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Schatzsucher finden mysteriöse Kreisstruktur am Grunde der Ostsee

10.442 Beiträge ▪ Schlüsselwörter: Ostsee, Kreisstruktur ▪ Abonnieren: Feed E-Mail

Schatzsucher finden mysteriöse Kreisstruktur am Grunde der Ostsee

24.06.2012 um 00:33


Ab Nortälje (Schweden) Radius ca. 80km entfernt. Genaue Position unbekannt.


Schatzsucher finden mysteriöse Kreisstruktur am Grunde der Ostsee

24.06.2012 um 00:38
47.8, 13.03 , nur das mit dem ding ....... :o)


Schatzsucher finden mysteriöse Kreisstruktur am Grunde der Ostsee

24.06.2012 um 00:38
47.8, 13.03 , nur das mit dem ding ....... :o)


Schatzsucher finden mysteriöse Kreisstruktur am Grunde der Ostsee

24.06.2012 um 00:51
Oder sowas hier nur unten im Meer. Der Eingang zu einer Geheimbasis. Wo streng geheime Experimente stattfinden oder so.

Oder doch Atlantis?


Schatzsucher finden mysteriöse Kreisstruktur am Grunde der Ostsee

24.06.2012 um 00:58
die seismischen aufzeichnungen die größere explosionen erfassen könnten gab es die schon zu lebzeiten stalins? kann ein sowjetisches u-boot welches vollkommen samt aller torpedos explodiert solche charakteristik hervorrufen? keine trümmerteile und ein entstellter, seltsamer meeresboden jedoch ohne krater und keiner außer das militär hat was mitbekommen da die koordinaten nicht unmittelbar am strand liegen


Schatzsucher finden mysteriöse Kreisstruktur am Grunde der Ostsee

24.06.2012 um 09:14
Ich schlage vor, dass wir den Tread nun ruhen lassen, bis neue Informationen bekannt werden, sonst muss ich mir bis dahin noch 20 Seiten Spekulationen durchlesen! :D


Schatzsucher finden mysteriöse Kreisstruktur am Grunde der Ostsee

24.06.2012 um 10:46
ok vieleicht kann eine das mal zusammenfassen, dn weiss man auch wo man weiter macht, und neue leute nicht gleich wiedr von vorne anfange...


Schatzsucher finden mysteriöse Kreisstruktur am Grunde der Ostsee

24.06.2012 um 11:08
Ist in Ordnung, ich mach das, hatte da schon was vorbereitet aber eine Stunde oder zwei wirds dauern weil ich mir vorsichtshalber noch mal einiges durchlesen muss. Soll ja was vernüftiges werden.


Schatzsucher finden mysteriöse Kreisstruktur am Grunde der Ostsee

24.06.2012 um 11:12
alle Achtung bei den 300 Seiten
und dann die Übersicht nicht zu verlieren oder sich zu verrennen.
ich bin drauf gespannt


Schatzsucher finden mysteriöse Kreisstruktur am Grunde der Ostsee

24.06.2012 um 11:17

poste das erstmal bitte wenn du das fertig hast an empty77 und mich BalticSea. Das wir das gemeinsam nochmal angucken können das wir vielleicht auch noch was hinzufügen.
Und schreib kurz PM hier, das wir Postfach nachgucken.


Schatzsucher finden mysteriöse Kreisstruktur am Grunde der Ostsee

24.06.2012 um 11:28
Kennt ihr schon die Story mit dem Interview, in dem es auch um die Anomalie geht, und wo der Sprecher plötzlich das Gegenteil behauptet und schnell auflegt, als ob die Men in Black vor der Tür stehen?


Schatzsucher finden mysteriöse Kreisstruktur am Grunde der Ostsee

24.06.2012 um 12:00
@Lupo1954 echt jetze :D


Schatzsucher finden mysteriöse Kreisstruktur am Grunde der Ostsee

24.06.2012 um 13:11
Dauert noch etwas, da ich alle Angaben mit den Postings überprüfe und die müssen zuerst einmal gefunden werden. Ist übrigens erstaunlich, wie viele Fakten da zusammen kommen. Etwa 2 Seiten DIN-A4


Schatzsucher finden mysteriöse Kreisstruktur am Grunde der Ostsee

24.06.2012 um 13:12
ich poste mal den interview verlauf von lindberg auf der facebook gruppen seite... da sind fragen und antworten von usern die pepter lindberg beantwortet hat,
@Lupo1954 vieleicht hilt dir das

Mass interview with Peter Lindberg:

Peter L:
Hello friends, I have not written anything here in a while, can maybe be explained by the fact that I have really been out there --. I will drop you some of my believes:

1. I do not believe that the circle is a wreckage of an flying craft from WWII till rescent time (or from some thousands of year back for that matter)

2. I do not believe the circle is a wreckage of any kind of known floating vessels from the past or from modern time.

3. I do not belive the cicle is a construction made by someone efter the ice age (submarine bases etc included).

4. I do belive the surface of the circle is made of mineral.

5. I do belive that the surface looks like concrete through the ROV camera but I do not belive it's made of concrete.

6. I do belive that the very strait lines and angular formations we can see on the side scan sonar image from last year really excists. The odd thing is that I thought, before this expedition that when we could get close these shapes maybe should appear not being so straight as on the side scan sonar image, in reality they are even straighter! It really looks like constructed parts on the circle.

7. I do belive it might have been volcanic activity in the area and even on (or in) the circle after the ice age, or before, but then it do not fit with what we know about the ice age.

8. I do belive that the circle "rests" on top of what looks like an pilar of rock, raising approx 8 meters above the surrounding bottom. The circle it self appears to be approx 4 meters thick. In other words, the top of the circle raises 12 meters above the surrounding bottom.

9. I do belive we must find out on the next expedition if the circle and the pilar are fixed in one piece or if they are sepparated in some way.

10. I do belive that the path, or the track, is a ridge raising slowly up from the bottom to a hight of approx 8 meters above the surrounding bottom. I also belive that the ridge is made of softer material than the pilar and the circle.

What I do not belive because I know, is the fact that we found a round hole approx 25 cm in diamater going straight into the surface of the circle, how odd is not that? How deep? No idea, we just saw it for some seconds before we decided to back off to preserv the visibility for the divers that was going down later on. They did not find the hole though. It might be some more holes, at this moment we do not know.

Well some comments on that before I continue with some more belives.

Cheers Peter.
** LINK to remote viewing Peder asks about:

Peder: Peter have you had any thoughts on the "remote viewing" videos that in the last 4 minutes describes a very similar structure to what you are describing. I know it is not a scientific source but there is some intriguing correlations.

Peter L: Regarding the "remote viewing": Yes, the last guy gives quite a spooky resembling explanation. Maybe he's right if we find any more holes

Erik: Thx Peter. The mystery thickens. Looking forward to lab reports, 3D sonar scans and your next dive. : )

Peter L: More pictures will come, a still picture from the video sequence of the hole has been released to the press to day. 3D Multibeam sonar data take a while to process. It will not be untill end of next week we will be able to see the first 3D images from the area. I have seen the raw data though and if what I have seen will be confirmed by the finnished result we will get some quite amazing facts to think about.

Per: Thanks Peter. Have you had any thought to bring other people into the project at this point or are you funded enough so that you can do a thorough investigation?

Peter L: Per: Funds are always welcome--.

Jerry: what about more pictures?

Peter L: More pictures will come, no more diver taken pictures though, not before untill next expedition. The production company is right now working with the ROV films and still pictures from them will be released.

Nicolas: why did you chose to realese the two pictures we now all know ? Regarding what you have just described, it seems that there was more spectacular ones to show --. ;)

Peter L: It is up to the production company, who makes the documentary, which pictures will be released. They do not know about all we have seen with the ROV. It take some time to tape everything over to a format with which they can use, and people have their working hours. I think though that they must be like 10 persons working with this now.

Kevin: Any Gauss effects noted?

Peter L: I can not tell, I do not know at this moment

Per: What kind of resolution/accuracy can be expect of the ROV?

Peter L: Bad resolution, we have been sponsered by Ocean Modules with an "older" model of the V8 Sii ROV. It should not be able to send both video and the "real time sonar" images at the same time through a 450 meter cable (which we had) but it worked, though on the expence of the quality of the video. On the next expedition they will provide us with a newer modell and then we will probably get much better quality on the video.

*http: //

Kevin: We have some confusion as to whether you obtained samples of the discs or just the surrounding rocks?

Peter L: We have recovered two loose stones laying on the circle

Peder: Could they take any samples from the stones from the circke or was the material to hard?

Peter L: They are doing lab tests on the stones right now. But I think we will find that they are made of quite common minerals. I believe that since there is loose stones laying on the circle the circle must be from pre-ice age. The ice has dropped the stones when it melted away.

Damian: We have read in the media about a volcano with strange cloud? Why is the cloud so strange?

Peter L: The strange about the cloud is that it looked like a very distinct "plume" of something that catched the echo sounder beams so hard that it looked like a big rock hoovering in midwater, above the "volcano". I think we might have found something which is active in the way of like a "black smooker" or that maybe heated water is jetting out under high pressure. But this was not in the area of the circle, this volcano was found many miles away. We will certanly go back and try to find out if the "plume" just was a very densed shool of fish or something else.
*drawing adjusted later with the specifics from Peter in this mass interview.

Conny: Would you be so kind and look at the drawing of Paul Woodthorpe? Is it similar to the objekt?

Peter L: The pillar is thicker than on Pauls artistic drawing, the circle might be like 1-4 meters wider than the pillar.

Adam: I'm not getting this I guess. So the rocks were above the circle on ice and over time made its way down on top? They are unrelated?

Peter L: It might be like that, I do not know but if I must bet my money on something I would go for the possibility that the circle is of pre-ice age - age.

Yann: What do you "Feel" it is this discovery?

Peter L: 99% a natural formation, unique in its kind though, and also that we have found an area in the Baltic with volcanic activity. And the last percent? Well 0.9 % that it is remains from an ancient civilisation and 0.1 % that some aliens took an asteroid and made a space craft out of it. As someone asked me: Who have decided that an alien space craft must be made of somekind of metall--.?

Peder: you are thinking its vulcano activity that have created it?

Peter L: We have no idea how the hole was created, it is very round though--.

Matthew: Also is there magnetic disturbances?

Peter L: Matthew: The divers said that a "blackish" powder had attract to the camera, I did not see it my self though. An other thing is that we could not use the satelite phone when we where laying above the circle, but just some tenth of meters off postion the phone worked. i do not know why but it is a fact. Further more, the video camera's lights blow when the diver started them up on the surface when testing them before dive # 2. They decided anyway to bring the video camera with them and try to use their ordinary lights to iluminate for the video. When they decended the video camera started to showing an "error" message on the small monitor. The diver restarted the camera several times and finnaly it seamed to work. So he filmed their dive but nothing was on the tape when waching it afterwards. The only problem we had with the ROV was that we constantly had to restart the sonar. Finally it did not work and we continued with just the video camera. When we left the circle we went to a wreck and spent like 35 hour of ROV flying on the wreck and the sonar worked all the time. Magnetic disturbances, well you tell me!

Peter L: Someone asked about what temperature we had down there. Well the divers thermometer showed -1 degree Celsius when they were on top of the circle, it should be +4 degree Celsius. The thermometer may have showing a wronly value of course.

Peter L: The divers thermometer is a part of their dive computors, I do not know for sure how it messure the temperature. But most probably by a resistor. You know, platina has a ressitance of 100 ohms at 20 degree celsius. Many electronically thermometers messure the temperature with some kind of resistor.

David: Thanks for the info Peter. Still wondering if you think the object may be hollow.

Peter L: I can not reveal the truth before I have all the facts. Till then everything is pure speculations, even from my side. I have not thought about if it can be hollowed, I have not even penetrated the surface yet--.


The "meringue" of which the divers have taken a picture is laying on the circle. What looks like bottom besides it is actually the top of the circle it self. There is not only straight lined formations on the circle. I'm not really sure but I think the "meringue" is the smaller round object you can see up to the right on the "original" side scan sonar image from last year. I'm not really sure because the divers did not know where they were except *someone near the outer edge of the circle.

The divers had only about 15 minutes down there before they had to start their ascend. The short time and the bad visibilty makes it very difficult for them to find something to take photos of. They also have to move very slow and gentle not to stir up the silt which will destroy the little visibility they have.

*Sorry, I meant: "--.somewhere near the outer--."

Paul: Apologies for my confusion Peter, but can you just clarify your meringue comment--. are you saying that this photo is actually a large rock on top of the mushroom object and not the actual massive anomaly, and is possibly the large circle image at the back of the millenium falcon sonar image? (I hope that makes sense?)

Peter L: Paul: You have got my explenation right

Peter L: On next expedition we will spend more hours on just filming with the ROV to get a complete overview

Ok folks, soon you will here: "Elvis has left the building--.". A few more questions before I hang up though, "bring'm on!"


Peter L: A new expedition will take place in approx three weeks.

Adam: Do you believe the lines you talked about are natural? And thank you very much for your time.

Peter L: The lines can be made by natural causes, but they looks very "man made".

Hauke: I read about cracks with a black substance inside- how big are this cracks ? are they irregular and where on the circle are they ? hope this hasnt been asked already !

Peter L: As you understand it is very much in this that points toward this not being just a "stone formation". The cracks seams not to be irregular, they seams to go vertically or horizontally. Behind them you can see a blackish collored mineral(?) with the structure of old wooden planks

Tet Lin: is there a time frame that you can't go out to do the expedition anymore because of the approach of winter?

Peter L: We still have some months before it is too late going out to the site. But as it looks like now it will be last expedition for us. I think a real scientiffic team should take over and make a real scientiffic exepdition to the area. After all, we are just wreck hunters who's trying to find out what we a have discovered.

Suzanne and Jez: Peter was it true there were a lot of equipment problems whilst diving on the object?

Peter L: Yes thats right

Patrick: Regardless of what it is at the moment, it does sound to be constructed-- Are you having the object brought to the surface?

Peter L: God no! It must weight tremendous much, like thousands of tons.

At this point I can't dismiss the following theories: A volcano (active or not active), remains from an ancient civilization, a natural rock formation, an unnatural rock formation, an object from outer space (natural or not natural including meteorite and asteroid). What I belive I can dismiss is that it is a construction made after the ice age including submarine traps and similar things.

We have found information which support several different theories. Next expedition will be vital to outrule as many of them as possible.

We have not been contacted by any authorities yet, no American, Russian or even Swedish.

We will send a camera down the hole if necessary. It might be a shallow hole and we can see the bottom with the ROV's camera, if not we will send down a probe camera.

Peter Lindberg.

** more posts by Peter and Dennis posted today, but one can easaly find those in the group.

Be sure to check the official Ocean X team Facebook group!

Complicated by Mairena SVO.


Schatzsucher finden mysteriöse Kreisstruktur am Grunde der Ostsee

24.06.2012 um 15:28
Erster Entwurf ist als Privatposting unterwegs


Schatzsucher finden mysteriöse Kreisstruktur am Grunde der Ostsee

24.06.2012 um 15:37
Ich geh so langam kaputt!

Obwohl ich mir hier nie eine Äußerung mangels fehlenden Wissens abgequetscht habe,
aber trotzdem interssiert den Werdegang des Threads verfolgte, komme ich nun nicht
mehr umhin, zu sagen:

Meine Güte, was für viel verpuffte heiße Luft - für nichts und wieder nichts.

Wenn da was Außergewöhnliches ist, warum verpulvert man dann sein Geld so
in die mögliche Teilbarkeit der Regenwürmer oder warum es kälter ist als draußen?

Gezielte Tauchgänge, gezielte Bohrung, gezielten Aufnahmen, gezielte Messungen -
macht mich zum Leiter dieser Espedition!

Und ich berichte stündlich - ich schwör!!!

1x zitiertmelden

Schatzsucher finden mysteriöse Kreisstruktur am Grunde der Ostsee

24.06.2012 um 15:43

Ich bin gespannt auf die Zusammenfassung von @lupo1954. :-)

Wenn ich könnte, würde ich die Sache auch selbst in die Hand nehmen und dann live übertragen. Wenn irgendwo ein Ölleck im Ozean ist, gibt es doch auch Liveaufnahmen! Nur hier nicht.


Schatzsucher finden mysteriöse Kreisstruktur am Grunde der Ostsee

24.06.2012 um 16:14
Zitat von ramisharamisha schrieb:Und ich berichte stündlich - ich schwör!!!
Mit Sonnenbrille, oder Wintermantel?

1x verlinktmelden

Schatzsucher finden mysteriöse Kreisstruktur am Grunde der Ostsee

24.06.2012 um 16:24


Schatzsucher finden mysteriöse Kreisstruktur am Grunde der Ostsee

24.06.2012 um 17:29
Neuer Artikel in schwedischer Zeitung ohne nrue Bilder :-(

