Finally, the defendant consistently blames the victim for his own death, even going so far as to characterize himself as being 'entrapped' by the victim and as someone who suffered a 'betrayal' at the hands of the victim," the prosecutors said.

Jackson's death came as he was preparing for a series of comeback concerts in London, which the defense argued pressured the singer to seek sleep or risk having the concerts canceled.

The prosecutors contend in their sentencing memo that Murray should be ordered to pay Jackson's three children restitution for the subsequent "wage and profits lost," as provided under California's "victim's bill of rights" law.

The singer's "estate estimates Michael Jackson's projected earnings for the 50-show O2 concert series to be $100,000,000," the prosecutors said.

With nearly $2 million in funeral expenses and 10% interest added each year, the prosecution is asking Pastor to order Murray to pay Prince, Paris and Blanket Jackson more than $120 million in restitution.

While it is doubtful that Murray, who is unlikely to ever practice medicine again, could pay much of that sum, it could prevent him from reaping financial benefits from any books, interviews or film projects in the future.

Defense lawyers, in their sentencing memo, said Murray is suffering "manifold collateral consequences" because of the felony conviction.

The memo included a biography of Murray that described him as "a self-made man of humble origins," who paid his own way through medical school without scholarships or family funds.

"He was raised in a home that lacked indoor plumbing or electricity, and he walked to school barefoot for his first couple years of school," the defense said.

He worked as a doctor for 20 years, with "no prior contacts with the law," and many of his patients were elderly in low-income, underserved communities, the defense said.

"It seems reasonable that the transgression for which he is to be judged should be viewed within the context of the larger life of which it is a part," it said.

The defense challenges the prosecution's contention that Murray is not remorseful.

"Dr. Murray wishes to make it unmistakenly clear to everyone that he deeply mourns the loss of Michael Jackson's life, and he profoundly regrets any mistakes or oversights on his part that may have contributed to it," the defense said.

The judge should also consider "the manifold collateral consequences that Dr. Murray has sustained as a result of his mistake," the defense said, including the loss of his medical career, the public disgrace and loss of privacy.

"Dr. Murray has been described as a changed, grief-stricken man, who walks around under a pall of sadness since the loss of his patient, Mr. Jackson," the defense said.

The defense memo included a letter from Murray's elderly mother, Milta Rush. She sat in court for much of her son's trial, just a few feet away from Jackson's mother.

"I sympathize with Mrs. Jackson as a mother," Rush wrote in a letter to the judge. "I sense she was very close to her son. I really wanted to approach her personally and tell her I am sorry for the loss of her son, but I was unsure if she would be receptive, and I did not want to take the chance of violating court rules. I am sorry for all her loss."

While Murray's mother told the judge her son is "saddened and remorseful" about Jackson's death, she said "his compassion and his soft heartedness for others led to this dilemma."

The defense contends that Murray was trying to help Jackson, who was desperate for sleep so he could be ready for rehearsals. "His compassionate intentions should not be overlooked," it said.

"The victim was a willing recipient of the medications administered," the defense said. "In fact, Mr. Jackson had repeatedly begged Dr. Murray for propofol to overcome his insomnia so that he could sleep."

Murray does not pose a safety threat to the public, it said. "The likelihood of recurrence is essentially nonexistent since Conrad Murray's medical license has been suspended."

Aside from the arguments of what Murray deserves, the defense contends that California's prison and jail crowding mean that "neither the space nor the public funds exist to continue imprisoning nonviolent, nondangerous offenders who do not need to be incapacitated for the sake of public safety."

"Dr. Murray is clearly such a defendant," the defense said. "He is an individual who remained free on bond for more than two years prior to the jury verdict, adhering assiduously to all of the bond conditions that had been imposed."

If Murray takes up a state prison or county jail cell, it "may mean that someone else with higher potential for violence will be released," the defense said.

Instead, the defense proposed that Murray could be sentenced to community service along with probation.

"Though he will perhaps not again be a doctor qualified to make diagnoses, he could educate and counsel patients about heart care and disease prevention," it said. "There are many nonprofit clinics and organizations that would benefit from his participation, if ordered to perform community service as a condition of his sentence and a means of 'putting some water back into the public well.'"


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

29.11.2011 um 10:09
und jetzt soll noch mal jemand sagen, WIR sind böse zu poor CONRAD MURRAY
:) ..... andere machen sich ganz anders über ihn lustig..... englischer humor ist schon heftig....
ja, da gibt es etliche Satireblättchen, die viel "Spoof" [Parodie, Schwindel, Burleske, Veräppelung und (nett gemeinte) Verarschung] und auch den berühmt berüchtigten "Schwarzen Humor" verbreiten ... einfach köstlich ... :D ... ist aber nicht jedermanns Sache ... :D


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

29.11.2011 um 10:10
Zitat von FaIrIeFlOwErFaIrIeFlOwEr schrieb:ja, die Seiten von der "Swiss Michael Jackson Community" hatte ich am 25.11.2011 um 18:09h eingestellt, sie sind wirklich interessant ... und auch teilweise sehr hilfreich ... :)
ja, von denen haben wir schon des öfteren was eingestellt, nicht nur in letzter zeit :).... und besonders deren archiv ist ausgesprochen interessant, denn dort findet man vieles, was inzwischen schon fast wieder untergegangen ist.....


wie ist dein gefühl für den heutigen gerichtstermin? ;).....

irgendwie verstehe ich nicht, wieso Murray und seine anwälte so sehr auf bewährung und gnade hoffen mit der begründung, Murray würde alles ja sooooo sehr bereuen.....

Murray behauptet doch bis heute, er hat nichts falsch gemacht, und er ist unschuldig..... also, was sollte er dann bereuen (müssen)?..... bereuen kann/sollte man bestenfalls fehler, die man begangen hat - aber wenn man doch unschuldig ist???? :) :).....

und ich wundere mich noch immer, warum das "sentencing memorandum" der verteidigung noch immer nicht im netz ist :) - bisher konnte es ihnen doch nicht schnell genug gehen, die öffentlichkeit zu informieren.... natürlich alles ooooohne ihr wissen über "quellen, die nicht genannt werden möchten" :)...... dieser Mark Fierro scheint sein handwerk wirklich zu verstehen, denn selbst daran hat er gedacht:
"I specifically asked not to be involved in any of the financial aspects," [anm. gemeint sind finanzielle aspekte aus der doku] said defense publicist Mark Fierro.
wobei sich ein weiteres mal die frage stellt, WOVON Murray das alles bezahlt?.....

- am 25.06.2009 hatte Murray schulden in höhe von mind. 800.000 $
- er konnte seit dem kaum noch einkommen erzielen
- hat die erwarteten 300.000 $ von MJ/AEG nicht erhalten

- mind. 4 anwälte (mit dem für seine haftpflichtversicherung sogar 5)
- mind. 1 jury-berater
- diverse medizinische experten
- erst eine presse-sprechering (Miranda Sevcik) - jetzt einen publizisten (Mark Fierro)

und ganz sicher gibt es noch weitere kosten, die uns (bisher) nur nicht bekannt sind..... und damit meine ich NICHT die von Walgren/Brazil geforderten schadensersatzzahlungen ;)....

2x zitiertmelden

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

29.11.2011 um 10:24

von mir aus soll Murray die höchststrafe erhalten. warte jetzt gespannt wie sich richter pastor entscheidet.

2x zitiertmelden

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

29.11.2011 um 10:36
Zitat von Benny007Benny007 schrieb:ja, von denen haben wir schon des öfteren was eingestellt, nicht nur in letzter zeit :) .... und besonders deren archiv ist ausgesprochen interessant, denn dort findet man vieles, was inzwischen schon fast wieder untergegangen ist.....
ich hatte es speziell auf deren Archiv bezogen, denn darum ging es bei der Einstellung ... ja, die anderen Seiten sind auch oftmals hilfreich ... diese Jutta Müller hat viele interessante Informationen zusammengetragen ... :) und es stimmt, wir haben schon vieles davon hier eingestellt ... :)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

29.11.2011 um 10:42
@ all

hier ein auszug aus einem insgesamt sehr interessanten, aber auch sehr langen bericht.....
It is expected that individuals victimized by the crime will address the court and deliver what are called "impact statements." Members of the Jackson family would be entitled to be heard if they so choose, according to Darren Kavinoky, a private attorney and NBCLA legal analyst who has been following the Murray case.

Michael Jackson's daughter Paris, now 13, spoke at his 2009 public memorial. Her uncle Jermaine Jackson has served as a family spokesman and could also speak in court. Family matriarch Katherine Jackson attended nearly ever day of the six-week trial and is expected to be present for Murray's sentencing.

As during the trial, Judge Pastor will permit a live video feed from the coutroom. But that feed may be interrupted during the impact statements, according to an advisory issued by the Los Angeles Superior Court Public Information Office.

"Judge Pastor may rule that some or all individuals making impact statements not be filmed, recorded or photographs," read the statement, which also warned that coutroom seating will be limited.

A source close to the defense told NBCLA that the defense's sentencing presentation may rely on the letters and not have anyone, apart from his legal counsel, speak in person. The same source indicated Murray would not speak on his own behalf.
also das übliche hin und her: Murray sagt aus - Murray sagt nicht aus.... in ca. 7 stunden sind wir schlauer :) :).....


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

29.11.2011 um 10:53
Zitat von TellmewhyTellmewhy schrieb:hmmmm....was ist das?
das dürfte doch klar sein.... darüber hatten wir doch letzte woche schon ausführlich berichtet ;).....

Zitat von EC145EC145 schrieb:von mir aus soll Murray die höchststrafe erhalten. warte jetzt gespannt wie sich richter pastor entscheidet.
ja, darauf hoffe ich auch :)....


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

29.11.2011 um 10:55

...ja in 7 Stunden können wir hoffentlich einen "Freuden-Schwanentanz" aufführen.

Guten Morgen an dieser Stelle an meine geliebte Theatergruppe... :-))


Berichtet ja, aber irgendwie...ich weiß auch nicht...? ...Schweinegrippe...Handtaschen...Bücher...Schminkaktionen?


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

29.11.2011 um 10:56
Übrigens sehr ruhig zurzeit????


Da passiert wohl was am 06. Dezember 2011

Quelle: (Archiv-Version vom 13.12.2011)



MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

29.11.2011 um 11:01
@Merchandising Nikolaus...wie passend...


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

29.11.2011 um 12:17

schön, dass du wieder werbung in eigener sache machst..... noch schöner wäre es allerdings, wenn du auch mal die fragen beantworten würdest, die man an dich richtet ;)....

aber wir haben in den letzten tagen hier so viel geschrieben, da hast du es vielleicht einfach übersehen :).... deshalb noch mal zur erinnerung

Beitrag von Benny007 (Seite 738)

wäre schon schön, wenn du uns nicht dumm sterben lässt, sondern über die hintergrundinformationen, über die du ja nach eigenen aussagen verfügst, auch aufklärst :)....


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

29.11.2011 um 16:46
Conrad Murray
He Could Get More Time
Because He Killed MJ

60 minutes ago BY TMZ STAFF

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Judges, proseuctors and criminal lawyers who have spoken with TMZ agree ... Conrad Murray should not get the maximum sentence -- 4 years in prison -- but the fact that he killed Michael Jackson changes everything.

It's not supposed to be this way -- the fame of the victim should be irrelevant -- but it's hard to ignore the fame of the victim.

The people we spoke with say the typical sentence for someone in a similar position -- no criminal history, an otherwise unblemished record -- would be a "blended sentence" -- a year or 2 in jail, and then a year or 2 of community service.

Judge Michael Pastor made it clear when he denied Murray bail -- he views the crime as extremely serious, possibly telegraphing a maximum sentence. It's hard to tell what Pastor will do, but almost everyone considers him a fair but stern judge.

The fact that the D.A. is asking for $100 million in restitution shows how much of a difference it makes that MJ is the victim. The reality is -- in terms of money -- Michael is worth more dead than alive, so there should be no restitution. His 3 kids will now get hundreds of millions in a windfall.

Here's the reality ... Murray will not serve a day in prison. Because of a new California law, any time he gets will be served in L.A. County Jail, and the amount of time will automatically be cut in half. And, Murray would be eligible for house arrest.

Sentencing is set for 8:30 AM. We'll be livestreaming.



MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

29.11.2011 um 16:53
Marlon Jackson
God Will Punish Conrad Murray

Marlon Jackson
Gott wird Conrad Murray strafen

11/29/2011 6:36 AM PST BY TMZ STAFF

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VIDEO im Bericht

Michael Jackson's older brother Marlon wants Judge Pastor to throw the book at Dr. Conrad Murray today -- but he insists Conrad's real punishment will come from God himself.

Marlon flew in to LAX yesterday -- presumably for today's sentencing hearing -- and told us he hopes Murray gets the maximum sentence ... but explains, "The real verdict will come down not on planet Earth ... the Lord will take care of what he needs to take care of."

The hearing is set for 8:30 AM PST -- we'll be livestreaming the entire thing.


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