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Schwere Explosion und Massaker in Norwegen/Oslo

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Schwere Explosion und Massaker in Norwegen/Oslo

24.07.2011 um 19:08

gefahr nicht, nein.
Mich würde aber, einfach aus voyeurismus, auch eine umfangreiche Analyse des Täters und seine rMotive interessieren.
Die wahren Motive liegen aber denke ich woanders als nur ind er politischen Einstellung.

2x zitiertmelden

Schwere Explosion und Massaker in Norwegen/Oslo

24.07.2011 um 19:17
Zitat von shionoroshionoro schrieb:Mich würde aber, einfach aus voyeurismus, auch eine umfangreiche Analyse des Täters und seine rMotive interessieren.
das halte ich für falsch ! kein Podium und keine Posaune für solchen Menschen ....
Er ist ein Niemand und das sollte ihm klar und deutlich vor Augen geführt werden .. sein Namen ; seine Vergangenheit sollte gelöscht werden und vor seinen Augen verbrannt werden ...

die andere Seite :(
es wird ein Film gedreht und ne Buch geschrieben und er macht noch richtig Kohle und nach 20 Jahren legt er sich auf seiner Trauminsel zu ruhe ... das kann nicht sein !

1x zitiertmelden

Schwere Explosion und Massaker in Norwegen/Oslo

24.07.2011 um 19:19
Zitat von rumpelstilzcherumpelstilzche schrieb:sein Namen ; seine Vergangenheit sollte gelöscht werden und vor seinen Augen verbrannt ...
du bist wahrscheinlich ebenfalls psychisch gestört und garantiert der erste der nach der totalen überwachung schreit.

1x zitiertmelden

Schwere Explosion und Massaker in Norwegen/Oslo

24.07.2011 um 19:24
Zitat von Ryker10Ryker10 schrieb:du bist wahrscheinlich ebenfalls psychisch gestört und garantiert der erste der nach der totalen überwachung schreit.
:( klar und du bist wahrscheinlich ein kleiner Physiologe den ihn retten will und in einer Endlosschleife von Gerichtssitzungen heilt :)

Wirst du etwa überwacht ? wie macht das sich bei dir bemerkbar ?


Schwere Explosion und Massaker in Norwegen/Oslo

24.07.2011 um 19:25

Er ist ein Niemand und das sollte ihm klar und deutlich vor Augen geführt werden .. sein Namen ; seine Vergangenheit sollte gelöscht werden und vor seinen Augen verbrannt werden ...

Vaporisiert...wie in 1984. Man, welch abgründe in manchen Menschen schlummern. Da bekomme ich richtig Angst.

2x zitiertmelden

Schwere Explosion und Massaker in Norwegen/Oslo

24.07.2011 um 19:26
Zitat von ObrienObrien schrieb:welch abgründe in manchen Menschen schlummern. Da bekomme ich richtig Angst.
oh ja das Gefühl habe ich auch ....


Schwere Explosion und Massaker in Norwegen/Oslo

24.07.2011 um 19:27
Jetzt kommen schon langsam die ganzen moral aposteln zum vorschein um sich an der sonne zu wärmen.

1x zitiertmelden

Schwere Explosion und Massaker in Norwegen/Oslo

24.07.2011 um 19:29
Zitat von ObrienObrien schrieb:Vaporisiert...wie in 1984. Man, welch abgründe in manchen Menschen schlummern. Da bekomme ich richtig Angst.
unglaublich ne?
Zitat von informerinformer schrieb:Jetzt kommen schon langsam die ganzen moral aposteln zum vorschein um sich an der sonne zu wärmen.
red mal nicht von moral, der mob besitzt sowieso eine eigenartige doppelmoral.

auf der einen seite will er jemanden in tausend stücke zerfetzen, in die hölle schicken und langsam quälen, aber auf der anderen seite wird eine tat verurteilt und man fragt sich tausendfach wie sowas möglich ist. Ja genau, schaut auf euch selber und dieses gebelle wie von @rumpelstilzche dann seht ihr wie sowas möglich ist.


Schwere Explosion und Massaker in Norwegen/Oslo

24.07.2011 um 19:30
Ich nehme mal an, dass einige höchst ungern von Breiviks politischen Motiven hören möchten. Wer will schon gerne mit ihm in Verbindung gebracht werden. Ziemlich schlechte PR würde ich meinen.


Schwere Explosion und Massaker in Norwegen/Oslo

24.07.2011 um 19:31

Na klar wenn die emotionen mal durchbrennen dann ist das abartig ,möchte gerne wissen wieviele spezien hier auf erden wandeln.

1x zitiertmelden

Schwere Explosion und Massaker in Norwegen/Oslo

24.07.2011 um 19:32
Falsch .. das nenne ich krank :
Zitat von shionoroshionoro schrieb:Mich würde aber, einfach aus voyeurismus, auch eine umfangreiche Analyse des Täters und seine rMotive interessieren.
und das Erste Buch und noch ne Doku oben drauf, dass ist krank !

1x zitiertmelden

Schwere Explosion und Massaker in Norwegen/Oslo

24.07.2011 um 19:33
Ich halte es schlichtwegs für ausgeschlossen, dass er nach 20 Jahren wieder auf freien Fuß gesetzt wird.
Vermutlich wird er den Rest seiner Tage in Sicherheitsverwahrung verbringen.


Schwere Explosion und Massaker in Norwegen/Oslo

24.07.2011 um 19:33

Ja, wobei Orwells Vorstellungen von den technischen Möglichkeiten der Gegenwart noch weit übertroffen werden.


Nein, Angst machen mir die Strafphantasien meiner Mitbürger. Das Verbrechen war abscheulich und widerwärtig. Aber meiner Meinung nach, sollte die Reaktion nicht sein, das man sich Phantasien hingibt, wie man einen solchen Menschen bestrafen sollte.


Schwere Explosion und Massaker in Norwegen/Oslo

24.07.2011 um 19:34
Zitat von rumpelstilzcherumpelstilzche schrieb:und das Erste Buch und noch ne Doku oben drauf, dass ist krank !
da stimme ich dir sogar zu...nun gut...zum teil... denn das ist ansischtssache... klar ist dass du das interesse des menschen (bis jetzt) nicht blockieren kannst... und dazu gehört nun mal auch dass es wohl menschen gibt die sich auch gerne mit der psyche beschäftigen ohne davon beeinflusst zu werden...zB psychologie studenten etc.

aber du verstehst mich anscheinend nicht, meinst immer ich würde irgendwen analysieren wollen...darum geht es mir gar nicht...wir sind uns alle einig dass diese tat etwas unvorstellbar grausames und unwirkliches war... es geht darum welche auswirkungen diese tat auf das öffentliche leben haben könnte...das ist es nämlich da ein schon lange währender konflikt jetzt noch mehr verstärkt wird.


Schwere Explosion und Massaker in Norwegen/Oslo

24.07.2011 um 19:35

Warum lass ihn doch in den 4 wänden seelisch zu grunde gehen ,ich sagte doch immer reden und denken sind immer 2 paar verschiedene sachen.


Schwere Explosion und Massaker in Norwegen/Oslo

24.07.2011 um 19:36
Er muss doch nicht mehr seelisch zugrunde gehen, er ist es doch schon längst.


Schwere Explosion und Massaker in Norwegen/Oslo

24.07.2011 um 19:37
The Blog of Prableen Kaur, one of the Survivors from Utøya

Heming Leira shared this on Googleplus this morning: The blog of Prableen Kaur, one of the survivers from Utøya (google translations)

Hell on Utøya
I woke up. I can not sleep more. I’m sitting in the living room. Feeling grief, anger, happiness, God, I do not know what. There are too many emotions. There are too many thoughts. I’m afraid. I react to the slightest sound. I will write about what happened on Utøya. What my eyes saw, what I felt, what I did. The words come straight from the liver, but I would also anonymize many names out of respect for my friends.

We had a crisis meeting in the main building after the explosions in Oslo. After that there was a meeting for members of Akershus and Oslo. After the meetings were many, many people around and in the main building. We consoled ourselves that we were safe on an island. No one knew that hell would break out with us too.

I stood in the main time when panic broke out. I heard shots. I saw him shoot. All started to run. The first thought was: “Why shoot the police on us? What the hell? “I ran into the little room. People ran. Screamed. I was scared. I managed to get into one of the rooms at the back of the building. We were many in there. We lay on the floor all together. We heard several shots. Were more afraid. I cried. I knew nothing. I saw my best friend through the window and wondered if I should go out and bring him to me. I did not. I saw fear in his eyes. We were lying on the floor inside the room for a few minutes. We agreed not to release more in case the killer came. We heard several shots and decided to jump out the window. Panic broke out among us. All in the room rushed to the window and tried to jump out. I was the last and thought: “I am the last to jump out the window. Now I’m dying. I’m sure, but it might be okay, then I know that the others are safe. “I kasket my bag out the window. Tried to managed down, but lost her grip. I landed hard on the left part of the body. A boy helped me up. We ran into the woods. I looked around. “Is he here? Shoot him for me? Viewing him myself? “A girl had a broken ankle. Another was severely injured. I tried to help a little bit before I went down to the water. I sought cover behind a sort of brick wall. We were many. I prayed, prayed, prayed. I hope that God saw me. I called Mom and said that it was not safe we would meet again, but that I would do anything to clear me. I said several times that I loved her. I heard fear in her voice. She cried. It hurt. I sent a text message to my dad, told him I loved him. I sent a text message to another person I am very, very happy in. We were a little contact. I sent a text message to my best friend. He did not answer. We heard several shots. Snuggled together. Did everything we could to keep warm. There were so many thoughts. I was so scared. My dad called me. I cried, said I loved him. He said he was going with my brother to take me welcome when I come across to the mainland, or they came to the island. There were so many emotions. So many thoughts. I told everything I could. It took some time. The other called parents eventually started all texting for fear that the killer would hear us. I thought of my sister who’s away. How I would tell her how it went? What happened to me. I updated on Twitter and Facebook that I was still alive and that I was “safe.” I wrote that I was waiting for the police. People jumped into the water, started swimming. I was lying. I decided that if he did, I would play dead. I would not run or swim. I can not describe the fear, all your mind, what I felt.

A one came. “I’m from the police.” I was lying. Some shouted back that he had to prove it. I do not remember exactly what he said, but the killer started shooting. He charged. Extension more. He shot those around me. I was lying. I think: “Now it’s over. He’s here. He takes me. Now I’m dying. “People screamed. I heard that others were shot. Others jumped into the water. I was there. The mobile phone in hand. I lay on top of the legs of a girl. Thurs the 2nd was on top of my leg. I was lying. The insert in text messages. The mobile phone rang several times. I was lying. I played dead. I lay there for at least an hour. It was completely quiet. I gently turned her head to see if I could see someone live. I looked like. I saw blood. Fear. I decided to get up. I had been lying on top of a dead body. Thurs like lying to me. I had a guardian angel.

I did not know if he would come back again. I had not the courage to look at all those who had called and texted me. I hurried down to the water. I took off my sweater. It was great. I thought it would be difficult to swim to me. I considered whether I should bring my cell phone or leave it again. I put it in his back pocket and jumped into the water. I saw several others in the water. They had swum far. I saw that someone had gathered around a floating luftbåt or something like that. There were many who picked up those who swam out. I swam, swam, and swam towards the air thing. I screamed. Weep. Was cool. I thought of when I would drown. It was heavier and heavier. I asked. I continued. Was tired arms. Decided to turn my back and just use your legs to swim on. I sank. I started to swim normally again. A little while I thought they had gathered around the air boat began to move away. I screamed. Begged them to wait for me. I must have seen visions. I swam at least a few hundred meters before I arrived. We talked a little together. Did what we called, where we came from. When the boats passed us shouting for help, but they picked up the others just swam first. A man in a boat came to us. He threw out several life jackets. I got hold of one. Got it on me. I held on to the small air boat a long time until the same man came back to pick us up. All got into it. He began to run towards the shore. After a while it started small his boat to take in some water. I did everything I could to get the most water out. I used a bucket. I was exhausted. Another girl in the boat took over. We came to the country. We got blankets. Tears pressed on. I cried more. A woman hugged me. It was so good. I wept aloud. I sobbed. A man lent me his phone. I called my dad, “I live. I did it. Now I am safe. “I hung up. Cry more. We had to walk a bit. Completely unknown people took us into their cars and drove us to Sundvollen hotel. I ran in to see if I could see my best friend. I saw him at any place. I saw a friend. I cried loudly. We hugged each other for long. It was good. I walked around, looking for friends. My heart pounded. I cried more. I signed up with the police, then through all the lists. I did not know about my best friend lived. I looked through all the lists. I could not find his name anywhere. I was scared. I got a duvet. I took off my wet socks. I was half naked. Got a jacket. I tried to dial a bit. Contacted my parents again. My dad and brother were on their way to fetch me. I drank some cocoa. I sat down. Thought. Weep. So many friends. Hugged them. Weep. I borrowed a computer. Updated the Facebook and Twitter again that I was safe. I was at the hotel for several hours before my family came. I looked for familiar. I talked to a priest. I told all I had seen. It was a good call. A man from the Red Cross saw all my wounds. Cleanse them. Time passed. I was with some of my friends. All talked about the same. How we survived. What had happened. I asked several if they had seen my best friend. No one had seen him. I was scared. I thought that it was my fault because we had not managed to stay together. A friend got the key to a hotel room. We sat there, looked at the news. There was anger, sorrow, so many emotions. My dad called, they had come. I took the elevator down. Run out to them. Hugged my brother and my dad a long time. I wept aloud. My brother was crying too. It was a good moment. I saw a boy who looked like my best friend. I shouted his name. He turned around. It was him. We hugged each other for long. Both crying, we asked each other how we had managed. After a while, I registered myself and we drove home. Someone else sat in with us. My best friend was with me. His brother had come to me with his best friend. There were several who had gathered at my home. They would not go home until they had seen that I was fine. We talked a little bit. I drank a juice Gladden. Ate a yogurt. Talked some more with my mom and my family. I called my best friend. It was a good call. She said: “I was not sure if I would ever get this phone.” Tears pressed on. We talked a little bit. After that I lay. It was three. Mom refused to let me sleep alone, so we slept together.

There have been several hours since all this happened. I’m still in shock. Everything has not fallen into. I have seen the corpses of my friends. Several of my friends are missing. I am glad that I can swim. I am glad that I live. For that God watched over me. There are so many emotions, so many thoughts. I think of all the relatives. In all I lost. In the hell that is and was on the island. This summer’s most beautiful fairy tale is transformed into Norway’s worst nightmare.

gefunden auf nerdcore.de


Schwere Explosion und Massaker in Norwegen/Oslo

24.07.2011 um 19:37

Ja klar stecke im noch einen kaugummi in den mund dann sieht es noch besser aus.


Schwere Explosion und Massaker in Norwegen/Oslo

24.07.2011 um 19:41
Dass er ein psychisch schwerkranker Mensch ist, steht doch sicher auch für dich außer Frage, oder?

Selbstverständlich muss die Gesellschaft vor ihm geschützt werden, das ist absolut klar!

(Bitte erkläre mir mal, was du mit deinem post an mich genau meintest. War da vielleicht ein Missverständnis?)


Schwere Explosion und Massaker in Norwegen/Oslo

24.07.2011 um 19:42
Zitat von informerinformer schrieb:Na klar wenn die emotionen mal durchbrennen dann ist das abartig
also du willst mir sagen dass es vollkommen in ordnung ist einen menschen völlig auszulöschen so wie es @rumpelstilzche fordert? sprich auch jegliche erinnerung zu tilgen, dass es ihn jemals gegeben hat? also du findest das ok? und du willst mir dann noch glaubwürdig vermitteln dass du diese tat wirklich ablehnst? oder versteh ich dich falsch?

junge junge junge...

