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USA - Waffen und das Waffengesetz. Wann hört das auf?

6.384 Beiträge ▪ Schlüsselwörter: Politik, USA, Mord ▪ Abonnieren: Feed E-Mail

USA - Waffen und das Waffengesetz. Wann hört das auf?

31.12.2014 um 15:23

Das liegt an der Armut und die Gefahr zu Hause überfallen zu werden ist wohl zu gross. Die Leute lassen sich das Recht auch nicht so einfach nehmen sich daheim zu wehren. Sogar vor der Polizei, man bekommt ja öfters von diesen "ominösen Verschwörungstherorien" etwas mit. :D

Evtl. sollte man woandes die Ursachen bekämpfen.

Die Verbrecher haben auch sowieso Waffen.


USA - Waffen und das Waffengesetz. Wann hört das auf?

31.12.2014 um 16:07
Naja selbst wenn es irgendwann mal schärfere Gesetze gibt, die Waffen verschwinden ja nicht von einen auf den anderen Tag. :D


USA - Waffen und das Waffengesetz. Wann hört das auf?

31.12.2014 um 16:37

Es muss vermutlich einen zusätzlichen Anreiz geben, die Waffen freiwillig abzugeben, z.B. einen kleinen Obolus. Den Rest der Kanonen muss man sukzessive einziehen, aber ein Rest bleibt natürlich. Darüber könnte man sich mal Gedanken machen, wenn man endlich mal die Gesetze überarbeiten würde.

2x zitiertmelden

USA - Waffen und das Waffengesetz. Wann hört das auf?

01.01.2015 um 03:05
Zitat von AldarisAldaris schrieb:Es muss vermutlich einen zusätzlichen Anreiz geben, die Waffen freiwillig abzugeben, z.B. einen kleinen Obolus. Den Rest der Kanonen muss man sukzessive einziehen, aber ein Rest bleibt natürlich.
Halte ich bei geschätzten 270-310 Mio. Feuerwaffen für ein unmögliches Unterfangen. :D


USA - Waffen und das Waffengesetz. Wann hört das auf?

01.01.2015 um 04:30
Zitat von AldarisAldaris schrieb:Den Rest der Kanonen muss man sukzessive einziehen, aber ein Rest bleibt natürlich.
Wie will man denn das ohne Verluste bewerkstelligen? Und der Rest freut sich dann über die "vernünftigen Nachbarn". :D
Zitat von AldarisAldaris schrieb:Darüber könnte man sich mal Gedanken machen, wenn man endlich mal die Gesetze überarbeiten würde.
Man könnte evtl. mal versuchen, dem Volk zu dienen und die Menschen einigermassen glücklich zu machen, dazu müsste man wohl auch erstmal ein paar Gesetze überdenken.

Danach kann man sich an die anderen Arbeiten begeben, so kenne ich das von akkuraten Arbeitsschritten, dazu sollten doch so schlaue Leute fähig sein, die kennen doch sonst nichts, wenns darum geht schnell zu handeln. Manchmal aber auch etwas zu schnell, für meinen Geschmack.

1x zitiertmelden

USA - Waffen und das Waffengesetz. Wann hört das auf?

01.01.2015 um 15:01
Zitat von ThunderBird1ThunderBird1 schrieb:Wie will man denn das ohne Verluste bewerkstelligen? Und der Rest freut sich dann über die "vernünftigen Nachbarn". :D
Also ich denke nicht, dass jeder, der eine Waffe besitzt, direkt auf Polizisten schießen würde, wenn diese Kontrollen etc. durchführen.
Zitat von ThunderBird1ThunderBird1 schrieb:Man könnte evtl. mal versuchen, dem Volk zu dienen und die Menschen einigermassen glücklich zu machen, dazu müsste man wohl auch erstmal ein paar Gesetze überdenken.

Danach kann man sich an die anderen Arbeiten begeben, so kenne ich das von akkuraten Arbeitsschritten, dazu sollten doch so schlaue Leute fähig sein, die kennen doch sonst nichts, wenns darum geht schnell zu handeln. Manchmal aber auch etwas zu schnell, für meinen Geschmack.
Schöne Neujahrsansprache. Mehr aber auch nicht.

1x zitiertmelden

USA - Waffen und das Waffengesetz. Wann hört das auf?

01.01.2015 um 16:37
Zitat von AldarisAldaris schrieb:Also ich denke nicht, dass jeder, der eine Waffe besitzt, direkt auf Polizisten schießen würde, wenn diese Kontrollen etc. durchführen.
Das wäre natürlich auch sehr heftig, mir schon sogar zu heftig, aber ich denke es könnte schon vorkommen.
Zitat von AldarisAldaris schrieb:Schöne Neujahrsansprache. Mehr aber auch nicht.
Ne, für mich hört es sich eher wie ein Befehl an. Könnte eigentlich auf jeden Arbeitstag zutreffen.

Auf Neujahrsansprachen kann ich sehr guzt verzichten.


USA - Waffen und das Waffengesetz. Wann hört das auf?

02.01.2015 um 12:49
Im vergangenen Jahr hat es in der amerikanischen Metropole New York so wenig Morde wie schon lange nicht mehr gegeben. Im vergangenen Jahr seien in der Grossstadt 328 Morde begangen worden, berichtet die Zeitung «New York Times».

Dies ist der niedrigste Wert in der seit 1963 geführten Statistik und noch rund ein Siebtel der Anzahl Morde, die beim Höchststand im Jahr 1990 registriert worden waren, wie die Zeitung weiter meldete. Damals lag die Zahl der Morde bei 2245. Die «New York Times» beruft sich auf Daten der Polizei.

Insgesamt sei auch die Kriminalität zurückgegangen
http://www.srf.ch/news/ticker (Archiv-Version vom 05.02.2016)
New York ist auch nicht mehr was es mal war.


USA - Waffen und das Waffengesetz. Wann hört das auf?

02.01.2015 um 13:04
Entgegengesetzter Trend hier bei uns ?

Düsseldorf. Auf den Straßen in NRW ist es seit 1994 unsicherer geworden - das zeigt eine Langzeitstudie des Landeskriminalamts. Täter sind vor allem junge Männer. Die Opposition fordert eine härtere Politik.
Der Straßenraub auf öffentlichen Plätzen und Wegen hat in NRW in den vergangenen 20 Jahren drastisch zugenommen. Waren es 1994 landesweit noch 5071 solcher Delikte, stieg die Zahl bis Ende 2013 auf 7931 - ein Plus von 56 Prozent.
Vielleicht brauchen wir mehr Waffen zum Selbstschutz ? :O


USA - Waffen und das Waffengesetz. Wann hört das auf?

07.01.2015 um 18:42
328 Morde... ist trotzdem eine Menge.

Zum Vergleich hier die Statistik für ganz Deutschland, mit vier mal so vielen Einwohnern.

Wikipedia: Mord (Deutschland)#Statistik


USA - Waffen und das Waffengesetz. Wann hört das auf?

20.01.2015 um 16:41
9-month-old dies after being shot in the head by 5-year-old brother in NW Mo.

ELMO, Mo. – An infant has died after being shot in the head in Northwest Missouri.

According to the Nodaway County Sheriff’s Office, the nine-month-old baby boy was shot shortly before nine o’clock Monday morning by his five-year-old brother at their residence, located at 101 S. Scott in Elmo, Missouri, which is just south of the Iowa border.

According to the Nodaway County Sheriff’s Office the mother of the two children said her five-year-old son shot her infant in the head with a paintball gun. But after an ambulance and law enforcement were dispatched to the location, it was determined the nine-month-old had been shot in the head with a .22 caliber magnum revolver.

Nodaway County Sheriff, Darren White, said the loaded gun had been kept on a shelf which was built into the headboard of the master bed. The infant was in a crib in that room, and law enforcement found the gun nearby.

The baby boy was taken by a Life Net Air Ambulance to Children’s Mercy Hospital in Kansas City, where he was pronounced dead from his injuries.

Monday FOX 4 spoke with gun safety expert Don Pind, of Professional Firearms Consultants. He says there is no reason any child should have access to a gun. He says these are so many cheap and easy options for keeping firearms safe in the home, that it’s the parents responsibility when a tragedy like this happens.

“But the parents need to keep them away from it; lock them up, whether it be in a gun sock… padlocks are available free from the police and sheriffs’ offices,” said Pind as he demonstrated putting a padlock though the barrel of a handgun.

A next door neighbor and friend of the family, Kathy Armentrout, said the woman was home alone with her four boys at the time of the shooting.

“They’re a very good family and this was a tragedy. It’s a sad deal. I just hope everybody prays for them,” she said.

Armentrout says the four little boys, who are brothers, live in the house, including the baby who was killed. She grabbed the three children who she says are ages five, three and one-and-a-half and brought them to her house.

“They’re not very old so they have no clue what was happening, you know,” said Arementrout.

Sheriff White says he has contacted the prosecutor to give him a heads up about this case. The prosecutor will assemble a child fatality review board, made up of law enforcement, children’s services and hospital personnel to help him determine of charges will be filed against the parents in this case.

The Nodaway County Sheriff’s Office was assisted at the scene by the Missouri State Highway Patrol, the Nodaway County Ambulance, Nodaway County Rescue, Clearmont Fire and Life Net Air Ambulance.


USA - Waffen und das Waffengesetz. Wann hört das auf?

20.01.2015 um 19:55
Hir mal auf deutsch:

Fünfjähriger hat 9 onate alten Bruder offenbar versehentlich in den Kopf geschossen und tödlich verletzt.

Ich finde die Eltern sollte lebenslänglich in den Knast und es sollte ein präzedenzfall sein.
Denn wie viel Kinder sollen noch Familienmitglieder erschissen ohne das die SCHEISS ELTERN dafür nicht zu verantwortung gezogen werden.
Denn es ist imm ein "Tragischer unfall" und keiner wird zur verantwortung gezogen.

Zweijähriger Junge erschießt seine Mutter in Supermarkt
Zwei tragische Vorfälle mit Waffen schockieren die USA: In New Jersey hat ein Vierjähriger einen Sechsjährigen erschossen. In Tennessee tötete ein anderer Vierjähriger die Frau eines Polizisten.
Ein Vierjähriger in Arizona tötete versehentlich seinen eigenen Vater.
US-Junge (5) erschießt seine Schwester (2)

Chronologie der Unfaelle in usa wenn kinder mit schusswaffen toeten


USA - Waffen und das Waffengesetz. Wann hört das auf?

20.01.2015 um 20:24


USA - Waffen und das Waffengesetz. Wann hört das auf?

22.01.2015 um 17:58
Laut "Officer Down Memorial Page" sind 2014 landesweit in den USA 47 Polizisten durch Gunfire ums Leben gekommen.

Diensthund K9 Sultan ist im Jahr 2015 das erste Mitglied einer amerikanischen Polizeibehörde, dass im Dienst von einem Verbrecher erschossen wurde.
K9 Sultan
Riverside County Sheriff's Department, California

End of Watch: Wednesday, January 21, 2015

K9 Sultan was shot and killed while attempting to apprehend an armed felon in the area of San Jacinto Street and Mayberry Avenue in Hemet.

Sultan had tracked the man underneath a house where he was shot. His handler immediately transported him to an animal hospital where he was pronounced dead.

The subject was shot and killed later in the night after he emerged from a house holding a gun.

K9 Sultan was a narcotics and tracking canine. He had served with the San Jacinto Police Department, which contracts police service from the Riverside County Sheriff's Department, for two years.


USA - Waffen und das Waffengesetz. Wann hört das auf?

03.02.2015 um 20:15
A 3-year-old boy shot his mother in the leg early Monday in Davie, police said.

The shooting happened shortly before 4 a.m. at a home in the 4800 block of Southwest 59th Terrace.

Police said the toddler somehow got a hold of the gun and shot his mother in the leg. The family was taking the woman to the hospital when they flagged down an officer who called fire rescue.

She was taken to Memorial East Hospital in Hollywood with non-life threatening injuries.

Officers with the Broward County Sheriff's Office child protective team were at the house Monday afternoon interviewing family members in order to determine how the child got a hold of the gun. It is believed that multiple generations of a family reside in the home together.

"From what I am gathering the weapon is not usually stored where the weapon was. It was in a position or a place where the child could gain access to it easily," Davie Police spokesman Capt. Dale Engle said.

The child is expected to stay with the relatives in that house.

It is possible that charges could be brought against an adult in the home for not securing the gun properly, police said.

"It is definitely something we are looking at and I do anticipate at some point that charges may be brought forth towards the parents once we determine who actually owns the weapon," Engle said.

Engle also added that is is a "myth" that a small child is not strong enough to pull the trigger of a gun.

"If you can squeeze your hand then you can discharge a weapon, and there is an obvious fascination with weapons with all kids," he said.


USA - Waffen und das Waffengesetz. Wann hört das auf?

03.02.2015 um 21:16
Eine halbwegs gute Nachricht. Bisher sind landesweit in den USA 2 Polizeihunde erschossen und ein Officer per Unfall mit Schusswaffe ums Leben gekommen. Aber im Jahr 2015 ist wohl erstmals zu einem Beginn des Jahres bzw. in einem Monat kein menschlicher Polizist durch Gunfire ums Leben gekommen.
Monday, February 2, 2015

No Felonious Gunfire Deaths in January 2015

On average, a law enforcement officer in the United States has died as a direct result of gunfire every six days for the last thirty years. In all, 1,825 law enforcement officers have been killed by gunfire since 1985.

The Officer Down Memorial Page is pleased to report, however, that January 2015 marks the first month since September 2011 in which there were no felonious gunfire deaths of law enforcement officers in the United States.

This is only the third month since 1985 in which no law enforcement gunfire deaths occurred.

There was, however, an accidental gunfire death this month, when Mississippi Gaming Commission Director of Investigations John Gorman was accidentally shot and killed during a training exercise.

Visit his memorial page and pay your respects here.

Although deaths in January of 2015 did increase over January of 2014, that was a result of higher instances of motor vehicle and heart attack deaths.

The Officer Down Memorial Page tracks law enforcement death statistics by type in the hopes that analysis of that information will enable a better understanding of how to keep officers safe and prevent more Line of Duty Deaths.


USA - Waffen und das Waffengesetz. Wann hört das auf?

04.02.2015 um 22:57
STOKES COUNTY, N.C. — Two adults and their children were found dead in Stokes County on Wednesday.

According to Sheriff Mike Marshall, Coleton and Amanda Tarpley and their two children were found dead from gunshot wounds at a residence on Ralph Boyles Road. Marshall is classifying the deaths as a murder-suicide.

A Stokes County school official told FOX8 the two children were students at Poplar Springs Elementary School.

School was only in session for half a day today. At 11:50 a.m., the children’s grandparents went to get them off the bus and found their parents’ cars still at the home.

The grandparents called the Stokes County Sheriff’s Office to do a welfare check and deputies found all four deceased.


USA - Waffen und das Waffengesetz. Wann hört das auf?

08.02.2015 um 16:19
Furchtbare Schießereien in Georgia und South Carolina.
5 killed, including children, in Georgia shooting

Seven people were shot, five fatally, after a gunman opened fire in the street in Douglas County, west of Atlanta. The victims included the ex-wife and several of the shooter’s children. The gunman then committed suicide.

Douglas County Sheriff's Lt. Glenn Daniel told AP that the shooting took place in Douglasville at around 3pm Saturday. Alarmed residents made a 911 call reporting a gunman shooting people in the street.

“We had multiple victims shot in the street,” Sheriff’s Chief Deputy Stan Copeland told local ABC affiliate WSB-TV 2.

Police said the victims’ ages ranged from toddlers to adults and some of them were related. The gunman also fired shots in one of the houses.

“Some of [the victims] are siblings, so some [people] are related. We just don’t know who is who right now,” Copeland added.

Officers later identified some of the victims as the former wife and children of the gunman. The shooter is believed to have died of a self-inflicted gunshot wound, the Sheriff’s Office said.

Neighbors told WXIA-TV that the incident involved a family with five children. Police have not yet determined the motive for the shooting.

Some of the injured died before reaching the hospital. Two of the individuals who have survived are children.

The names of the victims will be released only after police notify the family members.

Witnesses have been describing a heavy police presence in the area. “When we came in, we kept hearing police car after police car. We saw helicopters. We said something is going on,” neighbor Geraldine Price told CBS46. “It's just shocking. As a parent, you don't want to think that a mother would lose her child…it’s just shocking all together and it's sad.”

“It's very devastating,” said another local, Shelton Price. “Nothing ever really happens here.”
Two dead in murder-suicide at University of S.C.

COLUMBIA, S.C. — Two people were fatally shot in a murder-suicide Thursday at the University of South Carolina in Columbia, authorities said.

The shooting took place just after 1 p.m. in the Arnold School of Public Health. South Carolina State Law Enforcement Division spokesman Thom Berry said additional information on the circumstances leading up to the shooting were not immediately available, but he did call the shooting "isolated."

"There was no active shooter situation, other than the two individuals that are now deceased and were involved in this situation," he added.

Berry would not say if the two people were students, faculty or staff.

Berry said Richland County Coroner Gary Watts is also investigating and may have information Thursday night or Friday morning.

The lockdown on the school's campus has been lifted, and classes for most of the university have resumed, although some department heads made the individual decision to stop their instruction schedule.

The school sent out a Carolina Alert, its campus notification system, on e-mail and Twitter, around 1:20 p.m. telling students to seek safe shelter and to obey officials. Less than an hour later the school tweeted : "There is no longer an existing threat on campus. New School of Public Health/streets remained closed."

SHOOTING AT NEW SCHOOL OF PUBLIC HEALTH. Remain indoors. Obey officials. http://t.co/fWJdCbdExJ
— Carolina Alert (@CarolinaAlert) February 5, 2015

Students who were inside the building told News19 they initially thought it was a fire drill, because they heard that alarm sound. Law enforcement then instructed them to get out of the building.

Hayden Dunn, a senior at the school, was inside the building and was leaving when he heard about the shooting.

"I got on the elevator and a policeman came into the elevator with me and asked if I had heard any gunshots," said Dunn. "About five minutes after that the fire alarm went off and we all went outside. About three minutes later, another officer came outside and told us we needed to get as far away as possible."

"I didn't think that it was for real maybe, just like a drill at first," said Kali Bishop, another senior at the school.

In other parts of the campus, some students barricaded themselves in their rooms until they got the all-clear.

The State said Gov. Nikki Haley halted a news conference near the campus for security purposes.

The Arnold School of Public Health has an enrollment of more than 2,100 students, including 400 undergraduates in undergraduate program in public health, the school says on its website.

"Since 2009, Arnold School faculty have garnered more than $119 million in research and other extramural funding," the website adds.

Park@College,Assembly@ College closed to traffic. Emergency @USC school of health. CPD assisting. pic.twitter.com/RCPkYVwBBa
— Cola Police Dept. SC (@ColumbiaPDSC) February 5, 2015


USA - Waffen und das Waffengesetz. Wann hört das auf?

13.02.2015 um 21:55
hier mal wieder etwas zu George Zimmerman
