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MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

23.746 Beiträge ▪ Schlüsselwörter: Mord, Michael Jackson, Verurteilung ▪ Abonnieren: Feed E-Mail

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

29.11.2011 um 23:58
@ all

man beachte besonders den von mir farbig markierten teil und darin die reihenfolge.... überrascht uns das?..... nein!.... es zeigt einmal mehr, wo die prioritäten dieser familie liegen und was ihnen WIRKLICH wichtig ist.....

Joe, als vater, der eine zivilklage gegen Murray anstrebt, hatte kein einziges wort übrig für den strafmassantrag gegen den mörder seines sohnes..... wenn man sich dagegen den inhalt seiner zivilklage ansieht.....

echt - diese familie kann mir gestohlen bleiben.....

Jackson doctor called suicidal after verdict (Archiv-Version vom 25.12.2011)

Published: Today

LOS ANGELES (AP) - The doctor convicted in the overdose death of Michael Jackson was sentenced to the maximum four years behind bars Tuesday by a judge who denounced him as a reckless physician whose actions were a "disgrace to the medical profession."

Dr. Conrad Murray sat stoically with his hands crossed as Superior Court Judge Michael Pastor repeatedly chastised him for what he called a "horrific violation of trust" while caring for Jackson.

However, Pastor conceded his sentence was constrained by a recent change in California law that requires Murray to serve his sentence in county jail rather than state prison.

Sheriff's officials later said Murray will serve a little less than two years behind bars while housed in a one-man cell and kept away from other prisoners.

"This is going to be a real test of our criminal justice system to see if it's meaningful at all," District Attorney Steve Cooley said.

Cooley said he was considering asking the judge to modify the sentence to classify the crime as a serious felony warranting incarceration in state prison.

The judge was relentless in his bashing of the 58-year-old Murray, saying he lied repeatedly and had not shown remorse for his actions in the treatment of Jackson. Pastor also said Murray's heavy use of the powerful anesthetic propofol to help Jackson battle insomnia violated his sworn obligation.

"It should be made very clear that experimental medicine is not going to be tolerated, and Mr. Jackson was an experiment," Pastor said. "Dr. Murray was intrigued by the prospect and he engaged in this money for medicine madness that is simply not going to be tolerated by me."

Pastor also said Murray has "absolutely no sense of fault, and is and remains dangerous" to the community.

The judge said one of the most disturbing aspects of Murray's case was a slurred recording of Jackson recovered from the doctor's cell phone.

"That tape recording was Dr. Murray's insurance policy," Pastor said. "It was designed to record his patient surreptitiously at that patient's most vulnerable point."

Defense attorney J. Michael Flanagan contended that nothing said during the hearing would have changed the judge's mind about the sentence.

Michael Jackson's family told Pastor in a statement read earlier that they were not seeking revenge but wanted Murray to receive a stiff sentence that served as a warning to opportunistic doctors.

It included elements from Jackson's parents, siblings and his three children.

"As his brothers and sisters, we will never be able to hold, laugh or perform again with our brother Michael," the statement said. "And as his children, we will grow up without a father, our best friend, our playmate and our dad."

The family told The Associated Press after the sentencing that they were pleased with the results.

"We're going to be a family. We're going to move forward. We're going to tour, play the music and miss him," brother Jermaine Jackson said. [anm. aber nur, wenn dafür noch genügend zeit bleibt, und somit sieht es zumindest für den letzten punkt ihrer pläne wohl eher schlecht aus]

Murray was convicted of involuntary manslaughter after a six-week trial that presented the most detailed account yet of Jackson's final hours but left many questions about Murray's treatment of the superstar with propofol.

The jury heard the recording of Jackson during the trial but defense attorneys never explained in court why Murray recorded the impaired singer six weeks before his death.

"We have to be phenomenal," he was heard saying about his "This Is It" comeback concerts in London. "When people leave this show, when people leave my show, I want them to say, 'I've never seen nothing like this in my life. Go. Go. I've never seen nothing like this. Go. It's amazing. He's the greatest entertainer in the world.'"

Before sentencing, lead defense attorney Ed Chernoff attacked Jackson, as he and his team frequently did during the doctor's trial. "Michael Jackson was a drug seeker," he said.

Murray did not directly address the court. After sentencing, he mouthed the words "I love you" to his mother and girlfriend in the courtroom.

Murray's mother, Milta Rush, sat alone on a bench in the courthouse hallway after the sentencing.

"My son is not what they charged him to be," she said quietly. "He was a gentle child from the time he was small. "

A probation report released after sentencing said Murray was listed as suicidal and mentally disturbed in jail records before his sentencing.

However, Murray's spokesman Mark Fierro said a defense attorney visited the cardiologist in jail last week and found him upbeat.

"That time is behind him," Fierro said. "He's a resilient man."

Murray was not interviewed by probation officers.

Jackson's death in June 2009 stunned the world, as did the ensuing investigation that led to Murray being charged in February 2010.

Murray told detectives he had been giving the singer nightly doses of propofol to help him sleep as he prepared for the series of comeback concerts.

Propofol is supposed to be used in hospital settings and has never been approved for sleep treatments, yet Murray acknowledged giving it to Jackson then leaving the room on the day the singer died.

Murray declined to testify during his trial but did opt to participate in a documentary in which he said he didn't consider himself guilty of any crime and blamed Jackson for entrapping him into administering the propofol doses. His attorneys contended throughout the case that Jackson must have given himself the fatal dose when Murray left the singer's bedside.

In their sentencing memorandum, prosecutors cited Murray's statements to advocate for the maximum term. They also want him to pay restitution to the singer's three children - Prince, Paris and Blanket.

The amount Murray has to pay will be determined at a hearing in January.

"Anything over a couple of dollars, he's not going to be able to pay anyway," Flanagan said.

Murray was deeply in debt when he agreed to serve as Jackson's personal physician for $150,000 a month, and the singer died before Murray received any money.

Prosecutors said the relationship of Jackson and Murray was corrupted by greed. Murray left his practices to serve as Jackson's doctor and look out for his well-being, but instead acted as an employee catering to the singer's desire to receive propofol to put him to sleep, prosecutors said.

Murray's attorneys relied largely on 34 letters from relatives, friends and former patients to portray Murray in a softer light and win a lighter sentence. The letters and defense filings described Murray's compassion as a doctor, including accepting lower payments from his mostly poor patients.

"There is no question that the death of his patient, Mr. Jackson, was unintentional and an enormous tragedy for everyone affected," defense attorneys wrote in their sentencing memo.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

30.11.2011 um 00:36
@ all

FlanaHICKS "großer tag" war wohl doch nicht so erfolgreich, wie er sich das erhofft hatte :).... die dazu gehörigen videos sind leider nur über TMZ direkt anzusehen....

Driven Away by Hecklers

Conrad Murray's Anwalt von Zwischenruflern vertrieben

Conrad Murray's defense attorney J. Michael Flanagan just stormed away from a news conference -- after he was ambushed by hecklers.

Flanagan was in the middle of making a statement, claiming, Murray "led 56 years of exemplary life" -- at which point he was interrupted by someone in the crowd ... "And then he killed Michael Jackson."

Flanagan asked for the hecklers to be removed ... but after nothing happened, Flanagan said, "I'm out of here."

und hierzu fällt mir nur eines ein: ACH WAS, ehrlich !!??..... welch frühe erkenntnis ! :) :) :).... aber ich denke, Murray hat dafür gar kein geld bekommen????.... über DIESE aussage wird sich der estate aber freuen :) :) :).....

The Documentary Was a Mistake

Dr. Murray's Anwalt: Die Dokumentation war ein Fehler

Conrad Murray's lawyer J. Michael Flanagan admits the decision to do a tell-all behind-the-scenes documentary was "probably a mistake" ... but tells "TMZ Live" the Doc really needed the money.

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MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

30.11.2011 um 00:52
@ all

hoffentlich ist das nicht wieder nur "wahl-geplauder" von Cooley :(.....
Cooley, however, said his office is considering an appeal that would ask the judge to send Murray to prison and serve more of his sentence. Cooley is a strong critic of the new state law.

He expressed concern that Murray could actually spend less than two years in county jail because of overcrowding at that facility.

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MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

30.11.2011 um 02:00
Murray muss vier Jahre ins Haft

Höchststrafe für den Arzt von Michael Jackson

Richter fand harte Worte für den Verurteilten.
Vorzeitige Entlassung und Hausarrest nicht ausgeschlossen.

Los Angeles. Michael Jacksons Leibarzt Conrad Murray ist am Dienstag in Los Angeles zu der möglichen Höchststrafe von vier Jahren verurteilt worden. Die Geschworenen hatten ihn bereits Anfang November wegen fahrlässiger Tötung für schuldig befunden. Jackson war am 25. Juni 2009 an einer Überdosis von Narkose- und Schlafmitteln gestorben. Richter Michael Pastor setzte nun das Strafmaß fest. Er hätte den 58 Jahre alten Herzspezialisten auch auf Bewährung frei lassen können.

Pastor fand harte Worte für Murray. Er habe seine ärztlichen Pflichten andauernd verletzt, gelogen und betrogen. Er habe keinerlei Reue gezeigt und sogar dem gestorbenen Patienten eine Mitschuld gegeben. Die Mutter des Sängers und mehrere Geschwister waren zugegen, als der Richter seine Entscheidung verkündete.

"Russisches Roulette"

Staatsanwalt David Walgren hatte in der Anhörung vor Gericht die Höchststrafe gefordert, weil Murray nach seinen Worten "grob fahrlässig" viele Fehler gemacht und seinen Patienten vernachlässigt habe sowie außerdem seine Taten nach dem Tod des Popstars zu vertuschen versucht habe. Walgren zufolge spielte Murray mit Jacksons Leben "russisches Roulette", indem er ihm täglich das starke Narkosemittel Propofol spritzte.

Murray selbst ergriff nicht das Wort, um den Richter um eine milde Strafe zu bitten. Auch während des Prozesses hatte er geschwiegen. Sein Anwalt Ed Chernoff stellte Jackson am Dienstag als reichen und mächtigen Patienten dar, der den Arzt ständig um Medikamente angebettelt habe.

Hausarrest möglich

Während des Prozesses argumentierte die Verteidigung, dass Jackson selbst zu der tödlichen Dosis gegriffen habe, als sein Arzt nicht im Raum war. Nach dem Schuldspruch Anfang November hatten Murrays Anwälte angekündigt, in Berufung gehen zu wollen.

Rechtsexperten gehen davon aus, dass der Mediziner nur einen Teil der Zeit hinter Gittern verbringen muss. Weil die Haftanstalten in Kalifornien überfüllt sind, werden viele Insassen, die keine Vorstrafen haben, vorzeitig entlassen. Murray, der als Arzt zuvor nie straffällig wurde, könnte später auch unter Hausarrest kommen.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

30.11.2011 um 02:59
@ all

auch wenn man mit dem ergebnis des heutigen bzw. gestrigen tages zufrieden sein kann - noch ist das ganze ja nun doch noch nicht zu ende....

es bleibt abzuwarten, ob Murray's verteidigung tatsächlich in berufung geht.... möglich wäre es, gerade angesichts der nun verkündeten höchststrafe, aber sie damit auch wirklich chancen auf ein geringeres urteil hätten, wage ich doch zu bezweifeln....

ja, und dann steht ja noch der 23.01.2012 aus, an dem darüber entschieden wird, wie viel Murray an schadensersatz zu zahlen hat.... wenn man ehrlich ist, ist es egal, ob es nun tatsächlich 102 mio $ oder "nur" 500.000 $ sein werden..... wichtig wäre mir einzig und alleine, DASS er zahlen muss und zwar so viel, dass er nie in seinem leben mit irgendwelchen dingen (büchern, interviews, dokus) rund um MJ auch nur in den genuss eines einzigen cents kommt.....

und jeden cent, den Murray zahlen muss, sollen einzig und alleine MJ's kinder bekommen, auch wenn sie eigentlich keinen cent benötigen..... darum geht es nicht, sondern NUR darum, dass Murray für seine kriminellen und fahrlässigen taten zur verantwortung gezogen wird und dafür gerade stehen muss.....

Murray hat das schlimmste in nicht einmal 4 jahren hinter sich und wird auch zukünftig keinerlei reue empfinden..... aber MJ's kinder wird der albtraum dessen, was sie mit erleben mussten, lebenslang verfolgen!....

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MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

30.11.2011 um 08:33
die Teile 1 bis 3 wurden bereits eingestellt ... vgl. den Eintrag von gestern um 23:25h
MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach! (Seite 764)

Conrad Murray Sentencing (pt 4)
Youtube: Conrad Murray Sentencing (pt 4)
Conrad Murray Sentencing (pt 4)
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MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

30.11.2011 um 08:41
Katherine Jackson
'4 Years Is Not Enough'

11/29/2011 12:05 PM PST BY TMZ STAFF

vLaden tmz video 29.11.2011 katherine
VIDEO im Bericht

Katherine Jackson wants Conrad Murray to rot behind bars -- telling reporters outside the courthouse, the doctor's 4-year sentence is "not enough."

Speaking to KTLA ... Katherine added, "Four years won't bring my son back" -- but she admits ... Judge Michael Pastor was extremely fair with his sentencing.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

30.11.2011 um 08:46!/abc7MurrayTrial (Archiv-Version vom 30.11.2011)
LindaMJJ50 Linda Gadaleta
@abc7MurrayTrial I SAW that! It was wierd. Who was he blowing kiss to? Who was he looking at?
vor 11 Stunden

in Antwort auf ↑
ABC7 Murray Trial
@abc7MurrayTrial ABC7 Murray Trial
@LindaMJJ50 Dr. Murray blew kisses in the direction of his mother and the girlfriend Nicole Alvarez.
vor 9 Stunden


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

30.11.2011 um 08:55
TMZ Live
Conrad Murray
Doc Sunk by Documentary

TMZ Live
Murray Documentary
He Needed the Money!

11/29/2011 12:30 PM PST BY TMZ STAFF

Conrad Murray's documentary about Michael Jackson turned out to be his worst idea since ... well, giving Propofol to MJ. Judge Michael Pastor made it clear ... Conrad Murray's own words in the "faux documentary" were a major factor in his getting the max sentence of 4 years.

Plus, Michael's family said in statement they didn't want revenge, only justice ... did they get it? And, the prosecution's $100 million restitution demand ... what are the chances?

WyohNH tmz video 29.11.2011 LIVE
VIDEO auf der website
(0:00) Judge Pastor threw the book at Conrad Murray -- after ripping him for releasing that documentary.
(13:05) Did Pastor browbeat Murray today?
(16:50) Charles is baffled -- why did Murray's lawyer keep repeating he'd be remembered as the guy who killed MJ?
(22:30) Katherine Jackson ... not satisfied.
(26:10) How Murray's attorney screwed the pooch over restitution.
(34:05) Conrad's attorney, Mike Flanagan, admits the doc practiced "bad medicine" ... but doesn't think he was guilty.
(45:40) Flanagan admits the the documentary was "probably" a bad idea.
(48:05) Flanagan explains why Murray didn't testify.
(51:30) Why Conrad's team didn't argue the most obvious point against the massive restitution request.
(53:20) Flanagan and Murray didn't speak after the sentencing -- because they knew what was going to happen.
(54:05) Has Murray lost the will to live?
(58:05) Does Flanagan regret taking the case?


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

30.11.2011 um 09:01
Dr. Murray's Baby Mama
Max Sentence Is 'Ridiculous'

11/29/2011 5:42 PM PST BY TMZ STAFF

9uu8kF tmz video 29.11.2011 nicole alvar
VIDEO im Bericht

Dr. Conrad Murray's baby mama Nicole Alvarez is furious over the maximum sentence that was imposed today -- claiming Judge Pastor's decision was "ridiculous."

Nicole stepped out today with her son -- insisting Murray has beaten himself up non-stop since Michael's death ... despite Judge Pastor's claim the doctor showed no remorse for his crime.

Nicole adds, Murray has been "mournful for the past two-and-a-half years."


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

30.11.2011 um 09:17
Jackson case highlights celebrity medicine culture

November 30, 2011 12:32 AM

(AP) LOS ANGELES — Michael Jackson's personal doctor received the maximum punishment in the pop singer's death but not before a scolding from the judge for violating his Hippocratic oath and engaging in "money-for-medicine madness."

Despite Judge Michael Pastor's sharp rebuke of Dr. Conrad Murray, medical ethics and legal experts say the outcome is unlikely to dramatically change the culture of celebrity medicine.

There are doctors who will apply the same standard of care to their high-profile patients as the non-famous. Those starstruck will be more likely to cave to patients' demands, overlook their bad habits and operate out of bounds.

"These doctors are ego-crazed and money dependent," said Dr. Steven Miles of the Center for Bioethics at the University of Minnesota Medical School.

Miles said it's dangerous when a doctor enters into an exclusive relationship with a patient especially if the person is rich and famous.

"It's the kind of environment where the normal checks and balances are very difficult to apply," he said.

Jackson's death and other recent celebrity drug-related deaths have raised questions about how far some doctors will go to cater to their clients.

Murray was convicted of involuntary manslaughter after a month-long trial. On Tuesday, he was handed the maximum four years behind bars. He will likely only serve two years in county jail because of a recent change in state law.

Jackson died in 2009 from an overdose of the powerful anesthetic propofol. Murray told police he gave the drug nightly to help the singer cope with insomnia as he attempted a comeback tour. Propofol is not approved as a sleep aid and is supposed to be used in the hospital by a trained professional.

Medical experts testifying for the prosecution painted Murray as reckless and said he should have never given Jackson propofol to help him sleep despite the singer's urging.

During the sentencing, Pastor called Murray's treatment of Jackson a "disgrace to the medical profession." He lambasted the doctor for violating "his sworn obligation for money, fame, prestige and whatever else."

Pace University law professor Linda Fentiman said the case will not scare away doctors from taking in celebrity patients. But it may give doctors some leverage with patients who insist on getting their way.

"I'm not sure celebrities can be deterred from trying to get what they want, but a doctor might be able to resist their pleas by saying, 'I don't want to end up like Conrad Murray,'" she said.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

30.11.2011 um 09:24
Judge in Michael Jackson death trial chastises doctor for "horrific violation of trust"

By Casey Glynn
November 29, 2011 1:37 PM

tYbZfB murraye 244x183
Dr. Conrad Murray (left) and Judge Michael Pastor (right)
(Credit: CBS/Getty Images)

(CBS/AP) LOS ANGELES - Dr. Conrad Murray was sentenced Tuesday, three weeks after a jury convicted the cardiologist of involuntary manslaughter in the death of Michael Jackson. Murray sat stoically as the judge chastised him for a "horrific violation of trust" in caring for the pop star.

"Dr. Murray created a set of circumstances and became involved in a cycle of horrible medicine," Superior Court Judge Michael Pastor said. He called the heavy use of propofol "medicine madness, which violated his sworn obligation, for money, fame prestige and whatever else may have occurred."

Pastor said one of the most disturbing aspects of Murray's case was a slurred recording of Jackson recovered from the doctor's cell phone.

"That tape recording was Dr. Murray's insurance policy," Pastor said. "It was designed to record his patient surreptitiously at that patient's most vulnerable point."

Murray was convicted of involuntary manslaughter after a six-week trial that presented the most detailed account yet of Jackson's final hours but left many questions about Murray's treatment of the superstar with an operating-room anesthetic as he battled chronic insomnia.

Complete coverage of the Conrad Murray - Michael Jackson case on CBS News;contentBody (Archiv-Version vom 30.11.2011)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

30.11.2011 um 09:41
Zitat von Benny007Benny007 schrieb:hoffentlich ist das nicht wieder nur "wahl-geplauder" von Cooley :( .....
ja, das kann man nur hoffen ... aber es kann nur von Vorteil sein, dass Cooley das "neue" Recht nicht so kritiklos hinzunehmen scheint ... seine Grundeinstellung zu den "Gefängnisunterbringungen" ist auf jeden Fall vorhanden ... aber wenn es um Wahlkampf geht, weiß man natürlich nie, wie sich Meinungen "wandeln" ...


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

30.11.2011 um 10:15
Conrad Murray's Mom
She Doesn't Know Jack (Daniels)
About Her Son

8 minutes ago BY TMZ STAFF

MtIKHW 1129-conrad-murray-tmz-drinks-1

Note to Conrad Murray's mom. You were wrong when you told Judge Michael Pastor your son never had a drink in his life, and we have the proof -- 80 proof.

Murray's mom wrote a letter to Judge Michael Pastor before his sentencing, pleading for mercy for her son and claiming Conrad is a good person who "never drank alcohol, took drugs or smoked cigarettes in his life."

But here's the deal. We got this pic of the Doc, who was at a holiday bash in Vegas in the late '90's. You see Murray triple fisting. People at the party tell us Murray was drinking champagne and cocktails all night long.

At least he won't get extra jail time for this lie.

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MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

30.11.2011 um 10:21
auf der Seite von CNN, ein paar Videos vom gestrigen "Gerichtstag" ...


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

30.11.2011 um 10:28
Höchststrafe für Michael Jacksons Arzt

30.11.2011 06:20

Los Angeles - Michael Jacksons früherer Leibarzt Conrad Murray ist am Dienstag in Los Angeles zu der möglichen Höchststrafe von vier Jahren Gefängnis verurteilt worden. Die Geschworenen hatten ihn bereits Anfang November wegen fahrlässiger Tötung für schuldig befunden. Jackson war am 25. Juni 2009 an einer Überdosis von Narkose- und Schlafmitteln gestorben. Richter Michael Pastor setzte nun das Strafmaß fest. Er hätte den 58 Jahre alten Herzspezialisten auch auf Bewährung freilassen können.

Pastor fand harte Worte für Murray. Er habe seine ärztlichen Pflichten andauernd verletzt, gelogen und betrogen. Er habe keinerlei Reue gezeigt und sogar dem gestorbenen Patienten eine Mitschuld gegeben. Die Mutter des Sängers und mehrere Geschwister waren beim Urteilsspruch anwesend.

Staatsanwalt David Walgren hatte in der Anhörung die Höchststrafe gefordert, weil Murray nach seinen Worten 'grob fahrlässig' gehandelt habe. Walgren zufolge spielte Murray mit Jacksons Leben 'russisches Roulette', indem er ihm täglich das starke Narkosemittel Propofol spritzte. Murray selbst ergriff nicht das Wort, um den Richter um eine milde Strafe zu bitten. Auch während des Prozesses hatte er geschwiegen. Sein Anwalt Ed Chernoff stellte Jackson am Dienstag als reichen Patienten dar, der den Arzt ständig um Medikamente angebettelt habe. Während des Prozesses argumentierte die Verteidigung, dass Jackson selbst zu der tödlichen Dosis gegriffen habe, als sein Arzt nicht im Raum war.

Rechtsexperten gehen davon aus, dass Murray nur einen Teil der Zeit hinter Gittern verbringen muss. Weil die Haftanstalten in Kalifornien überfüllt sind, werden viele Insassen, die keine Vorstrafen haben, vorzeitig entlassen. Murray, der als Mediziner zuvor nie straffällig wurde, könnte später auch unter Hausarrest kommen.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

30.11.2011 um 11:02
Zitat von Benny007Benny007 schrieb:auch wenn man mit dem ergebnis des heutigen bzw. gestrigen tages zufrieden sein kann - noch ist das ganze ja nun doch noch nicht zu ende....

es bleibt abzuwarten, ob Murray's verteidigung tatsächlich in berufung geht.... möglich wäre es, gerade angesichts der nun verkündeten höchststrafe, aber sie damit auch wirklich chancen auf ein geringeres urteil hätten, wage ich doch zu bezweifeln....
ja, Murray bzw. seine Anwälte könnten natürlich alle "gesetzlichen Vorschriften" ausschöpfen und die Rechtsmittel, die ihnen zur Verfügung stehen ... ob sie sich damit einen Gefallen tun, sei dahin gestellt ... dazu gehört, dass sie Berufung einlegen können ...
Nach dem Bestrafungsverfahren ist das Urteil vorläufig rechtskräftig. Der Angeklagte hat allerdings die Möglichkeit, Rechtsmittel einzulegen und das Urteil damit anzufechten. Dabei wird der Prozess nicht neu aufgelegt, sondern nur überprüft, ob die Rechte des Angeklagten und anderes geltendes Recht während der Verhandlung beachtet wurden. Das Appellationsgericht kann dann abhängig von den Umständen, das Urteil vollumfänglich bestätigen oder einen vollständig neuen Prozess, eine Wiederholung des Bestrafungsverfahrens oder den Freispruch des Angeklagten anordnen.
Wikipedia: Strafprozessrecht (Vereinigte Staaten)

ob Murrays Anwälte noch eine "Niederlage" einstecken wollen ??? ... ich bezweifle auch, dass sie mit der Einlegung eines Antrages auf Berufung Erfolg hätten ... :D
Zitat von Benny007Benny007 schrieb:ja, und dann steht ja noch der 23.01.2012 aus, an dem darüber entschieden wird, wie viel Murray an schadensersatz zu zahlen hat.... wenn man ehrlich ist, ist es egal, ob es nun tatsächlich 102 mio $ oder "nur" 500.000 $ sein werden.....
da stimme ich dir zu ... denn keine Schadensersatz-Summe der Welt, egal wie hoch sie sein würde, bringt den Kids ihren Vater wieder zurück ...


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

30.11.2011 um 11:28
aus dem Beitrag vom 08.11.2011 um 09:17h
Beitrag von FaIrIeFlOwEr (Seite 699)

United States Court of Appeals
United States Court of Appeals (Bundesberufungsgericht) ist in den Vereinigten Staaten die Bezeichnung für Appellationsgerichte des Bundes. Organisatorisch befinden sie sich im amerikanischen Bundesgerichtsaufbau zwischen den erstinstanzlichen Bundesgerichten und dem Obersten Gerichtshof.

In den Berufungsgerichten dagegen wird nur geprüft, ob das untergeordnete Gericht bei der Urteilsfindung die rechtlichen Bestimmungen befolgt hat. Daher finden nur selten mündliche Verhandlungen statt, die Richter beurteilen den Fall anhand des Gerichtsprotokolls und der schriftlichen Argumente beider Parteien. Die Bundesberufungsgerichte entscheiden nicht über Schuld oder Unschuld. Wenn ein Angeklagter erstinstanzlich schuldig befunden wird, so bedeutet ein Sieg vor dem Berufungsgericht nicht unbedingt, dass er nun als unschuldig gilt; vielmehr wird lediglich die angefochtene Entscheidung aufgehoben. In Strafsachen obliegt es dann der Staatsanwaltschaft, ob das Verfahren wiederholt wird (Akkusationsprinzip).
Wikipedia: United States Court of Appeals

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MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

30.11.2011 um 12:38
'Four years is not enough':
Michael Jackson's mother unsatisfied with maximum sentence for Murray
as it is revealed he will serve HALF that time for singer's death

* Six-week trial gave most detailed account yet of star singer's last hours
* Court has heard how Murray used operating-room anaesthetic for insomnia
* He gave singer propofol to help him sleep as he prepared for concerts

By Mark Duell, David Gardner and Jennifer Madison

Last updated at 9:11 AM on 30th November 2011

Michael Jackson's mother has spoken out about the maximum four-year involuntary manslaughter sentence handed down to her son's former doctor today, insisting it is 'not enough'.

Katherine Jackson, leaving the Los Angeles courtroom, thanked the prosecutors and Judge Michael Pastor for delivering justice after the six-week trial that saw Conrad Murray sentenced for her son's death.

But she said the jail time would never bring her son back to life - as it emerged that Murray is likely to only serve half his sentence.

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Jailed: Conrad Murray blows a kiss in the courtroom audience after he was sentenced to four years in prison
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Speaking out: Matriarch Katherine Jackson, leaving the Los Angeles courtroom, thanked the prosecutors and Judge Michael Pastor for delivering justice after the six-week trial

Speaking to KTLA, she said: 'Four years is not enough for someone's life. It won't bring him back but at least he got the maximum. I thought the judge was very, very fair and I thank him.'

She continued: 'Four years won't bring my son back, but that's the law. So the judge gave him the maximum, so I thank the judge and I thank the prosecutors and I think everything went well.'

Jermaine Jackson, who was by his mother's side as the family exited, echoed her remarks to waiting reporters.

'Dr Murray engaged in a recurring,
continuous pattern of deceit and lies.
Dr Murray abandoned his patient.'

Superior Court Judge Michael Pastor


'One hundred years is not enough,' he said.

Nicole Alvarez, Murray's girlfriend and mother of his son, disagreed. She told TMZ that Judge Michael Pastor's decision to give him the maximum sentence was 'ridiculous,' especially since the judge said Murray didn't show any remorse.

Ms Alvarez said that Murray has been 'mournful for the past two years.'

Murray, 58, was jailed today for ending the life and career of one of pop music's greatest entertainers.

Judge Pastor and prosecutors called Conrad Murray a 'danger to the community', slamming Murray for playing 'Russian roulette' with the singer and using him as an 'experiment'.

Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department spokesman Steve Whitmore told CBS News Murray's sentence is automatically reduced to two years under Assembly Bill 109.

Murray, however, will be required to serve all of his halved sentence, minus 47 days he has already served, he said.

Murray did not openly react as he was sentenced after the trial, which has given the most detailed account yet of Jackson's final hours.

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Going down: Dr Conrad Murray turns to the courtroom audience after he was sentenced to four years in county jail for his involuntary manslaughter conviction in the death of pop star Michael Jackson on Tuesday
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Tough day: Kathy Hilton, mother of Paris Hilton and lifelong friend of Jackson, was pictured outside court

'Dr Murray engaged in a recurring, continuous pattern of deceit and lies,' the judge said. 'Dr Murray abandoned his patient,' he added, saying Murray showed ‘absolutely no sense of remorse’.

'Dr Murray created a set of circumstances and became involved in a cycle of horrible medicine.

'The practice of propofol for medicine madness, which violated his sworn obligation, for money, fame prestige and whatever else may have occurred.'

Judge Pastor said one of the most disturbing aspects of the Grenada-born physician's case was a slurred recording of Jackson from the doctor's mobile phone.

'That tape recording was Dr. Murray's insurance policy,' Judge Pastor said. 'It was designed to record his patient surreptitiously at that patient's most vulnerable point.'

Murray blew a kiss to his family and supports as he was led out of court. The judge said his botched treatment of the star was ‘an insult to the medical profession’ and a ‘horrific violation of trust'.

'This crime occurred on June 25, 2009 but we know that the defendant was playing Russian roulette with Michael Jackson’s life every single night (for two months),' David Walgren, prosecuting, said.

Jackson's three children - Prince, Paris and Blanket - said they lost their 'father, best friend and playmate'.

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Scene: Conrad Murray, pictured second left, discovered his fate at a court in Los Angeles on Tuesday
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Heart-wrenching: Conrad Murray's probation report contains a victim statement from Jackson's mother Katherine, who says his daughter Paris was crying on the day of his death, saying: 'I wanna go with you'
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The children were not in the courtroom and their statement was read by lawyer and family friend Brian Panish ahead of the sentencing. He stressed they were not seeking 'revenge'.

The trial left questions about Murray's treatment of the star with an operating-room anaesthetic as he battled chronic insomnia.

'This crime occurred on June 25, 2009
but we know that the defendant was
playing Russian roulette with
Michael Jackson’s life every single
night (for two months).'

David Walgren, prosecuting

Defence lawyers were pushing for probation for the cardiologist in Los Angeles, saying he will lose his ability to practice medicine and likely face a lifetime of ostracism.

The singer's mother Katherine and several siblings routinely attended the trial, and members of the family cried after Murray's verdict was read in court. It followed Jackson's tragic death in June 2009.

Murray told detectives he had been giving the singer nightly doses of propofol to help him sleep as he prepared for a series of comeback concerts.

Propofol is supposed to be used in hospitals and has never been approved for sleep treatments, yet Murray acknowledged giving it to Jackson then leaving the room on the day the singer died.

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Conference: Reporters work on the floor as Los Angeles District Attorney Steve Cooley speaks to the media with the prosecution team surrounding him after Murray was sentenced to four years in jail
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Four: Fans of the Jackson including Eddie Jones, third right, president of the Los Angeles Civil Rights Association, hold up four fingers for the number of years Murray was sentenced to jail for
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Children: Prince, Blanket and Paris Jackson appear onstage at a 'Michael Forever' concert in October 2011

Murray declined to testify in his trial but was in a documentary in which he said he didn't consider himself guilty of any crime and blamed Jackson for entrapping him into administering the propofol.

Judge Pastor was enraged by Murray saying he felt betrayed by Jackson. ‘Yipes,’ he said. ‘Talk about blaming the victim. Not only is there no remorse, there is outrage and umbrage from Dr Murray.'

But although the judge imposed the maximum sentence, Murray may serve less than two years behind bars because of jail overcrowding in California.

'(We lost our) father,
best friend and playmate.'

Prince, Paris and Blanket Jackson

Judge Pastor said he took 35 letters of support from Murray’s family and friends into consideration. But he showed no mercy to the doctor, who sat stone-faced throughout the hearing in a grey suit and patterned purple tie.

‘There are those who feel that Dr Murray is a saint and there are those who feel that Dr Murray is the devil,’ Judge Pastor said. ‘He is neither, he is a human being who stands convicted of causing the death of another human being.

His attorneys contended throughout the case that Jackson must have given himself the fatal dose when Murray left the singer's bedside.

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Star: Despite his acquittal of child molestation in 2005, Jackson went into seclusion, leaving his lavish manor Neverland Ranch and moving to the Middle East and Las Vegas, where he first met Murray
Prosecutors cited Murray's statements to advocate that he receive the maximum term. They also want him to pay restitution to the singer's three children.

It's unlikely that Murray can pay any sizeable sum, including the $1.8million cost of his funeral.

'Yipes. Talk about blaming the victim.
Not only is there no remorse,
there is outrage and umbrage
from Dr Murray.'

Superior Court Judge Michael Pastor

He was deeply in debt when he agreed to serve as Jackson's personal physician for $150,000 a month and the singer died before Murray received any money.

A prosecution demand for Murray to be fined $100million to pay restitution to the children for the projected earnings of his 50 lost O2 Arena concerts was delayed for another hearing on January 23.

During Murray's trial, a jury heard a slurred recording of Jackson found on Murray's mobile phone.

The doctor or his attorneys never explained in court why he recorded the impaired singer six weeks before his death.

But it did reveal the ambition of the entertainer who burst on the scene as a baby-faced member of the Jackson Five in the 1970s.

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In court: The doctor was sentenced by Superior Court Judge Michael Pastor in Los Angeles, California
We have to be phenomenal,’ he was heard saying about his ‘This Is It’ concerts in London.

'We have to be phenomenal.
When people leave this show, when people
leave my show, I want them to say, “I've never
seen nothing like this in my life.
Go. Go. I've never seen nothing like this.
Go. It's amazing. He's the greatest entertainer
in the world."'

Michael Jackson

‘When people leave this show, when people leave my show, I want them to say, “I've never seen nothing like this in my life. Go. Go. I've never seen nothing like this. Go. It's amazing. He's the greatest entertainer in the world”.’

Jackson's comeback attempt came after he had been pushed into obscurity.

Despite his acquittal of child molestation in 2005, Jackson went into seclusion, leaving his lavish manor Neverland Ranch and moving to the Middle East and Las Vegas, where he first met Murray.

Murray showed no emotion when he was convicted. Prosecutors said the men's relationship was corrupted by greed.

He left his practices to serve as Jackson's doctor and look out for his well-being, but instead allegedly acted as an employee catering to the singer's desire to receive propofol for sleep.

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Drug: Deputy district attorney David Walgren holds a bottle of propofol found at Jackson's residence
‘The defendant has displayed a complete lack of remorse for causing Michael Jackson's death,’ prosecutors wrote in a filing last week.

'Even worse than failing to accept even
the slightest level of responsibility,
(Murray) has placed blame on everyone else,
including the one person no longer here
to defend himself, Michael Jackson.'

Prosecution lawyers

‘Even worse than failing to accept even the slightest level of responsibility, (Murray) has placed blame on everyone else, including the one person no longer here to defend himself, Michael Jackson.’

Murray's attorneys were relying largely on 34 letters from relatives, friends and former patients to portray Murray in a softer light and win a lighter sentence.

The letters and defence filings describe Murray's compassion as a doctor, including accepting lower payments from his mostly poor patients.

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Remembered: A June 2009 photo shows the Jackson star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame in Los Angeles, California, USA, adorned with flowers and notes from fans from around the world
‘There is no question that the death of his patient, Mr. Jackson, was unintentional and an enormous tragedy for everyone affected,’ defence attorneys wrote in their sentencing memo.

'Dr. Murray has been described
as a changed, grief-stricken man,
who walks around under a pall of
sadness since the loss of his patient.'

Defence lawyers

‘Dr Murray has been described as a changed, grief-stricken man, who walks around under a pall of sadness since the loss of his patient, Mr Jackson.’

Murray's trial was closely watched by Jackson's fans in the courtroom, on social networking sites and via live broadcasts online and on television.

Fan groups were at the courthouse vying for the few public seats made available for the sentencing.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

30.11.2011 um 12:47
"We're going to be a family. We're going to move forward. We're going to tour, play the music and miss him," brother Jermaine Jackson said. [anm. aber nur, wenn dafür noch genügend zeit bleibt, und somit sieht es zumindest für den letzten punkt ihrer pläne wohl eher schlecht aus]
Jermaine war ja auch derjenige, der ständig in diversen "Shows" aufgetreten ist und auf die Tränendrüse gedrückt hat, kurz nachdem MJ verstorben war. Also wenn er richtig getrauert hätte, dann wäre er wohl kaum von einer Show zur nächsten getingelt. Von daher herrscht, wie bei einigen anderen Familienmitglieder, ein großer Hang zur Oberflächlichkeit und das war es auch immer was MJ an seiner Familie nicht mochte.
Zitat von Benny007Benny007 schrieb:FlanaHICKS "großer tag" war wohl doch nicht so erfolgreich, wie er sich das erhofft hatte
Wen wundert das auch? Ich habe selten so eine dämliche Verteidigungsstrategie erlebt, wie von diesem Gespann. Ob die sich damit mit Ruhm bekleckert haben, ist sehr fraglich. Allein schon die Vorstellung, daher zu gehen und seinem Mandanten als "völlig Unschuldig" darzustellen, ist in so einer Situation schon völlig grotesk. Mehr Einsicht hätte wohl besser gewirkt, aber man muss ja arrogant und überheblich hat diesmal leider in die Hose gegangen. :)
Zitat von Benny007Benny007 schrieb:und hierzu fällt mir nur eines ein: ACH WAS, ehrlich !!??..... welch frühe erkenntnis ! :)
:) .... aber
ich denke, Murray hat dafür gar kein geld bekommen????.... über DIESE aussage wird sich der estate aber freuen :)
:) .....
Ein weiterer Beweis für die Dämlichkeit dieser Anwälte :D Flanagähn/hicks scheint auch schon sein Hirn versoffen zu haben. :D
Zitat von Benny007Benny007 schrieb:es bleibt abzuwarten, ob Murray's verteidigung tatsächlich in berufung geht.... möglich wäre es, gerade angesichts der nun verkündeten höchststrafe, aber sie damit auch wirklich chancen auf ein geringeres urteil hätten, wage ich doch zu bezweifeln....
Also nach der Ansage von Pastor Michael, wage ich das auch sehr stark zu bezweifeln. Der Pastor hat nun wirklich klare und deutliche Worte im Gerichtssaal gesprochen und da sind die Chancen m.M.n gleich NULL irgendwas noch bewirken zu können.

