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MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

23.746 Beiträge ▪ Schlüsselwörter: Mord, Michael Jackson, Verurteilung ▪ Abonnieren: Feed E-Mail

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

15.05.2012 um 08:52

ja, ich habe hier in dem "Kuhkaff" echt "Verbindungsschwierigkeiten" ... mein Sohn bekommt hier leider keinen "anständigen" Internetzugang ... so etwas gibt es leider auch im wunderschönen Bayern ... hahaha


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

15.05.2012 um 08:58
Du arme im "Kuhkaff" hahaha. Ich war bissel sehr weiter weg, aber dort hat die Verbindung hervorragend geklappt. :D

1x zitiertmelden

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

15.05.2012 um 17:02
das Transcript zur Sendung ... [


Michael Jackson's Mother Discusses Their Relationship; Exclusive Access to Large Collection of Jackson's Paintings

Aired May 14, 2012 - 21:00 ET

PIERS MORGAN, CNN HOST: Tonight the exclusive interview three years in the making. The one person who knew Michael Jackson better than anybody else. His mother Katherine.

KATHERINE JACKSON, MICHAEL JACKSON'S MOTHER: Every morning, all through the day I think about Michael.

MORGAN: Katherine Jackson speaks out on Michael's childhood.

JACKSON: So Michael looked back at those childhood and he said he was abused. Well, they call it abuse. But sometimes if it wasn't for the strap, what would this world be like today?

MORGAN: On what he missed.

Did you ever hope that he would find true love?

JACKSON: I always thought about that, but Michael seemed happy. He found a lot of joy in his children.

MORGAN: On the talent Michael that hid from the world.

JACKSON: Michael loved art a lot. He loved paintings. He loved water colors. He loved even the crayons.

MORGAN: And her explosive theory about Conrad Murray.

JACKSON: He did a terrible thing. And there might have been others involved. I don't know that but I feel that.

MORGAN: Katherine Jackson, an extraordinary hour. The PIERS MORGAN interview starts now.

Tonight an extraordinary look at Michael Jackson's private life through his deeply personal artwork. He started drawing as a child. The pictures are new revelations about the iconic singer. Much of it kept in a secret location, at an airport hangar in Los Angeles. Some of it is in the studio with me tonight.

Joining me now in an exclusive interview is Michael's mother Katherine Jackson and his mentor and good friend artist Brett Livingston Strong.

Welcome to you both.


MORGAN: We're surrounded by this incredible art. Most of which has never been seen. That your son Michael did. What I'm struck by, I love this picture, Katherine which is -- how old is he there, Michael?

JACKSON: He's about 9 or 10 there.

MORGAN: And he's clutching his own work of art.


MORGAN: He painted that.


MORGAN: I don't know what's more impressive, the art or the fantastic hat he's wearing.


MORGAN: Very stylish. But clearly from an early age he loved art. Tell me about that side of Michael.

JACKSON: Michael loved art a lot. He -- he loved paintings, he loved water colors. He loved even the crayons. And he would always draw. And when he was even in school, he would draw pictures and they took one of his drawings and put it on the front of the yearbook. And --


MORGAN: Was he self-taught? Did he teach himself?

JACKSON: He taught himself.

MORGAN: Amazing talent.


JACKSON: Just the talent that he had. And I can't say too much more about him, only his father -- his father was an artist, too. He loved to paint and draw. So I thought maybe he might have picked it up from him. But he had a natural talent for it, Michael did.

MORGAN: And did he always paint, I mean, throughout his life? Was he always painting secretly without people really being aware of it?

JACKSON: Yes. Yes. Because when he was just a child, when we moved to Havenhurst, before we remodeled, it had a little house in the back and he took that little house and he made it out to -- of an art studio for himself.


MORGAN: What do you think the art brought him? Painting and stuff, what did it give him? JACKSON: Well, you know what? I really don't -- I really can't answer that question. But sometimes when he's not doing anything he would go and start painting. And I think that's just -- it's a way of him just relaxing.

MORGAN: A bit of escape, is it?


MORGAN: Brett, you got to know Michael 25 years ago. Tell me about how you met and tell me about this art collection because it's -- people don't really know much about.

BRETT LIVINGSTONE STRONG, ARTIST: Right. Well, we first met about 1979 through Mayor Bradley of Los Angeles and also through (INAUDIBLE). Two different occasions. And the first time that I had a chance to talk to Michael, he says now, you're a sculptor. And I said yes. What type of sculpture? I said I build monuments. And he goes, wow, I've never met a monument builder before. And I said to him, I knew who Michael is, but I said well, what do you do, Michael? And he says, I love life.

I'll always remember that. He said, I love life. And I said wow, that's a great job. I love life, too. And he says, I'm an artist, too. And I like to draw things that inspire my life. And --

MORGAN: And this collection, how many pieces are there in it?

STRONG: Well, I have -- we have 98 pieces. Other people have some. And there's about -- maybe there's about 20 of those pieces I draw, he did artwork on the other side. I made the paper for Michael in the 1980s, special paper, so if anybody got it they couldn't, you know, counterfeit it. And so he -- we ran -- he ran out of the paper. That's why he started doing artwork on the reverse side.

MORGAN: I mean some of the pieces here, I mean, the Martin Luther King picture, Abraham Lincoln. Apparently, he painted a lot of -- drew a lot of -- a lot of former presidents. He loved to do that.

STRONG: He loved Abraham Lincoln. He loved freedom. He loved the whole aspect of people being free. Being able to create, you know, beautiful things to inspire people like he wanted to, you know, create his music.

MORGAN: And Katherine, he had a strange obsession with the number seven. And with chairs. Now tell me why those two things are in the pictures all the time.

JACKSON: Well, Michael was a seventh child. He -- his name had seven letters in it. He would always talk about that. And, you know, seven -- the number seven means completeness in the bible, it tells us. So --

MORGAN: So it's like a lucky number for him.

JACKSON: For him. MORGAN: And what about the chairs? Why did he like drawing or painting chairs?

JACKSON: He just had an obsession of chairs. The chairs that -- not just a plain chair, but chairs that you see had a lot of art in it. A lot of curves, a lot of other things like that. He would draw that.

MORGAN: There's one very prophetic picture which is of a little boy sitting on his own in a corner. And just seeing it on the screen. What's poignant is that Michael had written next to this in his own handwriting, "Before you judge me, try hard to love me and look within your heart. Then ask, have you seen my childhood?"

What do you think he meant by that, Katherine?

JACKSON: You know what? I couldn't tell you. But that is the picture. I have one, too, like that. Are they showing it on?

MORGAN: Yes. We're looking at it now. Yes. And it's -- it's a very -- I mean the boy looks, I guess --

JACKSON: He looks sad. And he looks -- you know, I think it's because Michael always said he missed most of his childhood.


JACKSON: And he loved to run and play. He loved children. And I think this is what this picture stands for.

MORGAN: I've interviewed a lot of people about Michael. Many of your family, your children I've interviewed, Janet, La Toya, Jermaine. All said the same thing that Michael was such a happy child. He loved just playing pranks on people, that kind of thing.

Do you ever feel a regret as his mother that he did lose the childhood, really, to super stardom? I mean if you had your time again, would you want the kids, especially Michael, to go into that crazy world?

JACKSON: Well, to a certain extent. None of my children were really just loose. Because my husband was sort of -- I should say very strict about things like that because where we came from, there was a lot of crime. And we cared about our children. We didn't want them out there on the street running around, breaking in cars and doing like most other children did back then.

And we did things with them in the house. And that's when they started singing. But as far as having a good time and all, they were in the little league and things like that. Then they learned to play the music. And Michael always said he didn't have a childhood, but he enjoyed what he was doing.

MORGAN: I think that's true, isn't it? You talked about his father's being tough with them. Was he too tough or not, do you think? Did he -- did he have to be that tough? JACKSON: I didn't think he was too tough, but in -- back in those days everybody raised their children about the same. If you did something wrong, it was terribly wrong, you got a scolding for it and you also got a licking as they called it. But today you can't do that. So Michael looked back at those times and they said he was abused.

Well, they call it abuse, but sometime if it wasn't for the strap, what would this world be like today?

MORGAN: Do you think that the world has gone a bit soft in terms of discipline?

JACKSON: I think it's gone a bit too soft. I really do. And then they have too much things out for our children to do. And they're too open with a lot of things. So things that we weren't open years ago about. And I just feel bad because I know that the world is -- I think it's doomed.

MORGAN: Do you?

JACKSON: The bible tells us the world will be destroyed. So I think --

MORGAN: When you look at America, modern America now, where do you think people are going wrong especially in bringing up children?

JACKSON: Well, I think society is sometimes is the fault of it. Because they tell the children to call 911 and in some cases, maybe they need to do that. But then some cases -- some parents are afraid of their children. And some children tell their parents well, if you do this to me, I'm going to call 911 or I'm going to call the police or whatever children can. What are the parents to do?

MORGAN: I mean it's interesting. When I talked to your children, all of them have said at various stages of their lives, well, we had this really tough upbringing. Our father was very really strict. But they all -- as they got older and in some cases have their own kids they've begun to realize that maybe it was the kind of tough love that they needed.

It's been interesting for me to talk to them. Now they're a bit older. It must be -- for you it must be an interesting experience, too, to hear their views change as they get older.

JACKSON: They do. Children change. For instance, Tito, he was one of them that said -- excuse me -- that said I'm going to raise my children just like -- they called their father Joseph. Just like Joseph raised me. Because he always said my children don't get in trouble or anything like that. All these terrible things they laid on Michael, he didn't do these things. But it's just there are wicked people out there and they accuse you of them. But --

MORGAN: It must have been -- must have been very hurtful for you as his mother.

JACKSON: My gosh.

MORGAN: Some of the things that Michael was accused of, the court cases he had to fight and stuff. How did you feel as his mother?

JACKSON: Oh, my gosh. It almost destroyed me in a way. You know when I say it just hurt. Because I know Michael didn't do those terrible things. But then there are so many wicked people. Why are they doing this to him?

MORGAN: Just hold that thought for a moment, Katherine. When we come back, I want to talk to you about Michael's life and what his legacy.


MORGAN: I'm back now with Michael Jackson's mother Katherine and his longtime friend Brett Livingstone Strong.

Did you ever try and advise Michael that his own behavior -- you know, I interviewed Michael a few years ago and he had a very childlike quality to him. But did you ever feel concerned that he was allowing himself to get put into positions, you know, when he had all these young boys coming around to stay and so on? Did you ever say as his mother, Michael, I think you should be careful of this? The rest of the world may not see this in the innocent way that you do?

JACKSON: I've talked to him about it. I never told him to stop you having children around. But he did stop having a lot -- most of the children that were around Michael was his own relatives. And I can remember that my sister-in-law, she walked into the store and she saw this -- one of these tabloids. And they had something ugly to say in them in the headlines. And she just went berserk. She said those are my grandchildren, they're Michael's cousins. Why are they saying this about him?

MORGAN: Do you think all the accusations, the allegations, the trials he had to go through, do you think it all contributed in the end to his physical condition and his early death? I mean do you think that all the drugs he was taking for the anxiety, for the lack of sleep, the painkillers and so on, was it all connected, do you think, in the end to the pressure that he felt and the tension and the stress?

JACKSON: You know what, I think a lot of that was exaggerated about the different things that he was taking. Because I've been to my son's house unannounced. And I've been there announced. I have never seen him in that way. I know he was taking painkillers because he got burnt on top of his head. Very painful. But all this other stuff they added to it, I don't know if that was the truth or not. But I don't think that had anything to do with the way he died.

MORGAN: What do you think, as his mother, caused his death?

JACKSON: I don't know. All I know is they used propofol, and they shouldn't have used it. They were using the wrong setting. That's all I know and that's what caused his death.

MORGAN: What are your feelings towards Dr. Conrad Murray? Do you blame him?

JACKSON: You know what? I can't even describe the way I feel about him. He did a terrible thing, and it might have been others involved. I don't know that, but I feel that. You know what, I'd rather not answer that question. The only thing he did for a person's life, four years in jail is not enough. I'll never see my son again. But he can get out and he'll enjoy his children. But --

STRONG: Michael trusted him.

JACKSON: Yes, he did. He did. He trusted him.

STRONG: He trusted a lot of people.

JACKSON: He trusted everybody.

MORGAN: Did you ever meet Conrad Murray?

JACKSON: Never met him. Still to this day I have never met him.

MORGAN: Has he ever tried to contact you?

JACKSON: I don't think so.

MORGAN: He's never written to you or anything?


MORGAN: And I think it was a devastatingly awful thing to happen. You lose this son of yours. He's just 50 years old. I mean it's half a life, really.


MORGAN: Will you ever get over this, Katherine, do you think?

JACKSON: Never. Every morning, all through the day, I think about Michael. If I wake up through the night, my mind is there. But --

MORGAN: What do you think when you think of him?

JACKSON: I just miss him. But being a Christian and believing in the resurrection, I feel that I'll see him again. I'm sorry. I just --

MORGAN: It's perfectly understandable. You're his mother. You know? It's -- I can't imagine a worse thing. I'm a parent myself to four kids. I can't even imagine how horrendous it must be to lose a child.

JACKSON: I know.

MORGAN: It's so unnatural, isn't it?

JACKSON: Yes, it is. And it should be --

MORGAN: Lots of people say, Katherine, that Michael in the buildup to his death was working too hard, was too tired, he couldn't sleep, all that. You've heard all this. Is that true? Because I've also heard from people who were working with him on the tour and everything that he was pretty fit. That he was enjoying it. He was having a good time and he was excited. What's the truth?

JACKSON: What's the -- excuse me? What's --

MORGAN: How did you think he was in the buildup to his death physically?

JACKSON: You know, we have a trial going on and I'd rather not say. I talked a lot already about it.

MORGAN: Were you concerned about him?

JACKSON: Oh, yes. Oh, yes. Because when they told me that he had 50 shows going on, I was concerned about those shows. I thought it was a little bit too much because Michael hadn't been on stage for about 10 years. You know? And I called him. And I told him because the way they had it structured, they said every other night that he would be working. On a night, off a night, on a night, off a night. And he was -- he was used to working at least once or twice a week.

And I just kept calling him telling him they had to change that schedule because that was -- I didn't like the way it was going. I thought it was a little bit too much for him.

MORGAN: Did he listen to you, Michael or --

JACKSON: Oh, yes.

MORGAN: Do you feel that there were bad people around him?

JACKSON: Yes, I do.

MORGAN: Enabling, I guess is the word you would use. People that were just allowing him to --

JACKSON: It was -- I just don't want to answer those questions right now. But I do feel that it was. They didn't care about him. All they cared about was money.

MORGAN: It was all about money, you think?


MORGAN: Let's take a short break. When we come back, I want to talk more about this incredible art. I also want to talk about how Michael's children are doing. You're raising them now.


MORGAN: I think people are fascinated by that and how they're getting along. They seem to be getting along great which is -- which is good news.

JACKSON: Yes, they are. MORGAN: We'll come back in a moment.




PARIS JACKSON, MICHAEL JACKSON'S DAUGHTER: Daddy has been the best father you could ever imagine. And I just wanted to say I love him so much.


MORGAN: A heartbreaking scenes at Michael Jackson's memorial service there with Paris Jackson, his daughter. A moment many will never forget.

I'm back for an exclusive interview with Michael Jackson's mother, Katherine Jackson, and his art mentor, Brett Livingstone Strong.

Incredibly painful for those poor kids, particularly in public like that. You've now taken them into your home. You're bringing up Michael's children.


MORGAN: How are they getting along?

JACKSON: They're getting along very well.

MORGAN: They seem -- I mean, to be doing remarkably well. They also seem to have, between them, all his kind of zests for life. His talent, his confidence in public. All those things. It's extraordinary to watch. It must be for you, too. It must be like almost reliving Michael.

JACKSON: They're in school, and the two oldest children go to private school. The youngest doesn't want to leave home yet, so he take -- we have a tutor, a teacher there for him. Excuse me. In school. And the oldest, Prince, the oldest boy is such a great student.

MORGAN: Is he?

JACKSON: His grades are so good. They're A-pluses.

MORGAN: Do you see the spirit of Michael in them?

JACKSON: Yes, I do. I do.

MORGAN: How would you feel if they want to go -- I mean Paris has already started down this road. If they want to go into show business?

JACKSON: Yes, Paris does.

MORGAN: Do you feel pleased about that or concerned?

JACKSON: Well, I'm pleased and I'm concerned at the same time because I didn't -- I don't think that Michael would wanted her to be out there this soon. But she wanted it so badly and she kept saying, please, grandma, I want this. You know? And so it was something she really wanted so I just gave in and said OK.


MORGAN: And how good is she? I mean how talented are they?

JACKSON: She's very good. I --


She was showing me, I said, well, how do you know you can act? You haven't had acting. So I sent her to acting. You know. After than. But before then she said I -- just try me, just try me, she said. And she said, I can cry on cue. And she showed me how she can cry. And then --


MORGAN: Amazing. That's not easy.

JACKSON: She's very good. She is good.

MORGAN: How do you think they have coped with losing their father?

JACKSON: You know, I don't think that they act like normal children. They play, they have good time. But I don't think they'll ever forget. I don't think so. But they're doing quite well. Very well.

MORGAN: Brett, come back to you and Michael. Because you knew him extremely well. Very heart rending talking to Katherine about all of this stuff. Can't get a more powerful voice, really.


MORGAN: Than Michael's mother. Does this resonate with you? I mean, what was your feeling about Michael and the buildup to his death? Were you concerned about him as a friend?

STRONG: Well, his enthusiasm to succeed brought all the strength out in him. And he just wanted to create more. And he wanted to be in front of his fans again. You know. And he was enthusiastic.

MORGAN: Were you concerned as a friend of his about what was possibly going on?

STRONG: Well, during the time that he was pretty much studying to do these concerts, I had very little contact with him. So the contact that I did have, it was upbeat and enthusiastic. He would call me early hours of the morning and leave me some fantastic messages. So I never knew that he ever had any problems. But I do know that over the years that, you know, he would trust people and he would not do any due diligence or sometimes his inner feelings would -- he wouldn't listen to them. And I think he had a lot of trust that he should have questioned.

MORGAN: You also said an interesting thing to me in the break about Michael's relationship with his father.

STRONG: Yes. He loved his father. And I think a lot of the publicity that's come out that his father, you know, may have been harsh on him, I think people should know that he respected his father. He thought his father was fantastic, that gave him and his brothers and sisters a wonderful future.

And he respected them. His father turned up at all those terrible trials that he had to go through. He was all supporting of him. He loved him.

MORGAN: Katherine, what would you like Michael's legacy to be?

JACKSON: I know he'll be remembered as the artist he was. But a lot of people misunderstood him. They didn't know Michael loved life. He loved people. And he gave so much to charity. And he always loved to give to the people that didn't have, even since he was a little kid about six or seven years old.

As I always tell the story about he was laying on the floor watching TV, and remember when the little black kids had flies around their mouths and all and he would start crying. And he was telling me -- he said mommy, one day, I'm going to do something about this.

MORGAN: You mean the scenes from Ethiopia and places in Africa with the starving young children?

JACKSON: Starving young children with the big bellies. And he's always gave -- he's always been giving to charities and things like that. And he gave more than people knew.

MORGAN: What do you think is the biggest misconception about Michael for people who didn't know him?

JACKSON: The things that were coming out, the things that media -- and most people believe what they hear and what they read. These were all terrible lies.

MORGAN: Like what?

JACKSON: Like they were saying he was molesting young boys and other things that he was doing, that he might have been on painkillers, things like that. But as far as them trying to make him out to be a terrible person, he was not that.

MORGAN: Let's take a quick break. We'll come back and talk about this a little further in just a few moments.


(BEGIN VIDEO CLIP) MICHAEL JACKSON, KING OF POP: There have been many disgusting statements made recently concerning allegations of improper conduct on my part. I ask al of you to wait and hear the truth before you label or condemn me. Don't treat me like a criminal, because I am innocent.


MORGAN: You're his mother. You would know Michael better than most people. Do you think it is even remotely possibly that he could have done anything inappropriate with a young boy?

JACKSON: No way. No way could Michael have done that. He would always tell me that the things he loved most was children. He would rather slit his own wrists than to hurt a child. And we would sit and talk about that. And he said people want to make out for me to be this terrible person.

STRONG: He was misinterpreted by people who may have been jealous of his success. But also he loved animals. He loved nature. And children was -- had a special feeling in his heart. It was an inspiration for him.

MORGAN: Michael, he was unconventional. He never really grew up, even though he was a fantastic businessman and incredibly successful. You always got the feeling that he wanted to be in a childlike world. It was like a security blanket for him in many ways. Is that how you felt?

JACKSON: You know, Michael, he was one of my younger children. And his brothers had children. So he grew up also with them. He grew up playing all the time. He grew into an adult, and the kids would come over and he'd still play hide and go seek with them and everything. And he did Neverland, he did it for children. And also I imagine he did it for himself because he didn't get a chance to go to those theme parks like other children did.

And he would have bus loads of children, school classes, children that -- even in his theater he had two beds, two hospital beds and he would have the sick children to come and watch movies and rides and things like that. And the children that was bedridden, he made sure that he had a place for them, so they can see the movies or have shows on the stage and all of that.

MORGAN: How did you feel about the extraordinary level of fame that Michael had? Because he was the most famous person on the planet for years. Did that scare you, that level of fame?

JACKSON: No, not really. I was like Michael I guess. He didn't act like it. He didn't act like he was the most famous person in the world. He didn't act like -- he was just a down to Earth person. He's very, very mild tempered.

MORGAN: How often would you talk to him?

JACKSON: I talked to him at least twice a month and sometimes more.

MORGAN: Did you feel you had a very close relationship?


MORGAN: Do you feel he confided in you?

JACKSON: Yes, he did.

MORGAN: Did you ever hope that he would find true love?

JACKSON: You know, I always thought about that, but Michael seemed happy. So I wasn't too worried about it. He found a lot of joy in his children and in his -- some of his nephews and nieces that he would -- he was very close to.

MORGAN: The thing that I think that was -- should always be reminded, I think, when we talk about Michael is just his unbelievable talent. I mean, I have never seen a more talented entertainer, the singing, the dancing, the showmanship.

I was telling you before we -- we started about this show I saw in Paris, when he did the stunt at the end and the space guy flies out of the stadium. It was just so crazy and it was so brilliantly done, you really thought Michael had done this.

And it was the end of a spell binding concert, the like of which I have never seen before or since. He was a unique talent, wasn't he, one of the greatest talents ever in entertainment. Can you answer that as his mother or not? Did you feel that?

JACKSON: I -- I did. Michael was a perfectionist. Whatever he did, he wanted to be the best. He was the first one to have so many number one hits on his album. Because you remember, albums used to be where you only had one hit or two hits and the rest of them would be album songs.

MORGAN: All his songs were hits, were number ones.

JACKSON: He told me -- he said I don't believe in album songs. I believe every song should be a great song.

MORGAN: Would he try stuff out with you?

JACKSON: Yes, he played most of the things he had. He played for me.

MORGAN: If you said Michael, I don't really like that one, would he drop it?

JACKSON: Yes. You know what? I didn't see anything that I didn't want like that he did.

MORGAN: What was your favorite of all his songs?

JACKSON: "Man In The Mirror."

MORGAN: Was it? Why?

JACKSON: That's one of my favorites. And I like the "Earth Song."

MORGAN: Why "Man In The Mirror"?

JACKSON: Well, it was a message of greatness. A lot of his songs had messages, but I think this was the best of them.

MORGAN: Was Michael happy in the end, do you think?

JACKSON: I felt he was happy. I could never -- and I always talked to the girl that was the kids' nanny, Grace. She always said -- I always said, is Michael happy because they were accusing him of all these things? And she would always say Michael had good times. We had good times together. Me and the kids and Michael, we would play.

Michael liked to run and play on the beach or whatever. And she assured me that, you know --

MORGAN: Despite everything, he managed to have a lot of happy times.

JACKSON: Uh-huh.

MORGAN: That's good to hear, isn't it?

JACKSON: It's good to hear. But when you know you're not guilty of anything -- but if he thought, you know what, if he was guilty of these things they were accusing him, he could never smile again, I would imagine, because -- and they put it in the papers and they had the trials. And this -- the first kid that accused him of child molestation because his father made him do it. He even told Michael his father made him do it.

I don't know if many people know that but after Michael died -- I think his name is Jordan.

MORGAN: Jordan Chantley (ph), yeah.

JACKSON: Yes, Jordan. He came out and he said that he wished he could have told Michael before he passed, let him know that he had come into the public and admitted he had never touched him.

MORGAN: How did that make you feel?

JACKSON: It made me feel good. But I knew it all the time, that Michael hadn't done anything, because I knew he wouldn't do that.

MORGAN: Coming up, Michael's great wish was to build a memorial. I want to talk to both of you about that after the break.


ANDERSON COOPER, CNN ANCHOR: Piers, we're coming to you tonight from the Syrian/Turkish border. This is one of many refugee camps on the Turkish side of the Syrian border. Some 23,000 Syrians have sought refuge here. Tonight, we want you to hear their voices, voices that the regime of Bashir al Assad has tried to silence now for 14 months with tanks and with torture, with bombs and with bullets. Tonight you will hear the voices of these Syrian citizen who say that they want freedom, and they're willing to fight and die for it. We'll have a full hour of coverage from this refugee camp along with CNN's Ivan Watson, Senator John McCain and professor Fouad Ajami (ph) will be joining us as well. Now back to Piers.


MORGAN: I'm back now with Michael Jackson's mother Katherine and his long time friend Brett Livingston Strong. I remember when Michael died, I went home to London. And I've got three sons. My youngest son was only eight years old. And he suddenly began playing Michael's music over and over for weeks and months. He'd never heard of Michael Jackson before.

It was really amazing to me that that whole new generation -- and it was the one positive I could see coming out of his awful death, was that actually a whole new generation of kids fell in love with Michael Jackson again and played his music and realized how phenomenal and entertaining he was. Amazing thing.

Brett, let's talk about two things I want to wrap up with. One is what are you going to do with this art?

STRONG: Well, Michael spent a good part of 25 years making this art. And it was like a private world for him. While a lot of the public thought that he may have been doing things that they thought he shouldn't be doing, he was actually creating art. And it was like a world for him to -- to retreat into, into this spiritual type of feeling where he would express his ideas. And he absolutely loved it, and it made him feel good.

MORGAN: People are going to hear about this. They're going to see these amazing pictures? And they're going to want to know if they can get ahold them?

STRONG: Well, Michael always wanted to exhibit his art. Unfortunately that didn't happen. He did want to sell it. And so a few pieces were sold before his passing. But since then, we've been working together, planning what -- how to exhibit them.

But he did, a long time ago, want to build a monument for where he wants his fans to get married. And we have a model of it here.

MORGAN: It's amazing. It's based on the Prince Albert Monument in London?

STRONG: Michael and I went around that monument. We went all over the world together. Many -- he loved monuments, and he thought I was deeply into monuments, so he wanted me to come along. So we went around and found a monument. He wrote post -- he wrote on a card that he got that day. And he said he wanted -- he said we should try to work out a design together on that. We came up with this kind of gothic, futuristic.

MORGAN: His concept was that it would become like a wedding chapel. (CROSS TALK)

STRONG: His statue. But in 2002 -- this is years before, but by 2002, he had one of his lawyers write me a letter saying, hey Brad, can you put a sculpture of Michael's three beautiful children in there; Michael wants that. He just wanted me to have that, get that officially, so that I had that in writing saying he wanted that. He wanted somewhere where his fans could go and in this structure he wanted his music?

MORGAN: Is this going to get built?

STRONG: Yes, because we can sell his art and build his -- even though it's a monument for where people -- he wanted people to get married, it's a monument to his love of life.

MORGAN: Where will it go?

STRONG: At the time, he was thinking Las Vegas. After what happened to him in Santa Barbara, he wanted to live in Las Vegas. He found a house. He was calling it Wonderland. But he was counting the success of "This Is It."

MORGAN: -- would be -- obviously that monument, but also to maybe exhibit the pictures and to sell some of the pictures.

STRONG: Yes. He would like -- he wanted to -- he thought that his fans would support his art. And by the sale of the art, he could support the Children's Hospital of Los Angeles. And we all went there and put some of Michael's art in the hospital when it was opened. And he was hoping to be there in 2007 or '08, after he came back from Bahrain.

He wanted to put some of his art there, but they weren't finish with the hospital. So when it did get finished, we went there with Burt and Mary Sugarman. And so I was hoping that they would permanently put Michael's art in there, because it's a children's hospital. I thought they welcomed his art with open arms.

MORGAN: That would be great.

STRONG: He also wanted from the sale of his art to support not only children, but animals. And some of his music was in support of the world. He was a very warm person who -- like his dear mother here, very sweet and honest person.

MORGAN: It's been a fascinating experience meeting you, Katherine, and talking to you. You're one of those people I have looked at from a distance and always wondered what you would be like, how you would talk about Michael. It's been a riveting interview.

I wasn't expecting this. I do appreciate you being so honest and open. I think a lot of his fans will too, because you've certainly given them an extraordinary insight into your son and what he was like. Good luck with raising his kids. I can't think of a more valuable testimony I guess to his life than that those kids get the best chance in life to live up to him.

JACKSON: Thank you for having me here.

MORGAN: It's been a real pleasure, thank you. Very nice to meet you.

JACKSON: Thank you, nice meeting you also.

MORGAN: Nice to meet you too, Brett.

STRONG: Thank you very much.

MORGAN: Extraordinary interview, Katherine Jackson and Brett Livingstone Strong.

Coming up, Only in America.


STRONG: This is a very interesting piece, because Michael wrote this quote about Michelangelo. He loved Michelangelo's work. And he often wrote these little notes. Here he is quoting Michelangelo.


MORGAN: A rare look inside the private world of Michael Jackson, an exclusive tour of the secret location full of hundreds of millions of dollars worth of art that Michael created.


MORGAN: For tonight's Only in America, the Michael Jackson we never knew. You saw some of his drawings and sketches here tonight. But most of his art work is behind closed doors at a secret airport hanger. Few have ever seen it until now. This is Michael's private world of paintings and portraits. We've been given rare and extraordinary access inside that hanger. Its location, as I say, has to remain a secret.

But its contents have now been revealed. This is how the icon found happiness away from the stage and studio, with brushes, pencils and, in particular, watercolor. He wanted to be known as an artist, not just the most famous entertainer in modern history. These are Michael's pastels he liked to work with.

Some estimates have valued the collection at a staggering 900 million dollar. Here a picture of the Statue of Liberty. Here a sketch of Frankenstein and Peter Pan.

He was obsessed with chairs and the number seven. He was the seventh child, as his mother explained earlier. And here on paper, words from Michelangelo that Michael cherished. It says, "I know the creator will go, but his work survives. That is why to escape death, I attempt to bind my soul to my work." Michael Jackson did not escape death, but his soul does live on in the music and art he created and above all, the lives he touched and forever changed. That's all for us tonight. "AC 360" starts now.

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MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

15.05.2012 um 17:10
Zitat von SylvinaSylvina schrieb:Du arme im "Kuhkaff" hahaha. Ich war bissel sehr weiter weg, aber dort hat die Verbindung hervorragend geklappt.
hahaha, gerade dieses Dorf, liegt in einem "Funkloch" ... selbst mein Handy (o2) hat hier keinen Empfang ... (Internet und Telefon NUR über die Telekom ... und nur ein DSL 2.000 Anschluß)

richtig "abgeschnitten von der Welt" ... :D :D :D

1x zitiertmelden

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

15.05.2012 um 17:21
Michael Jackson: Seine Kostüme gehen auf Welttournee

am 15/05/2012 13:00:00

Michael Jacksons ikonischste Outfits werden ausgestellt. Berichten zufolge sollen private wie auch Bühnen-Kostüme des verstorbenen King of Pop auf einer weltweiten Tour der Öffentlichkeit zugänglich gemacht werden - darunter seine berühmten weißen, pailettenbesetzten Handschuhe und eine rote Jacke, die Jackson Anfang der 90er während seiner 'Dangerous'-Tour trug.

Promi-Auktionator Darren Julien will die Stücke nach Südamerika, Europa und Asien bringen, bevor sie im Dezember durch sein Auktionshaus unter den Hammer kommen sollen. Die Ausstellungstour eröffnet am 18. Mai im Museo de la Moda in Santiago in Chile. Wenn die Outfits Ende des Jahres dann versteigert werden, soll ein Großteil der Einnahmen an den guten Zweck gehen: zum einen an 'Guide Dogs of America' - eine Organisation die Blindenhunde ausbildet - und zum anderen an das Nathan Adelson Hospiz in Las Vegas.

**Vor Kurzem wurde indes Jacksons berüchtigter Mundschutz in einer Auktion versteigert. Die Gesichtsmaske aus Seide wurde Berichten zufolge beim letzten Durchlauf seines 'This Is It'-Konzertes von dem Sänger getragen, bevor er im Juni 2009 an einer akuten Propofolvergiftung starb. Angeblich trägt die Maske sichtbare Spuren seines Make-ups und weist zudem eine einzelne, dunkle Haarsträhne von Jackson auf. Das gute Stück wechselte für rund 150.000 US-Dollar den Besitzer.

Wir finden: Auch drei Jahre nach seinem Tod kann man mit Michael Jackson noch Aufmerksamkeit erregen und viel Geld verdienen. In diesem Fall aber werden die Einnahmen einem guten Zweck gespendet - so haben wir's gerne! (Archiv-Version vom 19.05.2012)

** na, der Mundschutz wurde doch gar nicht verkauft !!!!!


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

15.05.2012 um 22:08

Judge postpones trial in Katherine Jackson's lawsuit against AEG Live

(Richter verschiebt Verhandlung in Jackson-Klage gegen AEG Live) da haben wir den Salat
neuer Termin im April 2013
Gründe gibt es auch: (Archiv-Version vom 01.05.2012)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

15.05.2012 um 22:22
Zitat von FaIrIeFlOwErFaIrIeFlOwEr schrieb:richtig "abgeschnitten von der Welt
hab ich in Bayern direkt an der tschechischen Grenze auch schon mal erlebt, kommst Dir vor wie hinterm Mond.
danke für Transcript vom Interview. Mich hatte das nur interessiert, weil ich wissen wollte, warum der Livingston da mit rumsaß. Schlauer bin ich daraus auch nicht geworden, wahrscheinlich war er der Bilderträger für Kathrine. Ich hatte eigentlich erwartet, daß er etwas zu seinem angeblichen Eigentum sagt, hat er aber nicht und Kathrine hat auch nichts dazu gesagt. Habe nur abgedroschene altbekannte Phrasen gehört, also alles, was wir schon wissen und schon tausendmal erzählt wurde. Mir ist nur aufgefallen, daß Kathrine sich laufend in den Interviews widerspricht. Z.B. hat sie in einem anderen Interview gesagt, daß sie kurz im Krankenhaus mit Murray gesprochen hat und jetzt hat sie überhaupt noch nie mit ihm gesprochen und auch sonst nichts von ihm gehört.
Dann haben sich alle Jacksons in vorhergehenden Interviews über die Drogensucht von Michael ausgelassen, wohlgemerkt alle, jetzt widerspricht sich die Mutter wieder, da wird sich aber AEG freuen, die werden das alles aufgezeichnet haben.

Heute war übrigens großer Anhörungstag in Los Angeles, Jermaine war auch vorgeladen.
Komisch, wie die da alle dicht halten. Kein Wort hört man darüber, nur blablabla.

1x zitiertmelden

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16.05.2012 um 07:53!/Ivy_MJJC (Archiv-Version vom 16.05.2012)

Ivy ‏ @Ivy_MJJC
Here's the KJ- AEG lawsuit update that I promised this morning. A lot of new info:

4:35 AM - 16 Mai 12


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

16.05.2012 um 08:03
Zitat von SylvinaSylvina schrieb:Mich hatte das nur interessiert, weil ich wissen wollte, warum der Livingston da mit rumsaß. Schlauer bin ich daraus auch nicht geworden
Ich auch nicht ... Piers Morgan sagte lediglich, das er dieses exklusive Interview mit Michaels Mutter Katherine Jackson und seinem "Mentor" UND gutem Freund, dem Künstler Brett Livingston Strong führen wird ...
Zitat von FaIrIeFlOwErFaIrIeFlOwEr schrieb:Joining me now in an exclusive interview is Michael's mother Katherine Jackson and his mentor and good friend artist Brett Livingston Strong.
vielleicht finden wir ja noch eine Erklärung beim MJJC ...


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

16.05.2012 um 08:12
ach, sollte sich die Familie erst jetzt Gedanken darüber machen, ob sie im Sinne
von MJ "vorgeht" ??? ist wohl eher mal wieder ein "Seitenfüller" ...

Family worried: Jackson 'wouldn't have wanted' daughter's showbiz career
May 16, 2012 - 6:38AM

Showbiz life ... Paris Jackson appears on the Ellen DeGeneres show in December. Photo: AP/Warner Bros

Michael Jackson's mother Katherine has reservations about her granddaughter's acting career as she is convinced the King of Pop would not have wanted Paris to pursue a career in entertainment at such a young age.
The late Thriller icon's 14-year-old daughter is desperate to be an actress and will make her big screen debut in the 2013 fantasy film Lundon's Bridge and The Three Keys.
However, Katherine, Paris's legal guardian, admits she was reluctant to let the youngster chase her Hollywood dream.

"I'm pleased and concerned (for Paris) at the same time because I don't think that Michael would have wanted her to be out there this soon. But she wanted it so badly," she told US talk show host Piers Morgan.
''She kept saying, 'Please, Grandma! I want this, you know'. It was something she really wanted so I just gave in and said OK.
"I said, 'How do you know you can act? You haven't had acting (experience)'. So I started sending her to acting (classes). Before then she said, 'Just try me, just try me. I can cry on cue'. She showed me how she can cry. She's very good."
Michael, who was just a boy when he shot to fame in The Jackson 5, went to great lengths to shield his three children from the spotlight, covering their faces with masks and blankets when they stepped out in public.


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16.05.2012 um 08:21!/Ivy_MJJC (Archiv-Version vom 16.05.2012)

Anthony McCartney ‏ @mccartneyAP
Yes. No due date was announced though RT @Ivy_MJJC:is the summary judgement filing date delayed as well?
Retweetet von Ivy

7:51 PM - 15 Mai 12 via Twitter for iPhone

Ivy ‏ @Ivy_MJJC
@mccartneyAP as always thanks Anthony. :) I will be waiting for your AP story about the developments.

7:52 PM - 15 Mai 12 via TweetDeck

MJJCommunity ‏ @MJJCommunity
Katherine Jackson - AEG trial has been delayed until April 2013 via @mccartneyAP
Retweetet von Ivy

8:05 PM - 15 Mai 12 via web


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16.05.2012 um 08:30
zu meinem Eintrag von heute um 07:53:

habe leider ein Leerzeichen vergessen, somit kann der Link nicht direkt angeklickt werden ...
also noch einmal ... sorry


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

16.05.2012 um 10:38
Bei MJJC lese ich auch immer mit, Ivy will glaube ich heute noch einen Eintrag einstellen auf der Web-Site. Mal schauen.

Zu den Schauspiel-Ambitionen von Paris kann ich mir schon vorstellen, daß sie so richtig ihre Oma genervt hat. Was bleibt einem da anderes übrig als ja zu sagen. :D
Ich glaube auch nicht, daß sich Michael da so sehr verschlossen hätte, ihm hätte das bestimmt auch gefallen, wahrscheinlich in einem selbstinszinierten Film für seine Tochter oder so. Er hätte auf jeden Fall dann selbst das Drehbuch geschrieben, schöne Vorstellung.
Als so verwerflich sehe ich das nicht an, Michael hätte seinen Kindern im Teenageralter nicht mehr einfach so ne Maske überstülpen können, da hätte es Kampf gegeben, ich glaube auch, den gab es schon früher. :D

Zu diesem Livingston und vieles mehr gibt es hier wieder einen Eintrag. Da wird alles erklärt, ob es stimmt, sei mal dahingestellt, aber trotzdem ganz interessant:


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

17.05.2012 um 09:50

das mit Paris bzw. mit den Kindern, sehe ich ähnlich wie du .... die Kids werden ihre Oma bestimmt ganz schön um den "Finger wickeln" können ... aber es ist doch auch OK ...

ich fand MJ's Maskerade der Kinder, aber auch seine eigene, "unmöglich" ... sie hat auf jeden Fall dazu beigetragen, ihn als Freak darzustellen ... die Erklärung zur "Verschleierung" der Kinder, klang doch eher "suspekt" ... jetzt im Nachhinein ist es aber eh müßig, über das Für und Wider zu urteilen ... es war halt, wie es war .... es gibt viele berühmte, reiche Persönlichkeiten, die sich selbst und auch ihre Kinder auf eine "normale" Art schützen (können) ... na, toll fanden es die Kids vielleicht ab und zu mal, sie hatten bestimmt viele Möglichkeiten genutzt, diese "blöden" Tücher oder Masken NICHT einfach so übergestülpt zu bekommen ... Paris hat in dem Interview bei der Ellen DeGeneres Show ja geäußert, dass sie es "blöd" fand, aber heute verstehen könnte, warum es so gewesen sei ... (leider hat man später auch oft einen "verklärten" Blick auf "Situationen" des Lebens) ...

das mit den "Schauspielambitionen" von Paris, sehe ich auch nicht als verwerflich an ... zumal sie Freude daran zu haben scheint ... und ganz ins "kalte Wasser" wurde sie ja nicht geworfen, bekam/bekommt auch Schauspielunterricht ... und die Rolle in dem anstehenden Film, scheint doch altersentsprechend zu sein ... also wo liegt das Problem ...

die Beiträge zu Brett Livingstone Strong werde ich mir später durchlesen ...


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

17.05.2012 um 09:58
Lad in the mirror
Jacko son Blanket is
dad's spitting image

Published: 16th May 2012

Blanket Jacko 532 1509657a
Like father, like son ... Blanket looks like dad Michael

MICHAEL Jackson’s son Blanket is the spitting image of the tragic star as he grabs an iced treat with his brother and sister.

The late singer’s youngest child, nine, was at Starbucks with sister Paris, 14, and 15-year-old brother Prince.

And with his long locks he was looking more and more like his famous dad.

Meanwhile, Paris — who wore a football top with shorts and geek-chic glasses during the sighting in LA, California — is reportedly keen to become an actress.

She will make her debut in Lundon’s Bridge and The Three Keys, due out in 2013.

Jackos 02 1509655a
Out for a treat ... Prince, Paris and Blanket (l.t.r.)
jackson-kid-new 1509761a
Oldest son ... Prince Michael with Starbucks treat (Archiv-Version vom 17.05.2012)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

17.05.2012 um 10:06!/KINGDOM52 (Archiv-Version vom 17.05.2012)

US judge delays trial of Jackson show promoters

8:43 AM - 16 Mai 12

in dem Bericht heißt es u. a.
On Tuesday judge Palazuelos found in their favor, putting the trial back from September 10 this year to April 2, 2013.
Richter Palazuelos hat den Termin vom 10. September 2012 auf den 2. April 2013 verschoben ...

also viel Zeit, die entsprechenden Unterlagen zu "beschaffen" ...


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

17.05.2012 um 10:16
She's a sporty girl! Paris Jackson stops off at Starbucks in her soccer outfit and is joined by brothers Prince and Blanket

PUBLISHED: 12:44 GMT, 16 May 2012 | UPDATED: 14:55 GMT, 16 May 2012

A couple of months ago, the world was surprised to see how much Prince Jackson had morphed into a strapping young man, but his sister's looking rather grown up too.
Paris, 14, was spotted out and about with her older brother and their younger sibling Blanket, and certainly looked like your average teenager.
As she strolled along the streets of Los Angeles, the the dark-haired youngster showed off her sporty side.

article-0-131C6416000005DC-69 468x696
She's the sporty type: Paris Jackson leaves Starbucks in Los Angeles wearing her soccer kit

Paris wore a bright red baggy soccer shirt with black shorts and matching trainers.
She completed her look with white shin pads and black thick-framed glasses, and had no doubt enjoyed an afternoon of playing the sport.
It's no secret that Paris is a fan of soccer and has even being spotted participating in games as the only female player.
Following the practice, she and her brothers - whose father Michael passed away in June 2009 - headed to a local Starbucks where they picked up some iced drinks to cool down.

article-0-131C63F1000005DC-71 468x367
Family day out: The 14-year-old was joined by her brothers Prince and Blanket

Prince, 15, walked ahead of his sister and was wearing baggy blue denim jeans and a white polo top with trainers.
Their ten-year-old brother trailed behind them and looked down at the ground as he strolled with his goodies in hand.
The long-haired child, who regularly watches his sister at soccer matches, was wearing a bright green polo top and black trousers despite the sun shining.
Only girl on the pitch: Paris is known to play soccer with boys on a regular basis

ein ähnlicher in Verbindung stehender Bericht


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17.05.2012 um 10:25
mit dem User vom "TeamMichaelJackson" gibt es wohl immer wieder Ärger, weil er/sie sich nicht an das "copyright" hält ... es ist ein umfangreicher "Gesprächsverlauf" ...!/Ivy_MJJC (Archiv-Version vom 17.05.2012)

Ivy ‏ @Ivy_MJJC
@TeamMichael777 I will not be filing a copyright lawsuit I'm not required Rules clearly states "IF". I guess you'll have to wait for 10 days

7:01 AM - 17 Mai 12


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

17.05.2012 um 10:40!/MJJCommunity (Archiv-Version vom 17.05.2012)

MJJCommunity ‏@MJJCommunity

Today in Michael Jackson HIStory: May 16th
10:48 PM - 16 Mai 12

(HD) Michael Jackson / Jackson 5 Motown 25 FULL PERFORMANCE!! WIDESCREEN!! By BretHDvids

Michael Jackson - The Making of Scream (part 1)
Youtube: Michael Jackson - The Making of Scream (part 1)
Michael Jackson - The Making of Scream (part 1)
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Michael Jackson - The Making of Scream (part 2)
Youtube: Michael Jackson - The Making of Scream (part 2)
Michael Jackson - The Making of Scream (part 2)
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18.05.2012 um 12:05

Bühnenoutfits von Michael Jackson gehen auf Welttournee

Auftakt am 18. Mai im Modemuseum der chilenischen Hauptstadt Santiago


Los Angeles (dapd). Glitzerhandschuhe, bestickte Jacken und T-Shirts von Michael Jackson gehen auf Welttournee. Das Auktionshaus Julien's erklärte am Montag, die Outfits, die der verstorbene Popsänger auf der Bühne und in Musikvideos trug, sollten in Südamerika, Europa und Asien gezeigt werden.

Die Ausstellung wird am 18. Mai im Modemuseum der chilenischen Hauptstadt Santiago eröffnet. Zu sehen sind dann unter anderem das T-Shirt, das Jackson als Captain EO trug, das komplett schwarze Outfit aus "Scream" und ein Anzug, den Jackson während der "Bad"-Tournee Ende der 80er-Jahre trug. Versteigert werden die Stücke am 2. Dezember in den USA.

