wer sich der NWO in den weg stellt, wird eiskalt umgelegt.
mittlerweile ist sogar Angela Merkel mittendrin
im weltgeschehen.

Angela Merkel - Hubschrauberabsturz - Unfall oder Anschlag?
Fr. Merkel hats sogar in die Top-Verschwörungsseiten geschafft:
http://www.whatdoesitmean.com/index1463.htmMerkel Escapes CIA Assassination After She Refuses To Attack Libya
A shocking report circulating in the Kremlin today prepared for Prime Minister Putin by the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) states that the American Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) attempted to assassinate German Chancellor Angela Merkel [photo top right] this past week after her refusal to allow Germany to participate in any military actions against Libya.
Tatsache ist, Fr. Merkel hat noch am Mittwoch die Flugverbotszone über Libyen blockiert
http://www.newser.com/story/114204/libya-no-fly-zone-germany-blocks-g8-plan.htmlGermany Blocks No-Fly Zone for Libya
Hopes for a G8-enforced no-fly zone over Libya were dashed today, as Germany, with backup from Russia, shot down a plan forwarded by England and France, the Guardian reports. German Foreign Minister Guido Westermalle said that though his country wanted to see the violence stop, it did not want "to get sucked into a war in north Africa." He advocated the use of "political pressure" against Gadhafi.