Welchen Weckton benutz ihr Morgens?
06.04.2016 um 01:25Momentan den hier.
Mistadobalina Mistabobdobalina Mistabobdobalina won't you quit
You really make me sick with ya fraudulent behavior
You're gonna make me flip and then an army couldn't save ya
Why don't you behave ya little rugrat
Take a little tip from the tabloid
Because I know I'm not paranoid
When I say I saw ya tryin' to mock me
Now you and your crew are on a mission tryin' to hawk me
But it isn't happenin' ya fraudulent foes
You used to front big time now I suppose
That everything's cool since the style of apparel you adopted
You used to make fun of but now you wanna rock it ^^

Mistadobalina Mistabobdobalina Mistabobdobalina won't you quit
You really make me sick with ya fraudulent behavior
You're gonna make me flip and then an army couldn't save ya
Why don't you behave ya little rugrat
Take a little tip from the tabloid
Because I know I'm not paranoid
When I say I saw ya tryin' to mock me
Now you and your crew are on a mission tryin' to hawk me
But it isn't happenin' ya fraudulent foes
You used to front big time now I suppose
That everything's cool since the style of apparel you adopted
You used to make fun of but now you wanna rock it ^^

Mistadobalina - Del The Funkee Homosapien
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